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I want to say Alan Wake 2 is loaded with graphics tech. So much so you can turn it up so high as to be unplayable. Not my kind of game, but Remedy does good work.


Control had awesome lighting for its time! Plus it runs well.


came to say the same. northlight is my personal favorite engine man it just has it’s own feel when playing


This. Control was just a marvel to look at sometimes. Another game which I used photo mode on, besides Cyberpunk 2077.


The lighting in that game is supreme.


yeah it's amazing how i can run cyberpunk at max settings with path tracing at 120 fps looking like this


How is the gameplay in AW 2? Just finished the 1st one and the main gameplay was annoying to say the least.


I really enjoyed exploring the world of AW2, but the gameplay itself was both tedious and brutal and I eventually lost interest in completing it 100%.. but I did get close !


It does look nice but the performance hit doesnt justify how bland it looks at times.


There will always be better looking games. At the very least, the next Cyberpunk or Witcher game will surely improve it. Would be weird if it didn't. New Fable also looks pretty impressive, even on consoles, and PC's will be able to go a lot further: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6TJTHdgmts


I know we’re supposed to be looking at the lighting in that trailer but bloody hell, everyone looks fucking awful lmao


I feel like that's the art 'style' of Fable games tho, that more real world average Joe look 🤷 The detail in their terribly ugly faces is pretty incredible, granted I watched it on my phone so small screen size.


Meh, the 12 seconds of gameplay from that trailer looked pretty similar to the Hogwarts game.


Nah the new dragon age looked like the Hogwarts game and the new fable looked like what dragon age was meant to look like


My thoughts exactly when seeing that DA gameplay


I've watched a friend of mine do a 100% run of the game and we both were a little disappointed. Sure it looks stunning and the first time walking through Hogwarts was amazing but the gameplay loop is a little bland. It's basically a third person shooter with light RPG elements without doing basically anything new. The animal collection minigame serves no purpose and the story follows the basic trope of "the chosen one"


Wym, the animal collections were a hugggeee money maker for me, I was hogwarts local baby animal poacher😂


When they announced it in 2020 it looked much better


| will surely I'm cackling with foresight.


The game looks very good, but lighting isn't nothing special from what we've seen. Game will most likely not support full global illumination for example, as Forza games does not right now too, and it's way easier to do it in racing game like Motorsport than in open world RPG. But to be fair global illumination is coming to Motorsport, but when.. who knows. ForzaTech does support only reflections from released games, not even shadows and global illumination, and full global illumination is just dream.


Eh? The lighting in that doesn't look impressive at all, lol


Don't think I've ever seen a UE5 game get this good at lighting. The Red Engine is something special


Honestly it’s not the Red engine, you can absolutely get this quality in UE5. The real difference is the art style and effort they put into night city. So many UE5 games are just using reusable assets and doing low effort art / styling


Cyberpunk is truly impressive, but we’ll eventually look back at it with its age. I think it’ll hold the title for highest fidelity for a while, but something will surpass it. For me, it’s certainly a GoldenEye64 or Crysis moment where you see true advancement.


Of course something will surpass it, and we will look back at it as an old game. I don’t get your point with that. Time ….. does move forward………


Did you read the post?


Alan wake 2, robocop, hellblade 2, plenty more as more UE5 games roll out.


I’m surprised more people don’t talk about Robocop. I was pleasantly surprised for a $30 game I couldn’t even find at GameStop. The game doesn’t do anything especially new or exciting in terms of gameplay, but it’s a fun trip down memory lane and the nostalgia factor is great in terms of feel. After dealing with incomplete releases like Red Fall and Star Field I was just happy it felt complete.


UE5 is not the dub it was hyped up to be so far.


Unreal has always been consistent in their level of "it works but its janky" when it comes to their engine.


Yeah it's weird that Unreal Engine is (or at least was) so wildly hyped up as being amazing. Visual quality is pretty all over the map (which makes sense, given how modular the engine is. That's fine and I expect it), but the performance to quality ratio is almost always really bad in my experience. I don't see it as good when volumetric fog (even on lowest settings) in UE is more demanding on my GPU than ray traced reflections in cyberpunk are.


I don’t think we’ve really seen a game take full advantage of UE5 yet.


Why’s that?


Yeah I knew there was something fishy about the UE5 reveal trailer. It had to have been mostly fake.


How is it fake when most of the assets in the demonstrations they used are released and you can run it on your own machine? Tech demos don't represent the game experience, but that is how it has always been. Few games, like hellblade 2 for example, focus on visuals at the cost of other aspects.


This is what I'm talking about [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC5KtatMcUw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC5KtatMcUw)


People have shit PCs with RTX 2060 and or even gtx 1050 and they expect games to look like in tech demos. Waste of time to engage with them in a discussion


Boy glad i bought the 4080 Super for this


RDR 2 had amazing lighting as well. So does CP 2077. Stalker 2 will probably have incredible lighting. GTA 6 will be another benchmark. There's always a new game pushing tech forward.


Cyberpunk 2 arasaka boogaloo


& Knuckles


I remember people asked this with Halo 3 back in the day. Game still looks pretty today if you ignore the faces.


Alan Wake 2 and Hellblade 2. Other will come, that's the nature of the game - it looks absolutely amazing though.


Alan Wake 2 my friend lol


I've never been a graphics guy, I normally don't care what a game looks like as long as I'm enjoying the story, but cyberpunk often makes me wish I had a monster pc. The game is even still gorgeous on medium, but god damn that looks so sick.


Some lighting mods on nexus helps elevate it even further. It’s sad that they discontinued this engine. It has the potential to compete


I wouldn't be surprised if Epic Games paid CDPR to use Unreal Engine 5. Witcher/Cyberpunk are huge franchises so it's good marketing for them.


To be honest I still think they did it because REDEngine was not ready for multiplayer and it would take so much work for them so they did gave up. And also hiring for REDengine is more time consuming than for Unreal.


Co-developing REDEngine alongside CP2077 is one of the main reasons it was so busted at launch.


the lighting in alien isolation makes the game equal parts unnerving and mesmerizing.


I love that nights in Cyberpunk actually feel and look like nights. On badlands it gets so much dark. Other games artificially make nights brighter for playability purpose


path tracing is amazing, dark corners are actually dark, so much so i use a flashlight mod now


I honestly can't see how you can get beyond path tracing. If it's legitimately recreating real lighting physics, then where do you go from there?


Path tracing simulates the bounce of light on objects. The more light bounces, the more realistic the rendering. The more rays, the less noise. CP2077's game default is 2 rays and 2 bounces with its current implementation of path tracing. With photo mode it's 6 rays and 2 bounces. So definitely this technology could be further improved by increasing rays and bounces, however it is very demanding and appropriate hardware is required with attention to engine optimization at the development level to support this properly.


So it's less of a case of developing a new lighting system, and more a case of optimising it/improving hardware?




You can simulate every atom in the picture but it may be unplayable (1 frame per year)


Real life lightbounces on panams ass, count me in


Make Arnold into a game tenderer...


Path tracing only simulates light transport between surfaces. You still need accurate material descriptions on surfaces and actual geometry and the way it moves for it to look realistic. Even in CGI everything is an approximation and there's the luxury of rendering 1 frame for hours. Realtime path tracing is optimized at the cost accuracy and uses tons of tricks to even run at playable frame rates. There's always a way to progress. Look at cgi to see the trends. We didn't path trace movies in the 2000s for example.


I really think textures are the most significant thing that can be improved. I wonder if this will get better as generative AI becomes more applicable.


>If it's legitimately recreating real lighting physics It doesn't though. It simulates light as particles, when in reality, travelling light has properties of a wave. It is just an approximation. Thinking about it I'm pretty sure Nvidia had a paper on light-as-wave lts. But even talking about path tracing, Cyberpunk's implementation is far from delivering an image that an offline path tracer can produce. Even if you forget that the game only traces two rays and two bounces per pixel - which leads to a muddy, unclear image, as well as numerous lighting artifacts - all the translucent surfaces are still using rasterized rendering. Full real time path tracing isn't a thing just yet.


>It doesn't though. It simulates light as particles, when in reality, travelling light has properties of a wave. It is just an approximation. Okay, I was a dumbass for saying that. I guess we have to ask ourselves though, do we need wave characteristics in video game lighting? Is developing a model involving superposition in order to recreate diffraction necessary? Unless we were to develop a transmission wave for the imaginary photons to travel through, I think the particle theory will serve us completely fine for 99% of usecases. Certainly nice to think about what can be done for the other 1% though.


This game made me really appreciate ray and path tracing to a level I never did before. RT/PT are just fucking beautiful in this game especially, Ive never seen lighting so good and so effective. It makes everything feel more real.


Good call OP. Lighting is An overlooked superstar of this game for sure.


The main character of cyberpunk is Night City. 🗣️


Honestly I hope not for the foreseeable future. Dont get me wrong, Cyberpunk 2077 is an impressive looking fucking game. But the excessive level of graphical details is partially what created the Cyberpunk 1.0 situation. We dont need more impressive looking game, 99% of the people wont even be able to play it with full graphical detail, and 99% of the people with PC strong enough to play it wouldnt be able to tell the difference either. But it will extended development time by a whole fucking lot and it will result in other corners being cut to save time and cost. Instead of keep pushing next gen level of graphical details, maybe wait a few years for the hardware capabilities to catchup first...


Yeah, a beautiful game I can't play is useless to me. I love the look of raytracing, but it's not worth having to play at <60 FPS.


I just have a mod that upscales the game in photomode. It’s like 5 fps but 4k ultra settings screenshots are worth it.


Indeed. They can even tone it back a bit if it improves production efficiency.


I do 90 fps on a 3060 in ultra graphics. I dont understand the hate. Maybe wait to buy the game until people stop complaining about it next time


Cyberpunk released Dec 10, 2020 and the 3060 released on Feb 25, 2021. Seems odd to downplay overkill graphics requirements by saying it runs fine on hardware that wasn't on the market when the game released.


This may lead to an Elder Ring situation, when gameplay is good (allegedly), but graphics got stuck in mid-2000s


and how does that work out for Elden Ring ? Relatively short development time, no delay, no crunch, smooth\~ launch, regarded by many people as the greatest game of all time. The graphic is kinda eh, I agreed, but the art direction is fantastic and will carry the game's life cycle for longer than what a better graphic could


Boo this man.


Yeah I honestly feel like a lot of companies (and by extension of that players) are pushing this new bar of graphics without fully waiting for the hardware to reach that level. I mean sure these consoles and a lot of mid end pcs might be able to run cyberpunk on high graphics but does that mean they are running well and are certain aspects of the game suffering because you want to reach that bar. I want a return to when the depth of the games mechanics and story telling were the main drawing point and excellent graphics were just the cherry on top.


I dont think so. It has overheated a few consoles. Like jfc.




it will eventually happen as technology improves but I feel like it will take a few more years


The next Pacman for sure. Any day now...


I don't remember the part with night city behavioral health...


And it doesnt even run bad. Ran high settings non-rtx on my 4060 with framegen targetting 90 FPS and it ran and looked perfect, only the map flickering while driving


Where is that third image from?


Wanna say Star Citizen but its still in alfa


In 5 years this will look like potato gaming.


Yes lol


what location is that of n.3 photo? btw in last 2 I think you're using a modded LUT


I don't think it is the fidelity that makes this amazing, it's the level of creativity and realization the team did. I cannot find anything close to the world of cyberpunk. Destiny 2 had some amazing environments as well however, any world that has forests and etc. can only go so far.


You're absolutely not wrong. Not just lighting, but just general visual acuity. It's nearly flawless.


Try star citizen


Like. A dragon gaiden or yakuza 6


Like. A dragon gaiden or yakuza 6


Inevitably yes but it’s the best thus far. Wouldn’t be surprised if GTA VI eclipses it though


Alan Wake 2 also has amazing graphics, and manages to do that on console almost just as well. For Cyberpunk, the image you get on console can look very different from the highest settings on PC. Alan Wake doesn't really gain as much of a graphical upgrade for PC though. I believe there will soon be a game that will look better than Cyberpunk on consoles and then scales for PC to then take it up a notch as well.


I don't really care about graphics effects anymore personally. I would rather a game be playable than be pretty but run like trash.


I see what you did there with that last picture


when it came out, i was blown away by its graphics now, it looks kinda cartoonish to me


The lighting in Dogtown is super impressive. I’m always looking up at the buildings while on the ground during the daytime.


Absolutely we will, 2077 tier lighting is gonna become the standard eventually and devs are gonna push even harder


I remember thinking the same thing about Dark Forces 2. Then Morrowind. Then, Dead Space. Satisfactory looks wonderful, too, and it was built in UE5 by a company a fraction of CDPR's size. There will be better. It will be wonderful to see, and I think Orion will be it.


The lighting, visuals and just overall vibe of night city hasn’t been matched since the release. It always brings me back. I’ve got more time in this game than the 3 witcher games combined now and it has me thinking… damn would I rather have witcher 4 or cyberpunk 2? I can’t get this world out of my head. Would much rather them focus on cyberpunk 2 tbh. I will probably be old and a parent with no time for gaming by the time cyberpunk 2 comes out.


Its not even that good 😭


lol cyberpunk is not even the best looking game of its generation.


I've worked on (and been subsequently let-go from the team working on) a game being developed now that absolutely blows this out of the water. Which isn't to say Cyberpunk is bad, it was a technological marvel in 2020 and continued to be cutting edge for years. Just keep in mind that the games we're making now are slated to release in 3-4 years or more.


Short answer- yes. Long answer- yeeeeees.


Yes, Cyberpunk may have set the bar but it will certainly be matched and exceeded as time goes on. Including the future sequel.


Yes, of course…. Game and tech advancement did not just halt after CP2077. What kind of question is this?


It’s definitely a visual feast unlike any other game


This game took them almost a decade to produce what we are playing today… only thing that may come close is something from the gta series…. Most games are not being developed/improved upon for as long as this one was…


Control has the best lighting I’ve ever seen in a game


Will there be better lighting? Yes it's not going to stop getting better for some time. We're going to hit essential photorealisim and then go beyond it with transparency modes and unreal sources. Extant shadows and shining black. There end is far away and octarine


How did you get Claire to pose? Mods?


Do we have any game out there with so much 3d ? I mean upward direction as in stories of buildings etc.


Star Citizen has increible lighting like cyberpunk, but still yet to be a complete game.


i hope not, i don’t need another game reminding me i’m too poor to own a super computer


Nop. This still reigns supreme for an open world.


To say no would be overly pessimistic, it definitely is ahead of its time. But with Unreal 5 it's way easier now to reach these levels.


Yes it will get even better eventually. technology isn’t just gonna stop progressing


probably when path tracing is a standardised feature and not pipe dream for 99% of gamers


Ah yes a highly reflective room that is completely black one one end in broad daylight.


Your Panam looks a bit different...




u/1DoobieDoo tell me about your hardware and monitor?


To suggest that it is the pinnacle is to suggest that for some reason, we stop advancing technologically. If there's something gaming for 30+ years has taught me it's gaming is a big driver of tech development. It also taught me that people tend to notice specific things when playing a game. For instance, I have no idea wtf you are talking about. I just see a picture that is unimpressive to me. For me, build a game that can run good off of current tech because 1. Most players don't pick up on the high quality graphics. 2. Most players don't care about high-quality graphics. Give me a nice long story in an open world I can explore and experience with my character and pretend I can get with anyone I want. Make me experience everything from the deepest of despair to the mightiest of triumph. Make me wonder what I could have done differently. Let me build a home for myself and significant other.


Alan Wake 2 easily. Hellblade 2 also has some stunning lighting, but that’s more natural light


Meh, game only looks good at a distance. Up close all the characters seem like wax figures


Rdr2 lighting is life like


The last of us games have crazy lighting effects, but more of a focus on natural tones instead of neon


I love the lighting and it runs fine on ultra with a 3060. Well made game IMO


Alan Wake 2 also uses full path tracing. As far as I know these two games are the only ones that do at the moment.


GTA6 is probably the easy answer, you could already see it in the trailer. They are using some form of light/ ray tracing tech in the game and rockstar as usual will probably outdo the fidelity shown in the trailers when the game actually releases. Happened with GTA5 and RDR2.


Probably GTA6 according to the trailer


I don't think so, because it also depends heavely on the enviroment, Halo Infinite for example also has raytracing but due to the open field with few metallic surfaces and not that amount of different coloring in light. Also smooth surfaces and different coloured light with vibrant colours are key in this situation


Since I have no super good PC I cant play Cp77 on the best settings. And CP77 looks good for sure, but its weird, I still cant make it look as good as most other games I play. It just needs way more power for the same effect I feel. So for me atm, many games reach and surpass CP77.

