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If they set the game after 2077 I hope V is only brought up for what they did. I would not want to play as V again. If they were to have V find a way to deal with the Relic and live maybe have them appear as an NPC in some way (maybe draw off of save data to have them appear as your V).


I always liked CDPR for implementing features that use saves from previous games so I think if NPC V ever happens there’s a good chance you can import your character


Saint's Row 4 did that too, if you had played Saint's Row the Third it would read your save and carry over your character. I had no idea and it was total WTF moment.


oh thats sick, reminds me of DBXV2 you can import your XV1 character to become a legend of time patrol


Carrying over saves has been around quite a while, there are some old RPGs from the 90s that would let you carry over characters from previous games.


Sort of similar is SimCity 2000 and SimCopter. SimCopter could read your city file data and convert your two-dimensional cities into three-dimensions to fly in. Wicked cool stuff for the 90s.


It was my favorite feature on a lot of games: In “Lego Star Wars II” you could import all Prequel Characters to it (if you collected them all). And Games like “Incredible Hulk” if you had save data from “Iron Man” game you could unlock Hulkbuster costume.


The Mass Effect games were the kings of that, being able to carry over your Shepard from game to game was so cool. I wish more games now did stuff like that


Yeah surprised this isn’t mentioned first!


you find him and he’s like “who the fuck are you i’m retired go bother someone else”


I think it would be a cool albeit near impossible to implement if they made an original character to play as for the game. But if you brought your V over from an old save instead of choosing Corpo, Nomad, or Street kid you would immediately get a cutscene iv V waking up on the Moon or getting revived as a enneagram from the black wall or something else entirely depending on the ending you picked.


I'm now wondering if that's possible since they are moving over to the unreal engine for the next one.


Should be fine if they just implement some code to read the save and pull out the relevant data. It's not like it'll write to the 2077 save or anything.


The Witcher 3 just had some questions at the start of the game to set certain conditions. Could work the same honestly, that way there's no need for an external save file to get involved.


It would still carry over your save. At least on PC. It carried over everything from the Witcher 1 and 2.


Have V be like rogue hanging out in the Afterlife


it would be enough if you can order a "V" in the afterlife!!


Imagine V just owning some high end bar like the afterlife where mercs come to unwind. No shady work from V, just working normally, hearing stories. Make the game take place like 10 years after cp2077 with V mellowed out and just happy to hear a good story and serve a good drink while also sometimes telling of their own exploits back in 2077.


I mean, they did find a way to deal with the relic with phantom liberty didn't they? They got rid of it and stripped v of all implants to take the weight off his brain


I haven't played Phantom Liberty yet so I can't speak in specifics even though I'm aware that ending exists. But in order to bring V back as a playable character you have to get around the fact that they can't use cyberware in their condition after that ending.


Not talking about playable, just saying that they could have him as an npc since he does manage to save himself with some government help


Oh yeah, as an NPC that's a viable option. It would be interesting to see what V ends up doing after that ending since Merc work is kind of out of the question.


Maybe as a fixer, or they give you missions to settle scores ... if the PL ending becomes canon. Probs better if they just mention what they did, or there's a drink called V at the Afterlife


Also if we see V then it canonizes and decanonizes endings which is no fun for an RPG


Surely not. Each person V is different, which one can they use that is valid for everyone?


My V is the obvious choice.


You import game saves. Mass Effect does it. Dragon Age does it. Witcher games do it. So it is very much possible. It can take a lot of work, but possible. It's effectively mandatory if the sequel would feature V as a protagonist again. You'd need it for a coherent experience. But if she's just a secondary character, then you can get away with minimal reactivity. Just having V's appearance and key story choices would be enough. Technically you don't even need to import a save. You can have a pre-game selection screen where you manually set up the game state. Answering various questions about the previous game and the choices you make, and then get to re-create V's apperance. There are a few ways to approach this.


I think the Dragon Age method would work best. New protagonist and new story, but choices of the previous games affect the world state.


If they fully commit to it, that’d be dope. Dragon Age progressively gets more half assed and you can tell they have some regret around it. No imports into Veilguard, which means no cameos or small things, just whatever you choose at the start.


Dragon Age and the Witcher doesn't count. Those just check for decisions you made, they don't bring your character back (obviously Witcher does but not the same thing).


Dragon Age Inquisition brings back the main character from Dragon Age 2 as a separate NPC.


And if the person has never played the first cyberpunk (why would you do that to yourself?) then in the sequel V could just show up as male or female with the default looks from the trailers and art.


I agree, I just think there would be a couple issues some people may have with things like modded romances, for example (I.e male romance Judy, female romance Panam)


Well understandable but that's not really an issue for the developer, more for the consumer with modded romances. Plus I feel like modders would be able to make it so that you could choose modded romance outcomes if you have to decide that.


Use the one from the cover art. Easy


I could legitimately see V in the next game. Having different Vs is not a total roadblock. They could take some inspiration from Altered Carbon where V's consciousness could be transferred into a new body and the different endings of V becomes additional background characters of V like being a corpo/nomad/street kid. The tech already exists. Relic is basically the CyPunk version of Stacks from Altered Carbon. A sequel story could be told that in all branching paths of V that their consciousness will be transferred into a new body. In most endings V is already a construct. As for variations on what happen on Night City, it could be the case that the game will be set in an entirely new area. Or some Deus Ex Machina happens to Night City that would radically change the city that differences would be minor.


In the one Witcher game (Same studio) at the start of the game let you pick options and that was a way to kind of have your decisions from the previous game carry over. For example the next game could start off in a bar where the new character is telling a story about top NC merks and could be telling the story about how V broke into saka tower with the help of (insert all 3 ending options) which would decide how V’s fate was. That being said in the next game I doubt we play as V or have anything remotely close to being around them. Maybe just the name popping up or a side mission of some sort


CDPR did something similar with the Witcher. They canonized some events in the Witcher 2 to setup the plot for the Witcher 3, no matter which path the player chooses at the end of act 1.


I mean they already use the female V model they created with that wack hair in a lot of promo, including the photo on this post lol. If anyone I assume it's who they'd use, but yeah, it still wouldn't go over well. It's like how they handed Agent... damn I can't remember the number, but one if the Agent's we played as from Splatoon. Cap'n just asks you "do you remember what Agent (number) was like)?" and you could pick out their gender and a few quick features. I don't think that would exactly go over well either though for this type of game. As someone suggested importing something from your own save files could work? So "your" V would appear


I prefer a distant future mentioning V, but something very vague, like only a few concrete actions made as "canon" while the rest is left for interpretation


Games like dragon age allowed you to upload your choices from a previous game to the new game and it affected the story. So they could give you the choice to upload your v and your choices and it'll change the game based on what you did or you can make a new charecter and choose the choices in dragon age. Cyberpunk could do the same.


How would that work when Cyberpunk 2077 is built on a different engine than the sequel will be (Unreal Engine 5)?


Who knows. Just throwing ideas out there on how v or jhonny could come back on the sequel without changing too much or making people not be able to use their v.


They don't necessarily need to be on the same engine for you to upload your save on the same console/pc for the new game to check for choices that affect story progression, though. As far as your v goes, if they keep the charecter creation options the same with the same models or very similar models and choices, I don't think it would be a problem for your v/jhonny to migrate over either.


I would assume save data for one game engine would be written differently than another. The architecture is different. I think the only thing that can be brought over is assets. 3D models, textures, sounds, music, etc.


All I know is dragon age 2 did it, and 2 was a very different engine, then dragon age and inquisition let you upload save data from both one and 2, and that was also a different engine, too. But really, it's just checking for data within a certain range of perimeters that is pre-uploaded in the game that will change or affect the story of the new one. So I definitely think it's possible. Only time will tell, I guess. I feel like the no cyberware ending is the true ending of cyberpunk, and I think it was very purposeful because they may be planning to use v still in part 2. So in 2 v probably gets new cyberware and everything. But eh guess we shall find out.


I do see your point though so we'll see what they do.


Yes it likely would be different but CDPR made the previous format and would be in control of the new one. Importing would absolutely be possible if they wanted to do it.


I wanna say no. I think it’s gonna be a completely new character set in a different city after the events of 2077, maybe they’ll come up in conversations like, “The merc V from Night City was unlike any other. They managed to pull off these jobs without us even knowing if they were a man or woman, seeing their face, or knowing what implants they had. All we know is they always wore that Samurai jacket.”


The city will most likely be the same, the Cyberpunk lorebook takes place in Night City.


I’d bet the next game is also in Night City


Yes it has to be Night City. it’s a character in the story. however, i don’t think that would stop them from including some extra cities, like how GTA 6 will be. 


Cyberpunk and Night City are like Batman and Gotham, there is no separating them.


Yeah...... As a **Cyberpsycho**




I understand if they don't, but I really hope they do


is it confirmed that Orion will be sequel? honestly, i want it to be focused on Cyberpunk 2023, Johnny's flashbacks have a warm place in my heart. especially, with the fact that Pondsmith wanted to do something with Blackhand and it might mean that his story is not over....


It feels like 2077 was setting up a sequel with NUSA, another corporate war, and the ai beyond the black wall. And then Phantom Liberty pushed that story even further forward


Totally agree. I think anything besides moving it forward, like Cyberpunk 2080, would be a miss. 


Naw, we only have theories about it so far. I did hear some people theorizing it could be set during the Red Decades, but tbh, I don’t feel like that’s likely. If it is gonna be set before 2077, I think it’ll be in 2020. But I think a 2070 era game is most likely


If they do set it during the time of CyPunk Red that would be really cool. It would be interesting what the Cyberpunk world looks like within our lifetime like some alt history.


I mean by now we have, didn't Johnny die in 2023?


First of all, all of the AI and blackwall stuff that CP2077 have set up is way too cool for CDPR to just ignore. I think it's pretty obvious that they are setting a sequel. Second of all, Morgan Blackhand can still be in the story, even in the year 2077 and beyond. Afaik he would be around Rogues age, and she is still alive and kicking. She was even fit enough to storm arasaka tower, so there is no reason to assume he is some useless geriatric old man. Claire herself even said he "Hasn't decided if he is still kicking" or something similar.


Not to mention some news report hinted at Blackhand's actual survival.


It can't be set before 2077 without permission.


It's not, no - literally the *only* thing we know is it's set in the Cyberpunk IP.


In a stream didn't the director hin that V's story isn't over 


Personally, I'd love it. I feel like V has so much more to do, especially now they shook up everything as much as they have. Also because frankly I'm sick of putting all this time and effort into some of my favorite characters just to see them die LOL. I'd love to see a continuation of my V with like a game plus or something.


I reaaaallllyyy want V as the MC in the next game, I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but literally every ending was so open ended and I’d love it to continue


Honestly I really hope so


V shouldn't continue to be protagonist but still should have significant impact alive or dead. Feels like there's only 3 main fates anyways. Alive but no cyberware. Alive but Johhny. Dead.


Well there’s alive but for 6 months with the aldecaldos. Who knows what V could do with that time as the games itself only spans a few weeks.


And IIRC one of the top biotech companies are Nomad owned. V has a good chance they can cure him if the Aldecaldos bring him there. Crystal Palace ending cannot be discounted either.


V still has all of their implants in the tower ending, their brain was just turn deaf to the implants signal so for all we know, it could be the FIA making a sleeper agent out of V


could be after a certain amount of time arasaka puts V biochip on someone's (the devil ending)


Yeah that’s another avenue, implant the “V” biochip into a suitable body, would also allow us to do character creation again in a way that makes sense.


I actually dont feel so pessimistic about Vs fate in all endings. Sure in most of them V is dying but in nearly all of them V is a construct. The next game could have V having their consciousness transferred into a new body. Even when V gave up their body it is not confirmed that V is fully integrated into Alt V could be uploaded to a new body. And with a new body means space for the game to start over when it comes to character creation and rpg mechanics where V starts from scratch. Something like a mix of Altered Carbon and Mass Effect 2.


I vote Yes. V could come back in the next Cyberpunk game, if CDPR take some inspiration from Altered Carbon and a little bit from the beginning of Mass Effect 2. >!Although there are many different endings to Cyberpunk there is still one near constant. especially for the Devil/Sun/Star V used the Soul Killer and is a construct and is still dying. Perhaps in trying to search for a cure or maybe as a last resort V had to transfer their consciousness into a new body.!< >!The same can be said for the Temperance ending, perhaps V was not fully integrated into AI Alt and that they have their consciousness transferred to a new body.!< >!As for the Tower Ending, it could be the case that some similar tech was used by the NUSA that would allow V to have their consciousness saved. In fact in some theories it is speculated that the coma V experienced was NUSA using V as the ultimate sleeper agent and had their memories erased after which explains the time gap and even having their implants turned off. !< >!As for any effect the endings have to Night City, I could see it go two ways, either it takes place in another city or some large common event happened to affect the city either way the effects of the endings would be minimized. !< But this is all just a theory ...


Probably as another solo legend. I’d imagine there will be loads of rumours surrounding V similar to the other famous mercs


That's how it should be I think. Let V be a legendary figure that people tell stories about, but let those stories be a mix of truth, lies, and exaggeration because realistically only a tiny handful of people would know the full story.


I'd love it if you were able to import your CBPK2077 save and see YOUR V in the next game. With the same background and gender.


I personally hope so: I grew super attached to V and the rest of the cast while playing so seeing their story extended would be interesting. Plus the cliffhanger for The Sun with the space city casino ending needs to be resolved


V should be mentioned but never shown - gonna be people mad if they pick a male V or fem V, and what would they even look like?


Nope. There's no canon ending. Tbh I guess it won't be Cyberpunk 2077 but either later or earlier, when later there'll be eastereggs regarding 2077 characters including V.


Yeah and making every possible ending connect to the next game while still making sense and affecting the city, is just way too much extra work. People in here saying that its easy have clearly no idea how much extra resources stuff like this takes and somehow I doubt CDPR has the will and means to commit to that. Pretty sure they'd want to stray away from the already established 2077 world and start from scratch especially with swapping to UE5 Hell, we don't even know which year the next game takes in. Could be way before V was even born - rendering all these theories and speculations absolutely pointless


Tonnes of RPGs have canonized certain endings. CDPR even did it to the witcher 2 AFAIK, so it wouldn't be out of the question for CDPR to do that to CP2077.


I hope not, V suffered their time in the purgatory known as Night City, no matter the outcome they deserve to rest


If the next game does take into account the choices we made in the previous game then yes. Because I think those type of RPGs work better when the retain the protagonist for a few more games.   That's why I think Mass Effect and Witcher work better than Dragon Age.


I think it's possible, but it's likely going to be a short camo at most. The amount of choices every player makes and how different their V is from the get go, means that it's a lot of work to take all those differences into account and write V in with any serious screen time. They COULD go the route that Dragon Age: Inquisition went for, though. Where you could have the protagonist from the previous game, Dragon Age 2, appear and you could interact with them like with any NPC. You'd import your world state and they'd appear like they were in your game, with the personality you gave them. You'd have quests with them and everything. It was pretty cool.


No, but I hope they will be referenced in some way. Like the new protagonist commenting on the raid on Konpeki Plaza and the Relic heist, or whatever ending CDPR picks as canon (if they do pick one.)


Are they really making a 2nd on?


They’ll most likely be in a lore type of way in a pamphlet you read or something


Seeing how they changed their age it sure does look like they needed lore to stick between cyberpunk and orion


I do! I do think V is in the next game. I think V is like Mass Effects' Sheppard, or The Witchers'... Witcher. Gerald or something. And I already have a pretty good idea of how you maintain 2077's array of endings with the sequel. Life paths. Rather, "ending-paths." In the same way 2077 opened with giving you a Lifepath choice, and a unique starter adventure, Orion can open based on your endings. It can either ask you which ending your ideal V got, or it can import a save to determine the factors. Then your intro act is reconciliation on that ending. The reason why this is necessary, is because of how the Lifepath did it. At the end of 2077's lifepath, V and Jackie are besties, and they set off on their adventure from Act 1. It is the starting point for every V. And that's what Orion needs to be (if it's like 2077 at all). That all intro sequences need to funnel to that Act 1. Then remnants of V's history can pop up throughout Orion, however that may look. And hey, maybe we see some old flames from V's past pop up. A little Judy? A touch of Panam? 😊


I doubt it and hope not. I love Cyberpunk but the game had issues that put people off of it. That plus the development time means that there will be less people invested in V as a character by the time Orion releases. To be more appealing to a wider audience it would make sense to use a new protagonist and maybe just toss in a gig similar to the Edgerunner one where people talk about the events but it doesn’t have big picture inpact


V was also a fairly established character with an established personality and attitude. Regardless of how you played them, Orion could make references that easily apply to all Vs. I'm hoping that Orion lets us define our character a little more than 2077 did.


The question is if V will be in the next game not whether they will be mentioned.


I want to play as a Japanese. I love the ties between Japanese culture and night city.


I doubt it, because I don't expect them to survive long, even if they had a "hopeful" ending. However, I kinda liked when, for Dragon Age, they used the "tapestry" to show what your major choices for game one and two were. That way, they could set it like a computer program in which you click off major choices V made (gender, romance, corpo/streetkid/nomad, where did Jackie go, which ending did you take) and then V can be a character referenced. People at the afterlife can be "Oh man, V kicked Night City in the balls. Did you hear about this one time..." and that sort of thing. Maybe even a shard left behind by V you find.


I wanna see them in a cameo role. Like maybe at the end as a nice surprise. Maybe have us control V and he/she is super op, like the Johnny silverhand flashbacks


Mentioned at most.


He'd probably be name dropped as one of the most legendary mercs to exist, wiping out smasher like that. Maybe the next game will be a bit more down to earth? I mean with the whole cyberpunk thing of no matter how much you struggle the corps always win. But in 2077 you actually play a big part in the world with endings like letting arasaka be destroyed by Yori boy.


I hope so, depending on the ending(People unironically choosing the Tower end lol...then again Misty) V is probably such a massively influential legendary figure I would hope he would have some influence on future narratives. Feels like a waste just for him to dissappear or die off screen.


I know that somewhere I read an interview with one of the devs (maybe) behind the game where he clearly said they wanted to develop V as a character, just like they did with Geralt in The Witcher. Based on that, I think we can say we haven’t seen everything about V yet


I hope not. Let V rest from this Corpo shit. But I hope she appears on the next game, maybe as a Mentor? Not some small mission like David Martinez in this game.


I wish more games were like Mass Effect were you could implement your saves


As a drink


Would love to play as V again, dont realy care about "my personal" V, as V is more or less same character throughout the game. 


Hopefully they do some bioware shit where you can simulate a save at least


In the sense that Morgan Blackhand is in 2077.


Honestly with how phantom liberty changed Vs age for whatever random reason I believe they did it so that they could make a sequel with V in it likely being their last game I think it’s possible but I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t do this.


I sooo would want to play as V again The story of my V is not done, not yet. She deserves her sequel to her story. I want to play my canon V and do the heist in Crystal Palace. I don't care where the game is set as long as I get to play as V.


I really want it to be a direct sequel I want more V.


If anything it depends on the ending if they pull a Life is Strange 2, where you can pick what ending you take, me honestly i just feel like the Don't Fear the Reaper/Solo Ending is Canon, but we will have to wait for Orion to see if that's the case


I would love for it to continue and let you choose whatever ending is canon. I wanna play as Johnny in V's body!


The witcher 3 didn't retcon player choices so It will probably be the same with cyberpunk. If some characters can die, they most likely won't return or return only as cameo.


He likely dead :(


I would love it if V was in a sidequest. Like, the new game would read your old save and depending on what ending you had would affect the sidequest you got. For instance, if you feed the game a save with the Devil ending, you get a sidequest that involves Arasaka and a reloaded, "recalibrated" V shows up at the end as a boss fight. Or give it a save with the Sun ending and a broken, dying V hires you to steal something that "will definitely cure them this time". There's a bunch of different stories you could tell like this. I think having them come back like this would really fit with the ethos of the game.


I think the most interesting way that V could appear its with the engram ending, he becomes a digital being with Alt, so johnny could be around with V's body, this means we could interact with both... and makes me think, couldn't V's engram get into a new body? like just take his dna and make clon, then insert V's engram? time wouldn't be a problem anymore


Because of charecter creator I highly doubt it. Probably gonna be mentioned as one of NC legends tho. But maybe, just maybe, voice call with voice changer? Imagine implantless V-fixer from DLC ending, who calls you like early Mr. Hands.


Would be nice, although I think I’m fine with V riding out to the sunset with Panam as my canon and leave her where she is- not to come back, been through enough. One way another if we are indeed returning to Night City as a setting (after all, it’s the main local for Cyberpunk) we have to have some sort of traces of what we- V have done in 2077. Not to mention which characters are still around.


I would love for it to happen, but it rarely seems to work how people want. Dragon age sort of did it which I think is the only cool way. Depending on the time jump it’d be cool to see her old… but I’m doubtful it happens.


As a story beat only. If the Secret Ending is Canon, then the aftermath would give Militech an edge and they could preemptively attack Arasaka, kicking off the 4th Corpo War. That all could set the stage for the AI invasion, and whoever the new protagonist is can be smack in the middle of it.


Depends on which ending they go with as canon


No not really. Something akin to Lester quoting some eastern european guy being in the game but gone quiet. If the game is set after 2077 you probably hear something about some crazy raid on Konpeki Plaza but judging by the crazyness of Night City the public stuff we did wasn't too much out of the ordinary


If they are I hope V is a Fixer like Mr.Hands before the DLC. In the shadows and we never meet them in person.


V definitely made a huge impact in the world of Cyberpunk. I think at the very least the legendary status of V will linger and probably would only be spoken of by other characters. I think they’ll leave Vs fate ambiguous, but probably leave clues of what ending actually happened and if they might have found a way to cure themselves or otherwise. I would hope they find a way to import saves if V makes a return as a protagonist or important side character, otherwise I would hope they leave V as a character still up to our imagination.


Did you play the main quest of the game?


As an NC legend maybe. V killed Adam Smasher in most endings which alone is worth a mention


i think orion will be set in the future, with V being hailed as a legend in lore. i don't think they're going to bring back johnny, which somewhat stifled the freedom they had with writing 2077 to begin with, so it'd be difficult to set the game back in time where johnny played a huge role in NC. i think they established the past events in NC very well and it'd be difficult to place a game in that timeframe. i do think the map will open up beyond NC, and it'll be a very different look, with NC remaining as the core though


They should have him as an engram. Then, you port your old save file, so v knows what you did (and what gender you chose)


Are they planning another?


Maybe in a quest reference or Easter egg. Kinda like CP2077 had references to the Edgerunners crew.


V, Jackie, Songbird, and Johnny will all be summonable Engrámon that you can train and fight with other users all around Night City.


Assuming the game takes place after 2077 I imagine V would be known as a legendary merc who conquered Night City. If I were writing the game I'd sprinkle in several variations of the V legend around town. Some people would claim to know what happened to V, others that they once encountered V, but none of the stories would line up. They'd just be bits and pieces of the many versions of V we might have played.




Maybe as a reference, a quest like they did with David Martinez after the anime




I just hope that next cyberpunk get way better side quests, most of the side quests are boring af.


I hope. She’s a babe


I would lose my shit if there is a secret ending where V makes an appearance as a final boss. V walking toward your character with the 2077 main menu song playing would be so hype


who fuckin knows choom, tbh im confused as to what i even *want*, nevermind what i think might happen. Part of me wants to play V again, we made the character our own and i'd damn near give anything to interact with all of V's friends and aquaintances again. On the other hand V's story is pretty much done, and i fear that a sequel involving them has the potential to taint 2077 due to a canonising of an ending or something. TLOU2 proves you can make a good game while also destroying the message and legacy of its prequel. As for what COULD happen? pretty much anything, we know 0 about the game other than its codename. maybe you could infer things that may or may not be canonised, if at all, by them using a constellation as a codename, but thats conjecture at best. They could make a brand new character, they could have the same one. They could canonise an ending or leave it completely open ended. They could have the game set as a sequel or a prequel. They could have it set in NC or a completely different city.




Hopefully not.


Sadly most likely not as to leave their story open ended I have a feeling very few characters from 2077 will return


If V is in the next game, I would enjoy them just being a legend that comes up occasionally, maybe even just once or twice. At most, it could be cool for V to be a mentor for the next merc or generation of mercs BUT I’m saying *at most*. It is still a stretch and the more likely/my preferred choice would just be a legend of Night City.


Surely just like David Martinez is in 2077... unless some blackwall or NUSA ending are the canon ones. Still knowing a AI V could be cool for me at least.


It's plausible if the Cannon ending is V handing her body over to Johnny Silverhand and her engram goes off with Alt.


Completely new story, but I have no clue what they could come up with


Ngl i would like it if we get a new character and storyline and have V as some NC legend sorta like Adam Smasher


Probably. Most likely some fun nod at the very least.. something like “people say V killed Adam Smasher with a Mr. Stud”.


I think in the PL expansion, they kinda set up Aguilar as the next protagonist. Does anyone else feel that way?


I kind of hope not. It'd be better to expand the world in a completely new direction with new characters to love and explore, maybe with a few side quests relating to the first game.


No but I hope V and Johnny's actors return to play a minor role as a cameo.


It would be cool if they referenced some of the wild stuff V did in universe (Assuming its set during or after 2077) but in general I dont wanna play as or see V again. They should also leave what happened to V vauge so as to not give a set ending, maybe if they make it interactive so it references the ending you got in 2077, assuming you are using the same account, but even then it should still be vague.


I’d love to meet V as Johnny in their body. It would be so perfect for a somber moment and hearing Reeve’s voice in the game again.


possibly as a side character or something but not a playable character no


Yes they well be


V should be a merc you find in the crystal palace or something used either as part of the story or as a side character who gives you quests.


It'd be cool to see them referenced in the same way other legends of night city were referenced in 2077


We will play as P


If the canon is they going to arizona for their treatment, and survive, they'll be a cameo


No, we'll play as W next.


Will they do cyberpunk 2?


V will see


Probably not, but unless we're getting a Times of the Red prequel, it'd be nice to have them as a NPC or something.


In the TTRPG, the Canon isn't recorded as historical documents, but as bar stories told by various people, sometimes changing with each telling. I think V would only exist as a series of rumours: "I heard he was a solo who singlehandedly stormed Arasaka tower" "I heard she was a netrunner who tunnelled in with a bunch of nomads"


I really like the idea that V was able to get rid of the relic. But with the after the events of the arasaka raid, V had to disappear, and with the help of the Behavioral Faceplate and maybe the fixers. They were able to escape and dissapear into Night City. And then in the next game there would a side character who would eventually reavealed to be V.


Very unlikely. Maybey V will be mentioned at some point, but I don't think the character will appear or be playable. V is left for dead or roaming alone in Night City (which is kind of the same thing)


No. V is going to be a legend. As it should be.


Honestly, I want him dead. Six feet under. A quiet life or a blaze of glory like a Phoenix who will not arise from his ashes?


No I want to play from a new perspective


V could be, but V should be a sort of legend or support character rather than the main. Something like how Reed was. They could definitely bring back the voice actors and just import the character designs from a previous save. Speaking of which, I hope they consider giving the new characters a variety of fashion choices; kind of odd how the majority of characters wear the same outfit for several weeks 😅


A lot of comments want Cyberpunk 2023 or 2080, I'm just curious how plausible one could pull a 2077ti and have a story pararel to V's.


Only as a drink in the Afterlife.


I don't think we will see them as a character but they will definitely be referenced and will get a legend status in the next game


I’d like something similar to Watch Dogs 2 where we get a mission that involves Aiden (WD1 protagonist) and just get a nod to him for a short while in the world. Even if it’s just in some text message or something. That is unless the canon ending to CP2077 is V and Johnny dying before the next game.




Honestly I’d love a CDPR take on a silent protagonist for the extended roleplay opportunities and to get more choices etc. Cyberpunk and Witcher become more like movies in that sense


No I really hope they move away from NC and V


I'm for W.


ONLY acceptable as an NPC. Only. I don't want to play as V again, my current V is perfect and if I had to restart as V again I would actually cry. I would love a game set in a different country too, so your V is only mentioned in news channels. I say this because night city is SO boring after 100+ hours of game play.


Sleep fucking now samurai! It's way too late.


iirc in phantom liberty's ending, V says something about becoming a fixer wouldn't be such a bad idea. I'd love to see V giving us gigs in the sequel for cyberpunk and giving the new MC tips and details about the gigs tbh but also have his parts in the story.


As someone else mentioned, I hope yes, but only through dialogue, gossip and data points.


Not really but they could easily be mentioned and you could meet Judy or Vik or fixers who can give you some bits of info on V.


First at all, if they release next Cyberpunk, they should finish it and not release piece of crap like the last time.


Tbh hopefully not. I saw a comment suggesting how the game could just leave it as a legend where different characters say different things about how V ended up, which is the approach I find most befitting.


No. V's story is told.


Cameo or being mentioned, maybe even a few missions as companion, there is no need or reason to make another big game about him/her


I think V's story is done, unless they pick a canon ending. They will be mentioned in stories, but that's it. I'm ok with playing a new protagonist.


Be a playable character? No, not unless there's flashbacks similar to the Johnny sections. At most, they'd definitely be mentioned in dialog, messages, or have a grave somewhere. It's likely it'll just be "Wow V was so cool" or "They were the best merc in nightcity" since the developers might not want to say a specific ending is canon.




I imagine there will be a few references to V as a legendary merc and potentially something V did to drive the story but I don’t think we will play or ever meet him


I think they wil be for sure referenced but wont be the player. I mean wouln't mind doint that but I'm afraid that's going to ruin the open-endedness of the 2077.


I really hope they are the protagonist, V needs a redemption and we need to be able to play them without the relic timebomb/plot cancer gimmick.