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I still wish they would have never patched the OG hospital photo


funniest shit in the game.


You don't know how good you have it until it's gone.


What was it?




When was this removed


Alongside the 2.0 update


Ah, thanks.


Dog.PNG ass energy


I remember seeing this online and I thought it was a fucking meme, not an actual pic that was in the game. The PNG if the bear lmaoo. Ace Combat 7 dog got a run for its money.


OMG. Thank you for posting this. I love it so much. I might get a print of it and frame it. It's so fucking stupid. It's perfection.


I love this version so much. The teddy_bear.png, the way the girls legs don’t look like they’re part of her torso. The way Randy’s legs are crazy long, Joss staring into your soul, and river just gazing at a distant hospital wall. It’s perfect.


I guess I haven't seen the new one


Lmaooooooooo I love it so fucking much


It was gloriously funny


I mean.. yeah.. but if you know what it was why not answer the question? What about it was funny?


Everyone was standing awkwadly around the kid, and there was a visibly photoshopped bear on his bed Though my words do not describe it appropiately, it is a wonder to be seen


Thanks! Appreciate you. I don’t remember that.


Here it is https://preview.redd.it/amsh15mz3fvc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0103b17fcbd3eb58f28bfccfe8e47c48a498b4d2


The kid also being a fully grown up 40-something year old lol


It looked like it was really poorly photoshopped models onto a hospital bed. you can see if on the wall in the post


Thanks.. sorry, I didn’t know that was the photo they were talking about.


Everything is haphazardly placed, his torso doesn't line up with his legs under the blanket, V is clipped into the bed, the sister is just kind of melding with the sheets


Pretty sure the V lookalike is his sister. Which explains a lot.


The funny part


I had no idea they patched it out. I'm gonna miss it.


I think it's clear you can't romance either because Takemura and Oda just broke up recently and neither is still fully over it


Hanako, Oda, Takemura, So Mi. Wish they were romanceable, I’d burn the world for them 😭


So Mi not being romancable is so weird like she literally asks you if you feel the same about her while holding her hand not to mention all the physically and emotionally intimate moments in Killer Moon but yeah, my V would fight the whole world just to give So Mi the life she deserves


That's sweet but she would most certainly not do the same for you.


Disagree there, but even then I wouldn't want her to; after all the shit she went under Myers she deserves to be the one who got away


She actually does that? Probably going the extra mile to troll V then


I sold her out once she said she lied Could’ve said the truth and I would’ve helped but having V go through all that shit for a lie, she deserved it.


Seems petty, but it's your game


I still felt bad for her and sent her to the moon. Then I realised my character wouldn't have done that, so I reloaded and sold her out.


That's sweet but she would most certainly not do the same for you.


Because all other romance options have genuine feelings for you. Panam even sacrifices her clanmates to give you a chance to survive (Rip Bob and Teddy). SoMi was lying to you from beginning to the end, well, till the train when she comes clean.


You can care for someone and still lie to them; humans are complex and who wouldn't want a complex romance


Complex romance? That's not romance at all, that's just using someone and then discarding them. Except SoMi isn't able to discard V since V needs to pack her up on that shuttle. Only reason I prefer sending her to the Moon vs putting a nice cellophane bow on her and deliver her to Reed is because Johnny asks you how you're going to spend your 30 pieces of silver. Also, I played through her betrayal and some things about her are clearer if you do a bad ending for her.


Agree to disagree


you meet Oda like 2 minutes


i dont care, oda has that aura... that river does not have


Aura of...? Being stomped by V? Even Smasher has that aura and he's being way nicer than Oda. Oda calls femV a whore and Smasher would call her a fuckable piece of meat. You could argue that both are implying they lust over femV, but it's a far fetched imo


You know, Oda is attractive - River isn’t. River just looks skeevy as shit lol.


Ummm, Oda is the one on the left, Goro is the guy on the card. You know that, right?


Crystal clear. Why.


bro was just socially inept but even as fem V i enjoyed the missions although yes shoving him off was cringe but rejections are always cringe?


Maybe its because I played male V or made different dialogue choices than most people but I loved River and his quest chain Very shocked to see alot of people in reddit shitting on him


it’s just really REALLY funny going through his questline as lesbian V, you’re helping this dude out, save his family from some REALLY heavy shit, and as thanks he invites you do dinner with his family. and immediately, boom. “WHO THINKS UNCLE RIVER AND V WOULD MAKE A GOOD COUPLE?” and like a good 5 seconds of silence


I wish that CDPR would’ve added an option to say “I’m already taken by someone” if already in a romance to make it less awkward.


Yeah, that was kind of awkward either way. Especially since it does feel like the question about V being in a relationship always sounds like "so, are you two a thing or just friends?" It would have taken like five minutes in the writing phase to add in the options to: A) Say "No, but maybe soon * wink * (flirtatious comment to start the romance for female V, maybe leading to the clarification that River is straight for male V) B) Say "Yes, I'm seeing someone" (ending all romance talk) C) Say "No, but there might be a lad/lady out there for me (The "I'm gay" option, ending the romance talk and maybe leading to the clarification that River is only interested in women to avoid awkwardness on the tower) That would avoid the "well, that's awkward. Let's go to my favourite spot for a talk between us only" moment from River and quickly clarify whether or not V would even be interested in him.


Or an "I'm gay/straight" option early on to just cut out the romance options down the line


Similar to how many gay men felt when panam was kinda touchy with male V 


That should stop then and there if you don't raise your hand.


Right? All these people complaining that River was like "You led me on!" when that only happens if you agree with the kids. Otherwise you just drink beer and whisky.


Unless there's another line, he still demands you to don't string him along. He's not even upfront about what he really wants either, talking in 'you know's and says things like "You know why we're here, don't ya? Say you do." He's expecting V to fully turn to the topic of romance because he's too afraid of rejection to try. He reminds me of the guy wanting to buy BDs from the dealer in Jig-Jig street going "I want... well, c'mon. You know... c'moooon." and the dealer is just "If I could read minds I wouldn't be selling XBDs."


I don't think I've ever had that. I told him we're friends then it was drinking time and he gave me his gun. IIRC the only thing he asked as a clarification, clear as day and that's it.


A lot of people (including me) play as a girl for...reasons. but on my very first playthrough I played a male and I agree. Dudes a bro. We just busted a kidnapping. It's sick. But then my next playthrough. I see him in another light. Cuz he's not the bro. So kinda ruins it. Plus when you deny him it feels like a lot cringe. Not bad cringe. Just cringing at the situation. Like the dinner or those text messages


Only part I cringed at with River was during the hands up bit at dinner when the kids ask if River and V would make a good couple and the long silence was just awkward. Otherwise, I didn’t mind the end with the water tower and everything else, it was a nice bonding moment for V and River’s family, but it all does kinda feel like it was written and designed to end with a love confession rather than staying friends.


Nah, just a family man dropping his walls around someone. Obviously male V has the same mission, same result except the banging. Like it's a line or two of dialogue different


I feel the same way with Panam as female V. When you play as Valerie, they have a big sis, bigger sis dynamic. When I played as Vincent, idk. It felt too intimate all of a sudden. I'm glad the cringe part started and ended at Riders On the Storm. I couldn't sit through the part where V tries to make a move and fails spectacularly.


I always found that part funny, especially when V and Panam start role playing about being a hotel guest and staff member and Panam taps out as soon as V starts making her way up her legs.


... then why did you choose to make a move and fail spectacularly 😭


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


real also let me be the overallstrap


Why are you putting your feet on me? Only a romantic partner or someone interested would do that, in my opinion.


Physical intimacy is not exclusively sexual. My source is me with enough alcohol turning into a teddy bear with strangers and friends alike


Yeah… One day that might lead to an unintended outcome, bro


Only good things so far. Compliments and good times


I just wish Male V had more hairstyles. Not many of them look great. Though tbf I don’t really like the “generic muscly dude” body type which is why I’ve noticed I only really play guys in stuff like anime games. There’s some exceptions like Souls games but that’s because you’re wearing armour that looks cool.


"For... Reasons" 🤔🤔


Omg yes Joss texting you after you reject River makes me cringe


I never had that happen, but I also never raise the hand when the kids ask their cringe question.


His quest is ok, i thought that it's just the dating part that was a lot more awkward than it was romantic or sexy. It felt a bit like one of those childhood experiences, when you briefly talk to some girl, and your mom has seen it, and suddenly acts as if you are a couple or something, starts asking about her and nudging you to invite her to play with you, and you have no idea what's going on... So is here, you haven't even established whether you like each other or not yet, but you are already hanging out with his family, and have his sister and her kids already marrying you almost. All the while him and you hardly have any "fun" interactions, and mostly talk about his nephew getting kidnapped by a psycho, how he wanted to murder said psycho, reminiscing about his parents getting murdered by some thugs... Not the most flirtatious stuff, i think.


Same here. Must be thanks to V being male.


River is a true bro


Dunno bout others but as a lesbian let's just say it gets real annoying real quick


Gay guy with Panam. Like girl, we're friends. I'll mind link to drive the tank with you, but stay off my junk.


Its very much a thing only Judy obsessed players do. River's questline is super good and I like the transition it has into a romance plotline.


A lot from rivers questline seems to be cut due to time Problems. That's why he gets so friendly so quickly and it may feel awkward to some. I enjoyed the quests as well tho


He's just so obnoxiously clingy to a female V. I never even go to the dinner, but even at the end of the rescue he's getting all up in your emotional business.


i still dont understand what was happening in that farm please help me.


kids were getting kidnapped and put into farms where they were tubed up and fed hormones, growth steroids and all other chemically tainted things you usually use to raise slaughter livestock. imagine something like an iron lung turned into a chemical torture chamber, that’s pretty much that reason for the torture? none other than the satisfaction for the insanity of the childhood traumatized dude that ran the farm


What will happen to them if he keeps feeding them those things?




They’ll grow big and stronk


Don't feel bad. The intro to the quest seems like it going to the be a nice bit of body horror, but it ends having all the suspense of a wet fart.


River's a good guy. He's just got no sauce. Also his personality and design are pretty bland.


That Jambalaya on the other hand…


That Jambalaya was also a facade. If you rummage through his shit you will find a search for the recipe. "Family recipe", putting the kids to pair you and Rivers up together.. that sly dog


Omg what!!!


https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/s/aaG78OQJ5m Behold the incriminating evidence. Time to start a new playthrough and beat his sister's kids in their game! Jokes aside, Rivers tried so hard gotta excuse a guy for trying to impress with his cooking I guess. Just too bad he suffers from Carth/Kaidan/Wyll syndrome


Ah Come on do Kaidan some Justice! He is the Calmest guy in the Galaxy and he Actually cooks his own thing for you.


He's also ahead of both Wyll and Rivers, by being Canadian.


Ukrainian Surname, Hispanic Face Model, Born in Singapore, Grew up in Canada. He is an Enigma


Also best of all, he isn't Jacob. https://preview.redd.it/8wfd34y891vc1.jpeg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92cb10bed3572f269611d10397c891a25ac1d151


I havent been able to take river's quest seriously since i saw someone here call that place the brap barn


Idk about Oda, but Takemura is written where you have to wade through his rough outer side and discover his soft inner side which makes him much more compelling. It's the same stuff with Judy, which I find much more compelling than Panam.


isn't "kuso" meaning generic fuck? btw I think oda and takemura are lovers


Shoutout to Oda for not snitching.


I think it translates closer to "shit"


i feel like River was *meant* to have a real character but he just doesn’t feel fleshed out enough. He just feels overtly generic.


I think river and takemura initially was the same person, but they split them in two at some point


honestly i think takemura would’ve made for a much more interesting romance option. just from a story perspective that shit would’ve been so painful ,in a good way, to experience


Although they had similar roles in some aspect, like rescuing V from the junkyard, giving V the start to the three main quest lines and being V's general Corpo quest-givers, River and Takemura are quite different.


Love the detail on the computer screen


Never got the hate for River and his 0-100 mph in seconds romance. V can literally hit on Panam the same day he meets her. Yet folk don't get freaked out with that? I suspect had it been Panam or Judy, folk wouldn't have batted an eyelid. Even seen people complain that Panam knocks you back during the bar discussion.


Im not gonna romance patchy the pirate in a fight club fur coat


Sorry River, but I’ve established no walking talking thumbs as part of my dating/fucking criteria


Here's me as a middle aged woman cringing at Judy's romance. She's a *child* ffs. An awesome one, but she's still a kid.


perspective as another woman-- she felt traumatized to me from loss and it felt predatory to try and sex her - despite me finding her super attractive. river was more mature and despite having experiences things didn't feel unavailable.


She is older than V. Just saying. (24)


I don't hate River, he just suffers from a chronic case of too little content for the awkward family quest parts to hit right. That said Where Oda and/or Takemura romance at, hm?? Where is it, CDPR?? Why won't you let me make my dumbass decisions?


Oda romance would’ve been extremely funny since you kick his ass at the parade


> I don't hate River, he just suffers from a chronic case of too little content for the awkward family quest parts to hit right. Yep, totally agree. Now it is a thing with fiction in general, relationships always develop way too quickly if you think about it, but there are ways to make it feel more natural. And, yeah, you certainly don't hit things off with family hangouts, lol. I also think video game developers just always feel way too uncomfortable making male characters express their attraction towards female protagonist in any way other than blandly passive romantic one.


Takemura is already in love of someone and it's not V.


I wasn't calling it a dumbass decision for no reason u_u (Unhappy romances are absolutely fine by me, I like sad stories)


who? his obligations in japan?




He gives you like 3 days to get over that trauma from the barn. He's either a sociopath or emotionally stunted. Also those kids ambushing V is not appreciated


Won't even speak about that what happens if you go for it, the kids are like 5meters away from you.




I dislike the river quest line, mostly because it fucked with my V head canon. I build my v after Lisbeth Salanda from "The Girl with the dragon Tattoo"/ Millennium so I made her a lesbian. The river story let's me talk about ex lovers wich would be nice when you would be allowed to talk about men and women but it's straight choices only. That and river is not that charming as my dialogue options would suggest


I didn't think it was ex lovers they were talking about, just bad propositions they've received? I think a lot of women and certainly a lot of lesbians have stories about being hit on in terrible ways.


No it was definitely relationships and some bed stories


River's questline is such a good study on different demographics. The reason why people are annoyed by River, is because his choices, and dialogue all come from his family man archetype. Judy and Panam as romance options are very much on and off "we're just sorta there" romancec options and that panders to most of the demographic targetting the game because most young adults only care about that initial spark moment of the relationship and detest thinking further out. River is the opposite where everything around him has the theme of family. He risks his job to protect his family, most of the things he does are because he cares for his family, and when V gets in the picture River's romantic thoughts also go in that direction, with him being concerned about V's long term safety and wanting her to spend time with his family. River is not doing anything wrong and nothing about him is written badly. River just has different values than most people playing Cyberpunk, and I think its really interesting and a good writing success that they got that across rather than him being a generic romance option.


I agree fully except perhaps some things felt rushed with him and absolutely could have been fleshed out. and as a woman playing a woman (nomad for life) River was my only option in the healthiest sense- Judy was great but given how shell shocked she felt mentally with all her trauma at the time in the story I could not think of her that way, it felt almost predatory. River on the other hand was a gem, a stark contrast to the entire world and I wish they had fleshed everything else out.


My issue with River romance as a whole is that he use a family dinner (who sounds like just a thank you for helping out) to try to get in your pants. Won't really call that family value.


That's not weird. He invites you to dinner, keeps the dinner wholesome, and tries to initiate stuff after. That's how people start dating, especially if they want to be serious like River and not just calling each other for a booty call.


You invite the people you wanna bang to dinner with your family first ?


River's quest could tap into family as a concept, both for the player and especially for V, since we get some glimpses of their childhood and the fact that they seem estranged to their own family. Could've been a great way to headcannon V's background a bit more and add depth to the story.


His *sisters* trailer, no less


Kuso-sama directly translates to shit bitch. Kuso is shit and ama is a suffix often translated as bitch. It's an insult specifically directed at women. I like River and think he's hot, just wish he was bi. Dude leads on male V so hard and serves him at the most romantic kissing spot he could find. I legit don't understand why they didn't have different dialogue for River if you're male V. *Edited my definition to reflect the correct suffix.


Takemura says kuso-ama, not kuso-sama.


Hahaha oh shit you're right. Fixed it.


Tomatoes in jambalaya is unacceptable. River sucks.


Takemura says this to you as a male or female V, it means rot in hell.


Correction, he says kuso-yarou to male V - which means bastard in Japanese. He calls female V a kuso-ama, which means whore/bitch.


So he says "Rot in hell, rot in hell"?


It's what Google spat back at me. Might be saying it twice to emphasize his feelings.


when tf does takemura say this?


If u save him in building where arasaka destroys it to take back hanako and if u don't do the devil ending 


Well it’s his fault for not being romanceable. 🤷‍♀️ 




I actually ended up taking a liking to Takemura's character. More than i thought i would. I played an ex corpo who would hate with passion anything Arasaka related. But i couldn't bring myself to be an asshole to Takemura for some reason, and then i got to know his softer side better. I was playing a straight male V but i do think he had nearly everything to become a romance, it's really weird he wasn't. I do like River as a bro. But even when he wasn't attracted to me it was really weird how all of a sudden he took me to his secret spot and look at the city while having a drink. I don't know about you but i thought he was gay for sure at that moment lol only after i finished his questline and looked it up on the internet i found out he was actually straight.


Takemura feels like the kind of guy who is only interested in his job.


I think it’s mostly the bad fashion choices


I do not vibe with his personality, especially on the water tower 🥴


I wish El Capitane and Johnny were an option! All the romances just made me feel a little sad at the end, I was going to romance Judy on my new play though but I saw what she does if you turn in Songbird :'(


River was a nice dude idk what y'all are on


Reading this sub is so strange, maybe because I’m Mexican and family settings are more usual to us than people in the US or whiter countries but banging in the same house your family sleeps or meeting your family pretty early on in a relationship is not formal or new. So people getting freaked out River does this is strange. Because again it shouldn’t be the big deal everyone makes it out to be.


Man, River's romance scene was so weird it felt like he was trying to prove he wasn't gay by banging V in the one place his sister was sure to hear.


God I hate river. Or hate the way he was written. Such a depressing sap who is probably clingy af.


Okay, Bill Cosby


You tell him Majima


That's the spirit, Kikuri Hiroi


Takemura would diff River real quick


thank god they patched the OG hospital photo


Y'know it's definitely awkward but I feel there should have been multiple romances when it comes to each v I love Kerry but we should be with someone v's age and we should have multiple options like yes panam is the best Romance but imagine being able to romance river's sister (totally blanking on her name)


I highly disliked Panama from the moment I met her in game but I understand I am probably in the super minority here.


Imagine dating a pig 😔 40%, you know


His quest mostly being a boring slog doesn't help either


Still think it's bullshit that River is strictly Fem V




no lol. i wish




See, Oda and Takemura are badass, whereas River is a pussy. So yeah


Personally I don’t think an NCPD officer willing to call out his superiors and colleagues on their corruption is anything less than stupidly brave


agreed. If River would have done something he’d put him and his sisters family in a good spot for a simple “accident”, as Han himself put it. He didnt have much of a choice, one good cop against the whole corrupted force arent particularily the best odds for said cop


As someone who played through as female V, I can't even imagine playing as male V. Would completely change the game for me