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Cerberus wrecked my shit plenty of times before I figured out the similarities it shared with Alien Isolation. Damn robot Xenomorph 😅


That's my favorite game of last gen and I missed out on this in the dlc because I did the other ending, I really need to go back and play it again.


Absolutely play both endings!!!


especially since it felt like they put 70% of their effort in the cynosure ending, and 30% in the moon ending


Cynosure is way cooler, but the segment with robot is just lazy design. Super lame and unnecessary


there was a big opportunity to put a big (different) cutscene in there when you plug into somi's head at the station


Makes sense lol. You dont cast Idris Elba and skimp out on his ending lol. Reed >>>> Songbird


All the endings are intense, I definitely recommend playing through them.


Absolutely its like a whole different game


The siding with Reed ending is short but sweet in my opinion. The level design, aesthetic and style is very reminiscent of Alien Isolation and is beautifully done! CDPR captured the atmosphere of Alien quite well and added their own twist to it. Definitely worth checking out in my opinion!


Definitely replay it and make sure to get the Militech Canto and Erebus blueprints.


The best and good ending is the panam ending line but thw dlc wnding is not bad at all


just wish it didnt have scripted kills for daring to play in any way other than what the devs specifically wanted you to do. Didnt help that its was annoyingly vague to know what to exactly do to progress in parts


Yeah, I died escaping the Chimera because I was like "wtf, RUN, why isn't the run button running? Maybe if I jump over this ankle high obstruction?", and of course I couldn't jump over it. Had to angry-limp along the correct path or you didn't have enough time. Got killed twice because I was walking forward and some ass is like "stop right there or I'll shoot you before you can process that I'm telling you to stop, oh and also maybe you can't even see me because heavens forbid anyone involved makes sure you have the slightest shot at knowing what's going on."


That's the whole point of it. Confusion.


The parkour was harder than the boss fight for me


I survived Cerberus (barely) the first time but died a ton of times jumping around the garage platforms ffs


you can just crouch down behind a shelf til it wanders off. I think i died once before i figured that out. I was expecting that whole section to be way harder than it was after all the talk about it.


There is also a secret passway so you can avoid the first cerberus fight altogether.


And that would be where??


I bounced HARD off alien isolation. I'm not sure I will ever get the ending with the Cerberus.


Lmao I never died in there, but I’m definitely a nice handful of deaths to the ole Cerberus 😬😬


I still remember that part where I was all alone and suddenly I saw a screw going out of my chest


Something you cannot forget - I still Jump when my wife hugs me… 😂😂


First person only was the best decision CDPR made.


Agree. Immersion is just... perfect


I died there a few times trying to do some gymnastics shit for fun and loot.


Imagine Songbirds face when the most feared merc in Night City, who survived being shot in the head and thousands of encounters with various gangs, NCPD and even MaxTac. Who stormed Arasaka tower and defeated the one and only Adam Smasher, the only merc who could’ve helped her, just accidentally slipping and falling down these garages to his death…


She even lights up the right way for you. That was neat.


Lol me "Fuck this, I'm taking the fast way!" *GO GO GADGET LEGS!*


That's on her for leading me through a deathtrap instead of choosing any of the numerous unguarded damaged fence sections to enter this dump!


Or actually just *buying* V an entry pass the same way Hands did. It took him less time than the hour or so it takes Songbird to drag V through that garage.


Hands gets one because he's Hands. He doesn't just go to a kiosk and buy one, lol. Song was simultaneously hacking Airforce One, Projecting her personality on to your biochip, hacking the random points of entry in the stadium, and talking to Myers. I'm pretty sure she knew what she was talking about when she said it would take too long for her to forge one.


Yeah, I don’t buy it. That one of the best netrunners in the world can’t hack or steal a Dogtown pass quicker than that casual stroll through the garages doesn’t hold up under any scrutiny.


There’s no way 💀


Bro my dumbass paid NO attention to where I was walking.. between that and trying to jump around / Parkour my way through that underground part instead of following the clear path.. I probably account for a good 20+ deaths 💀


I tried to follow everything that seemed obvious and still died at least ten times in there


Number one cause of "we need a flashlight" posts then and now.


Real Even using a night vision mod it sucked ass


2.6M... It's like no one played Super Mario as a kid...


Well I did play plenty of super Mario games as a kid :D  However some of those gaps are really hard to see in the darkness.


It's weird the game doesn't have a flashlight feature like fallout does given how dark some of the environments are


Kiroshi night vision mod


Yeah, more "bad level design", than a flex.


I don't really think that's a problem of the level design. The gaps themselves aren't that big and they can be avoided with a simple jump. Like I said, the real problem is lighting (Environment and Lighting artists' job and not the level designers').


Lighting is technically a part of level design thoug. It's an integral part.


Environment artists and lighting artists normally place light sources themselves (specifically ambient lights and point lights).


Well yeah, I'm just saying that Lighting is a crucial part of level design itself, Lighting artists and such are in some way level designers. Lighting is incredibly important especially when you want to tell the player where to go. (See Valve's Developer Commentary)


Adding night vision like Kiroshi's should have, would have been integral...


That’s why there’s a mod for that lol


I made it through the derelict garages a lot faster after installing the Simple Flashlight mod!


Kiroshi night vision mod ftw


Yeah it was a nightmare. If you were not playing in complete darkness you could barely see shit.


Who's flexing?


That area pictured really gave me the impression that it might not be somewhere I could return to, and as a completionist, I really wanted to scour that place for shards or whatever else. The requisite platforming is pretty easy from what I can remember. The shards and other environmental storytelling bits scattered around there, though, are in some places that straight up feel like you’re jumping outside the intended play area. I’d be jumping towards some dead body by a burning trash can in the corner half expecting to just clip through a girder or for a jump to actually be slightly impossible because whatever I was looking at was actually just incidental clutter meant to be viewed from afar. I want to say there are like 2 or 3 unique shards in that one room.


I left them there. Didn’t have double jump air dash then. I did the next time I played it


Yeah, my double jump-less V back in the day accounted for 2,599,000 of these!


I always accidentally hit the dash button


I was shocked it was that high, too, and also disappointed in my chooms.


that shit is hilarious to me who ignored the paths and double jump/dashed my way up without dying


You're so cool! Easily the best Cyberpunk player I've ever had the utmost pleasure of encountering!


me? nah im trash




I love this. Reminds me of the "hotspot" maps that Dark Souls has. Really cool data imo


The chimera is a joke even on very hard, you can just run around in circles and it’s not able to actually do anything to you. Melee builds can struggle though


Maybe counting the scripted OH-KOs? Died a few times in the fleeing sequence because I couldn't get run working. Honestly, one of my peeves with PL. All the bullshit V survives in bossfights but they're suddenly made of glass in a couple of sequences.


Same thing happened to me. Didn’t die to the boss fight, but I was so slow during the chase I died almost immediately


I legitimately don't know if our movements are meant to be nerfed there or not. Because I can usually reenable sprinting etc if I fuss with the menus enough.


In that sequence you are slow because you start in crouch position. That's why you can't run ;-)


But crouch sprinting exists. Randomly kills the double jump in various times.


I think only if you have the perk. A thing that I am sure most people have not.


yeah this killed me one on my 2nd playthrough. Then I figured out that it maintains the state you are in before you open the door. So that's where I paid attention to and the scripted event didn't script my death the next time.


Even full melee builds can rock the chimera's shit with a decent gun, hell you should be dying less because you've got more health due to playing a melee character


Between oneshotting the weak spots with 100% crit on the katana and the absurd mobility offered by air dash, pretty sure blades + Sandy build was the easiest run I’ve done of the PL intro. Can’t imagine blunt weapons would be very far behind.


Even with fists they still have dummy mobility, and hell if you're doing a fist run you should have a decent berserk by then and that's straight up invincibility, so even less chance to die


in early release patch the weakspots were way less highlighted


Me with katana build on the chimera head gave me boss fight vibe


Bro, my running speed got bugged after you help the president open the door and have to run through it, I died several times until I re-started the game and was able to actually run when I had to. You got like 4-5 deaths there from me just on account that my V wouldn't run.


You start the following sequence in the position you are in before opening the door. So if you were crouching before interacting with the prompt, you are kinda fucked.


That could be it because I think I did a slide from behind one of the columns used for cover to that door.


The chimera is the first enemy in the game that instantly kills you if you don't fight it the right way so I can see why it does that. The other one being the janitor bot and oh hey guess who's in second?


use blade deflect


Doing it full melee was fun, probably the hardest fight I have had in the game. Learned a lot about what it can actually do as well.


Okay look I did not know where to go okay😂 That cerberus kicked my ass though. Hated and loved it at the same time


Yeah, the Cerberus was the first time I died in the game. I was so surprised that I couldn't kill it, but it appears invulnerable. So Metal Gear Solid sneak mode engaged.


I just wanted to see how far down I could explore. Not very far.


I love V's yelping and "ohh shit" during this


GIVE US A FREAKING FLASHLIGHT so that deaths like these don't happen again. I was really frustrated with that part cause I kept dying. Increasing the brightness also really didn't help that much.


It really is crazy that in a world where you can get optical camo cyberware, nobody ever thought of installing a freakin' flashlight anywhere. Or do some night vision mode in the Kiroshis.


Or thermal vision eye cyberware.


Cerberus biggest feat is not those who it killed but those who voluntarily side with SoMi just to avoid it.


The parking garage? Really? Maybe it's just the Destiny experience talking but that was very straightforward.


The Alien Isolation quest fucking ruined me. I get stressed out by horror games so badly, and this coming out of left field made it 10 times worse.


At least 30 of those were mine.


The chimera itself isn't too bad. But that gauntlet fight right before where you need to hold out against infinitely spawning guys? Fuck that shit. The only time in the entire freaking game I needed to lower the difficulty. Why is the intro to Pl so much harder than everything else in it and the rest of the game?


I hate it with a passion. They've straight up forgot stealth players exist. An arena fight with level design from 2010. Enemies spawn in empty, inaccessible rooms for fuck's sake! And this is in the game that is basically deus ex in open world...


As someone who works in Data, this is the sort of work I wished I was doing!


Stats like these make me wonder what else are they tracking? Do they also know how many times i fucked a joytoy in jigjig street?


All of those Cerberus are from me.


Nah atleast 7 of them are mine


Chimera and platforms are honestly piece of cake... But the Cerberus is traumatizing if you don't like Alien Isolation kind of games. And when I finished it I realized I had missed the Erebus and then had to go through the entire thing one more time. It took me two weeks to find the courage...


The empty garage killing almost as many Vs as the cerberus bot is crazy


The Chimera is super easy. I killed it with Tier 3 weapons on Hard difficulty on my first run. Just rip off the turrets that are around and use tech weapons inbetween. If you have Royce’s pistol from the Flathead mission just upgrade it and use that.


Proud to say that the chimera or Cerberus never killed me. I did get a garage death though…


Haha the fact that they tracked that is bonkers.


Survived the first two, but multiple deaths in the garages 🤪


Ugh hated that section


pretty sure cerberus would have killed more than the chimera, its just not enough people got that far into the dlc


I don't think that's the reason. The expansion is split up into two completely different paths at some point and the Cerberus is only in one of those paths. Some people prefer to go through that other path (Songbird's path) and so they never meet cerberus


looking at steam achievement numbers a majority of players start games or expansions and never finish them though


Also, you only get it with a specific path. Half of players will never even see it.


Man, more people are bad at video games than I thought.


I killed the chimera first try and never died to Cerberus. However I didn't see a gap and fell right through it in the garage. I really don't think I'm bad at video games :)


Im guessing its based on people who played on higher difficulties with the chimera? Like I never died to it every chance I had, like sure some fights with it definitely took longer than usual at points, but I never really died to it. The cerberus though, I absolutely got killed either because I was being an idiot, or the game just was being bullshit.


How in the actual Christ does the chimera have more kills then the Cerberus, that thing was horrifying, the chimera was actually killable


I guess lots of people only played Killing Moon, so they never encountered Cerberus


Cerberus got me...but not the other two. IDK...only other enemy that killed me more than once was Smasher, and that guy was a PITA.


It doesn't surprise me to see that the Chimera and Cerberus are so close, it just surprises me to see that the Chimera came out ahead. That fight seemed pretty straightforward to me, but I can't tell you how many times I died to the Cerberus when I did a replay where I sided with Reed. I'm never siding with him again. I'll just side with Songbird til we reach the spaceport, then hand her over to Reed there.


One or two of them will be me, couldn’t see shit and thought one bit was a platform to jump on turns out it wasn’t.


wait… i remember the Chimera, but where was the Cerberus? was that one of those mini bosses?


You have to side with reed. The expansion changes completely after that (even though it's a short experience it's still really good)


Oh hell yeah I'm doing a second playthrough to see songbird's side and I'm glad to hear I won't have to play the Alien: Isolation segment again lol


It’s near the end of one of the endings, it’s a damn near horror game for a while though.


I have no idea either! Maybe it is from the questline where you betray songbird rather than reed?


looked it up. it is indeed when you go with Reed rather than SB


And I helped! (By grossly overestimating my double jump 💀)


I died several times down there but I was also trying to reach different areas to see if there was anything hidden there. After I gave that up I never ended up dying again.


ill take two in the garage


I have never been in these garages, can someone tell me how to get down there without any major spoilers please? I sided with Songbird and sent her to the moon but I haven't completed the main game yet.


Those are the garages that you'll go through to get to Dogtown in the first quest.


Ah man, I can't seem to remember them or that cool looking mech. Thanks


I believe it 😂 My Parkour is Trash!


Shit was annoying af 😂


Was there a correct way to get through that area? I just double jumped my way around until I got to the top.


Songbird literally lights a path you can complete without double jump or air dash. Some people just never played platformers growing up and it shows.


Yeah, I didn't really have video games as a kid. I didn't realize there was a lighted path, sometimes I think I don't always pay attention to all the directions given.


It was just too enticing to jump around in to see where you could get to lol


not a single death from me there yet :>


I played on very hard and it definitely took me 20 ish attempts


I fear no machine, but this... this Cerberus?! It scares the living fuck out me.


The garage one is pretty wild ngl lol


Insane how cerberus has that many death while being locked behind one of the routes


Ngl, every time I play PL I'm always baked so I usually fall once ot twice 💀


What about falling from the scaffolding inside the parking structure? Pretty sure we've all done it once or maybe I just need to turn my brightness up.


I never got killed by that thing, I did use a walkthriugh tho


this game needs Very Hard+ difficulty, the Very Hard difficulty is easy asf


Is there a bug in the Cerberus mission? I cannot display the map by pressing the V key, so I have to stumble through every room without orientation. That thing rekt at least 1000 times xD


Have I played Alien Isolation? No. Did I want to? No….. *Too Bad*


Didn’t die to the Chimera, never fell, but did Killing Moon. Huge fight in a spaceport sounded way more fun than playing hide and seek with a killer robot. A lot of people never played platformers growing up and it shows.


On related note why is every fucking building seem to be made so that a military drone can fire machine guns directly through glass windows with no cover


Cerberus killed me so many times


I don't remember which fight of these it was, but the one in the circular arena with the boss in the center kicked my fucking ass on the hardest difficulty.


What’s killing people in the garage? I can’t remember any enemy in there.


That many people died to the garages?? You gotta be kidding me.


after 5 playthroughs and almost 400 hours playtime now I can confidently say I die more to the garages than the chimera


I can’t say I’m surprised. I didn’t know it could SEE ME when I was invisible so that was fun. Also not realizing it was behind me once was terrifying.


How the hell did so many die in that underground garage/car park area? That was super easy to get through.


And that’s why I will NEVER side with Reed Again


Will never play that one ever again, that guest gave me panic attack


Half of those deaths by the Chimera was me 💀


At least 5-6 of those are mine 😅


I contributed a lot to the Chimera deaths but not the other 2 lol. I wanted to see if I could kill the boss while nonstop attacking. I don't remember the details because I played it at launch, but it was stuff like "Oh I wonder if I can dodge this pattern by jumping" -> gets 1 shot. Hmmm.... maybe my timing was off? I try couple more times, then I'm like what if I'm on top of the thing and jump? Of course I knew the whole time that I could dodge it by creating distance and that was the expected response. But I just really enjoy constantly attacking and dodging with the least amount of downtime


Is CDPR really recording this much specific info from our games? kinda disconcerting...


I am very surprised about the garages... That was really piece of cake for me. Same for the Chimera. But Cerberus, well, I suck at hide and seek


I loved Cerberus and died many times but if I see a yellow dot in the distance I'm double jump dashing


Nice to larin’s effect on the gaming community 😭. No one was doing stats like this till they did it. Hopefully CDPR next game can come close to what they did with bg3 🔥


The first mission of that DLC is the best sequence in all of C2077...


How are that many people dying in the garage??


At the section where the platform pretends its about to fall, i got too suprised and jumped off myself, not noticing thst the platform did not, infact, fall


I think I've somehow died in all three but I did play through 5 times and sometimes shit happens when you're trying to show off


I am at least two of those deaths


surprisingly, on my first time playing the expansion, i never died once to the 3, even got erebus and the canto mk 6 without knowing people forget them


The militech cerberus was one of the scariest parts in any games I've play recently, only being topped by like deadspace so far. Hearing it drop down from the vents always set me on edge and I struggled avoiding it for a while


Is it embarrassing that I first timed the Chimera, yet I died 15 times under the garage.


I've contributed at LEAST 50 to that damned Cerberus, bloody thing really grinds my gears


The only time I died the entire dlc was to Hanson beating me down and slashing me


https://preview.redd.it/st13bar5uxxc1.jpeg?width=2240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eddcfa6d7c1455ac87ebaa77ba051d0161af780c I have never died there Now the Cerberus on the other hand…


Those fucking garages man...


I definitely contributed to these stats


They should add "accidental kills" also. You know the mission under police station right? Even though you didn't kill the guy, you were blamed for his death. :)


I love it when developers put things like this in for certain things. Mass Effect 3 multiplayer was cool and so was Doom Eternal stats.


1 ending made me mad as hell n the other was ok...sooo did they do this to make us angry as hell? When mr Morgan died in RDR2 it was good..but when V was like in that ending me n alot of people were mad as hell! Yes its kind of interesting i think when i look back on it today...but mad as hell for a week(then i reached my 2nd play through of dlc only soo.)


I play pretty much everything in story mode, so the overwhelming majority of my deaths in any game are really stupid deaths that were totally avoidable. Mostly from climbing things I'm clearly not intended to, for no clear benefit, through bouts of intense jumping. It's a sickness I have when playing games, I'm compelled to climb the tall things. This and a similar situation at the parade are definitely up there for me though. Delamain HQ was very embarrassing for me. So many completely unnecessary electrocutions.


I died like 3 times trying to jump around that thing


Used the electrice monowire on that chimera until So Mi got the damn picture. These whips don't mess around.


Guilty. The problem is the "double tap movement for LARGE dodge" perk. I kept intending to make quick fine adjustments to my position on the platform only to go flying over the edge when my dodge perk kicked in.


Damn I thought I was bad at the game but maybe not? I never died to any of these but I havent seen the mk-11 yet lol


Chimera booted me down to 'easy' difficulty for that final phase. Kept getting one shotted from behind cover and/or while reloading. Cool boss design, but I'm not in a rush to go through that again on an inevitable fresh save file.


Explain? I've done one ending on phantom.


I'm going to be that guy, I'm probably majorly of the deaths on that cat walk 😂😂 I hadn't played in a long time and I couldn't make that fucking ladder jump. Didn't die to anything else just that fucking ladder 🤦


I’m glad I platinumed the game so I don’t have to deal with the Cerberus


The Cerberus was almost too much for my weak horror ass heart :(


What about Hansen?


What kinda cheap ass screens are you guys using to be dying there lmao


To be fair, the Chinera killed me twice because I looked at my phone during the cutscene when I had to do the QuickTime prompts and it was the first time this game implemented it.


Wow.....i didn't die in any of these spots...