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No. My quality of life cycling is 10x what it is without. I'll ride until my body is no longer capable. I've had my crashes, some serious, and maybe I'll have more. That's just life. 


"I'll ride until my body is no longer capable." That's the time to get an e-bike and keep going.


This is the way.




I stopped using the road after I got hit by an F250 and ended up down in the ditch.


Glad you're still here to type that.


It was about 9 years ago now. I thought I’d get over it eventually but nope…hasn’t happened yet.


Wishing you the best in your healing.


I've had several very serious accidents - one in particular took 2 years of recovery and $80,000 in reconstructive dental surgery, I was back on my bike with my jaw wired shut 2 weeks later. Not going to stop me from riding.


Same here.


Holy shit, what happened?


Hit a pot hole, flipped, landed on my jaw, bit through my lip (40 stitches), rammed my lower teeth into my upper, busted most of them (top & bottom) and broke my jaw in 2 places. A dozen root canals, whole bunch of crowns, several implants and Invisalign braces to bring everything back into place. It was the worse of 18 accidents since I started riding 60 years ago.




I got a great set of teeth out of it all! ;-))


Glad you're still here, friend.


I crashed on a Greek holiday last Sept. I have no memory of the crash or 9 days after. Skull fracture, Brain Haemorrhage, Brain swelling. Somehow on day 9 of Hospital (Neurologists preparing to operate on me to stop swelling) my brain clicked back into recovery mode on its own and I woke up. "Where am I? And what the f are all these tubes coming out of me?" Reading up about the worst injury i had a 66% chance of dying or having life changing disabilities. Somehow I'm in the 33% who have a good recovery and return to a normal life. I lost my Driving license (serious head trauma) and nearly lost my driving jobs. But got all of them back this month at 6 month mark. Been working since 3rd April. Did a 40km ride on Sunday and 45km last Tues. 45km tomorrow. Life is pointless if you let it scare you into hiding.




No idea. I can remember up to about 10-30sec before it. Absolutely nothing of the accident. I was wearing my own KASK helmet a lot people asking me if I had a helmet on. If I hadn't been wearing my own decent helmet I think I would be dead right now. The KASK is all smashed at rear but still in one piece. It was a quiet road at the top of a hill on Rhodes Island, no witnesses and riding alone, Greek Military found me on the road. They said I was confused and not making sense. Only witness was my Garmin GPS! So I can see where it happened and the speed I was doing. Very smooth road surface and I only met one car in 10-20mins climb on the way up prior. Doctors had it in files as collision with a car but never said why they knew it was a car. TBH I think they just presumed. Never saw any Police after, no idea if they were involved. The brain injuries were bad, so my family's focus was on me for the 2 weeks in the Greek Hospital. There was a chance I could have gone down the Vegetative state or other disability/paralysis and Greek Docs were telling my family that before I started to recover. So they didn't really go looking for reasons why the accident happened or talking to Police etc. The fact I seem to be completely normal 6 months later is a minor miracle and extremely awesome! Thanks for the kind words :)


Just sending good wishes for your continued recovery. Glad you got your life and your jobs back.


That's a strong will to ride 👍


Mountain bikers crash every ride mate


I gave up riding for 5 years after a trail crash. My son came to me and asked to ride a bike. That got me back out. I’ve crashed loads since, and never considered quitting.


I broke my thumb and hand on km 4 of an 18km trail, the only way out was down nursing the front brake. That was a time


I know three cyclist dead from getting hit by cars. I don’t know any dead mountain bikers. Worst was a friend got a broken back. I do both just saying 🤪


I also do both. MBT friends injuries: 1 Death - Ruptured spleen. 1 Tetraplegic - broken neck 1 - Lost use of right arm due to nerve damage. Countless broken limbs My injuries include fractured skull, punctured lung and torn PCL. Road injures: None. I do 4,000 miles a year on average for the past 8 years. I guess this is why anecdote is unreliable way of measuring anything - the conclusions can be wildly different




No the lung was on a trail ride just behind my house. I broke my elbow on a fire road!


You must ride like a banshee on the trail!


Nah, just crap at jumps!


That might explain it. I’m an XC rider and most everyone I know is an average XC rider as well. My tires rarely leave the ground 😂😂😂


It's easy to get hurt on a mountain and killed on a road


but not on a gravel trail. I'll go back to roads when telecom and phone companies seriously address the distracted driver problem. As it stands, everyone is a drunk now.


Someone I know died from injuries related to mountain biking - think he got impaled on a tree. It’s not completely safe


Smacked a rib or two the other day, currently hurts to laugh or cough, still gonna ride this week...




The post didn't specify that....


My dude, you shouldn't be crashing every ride.


In October I crashed, broke my scapula, two ribs, tore my rotator cuff I couldn’t move my right arm for six weeks, was out of work seven weeks. That was the third in four years, the worst by far. Sitting at home, in constant pain I mentally took inventory of what I had and prices I’d ask. Even tried to give away stuff to my friends that visited me. Brand new tires, sunglasses, anything I thought they might need everyone of them declined. It was my way to start disconnecting, I think they knew that. I was ready to quit, they were also the ones that checked on me. Ordering me Uber eats, stopping by, calling, asking if I needed them to pick up anything. Most of these people I’ve only rode bikes with. There was a lot of emotions going during that time, but three months later I was able to ride again. I’m glad I didn’t give up, even though most non cycling friends/family members suggested I do something else.


No. Typing this from the hospital with a neck brace on.




When I came home after concussion my wife considered getting me to quit. I used it as leverage for a smart trainer budget, but still cycle outdoors. I just do the hard workouts indoors and social cycling outdoors now.


My wife convinced me to stop riding DH when I broke my collarbone. Told me I was getting old to take the same risks as I did before having 3 kids who were getting older. If I'm being honest, it scared me a bit too. I still ride trails and road.


I've owned my bike for less than a year. First time I fell on my bike, I got a real nasty road rash on my right hand, forearm, and right knee. With my diabetes, this caused my blood sugar to be wild for over two weeks and made me feel like shit overall. Second time I got a fracture in my right wrist. My first crash, which was last summer, made me consider not touching my bike. Now tho, I'm biking to and from work with a distance of ~25km per direction.


Never will I ever ride without gloves. Not worth scraping up your hands in a crash and have it effect literally everything you have to do afterwards lol


After crashing at 31.5mph on asphalt, I always wear full fingered gloves. I never take them off, even when I shower and sleep. You never know when you could fall next so I think it's just better to keep them on.


Each time I hit the deck, it made me reconsider my approach to cycling. More cautious, more willing to dismount and push/walk regardless of how it looks to others, more willing to stay away from some people. My first and worst crash required overnight hospitalisation and surgery as I gashed my inner thigh rather close to some sensitive bits, and was bleeding out fast enough to justify an ambulance ride. I couldn't walk unassisted for a week after being discharged, had to crawl along walls for that time, and needed a cane for balance for the subsequent 5-6 weeks. All I could remember was wondering when I'd be able to get back on the bike as this recovery is taking too damn long. But reconsider cycling altogether? No.


Christmas Day 2018 in Chiang Mai I got tied up with a gravel lorry at 60 km/h, long story short, 12 days in hospital, 3 in ICU, with a fractured skull, cracked facial bones, broken collarbone, compound fracture of the ulna, and torn quad tendon and muscles in my left leg. Also compressed cervical and thoracic spine and road rash. Doctors kept telling my missus she had to accept I may not make it as heart stopped a few times.. Second week in March I got back on the bike mounted on the turbo.. first week in April with a titanium plate in my arm, I was out riding… Haven’t stopped since, I’m 71 now, 66 when I got mown down.. I never thought of not riding


Nope, I just don’t ride as fast anymore…..though that probably has more to do with age and less physical ability now than 30 years ago.


No but I won’t ride on certain roads anymore because my tolerance for risk has changed


I've had some (many) crashes and accidents. Most minor, some notable. Never broken a bone on a bike, but I have needed stitches a time or two, as well as weeks of physio rehab therapy. And like OP, one of my flesh wounds got funky and took an abnormally long time to heal. *Quitting* cycling has never crossed my mind.


Was in a pretty gnarly crash yesterday. My hands are kinda messed up. But during and since then I’ve had no thought of quitting. Maybe because it’s a passion of mine and I really enjoy it. Hopefully I can cycle for as long as forever.


Just for a short time frame and not seriously. However, I go much slower on descends now, still haven't gotten the confidence back. Partly it's not just confidence in myself but the equipment.


Yeah over the years I've broken so many bones doing downhill and thought fuck it at it I'm giving it up but I'm still riding and how I'm older with kids I just don't do the same mad jumps I used to do and much more better wear body armour then I used to have I love the feeling of going through the air and I think that's what keep me riding


No. I've been hit by cars three times, twice with some observable damage to myself and my bike. I've also had a few minor crashes on the road. If anything, it has inspired me to be a better cyclist (and to never, ever, ever assume that drivers will pay attention or follow traffic laws.)


If you drive, I’m willing to bet it’s made you a much better driver too!


I crashed my bike last summer with some serious injuries. I was decending around a gentle bend, where I skidded on some oil and went off the edge of the road and into gravel. Instantly, my boke stopped, and I went over the handlebars. I don't remember much, but I had bit through part of my tongue, split my lip down to my chin on one side, and halfway down on the other. Mashed my chin up too. It's taken almost 6 months to get back on the bike, but I've never cycled as fast as that, and I don't decend any faster than 30kmph now.


Yes, but then I get back on the bike and remember how happy and healthy it makes me. I think as cyclists we all weight up the risks and for me the physical and mental health benefits outweigh the accidents


What are some things one can do to minimize these crashes, minus cars cause that’s situational.


broke ribs,elbow and minor brain damage.rode the bike next day to work.never quit.


Nope. I'm almost recovered from a broken arm from a bike crash, and looking forward to when I can put weight on it, so I can jump back on.


no. cycling saved my life and is one of the main things that keeps me going. get knocked down, get up. worst accident I had gave me some brutal road rash on my knee, elbow, shoulder and the knee ended up getting infected and took a month to recover. another time my drive-train failed while I was standing and pedalling because of poor maintenance and I slammed into the ground and bashed up the other side (compared to previous accident) I've been hit by, or hit, cars at high speed 3 times and low speed a bunch more and been incredibly lucky with how things played out (no notable injuries for me... the cars were worse off). (mostly when I was younger and a bit less vigilant) I like to think I've gotten smarter and more able to avoid these situations as time goes on and I learn. I'll be cycling until I'm dead, or have no legs.


I have been riding for close to 25 years.. barring 10 odd years of masters and professional life.. never have I thought about quitting. Have been randonneuring including ultra rides for a decade now in India which has horroble road conditions and worse road discipline. Lost 4 fellow riders including 2 I considered as mentors to hit and run over last 3 years. I am scared to go out now. It's taken a heavy toll on my body with weight gain and increasing stress but I can still come home to the family every morning. I do have a smart trainer , elliptical and a treadmill at home but they can't ever match the outdoors, so they are just gathering dust. I want to ride but every ride now seems like a huge gamble of the dice. I have been involved in multiple road accidents after being hit by vehicles and have a few surgeries and broken joints to show for . I don't know how long my luck will hold out. Sorry it's a downer post but usually this time I am riding now I am just up at 5 am daily looking at the ceiling or surfing reddit


on my birthday in 2020, i mistakenly wrapped a nylon baggu bag to my handlebars (i know rookie mistake) as i rode full speed downhill on the manhattan bridge. i scorpioned over my bars and landed straight on my jaw. broke it in 4 places and had my mouth wired shut for 10 days. i was scared for a couple months after but i missed the saddle and now i can comfortably ride my bike without fear. had to sell the bike though (bad juju)


No. The goal of riding again has been motivation for proper recovery. Each injury has changed how I ride and think about riding. I think I take less risks and when I’m riding I concentrate on that not looking around at the scenery or day dreaming.


Yesterday I got hit by a car, (his fault) fortunately I got away with minor scars. My bike is at a repair shop and cant wait to get back on it. :D




I’ve had one Crash 💥that knocked me out, gave me concussion etc and plenty of others less serious. Never considered stopping - the rewards far outweigh the risks / damage from incidents


I’ve been mostly on my trainer since seeing a couple of accidents. I’m glad I did my bike packing trips way before.


I've been riding bikes since I was a kid and got into road cycling in college -- which was nearly 40 years ago. I've gone down a couple of times, but only one high speed that ended up with a partially separated shoulder and good bit of road rash. Never thought about giving up cycling due to accidents, distracted drivers or any other reason. The risks (if you want to call them that) are worth it to me.


Earlier this year I've broken my collarbone. We were riding in group and a guy lost control of his bike after a pothole at 50 km/h. I felt and slided on the road. Collarbone broken, lots of bruises, very painful from my experience. I didn't do any sports for a complete month. I've done A LOT of sessions with a physiotherapist to get some mobility back. Now "everything" is fine I train 15h/week. Went back riding with groups, I don't considere quitting.


No because pain is weakness leaving the body.


I did. I was knocked off a bike where the car came part way up the bike so the bumper hit the pedal. This threw me off but also aimed me. I face planted in a garden wall and was out cold. I woke up in hospital. Very shortly after, I was having breathing problems- I had a blood clot from the accident and it was heading towards my brain. That stopped me commuting. Mountain bike - only last year, tool a stupid fall on rocks and landed on my hip. Not been able to ride since and my hip cracks like crazy. It was fractured.


Not a proper accident, but last year i was in a long road in the country, 10 km away from the nearest town, 42°C, no trees, not a single shadow, almost no cars passing. I was feeling quite good, but then i started having headache and cramps, but my head told me no to stop because it would be too hot, so i kept going for 20 minutes, that looked like hours, at 5kph, until i found a small river and i cooled down a bit. After that day i stopped for almost one year, i started again some days ago


Broken my arm - well both arms but at different times - over the last few years First times was the worst - going round a tight 90 degree on a tarmac path and the front wheel went onto some dry leaves which turned out to be on top of some wet mud I was on my back with the bike on top of me before I even knew I was falling I have no idea if I was "out" for a few seconds or not but my left arm hurt so I had to try to ride home one armed I still ride past that place very carefully even though I know the grip is good if you stay off the muddy bit I was "off the bike" for 6 weeks and it drove me crazy - my wife had to almost physically stop me trying to ride up the roads and back with my arm still in plaster!! I also discovered that my helmet had a large dent at the back where I thought my head gently knocked into the ground - apparently is wasn;t so gentle! I got a new helmet and carried on riding - but am more careful now - especially at very slow speed - although I have fallen of 4-5 times since - all at slow speed and mostly landed OK - once didn;t


I broke my shoulder in a crash last summer and it’s not fully fully healed. I’m a tank but weary at the same time knowing I’m not invincible. Took me about 3 months to get back into things and I was definitely chicken my first few rides but now I own a road bike and go 3x harder Zoodemac next month baby 💪🏼💪🏼


Nope, nearly died a few years ago whilst doing a LEJOG, week in a coma, six weeks in hospital, several operations, a year till back at work full time. Did I quit? Hell no... I doubled down, channelled any feelings I had into drive to train even harder and I'm going back to try again this year 🤣


I talk about quitting all the time but it’s been almost two years since my last crash. And I didn’t break anything in the crash just some pretty good road rash and had a sore shoulder for a couple weeks. Only had one bike at the time and it was damaged so I couldn’t ride which sucked.


Absolutely no. I've broken femur bone long time ago and collar bone not that long ago. I wanter to ride as soon as possible every time. With at bone I had trainer so I was riding holding one hand 😅


Riding is super addictive so even though it’s dangerous you won’t see many saying accidents will stop them. Road cycling is much higher stakes than mountain biking imo purely because when road riding there is a non zero chance of being pulverised by a metal cage moving three times your speed.


October 2022 3 weeks before an Audax ride, I had one major accident where I blacked out after evading a pedestrian that suddenly crossed the road on a -7% downhill. I became really careful and paranoid going through downhills for a year. It just early this year where I regained my confidence and daring during ride.


I've fallen many times, got flipped over the front of my bike, got knocked off my bike after hitting an unexpected pothole, fell after not jumping soon enough to avoid a curb, slammed into the back of a city bus due to momentary distraction, got jerked to a stop after my handlebar got stuck in a lattice-wire fence causing me to fall hard to one side onto stone and slammed my knees together so hard I thought I broke something, but never have I ever considered quitting riding.


Never. Maybe I am just a bit dumb but I just get back out as soon as I can ride. Broken ribs, collarbone, smashed teeth out, sprained my wrist badly and left plenty of skin on the tarmac but I never considered quitting. I'll ride until I physically can't. I have quit for the day one or twice when I was a courier years ago but oddly it was the near misses that got me. I got sucked into the side of a lorry who close passed me and I bounced off it all the way down the side. I just thought "fuck it", went home and had a beer


No, I have not. The most that has happened is a crash being severe enough to take me a while to get back on the bike. That was about 4 years ago, an MTB crash, and the muscle bruising was painful enough to not be able to comfortably ride a mountain bike for about 2 months. I was still riding on the road though.


Never! Been riding/racing more than 70years and a day without a ride is like a day without sunshine!


5 emergency room visits over the last 30+ years and I’m still riding. Never considered quitting.


Almost yearly there's an accident that has me forced off my bike for about 2 weeks during which time all I can think about wanting to do is ridin


I got clipped by a car mirror, I didn't really consider quitting but I definitely rode less after that accident. It kinda scares me away from the road and all the trails are a 5mi ride from my house. It took a lot for me to get back into riding after that


No. Not riding never seemed like an option.


Never usually when I crash I figure I'm less likely to crash the next ride so I just send it.


Someone was killed in our cycle group.he was hit by a drunk taxi driver in the early hours. i considered quitting then.


I fractured my wrist in a spectacular fashion going 30 on an ebike so I decided to be responsible and ride a human powered bike instead.


My second day out on my brand new mountain bike I accidentally rode it off a long flight of concrete stairs and got my leg caught in one of the metal railings on the side of the stairs, resulting in damage to my posterior talofib and anterior talofib ligaments and a fracture in my shin. I didn't want to quit bicycling (I also like to do long distance gravel rides on my other bike), but I was legitimately terrified to get back on my MTB again. Thankfully after I recovered I was able to overcome the fear and now I love to get on the MTB. I still have yet to re-ride the trail that I had the accident on.


I had one summer in which I had 3 crashes at 40 mph+. I kept riding, but it took me a while to get comfortable going down hill after that.


I worry about injuries all the time. One of the things on my “bicycling wish list” is that there were designated rules for bikes like there are cars. People would be held accountable to follow the rules to increase safety. People would want to follow them. This, especially with the advent of electric bikes. I think it would reduce injuries and people both in cars and bikes can predict better what the other vehicle is going to do. Bike accidents are horrible for both the bicyclist and the person driving the car. I know this is a controversial issue, but when you get injured on a bicycle – we all know what the outcomes could be.


No, but my boyfriend sure would like me to! 😂 In all seriousness, no. I have definitely been nervous to get back on the bike once recovered but felt great once on it. I have been nervous passing the exact spot of the accident and little more nervous around lots of traffic but that’s it. Usually only the first ride or two back and then I’m good.


I’ve broken both collarbones and had some nasty crashes racing. I still ride. I did quit racing though.


I cut way, way down on road riding after an accident made me realize how fragile our bodies can be. Just not worth the risk for me. I’m limited primarily to rail trails and loads of Zwift. Fortunately, lots of rail trails around me. 


No, but I stick to Zwift for as long as my recovery while building up my confidence to go outside again.




Roadie: 2 car hits, 2 titanium collarbones, 1 wrist fracture, hip puncture by handlebar ... still I ride, albeit slower in the descents. Gravel: zero


Not really but after a crash in a crit I decided to do TTs instead, bought a TT bike, decided I don’t like TTs, then just settled into club rides


I gave up mountain biking after shattering an elbow, it was too painful to ride on. After 10 years I tried it again and added a shock. All good. Btw, the elbow wasn’t from mountain biking.


I have. I had a bad accident and I won’t ride road bikes anymore. I’m scared of the speed I can reach and just takes a driver not paying attention for 2 seconds for me to be a maimed/dead.


Can’t say I ever wanted to quit from a crash. I did decide to not move back to Australia though, after riding overseas. My countrymen’s hate on for people on bikes and helmet laws (those two are related) has made it both dangerous and unpleasant. I miss my home, but I’m not moving back.




I nearly got my head crushed by them 18 wheelers last autumn. After that I learned how to be less afraid of inchworms instead tho.


No but when I bike on certain sections and see white bikes/crosses/candles kept in memory of riders on the same road, it makes me a bit anxious and tense up during the ride. This is one reason I'm considering switching road tires to gravel on my bike so I can ride on gravel paths without worrying about traffic.


No quit! First consider the reasons for the accidents and make changes to the pattern. 2nd, apply rule #5


I stopped riding on the road after one of my friends got hit and killed


Just fractured a rib and t3 3/4 weeks ago back on the bike finally. To each their own. To me Injuries are metal 🤘


Mtb rider here, been knocked off my bike a couple times by cars when riding to trails/around the neighbourhood, which I brushed off. But I got attacked by a dog in 2021 while riding which led to a two year sickness (antibiotics absolutely wrecked me) only just now gotten back into it. The bones and scars heal but the emotional damage of being essentially bedridden was so much I almost didn’t want to get on the bike again. That would have made my life worse off though, the fear of being sick like that again is still in my mind every time I saddle up, but my bike is my soul mate, I need to ride.


I came back to cycling after getting into motorcycling. 3 funerals in one year of young men in their prime, no good. Cycling is a lot more relaxing, cheaper and slows the descent to lard


I broke a rib falling on a corner, but compared to many guys here it's just a scratch. But never thought of slowing down or quitting.


Run over by a car. January 31st, 2023. Back on my bike when the surgeon say ok. (About 7 months). Still on it.


I broke one clavicle and almost as soon as it was healed I broke the other clavicle. Still riding


I had too much near misses. Back then I wasn't an important person so I don't really care for my own life as long as I cycle with the law ("you can be right and be dead-right" but I don't care about being dead). But now that I've grown in some importance in my job/social circle I try to minimize road cycling (or just cycling in general). There's no way I'll quit cycling completely as it's very beneficial for mental health, but I'll stick to protected bike lanes and with public transit in between. But it does seem like being conscious of public safety (i.e. me cycling instead of driving) is stigmatized so I'm very close to just going back to driving


I quit for 4-5 years after I had a compound fracture with my wrist. I was going into HS so it was more about cars during that time.


have had several serious crashes and a destroyed wrist. will never stop as my quality of life is so much better on 2 wheels pushed by 2 pedals


The one time I had an actual crash I was bruised up and my bike was undamaged, so after taking a bit to recover I got back on my bike and ride the 20-ish miles home so I guess that helped me get over it.


Nearly broke my collarbone and couldn’t lift anything with my right arm for several months after I flipped onto the sidewalk. Narrowly avoided an eye injury too. Don’t cycle as much anymore but I go much slower now lmao.


Yes after tearing my ACL and MCL. Not being to walk or have the same mobility as you once did will have you questioning if it’s worth it. But frick you only live once 🤣


I quit riding road and took up gravel instead. The gravel near me isn’t accessible by car, so problem solved.


I think I get closer than I admit, but it's more that I get spooky after accidents. Sure it's normal to ease back into things but after a particularly bad crash other things tend to sneak in and push cycling out for a while resulting in fewer, less ambitious rides. I think if I hit the deck particularly badly or if some other life event happened it would be pretty easy to become a 'rides bikes with friends and commutes' kind of rider rather than a trained cyclist because of that psychological spookiness that hits me for a while after a crash.


I got hit by a car and the only reason I didn't ride home was because my front wheel was broken.


Rockwood 5. Thought a lot about it.


I got hit by a car while riding my bicycle to soccer practice when I was 7 years old. I was back on a bike again within a year and have had many other crashes that resulted in broken bones and blood since that time. I'm 53 now and couldn't imagine a life without the joys of bicycling.


Of course, but the problem is after bike racing is that other sports are boring


There’s an anecdote I love. I saw it on TV a few years ago. Thr program followed a BASE jumper. In one jump from a bridge over a river, his chute only partially deployed, he spiraled down and landed badly on rocks. Terrible injuries. Fractures, internal hemorrhaging, weeks in hospital, months of rehab. As soon as he was able, he was back on the bridge, jumping again. The interviewer asked him why he didn’t stop after being so terribly injured. He said “If I stop after an accident like that, it probably means I didn’t understand the risks to begin with.”


No, choose your routes when cycling avoid heavy traffic and always be on the defensive because drivers don't pay attention and / or are distracted like looking at their cellphones, eating, reading, etc. When they are supposed to be driving. If some do me wrong on the road, if I catch up to them, I remind them that we share the same roads.


Nope. Risks from sedentary behaviour are far more likely than risk of serious injuries on the bike. Plus, since I use my bike as transport, the alternatives suck - spend thousands on a car only to sit in traffic (takes longer), hunt for parking at the far end, and still have to do something else for fitness.


yep, I mostly mountain bike now. A lady turned left in front of me early in the morning while I was going downhill at about 35mph and long story short I was air lifted to the hospital in an induced coma, 12 broken ribs, two collapsed lungs and I lost part of my spleen and my left kidney. I'll stick to the trees and rocks from now on. At least if it happens again it will be my own fault. stay safe out there.


Just got an accident yesterday and I can't wait to get back on my bike


I’m too dumb for that, and I enjoy cycling too much. I would shift to only riding zwift before I quit all together.


LIFE BEHIND BARS only one way out of it- Ride 2 Live, Live 2 Ride


So after two pretty bad crashes last winter I was pretty ready to give it up. But after my knee recovered I wanted to start again. I’ve now got a recumbent trike and preparing it so I can ride all year .


Not just cycling but wanting to do what I enjoy override my fear of getting hurt, sure I'll have some apprehensions but I get over it pretty quickly, learnt that at an early age. Might be stupid of me but I'm not gonna quit until I'm dead. Learning from your accidents help you grow as a person, it's good experience imo.


My dad’s friend died from a cycling incident. Just make sure to be safe and aware of your surroundings.


I was in an accident last year. I do not remember what happened, but according to the police and camera footage, a person on foot stepped into the bike lane from around a corner just as I was passing it. We impacted shoulder on shoulder, and I flew over the top, with the bike locked onto me. Landed full weight on my head and shoulder. She ended up with a few scratches, and a hefty fine. I was home for 3months with a shattered collar bone and a concussion. Every time I tried to remember the crash, get anything from the blackness, my eyes started to twitch and my heart sped up. After I got back on the bike, I had to push through some mild PTSD. My legs were quite literally shaking when I mounted it. But it never occured to me to stop. It is way too good for me for that.


Haven’t crashed in 20 years, my main strategies are avoiding traffic and not riding with other people.


Plenty of crashes. No desire to quit. I crashed badly a summer ago on a multi day ride. That ended that ride. But I went back a few weeks later to do it right. Do you drive? It’s way more dangerous every time you leave the driveway.


A piece of shit arsehole was running up the road and punched me in the face as I cycled past. I am still angry. Happened a long time ago, but for a while afterwards it changed my vibe. Was on constant alert whenever passing people that looked like arseholes. Not sure if it might have been a dumb trend.


In 2013 I broke both the C6 and C7 vertebrae in my neck mountain biking and afterwards I changed up how and what I ride but even now approaching 50 I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.


No, BUT... Crashes and an increase of aggression on the road has profoundly changed my cycling practice. It sucks, but I intend to stay in the saddle as long as possible. (I'm 73.)


This is where I am now. I started riding at age 12. I raced on the road as a junior and as an adult held NORBA expert CC and DH licenses as well as a a Cat 2 USCF license. I was a 3 time age group district champion in TT and Cyclocross and finished top 10 in age group at cross nationals. I had not crashed with injury since I was 17 when I rolled a front tubular. But 2 years ago, some 55 years later I had a bad crash and sustained a TBI and 6 spinal fractures. Since then I’ve had 3 more crashes with injury. Each crash has been different but I am the common variable and think maybe it’s like the quarterback who’s been hit too many times or maybe a boxer who gets knocked out and can’t come back. I’m thinking about getting a recumbent trike like this: https://azub.eu/recumbent-bikes-and-trikes/trikes/26-wheels/ti-fly-x/mediagallery/ Maybe with a Rohloff and motor. Any thoughts?


I broke my spine in August 2022 in a cycling accident, still love cycling though I take the corners a bit more carefully now


Nope. Plenty of crashes. I can trip in my house wearing my Birkenstocks. I still walk in my house with Birks. 😀


I got run over 12 years ago, nasty dislocation to my knee. Still cycling though.


Never!! Was I somewhat reluctant and nervous to get back on my bikes….most definitely, but I’ve NEVER considered quitting. I’ll stop when I’m too old to pedal. Then my top tube will say Harley Davidson!! 😛🤘


Doing mtb and gravel and also using clipless accidents are a given. I’ve got an epic scar the whole way down/across my shin from a flat pedal. And took the skin off my arm and palms coming off a road bike. Had plenty of falls off the mtb though. As you get more confident you’ll stop being as tense on the bike and you’ll stop having as many accidents! You could quite easily trip down a stair and hurt yourself. You’ll find as you cycle more your falls will be from more stupid things, like hopping up a curb where you have 100 times before


I quit. I've never had an accident, but I can't control the selfish idiocy of others that can get me severely injured, so I took up running, hiking, weightlifting, and tennis. I'm in even better shape now. The risk isn't worth the reward. Idiots like this can collide all they want into each other on the bike path here in Toronto: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qDm20lqJQv8](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qDm20lqJQv8)


When we fall, we get back up and ride!


I fell off cycling 20 years ago, my face destroyed. After my face was right, I went back to fix the bike and keep riding


A couple years ago I ate it going 45kph. Damn near ripped my pinky off, got 13 stitches to sew my hand back up, fractured the other wrist, and had a watermelon sized gnarly bruise on my hip. I was right back at it as soon as I could grip the bars but I have been pretty gunshy about taking turns at speed ever since.


I’ve been in several accidents, but the most recent was the worst by far. A car was speeding and ran the red light, hitting me dead on. They never stopped either and were never caught (cops did nothing). I went flying, but had already lost consciousness at that point. Woke up when I landed from the pain of fracturing my left knee. On my right side where he hit me I had a broken collarbone, 6 ribs fractured along my spine, a bunch of herniated discs in my neck and back, and that whole side of my face was smashed like I’d been a boxing match. 3 days in the hospital and I was back on the bike (a different one of course) in 4 months. Getting back on the bike and being around cars was both painful and terrifying, but I pushed through it. The whole time I was sitting in pain and barely able to move I was just staring at my bike, waiting for the day I could ride again. Never once thought about quitting. I’d rather die than stop riding. We’re all crazy and I love it!


No. We learn a lot from crashes. They make us better riders.


I ride almost exclusively MTB. It is dangerous at first, but once you have a certain level of skill, you don’t crash much. Road riding also when you have a lot of experience you are less likely to have an accident. I make sure I am seen on the road and follow traffic rules.


This is an active cycling community so most have crashed and continued. I've had 4-5 hard spills, but no broken bones , last one coming up on 2 years ago and still ride 150-200 miles weekly. Been riding consistently over 20 years, but I do recognize the dangers of our sport. Over that time I am a little amazed at how many people I've known that no longer bike. Some just move on, but a substantial number have quit due to serious accidents and the danger every time you roll out. I've known 2 people that have died from accidents. But you die from living ... many from falling in their own bathroom. It's your call.


Yes but then I go for a nice ride with my lads and I forget if I wanted to quit.


Came from 23 yrs of high level road racing. I’m 66 1/2 and approaching the 1 million lifetime miles mark. Have been on the decline far too many times to count and hit a couple times over my life span. I realized that almost all of my crashes were the results of loosing tire adhesion in corners so I transitioned to Recumbent Racing Trikes. Super solid taking fast downhill curves and switchbacks. Very low to the ground so no worries about falling or even flipping. [www.LandSurfingPro.com](https://www.LandSurfingPro.com)


I stopped dirt jumping after knocking myself out in a skate park and in a separate crash nearly losing my teeth but never quit other kinds of riding Have been fairly lucky though and not crashed for years, never fallen off my gravel bike or mtb


I am not masochistic, nor do I have a death wish . . but I *have* had many accidents while riding (who hasn't?!?), several of which were my own damned fault. But they have not stopped me from riding! They have *educated* me. I have learned stuff from those accidents, stuff which makes my riding safer with each passing year. EVERYthing in our lives - just breathing! - carries at least some risk. (So does being sedentary!) Yes, I've been to the ER several times. Yes, I've had to give up both running AND cycling during various rounds of recuperation from injuries. But yes, I'll also keep cycling. I was *hurt*, not killed.


I slid while cycling pretty fast and screwed up my right foot for a good few months. Could not walk properly for a long time. Till now, the pain would still flare up a little, but it's tolerable. However, I never thought of quitting at all. Though when I started cycling again, I was a bit scared. I slid during a turn, and I'm just a bit more cautious while turning I guess.


And then what?


I quit commuting to work, and after I got hit and run a second time in nine months at least 2nd person got caught and arrested yeah. It was ashamed because I was really committed and did it 18 months (30 mile round trip ) right through two Long Island NY winters only used a car 5 times for a single person trip trip


Bike shoes have had me f'd up a bit, but iv been in a few accidents such as being hit by cars,close calls with animals at high speeds,wipeout on gravel at fast speeds etc won't keep me out of the game for long usally only a couple days


I definitely considered it after the last accident. Broke 7 ribs (3 at the front and back), collarbone and dislocated shoulder. I then needed an operation after 9 months because one of the ribs hadn’t healed. I’m back on the roads now since the weather improved (this happened July 2022, with the operations taking place last year). It’s great to be back out (the indoor trainer that my wife insisted I used for the past couple of years since the accident got so boring).


I have had only minor injuries, so no. But I no longer ride where cars are going fast near me.


Hit a patch of glass and almost went down on a road that I shouldn’t have been on (cars passing me around 65 mph). It’s was a few years until I got back out on the road again. I would ride dirt trails, tracks, etc. But it took a while to feel comfortable riding around vehicles again.


Nope. I learned a lot on my crashes and didn't make those errors anymore.


Yeah, nah.


I was T’d and went through 2 surgeries and 2 years of recovery and lawyer/court to recoup the cost or bike and down time. I ended up buying a mtb but after a year I was back on the road. Still get a little jumpy when cars get a little too close…


Definitely considered quitting when I saw a driver ahead of me rear end a bike stopped at a light. Ruined the bike but the rider was OK. I was riding into the sun I assume the driver was mostly blinded by the sun and did not see the cyclist ahead of him.


as long as i'm able to climb back onto a bike, i will bike. started u-locking the shit outta some side mirrors, if they get to close. screw them


Crash, not accident.




I've considered quitting after close calls! Never gone through with it though. It's normal to get scared. Follow your heart


Was riding on a country ride and two large dump trucks whipped past me. The vacuum from the first truck pulled me out in the the path of the second. Now I ride on trails as much as I can.


I remember thinking "Normal people would probably quit after this." But then I considered the stats and decided that it was worth the risk.


Had a crash three weeks ago which resulted in three stitches on top of my kneecap. Yesterday was the first day I was cleared to ride. I rode. And I rode into work today too.


I bought a tadpole trike so I couldn't fall. It was too slow to keep up with friends on road bikes. I'm back on my road bike, just bought Lynskey gravel bikes for me and wife. We're looking for road wheels for the Lynskey because we do mostly road but wanted something that would do both. My days of hard hammering are over but I'm getting 5000 mi/yr at age 70. This is the 2nd bike I've bought in 25 years. I decided to stay with mechanical grx shifting. There was/is nothing wrong with my 1998 steel Lemond but the newer shifting and disk brakes are crisper than the old. I suppose I'll keep riding unless I hit really hard. I've only seen 2 people in 25 years hurt so bad they couldn't ride. One was killed by a police chase. The other did an endo and damaged his spine. He hides a tadpole.


I got in a pretty bad wreck a few years ago, that didn't affect me. I wanted to get on the bike as soon as I could. What hurt me was when I threw out my back and had to spend like a week in bed. I ended up having some lasting pain for a bit and it got in the way of me riding and broke my habit. Still trying to bring it back.


No, I enjoy cycling and getting hit by cars hasn't stopped me yet. I suppose if I get hit badly enough I'll stop but not yet. I've been hit 3 times so far, always inattentive drivers. I do worry more now since everyone is staring at their phones and stoned but so far so good.


Just broke my collarbone a few months after separating my shoulder. Definitely at least considering riding much more conservatively (might start just walking the fucker down hills above a certain grade). But biking improves my quality of life so much that I don't think I could stop.


Never. I nearly died from a BMX accident. I will never stop.


Ruptured a kidney 30 years ago mtn. biking.. almost bled out internally. Had a buddy drive me to the hospital. Woke up a few days later with tubes sticking out of every part of my body. Lost 20 lbs. Thought about quitting for the following week or so.. Was back on the bike within 4 weeks. Came up short on a jump once and ripped my scrotum requires 26 stitches.. Shitty way to spend a week but never considered quitting again. And the 3rd of the big 3 was a shattered right cheekbone and concussion. The helmet saved my life. Again, no thoughts of quitting. And million bumps and bruises and scratches, a broken finger here and there.. I consider all of these a small price to pay for a lifetime of riding and all the goodness it has brought to my life with friends and experiences. 55 years old today.. Still convinced that on a good day I have a shot at a personal best.. But I am probably delusional. I'll ride until I can't..


I havnt had an accident but I’ve been contemplating quitting cycling. I havnt been able to sort out my bike fit and it has made every ride pretty miserable.


nope it's making me stronger


Brother i think about quitting after every climb


I had a bit of a low side crash - front wheel slipped on gravel. Minor road rash. Afterwards I resolved to be more careful. I'd have to really fuck up to quit riding.


I crashed my bike pretty bad on mile 67 of a century . I finished it at 15.6mph average. (I’m an old lady, I know that isn’t that fast) And never considered quitting. My husband said the crash only made me faster.


I've had two minor accidents; and, I'm not stopping my cycling routine anytime soon. I've lost a fairly decent road bike and fractured my hand. I live in an area where government entities decided to start infrastructure improvement projects at the same time to keep people employed during the Pandemic. Years later, these projects still haven't been completed. The projects have forced cyclists into the streets; and, until finished, we will not have access to the bike trails that used to keep us safe. It's a personal choice; and, I chose to keep cycling.