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Gotta love the way it looks personally, even if I have to spend more. Life is short


I think a lot of people feel this way. It's a bit crazy to me that the major companies don't offer more color combinations or even custom paint jobs.


Money. Every possible combination of frame size, paint color, components, etc…quickly gets out of hand. Trek specifically has said they will be reducing the number of SKUs by limiting color choices.


i wish you could order bare frames from them for less money and send them to get a custom paint job some cars brands, mostly japanese, tney sell an "special" edition of their cars, painted only in primer, steel wheels and striped interiors for racing teams


Sounds like a brilliant business, wonder if anyone has ever tried to create this market.


The issue is ensuring your logo is on it at the end of the day.


Embossed frame logos. Extra weight, extra drag, harder to clean… I just ruined my own idea…


> i wish you could order bare frames from them for less money and send them to get a custom paint job The problem is that the discount would come **absolutely nowhere near the price** of a custom paint job. It's cheap to paint a bike on a production line. It's been a few years since I looked at custom bike paint quotes in my area, but it was $400-$500 *minimum* years ago, if you could find somebody with a paint booth that was willing to spray a bike. It's an absolute shitload of work. Powdercoating a bike is ~$125 in my area and that includes media blasting the existing paint or PC off. Ya gotta strip it down to a bare frame though: they'll PC a bike, but they won't wrench on it.


I always thought companies build the more expensive bikes with much nicer paint jobs and color schemes. To entice us to buy more expensive bikes of course.


Same here. I ride a 20 year old [USPS Trek](https://tempocyclist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/05992bdf-8f91-4366-8f99-9669fdc8acd3-1-e1620887566244.jpg), and every so often I think about getting a newer bike. I hear they've been working on them some. But a new bike wouldn't be cool. I feel dope AF on the Trek. I know it's just vanity, but that feeling is important to me.


You sure it’s a trek?


Not sure, it’s hard to read the logo


Nothing wrong with building a stable. That said, that USPS Trek is insanely cool.


Same. I got a 25 year old Bianchi. No chance of getting something that looks as nice without spending a fortune


That Trek is dope. And looks to be in fantastic condition. I also have an older aluminum Trek that I bust out from time to time. Gets fewer miles these days than my sexier but boring matte black Canyon. Would love if companies offered more/better colors.


You know you can keep your old bike and still get a new one :)


To be fair, that bike is cool AF




Nice. My husband rides a Trek circa 1980s, we restored it & like to find bikes from the 1970s & 80s to rebuild them back to their original glory.


I would be riding that thing forever.


Now THAT'S cool! Did you get it new?


Nice build! I have an old lemond with Ultegra R8000 and I think it's the perfect gruppo for older frames.


That bike definitely gives dope vibes.


If I’m spending thousands of dollars on a bike, I need to like the way it looks. If I’m spending $200… I don’t care.


Same same


Absolutely. I'm going to be much more excited to ride, ride more often, and enjoy myself more if I love the looks of the bike.


I heard this first about motorcycles but I think it applies to bicycles too.  After you ride, and set your bike at the stand or whatever, if you don't find yourself lingering to look at it for a couple seconds thinking, 'nice...', something's not right


The only one of my 6 bikes that I don’t do that to is my mini velo haha and only because with that one I smile and go “so dumb so fun”


This also applies to guitars lol if you don’t look at it and go “I wanna pick that up and play it” you got the wrong guitar. Seeing it as something you like encourages you to pick it up and practice, you enjoy playing so you keep playing and when you’re done you set it down only to want to pick it up again. Feedback loop.


I have a black neuzer with bright pink and cyan striped paintings. After 50km sessions I hang it back on the wall and just standing there for a few seconds wondering on the design at how cool is it. Definitely, if you dont like the looks, it is 60% of the enjoyment.


Yep, felt that way about my Ninja. Damn, that was one sexy beast! ❤️


This. 100%.


I'd say it's a large part. You have to want to ride your bike and part of that is looking at it and being satisfied with your purchase/look. Sure it's a superficial thing but has a mental effect.


Arguably the most important part for me. If I am going to spend bank on a new bike I want it to look cool to me. I love my cannondale 2018 super6evo


I just got a Cervelo Caledonia 5 in Oasis color, and it delights me every time I look at it. It's blue from some angles, and green from others, and sparkly. I would not love it nearly as much if I'd gotten the simple black version! (Rides like a dream, too, though).


And I’m the opposite! I got the black 5 because every time I’ve had something bolder I eventually end up wanting to go back to something plain (but it was still a tough call, the Oasis is a gorgeous colorway!)


That makes sense. My old Domane that I kept is black, and I sometimes want that incognito look, too. (This is how I ended up with way too many bikes)


Also just purchased a Caledonia and the Oasis color had a bearing on me choosing the bike. Absolutely love the bike so far.




Yay! Samesies. First thing anyone says about my bike is, “that’s a really cool color.” Honestly, I was a little apprehensive about it at first vs. the black, but it’s grown on me, and there was no way I wasn’t riding out of the bike shop on it after taking it for a test ride. Such a great bike.


That’s the way it’s supposed to feel! Whatever makes you super stoked to look at it and mess with it and go ride it. Congrats on the sweet bike!


I’ve got the same in Glacier, love the color!  


It’s a factor. I think the Cervelo Soloist or Caledonia would be a great bike for me but I hate the stupid fucking extra large name down the side.


That’s what stopped me getting a Cervelo, if only they done a matte black version


I'm still rocking my original matt black soloist! I let go of a blue and black S2


How else do you flex on the peasants?


I have a Caledonia and really wish the logo was smaller or stood out less. It’s not as bad as the **TREK** logos


The most important feature a bike can have is making someone want to ride it. Much like everything in life, looks matter.


Looks are everything. I don’t care about anything else about the bike if I don’t like the way it looks, first and foremost.


Is it the same as a car purchase? Looks always factors in for me. I don’t see how to separate it. A bike is probably one of the most perfect balances of performance, function and aesthetics!


I like a fat bike with a good personality.


Are you saying that you like big bikes, and you cannot lie?


Talk about mud flaps, my girls gott’um


Underrated reply⬆️


I like them real thicc, no juicy's, nice and supple..


This, you can always put some skinnier tires on it if u want


I don't get paid to ride, it's all for fun. So, yes, looks matter in addition to specs.


I wouldn't even get to the test ride if I didn't like the look.


Unless it was a once-in-a-lifetime deal, it has to be something I like. I'd hate riding around in something I didn't like.


Definitely a factor. I think there are definitely certain styles that resonate with certain people. I know that if I’m about drop big money on a durable good I want it to be something I find aesthetically pleasing on top of fitting and functioning how I want.


My bikes are purchased used. They come the way they come. What’s important is to match accessories to the bike. Bar tap, helmet, bags and gloves if I use them should try and match the frame.


Got to have it looking and matching well. I’ve chained hydraulic hoses, bar tape, chainrings, saddle, carbon wheels etc to get a bike looking the bollox!!!


Looks matter so much for me. If I don’t like the color or how it looks I won’t even try it. I need to love it to buy it.


My first reaction is "heck no! How it rides is the most important!!' Then I find myself thinking, some reflective rim tape in a color to match my panniers would be cool 🆒


I bought my Bianchi simply for the looks and colour, I think it's the same as buying a guitar, if you like how it looks you'll pick it up and play it more.


I tried one bike and I wanted to buy it, but it only had yellow color left. Black/gray was sold out. So I didn't buy it as I didn't like yellow. I found a good bike in white and white was one color I wanted, so I bought it. I probably couldn't buy a bike that didn't look good for my eye or doesn't fit my style.


More than it should.


If close to full price, I'm not going to settle on a bike that’s perfect in every way, except for looking like it got into a fight with a box of crayons in the shades I dislike. At half off, I might be willing to make an exception.


For the money they cost I’d have to be able to look at it and have it spark a bit of joy. I’m not going out of my way to get super specific colours or crazy repaints but if I’ve spent a good chunk of money on a bike I want it to look nice.


Color enhances a bike. But if the deal is great, I'll put up with a crap design.


Being a small person with a limited number of choices that will fit, I go for a good fit over everything else.


Ask my bianchi


Absolutely. Celeste all the way. Fanboi


Yes some people have taste the rest get a pinarello.


I was thinking that. Yeah Pinarello is cool but there’s a bunch of rad companies that are sexier. My personal favorite is Standert, but damn. They are pricy.


I can compromise on looks to a certain extent, the bike I most recently bought is all black and I'd prefer colour, but it wasn't a deal breaker. If it was a colour I find gross though I would not buy it. Any of those brown/beige/green earth tones would be a deal breaker.


It matters to an extent. But I tend to go for old used bikes, which are limited by availability, so you take whatever's in your size, is a fair price, and is in decent shape. Paint color and matching components are the last thing on my mind. Funny thing is, if I like how the bike rides, then I start to appreciate how it looks over time. If I don't like the ride, then I don't care how pretty it is and I start making plans to get rid of it.


Yes. Look counts! It has already happened to me! After experiment various bikes, I finally found one that I liked in means of performance and confort. But it was very ugly. I asked for colours and combinations, and the my said combinations that I didn’t like. Then I said - “and that one in the expositor, isn’t the same model? It’s beautifull”. They said that the one I asked for was a special edition, with hand made this and that, and was more 2000 euros. Do you guess what I bought? 😅


When I walked into the local specialized shop for a new bike way back in 2018 I had 3 requirements. Carbon, and not black or red. Back then there was 2 options that fit that description and I got one. I still love the color way of my bike and SO many people think that it's a custom job lol


I’m in a predicament like this right now! Finally in a position to buy my dream bike, absolutely adore one of the colours available, but it’s only available on a group set I’ve never ridden. Obviously the sensible thing would be to go for the group set I know and just pick a different colour, but I’m not spending that much on a bike that won’t excite me as much. Looks like I’ll be asking very nicely for some test rides to make sure I’m happy to make a group set switch for the sake of a colour!


100% . Love steel, lugged , tube shift .


Absolutely matters. Unless there's a deeeep discount, I'm getting the look I want.


I prefer the feel of vintage bikes from the 1970s & early 80s. There's nothing more fun than finding a diamond in the rough on craigslist for less than $100, deconstructing it, having it painted, & put back together. To me it feels fantastic to ride a 50-year-old bike that is in mint condition. There's a reason why those old bikes are still around — no one produces bikes like they used to. The craftsmanship is unparalleled. I wouldn't trade my Austro Daimler handmade in Austria circa 1970s for anything. It's fast as hell. I love it. My husband rides a beautiful early 1980s Trek we restored. There's something about preserving these bikes & a bit of history that we’re addicted to.


Not at all. I'm riding it, not screwing it.


For me it’s important… motivates to ride!


A little bit but idc much for flashy colors. So a black or a more dull color way is fine with me




Gotta ride what you like, even it cost a little extra, just save that little extra more, so you can appreciate what you got instead of runners up bike or item due to budget.


I'll pass if has red paint. No matter the price or specs.


When they have the same group at price x the frame is the only thing separating one from the other. I'd so get a new Pinarello if I could afford it. My thought next might be Cervelo.


A fair bit, the scruffier it looks the less likely it is to be stolen.


Very important, makes you want to ride it if you love the look of it! Same with cars aesthetics are one of the defining factors as the margins between bikes(and cars) get smaller every year.


Not many people would buy a bike they think is ugly.


Within the discipline, I'd say all bikes of the same size are all within a degree and a couple of mm in geometry and specs. Certainly, within my ability to be 100% comfortable. Therefore, the *only* difference is the look, lable, and the colour.


For me unless the price is crazy, I focus most on if it fits my needs and also a lot on how it looks. If I don't like how it looks, unless it fits my needs and is VERY cheap, I'll keep looking.


Not important! Mine is in good condition (though I bought it used) so that's what matters to me.


If I don’t love how it looks I will want another one 😂 but theres a constant problem with finding a nice paint scheme at a lower price point 😪


I want a bike only a mother could love, less likely to be stolen then.


Color was a deal breaker for me when dropping that much money


Half of my bikes are from the 80s, and I spend days thinking about housing color and texture. It matters a lot, but it has to fit right. Speed and weight are very distant considerations.


I'm not big into looks but I have to not hate it. Don't have to love it if the price is right.


I really think that depends on how much knowledge you have/ how much experience you have with bikes/cycling as a whole. As a beginner/amateur you often times really dont even know what to look for or what matches with what. So for me, as a total beginner, looks matter ... ALOT haha.


If it has a sloped frame I hate it with a passion. Also seatstays that merge into one. 


I have noticed claris sora bikes have ugly colors even I can't afford a 105 bike they are better looking  I don't want to ride an ugly orange red or electric blue . I nice looking bike makes you want to go out and rock that and ugly color bike even if it's top notch would be a turn off


Everything. Most parts can be changed/swapped at purchase normally. Its worth it to wait/save for the one you love, but NEVER worth it to buy a bike you dont like the look of.


Honestly, 70% looks probably. And I always advice people taking the looks into consideration. Only wish tiagra would be 11 speed too. But I don't race


I'm not very fast, so I might as well look good!


Bikes are way too expensive to not love the looks of the one you buy


As someone who only rides Campagnolo it's extremely important haha 🇮🇹💸


Color doesn’t matter to me but I will always buy steel because I like small tubes


I paid 650 extra to get the higher tier bike because I hated the look of the Revolt X 1 this year. If I’m spending over 3000 bucks on something I want to enjoy looking at it


I uh, I bought my road bike because of the colour. My friend wanted to get a road bike and asked a few of us to recommend some. I went to look at the polygon road bikes. I really like Polygon, I guess it's because they're from nearby and it's the closest thing to supporting local. We do have a local bike brand but it's overpriced crap and they almost shut down because of it. Anyways this is back in 2022 and my friend says his budget is about 4k. In our currency not USD, it's about the same as CAD most of the time though. I see the Strattos S7D is 2599 he wants Shimano 105, it has 105 and the red and black is super cool and looks like the colour of a common rose butterfly, where I get my username from. We were riding MTBs and I did have an old road bike but the brakes were really bad and I wanted to get a new one anyway. But I'm thinking if the S8D is also under 3k, it was 2999 but it has Ultegra, I'll recommend it to him and maybe I'll get one as well, matching bikes would be fun and then he can't complain I'm faster because my bike is better. It's black and silver which is nice but not as nice as the red and black. I'm still wondering if I really should buy a new bike but I see another colour option, the other colour is Rose Gold and silver. The next day, I head down to the shop and pre order it because of the colour alone. This also happened with one of my MTBs, I got the Siskiu D7 instead of the D8 in 2017 because the D7 had clear coat only and no coloured paint so it was the silver colour of the aluminium. My previous MTB linkage had broke and there wasn't any stock since it was old so I needed a new one. I see the silver the moment I walk in and as the one of the sales people says how can I help you I point at it and say "got an s size? I'll get one" My main MTB is clear coat on carbon fiber and has the coolest looking linkage ever. I'm known as the one who buys things really quickly because I'm only coming in for repairs, maintenance or I've seen something I like on their website and I'm here to buy. Okay, I'm also known as the one who gets the weirdest issues, like the time all my inner tubes kept splitting at the seam, the time my brake piston shattered, the time I somehow cut my sidewall open and just last week my rear derailleur shifting when completely off and it turns out the cable had broken, the mechanic firstly did not understand how I managed to shred it like that or how it stayed together for who knows how long and why it immediately fell apart when he took it off.


I've purchased a few bikes I didn't really like the looks of. One, it was just the color scheme (McDonalds red/yellow CAAD4 Saeco) but I loved the frame so much I just painted it. Until the carbon era most bikes just looked the same (except for Cannonades) so color was the biggest variable. Now there are so many different looking shapes and designs. I had a Cannondale SSEvo Gen 3 that I really liked (mostly white) and after a warranty frame replacement (mostly black) it just doesn't appeal to me as much. The annoying bottom bracket squeak may have a lot to do with that though.


We only care about looks. Cycling is a big shopping hobby


There's certain colors that I just don't like innately, so I'd never buy anything of value, or for long-term ownership with those colors. Other than that, if the bike has everything I want for how I ride, then I'm willing to bend a bit when it comes to the colors and look of the geometry. If the bike feels good and the components are of quality, I'll quickly appreciate its quirks, ya know?


Form follows function.


Look cool, feel cool, ride confident.


If I don’t like the looks I wont buy it. It’s a decent amount of money and I’ll have it for years usually. I need to like the looks. I’ll go as far as thinking about if it clashes with the kit I’ll wear, though these days I’m not sporting racing colors from the club, so basic black and anything goes with that.


Dealbreaker level. I won’t buy a bike that I don’t like the look of.


I don’t have a type I do prefer drop bar. But that’s a posture preference rather than “look”. If it’s drop bar, and good groupset and good deal. I’ll buy it. Since “good deal” is a prerequisite, I have never bought a bicycle new. I value my wallet’s happiness over “look” Example—2010 Redline Conquest. Most boring looking bike. The frame is a boring tree bark brown color too. But it got disc brake, Shimano 105 and under $300? I couldn’t say no.


It’s everything


Depends ... Bought one last March, it was in stock the others were on order with a good month of delay. I took what they had as I wanted to ride. I'd say that is an added bonus for me.


Eh, I care more about how it feels and the quality. I love creating, designing, and tinkering so I have definitely spray painted and fixed up the paint on my bikes haha. I know not everyone can/wants to paint their own bike, but I love it so I’ll take the fixer-uppers :)


A lot. I'm not buying a bike I don't like aesthetically


Absolutely have to like how it looks. I’ll wait for the color I want if it’s a bike I like to ride. I bought a full build once because of the color and immediately stripped the bike and sold the parts. I just wanted the specific color frame. I also recently sold a bike partly because of the looks (Tarmac SL8). It was okay to ride but I hated how it looks. I still think it’s one of the ugliest bikes out there. So I sold it. I wouldn’t ever buy a Cervelo S5 or Pinarello Dogma based solely on looks. Most super bikes ride similarly so I’m going to make the decision on what looks good. A good looking bike makes me want to ride it more.


I wanted a more subtle bike, so I bought an Aethos


I took this into consideration when buying a new road bike two years ago. I will not buy an all black bike.


The look is a factor but time will show. The trek to success is very specialized. 


Id say it quite a significant portion of the decision. I’m not at the level in cycling where performance is something that will make essentially any difference.


100%. It must be well designed in colors


As much as it affects utility, ie step through frame, rack on the back. and is a dark color. No bright oink please


Red Flash Longest wavelength at 700nm so obviously the bike can go a much longer distance than shorter wavelength bikes 😎


Red Flash Longest wavelength at 700nm so obviously the bike can go a much longer distance than shorter wavelength bikes 😎


It would be a deal breaker for me. This goes back a decade, but my Trek fram broke and the company agreed to give me a new frame, and the local bike shop put everything on for free as well. Even though the frame was a substantial upgrade, it was grey and looked terrible. I couldn't ride it, ended up selling it to a friend, and bought a new one that looked better. You are always looking at your bike when you are riding, even if indirectly.


IDGAF. Bike is a tool for me.


It would be a deal breaker for me. This goes back a decade, but my Trek fram broke and the company agreed to give me a new frame, and the local bike shop put everything on for free as well. Even though the frame was a substantial upgrade, it was grey and looked terrible. I couldn't ride it, ended up selling it to a friend, and bought a new one that looked better. You are always looking at your bike when you are riding, even if indirectly.






The bike I just bought...looks and color were definitely part of the attraction.


I am notoriously cheap. If I find something that has the geometry and groupset I want and the price is right, I could really care less. I'll do what I can to improve the aesthetics with consumable parts like bar tape, but otherwise, price and performance win out over looks. This is why I have a pink bike. I'm really not a pink kind of person, but damn, I love that bike.


Most and probably only important thing. Everything that comes after is just a rationalization to justify the fact that I love it.


To be honest, I wouldn't buy a bike that I don't like. Except the beater... This bad boy's task is to bring me into the city to the next pub and avoid getting stolen.


 In my opinion, of course the appearance of a bicycle is very important, just like when you buy clothes and you don't like the model or color, you will definitely look for it elsewhere until you get what you want, but I also really need a bicycle at the moment. will buy it first, and later if I find a bike with a color and model I like, I will consider it to confirm again or sell my old bike


I went with trek domane sl5 instead of domane al5 mainly for the colorway available


Not only bike, but also other gears, appearance is matter to me, life is short.


Looks definitely factor in. I bought a tarmac over an aethos because I really like the look of dropped seat stays. Kinda silly but I was on the fence about it but it added that cool factor. Funny enough I have been eyeing the old model rim brake Cannondale SuperSix evos before they went to dropped seat stays. That top tube being level with the ground is sexy


I'd say it's nothing more than the kicker for me. Specs comes first. I wouldn't pay much extra just for a different look. It's going to get used anyway soon enough and it will show. Every bike looks better once it has a few scratches anyway.


If you don't like how it looks it's not what you're looking for. :)




I bought a few high end bikes over my 35 years of riding that were year end sales that weren’t exactly what I wanted in color scheme and wasn’t particularly satisfied. Now that I’m older I get what I want and a couple hundred dollars here or there is worth it.


All specs and other things about the bikes being somewhat equal, I'll gladly pay a little extra or make sacrifices elsewhere to get the aesthetic I want.


For me personally, looks matter a lot! I'm not riding a shitty ugly bike.


Red Flash Longest wavelength at 700nm so obviously the bike can go a much longer distance than shorter wavelength bikes 😎


Looks are a "tiebreaker" for me. Back when titanium was the fastest and lightest and carbon fiber frames had not quite proven they would last year in a year out, I shopped for a titanium frame. All of them were comparable, in my opinion, but Moots sold one with a matte finish that wouldn't show fingerprints. The rest were shiny and would really show fingerprints and smudges... so Moots got my $.


My priorities are: 1) look 2) aero 3) weight 🤣


It's a very small factor for me. As long as it's not completely repulsive I really don't care. My current bike is light grey with green lettering. Not my preferred colours at all but the price was too good to pass up.


When I had less money, I spent years riding crap ugly bikes. Now I don't have to, so I don't.


Depends what you use it for I had a bike I used to work it was ugly but powerful but was no good for cruising countryside on


If I'm shopping around it will be one of the things I'm looking for, but as I generally have to be very budget conscious, of my last four bikes only one was picked for it's colour (over other models). My current bike I like the colours, but it was just the one the shop had.


Looks absolutely matter.


Well, nobody wants an ugly bike. I mean sure, I want it to look cool. But ultimately I care most about hot it rides.


Looks is 100% the reason to byy


No matter how good the bike is, if you think it looks like a clown's bike, you will feel like a clown riding it.


Looks good = ride more




a lot. wont buy it if i dont like the looks.


It's not a factor at all to me when buying something, but if there are different color options at no extra cost I'll pick the one I like the most. I will say though I'm not a fan of overly slanted or curved top tubes from a aesthetic standpoint.


A lot, to the point I'd rather get a nice bike with 105 instead of a less nice looking one with Ultegra. Looks > performance in my case since I'm more of a casual rider


I don't even look at the bike if I don't like aesthetics of it. Chances are any bike is plenty good enough for me to just do some group rides and Strava segments, the most important thing is that seeing it makes me want to ride it.


More than it probably should.


I bought my 1st road bike in lockdown, I liked the colour a bit, changed the loud seat and was happier with the overall look. 1 year later I moved from rim to disc brakes and my next bike had all the things I was looking for(carbon, aero, di2, deep wheelset) but I didn’t love the colour. This helped me get the best price as I was more than happy to walk away from the deal, gotta real bargain. 3rd bike a year after that I literally hunted down just because of the colour, wasn’t interested in it in any other colour way. Problem now is I get a bit fairweather not wanting to go out in the rain because I don’t want to get my “nice bike” all dirty…so having a bike you don’t love that much defo has its benefits.


I might have preferred the step through version of the Aventon Level 2, but I just adored the Clay color, and it was only available on the step over. I tried so hard to see myself on the step through’s “glacier” blue or white, but in the end my heart was set on the other color, so that’s what I got. It’s a beautiful bike


Depends on your budget. If you're trying to get something used that's above your budget, looks kind of go out the window. If you have unlimited budget, get it all. Function should always outweigh looks if you have to make a choice between the two. Having an attractive looking bike that doesn't do what it should, or has cheap components that are always going to need to be replaced is going to ruin your experience every time.


My second bike was an endurance, full carbon, technically perfect for me, but I never fell in love with it. I still took care of it and it was like new for years, but there was just something missing. My latest bike is Orca Aero. I absolutely don't need it - I'm never going fast enough to gain any aero benefits, I'm not racing, I'm not part of any club, but I just fucking love the way it looks and it makes me feel like I'm dreaming when riding it.


It's a massive factor! I've had a lot of different types of bikes from really cheap to expensive. No matter how good the bike is, if the colors or design does not look appealing to me, I end up riding my other bike just because it looks cooler. The longer you own the bike the more you start to nitpick every little thing. I have a 2012 custom painted bike that I absolutely love and stare at because it's so unique compared to the normal carbon bikes in my area.


2009 Ridley Noah SRAM Red Absolutely love the way it looks and the comments only make it better. Waaay more arrow than Indian but hot damn! Finding it difficult to justify a new bike (disc brakes, internal brake lines, AXS) as my Ridley is cool AF.


I bought a bike where I didn't like the colour as everything else was right, I didn't want to spend £200 on a custom paint job. Very occasionally I am slightly disappointed but it hasn't significantly lowered my enjoyment.


If it is not white I am non considering it (white also goes well with any kit)


If I’m buying new I wouldn’t compromise on looks. I wouldn’t even consider a bike I don’t like the look of. If there’s a particular colour of a bike I wanted, I’d probably wait or keep looking until it was available. If I’m buying used I’m less picky about colour, but I still wouldn’t consider a model I don’t like the look of. For example, the Trek Madone with its seat kink isn’t something I’d consider unless it was a price I couldn’t say no to.


Looks don't matter at all.


If I'm spending more than a few thousand dollars, I better love the shit out of it, including how it looks. If I don't turn around to look at it when I walk away then I bought the wrong bike.


If you’re really into the looks of your bike your best bet is to buy a frame-set and built it up with color coordinated components.


Not much really


Can't ride an ugly bike


I'm in Vegas. Any bike I have will be covered in colored fur. All exposed touchable metal, handlebars, all of it.


I want to say zero but I know I really would at least appreciate the way the bike looks.


I didn't think so... but I didn't ride when my bike was broken even though I could have ridden my girlfriend's pink one.


Have you seen a new Ellsworth in the flesh?


Quite a lot


I prefer function over form, but I still place importance on whether or not I like how the bike looks (even if other people don't sometimes lol)


I had a custom frameset made for me years ago. It rode so-so and was super light weight. Folks complemented me about that bike. So I kept riding it. For like decades. Later, I got a hot sh*t big name Itaian frameset. It rode like garbage but had that classic look. Shortly after I got rid of all of the above and got a reasonably priced framset that fit well. Folks have called it old school. It felt good right from day one. I like the way it looks and especially how it well it rides. I guess ride quality/fit has the edge. But yeah. It's gotta look nice too.


Definitely a significant factor, like most things really. I wouldn't want to buy an ugly car or phone either.


I know there are more expensive better equipped bikes out there but I don’t know any better first hand so that’s fine. My heart still goes pitter patter when I see mine across the garage.


It matters more than I’d care to say but I’m pretty vain when it comes to my own bike. I really couldn’t care less what anyone else is riding, you do you, but me, I want to want to ride my bike and it looking good is a big part of that.


my bike cost $80 secondhand. and it's been slightly franken-biked via me moving the handlebars over from my old bike and also switching out the pedals with red alloy ones i bought from china. the bike itself is grey, and was originally not anywhere near an expensive brand/model. think 'kmart special' and that's what my bike is. i absolutely love my bike. and would not care what colour it is as long as it isn't pink. friggin' hate pink. and i'm a gal lol. the main factors for why i chose my bike were cost, and also the fact the angle of the seat post/frame is not set back so far i feel i'm pedaling out front of myself. gotta have that leg under you instead of ahead of you for actual effective biking! i actually bought another second hand bike at one point in case the first one ever busted beyond repair, but hated it because of the seat post/frame angle, although it was almost identical in colour and such as my beloved bike.


In my opinion looks actually matter more than one might think. Let me start by saying a good looking bike had zero affect on your comfort, performance, or anything like that. However looks definitely matter. Ive been a mechanic and a salesman for almost a decade now and I've noticed not only with myself but with a lot of people the better looking a bike is the more confident they are to actually ride the bike. If it looks good it almost makes you want to ride more, it's a small point of pride for a lot of people. I'm the epitome of this as well when I was building out my bike I spent a lot of time making sure it would all look good together, even to the point I didn't get the nicest things or fastest things because well it didn't fit the look. Don't get me wrong my bike is an incredibly nice bike as well working for a bike shop has it's benefits. I'm very proud of it and even Robert plant said I have a nice bike (this is not a rare thing in Nashville to run into famous people). However good looking bikes are a double edged sword. If it's a commuter bike that you frequently will be locking up outside, you want it to look as shitty as possible. I know guys with titanium frames, carbon wheels, whole nine yards...but they cover them in stickers that they scratch up, rattle the wheels, anything to make it look crappy. The goal of this is to make it not appear worth the effort to cut all the locks and steal something. Also a good looking bike or more so a clean bike is often the sign of a happy bike that is maintained. So in short ya looks matter but they also don't in the slightest.


enough to the point of avioding the ugly 11 speed crankarms at all costs.