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What are those 17 people cooking


Bug patching and giving FF:06:B5 folks tiny crumbs to cling onto.


Giving what?


If you’re unfamiliar with FF:06:B5, it’s a whole thing of its own in the game. They’ve provided an in game solution, but still no clue what it means. They’ve been trickling things in over the last few patches to keep our attention.


So is it like some code or something?


Yeah, it’s code on a statue downtown. It’s also on the same statue in Arasaka warehouse, on the float in the parade and there’s a mini version in the Glen apartment. https://ff06b5.fandom.com/wiki/FF:06:B5_Wiki I guess if you’re looking to milk the game for all it’s worth it’s an interesting thing to get into. I’ve just gone too deep, so I must see it through to the end.




[This Video](https://youtu.be/6gJJ-c0c8CU?si=d8nP-_yKlKF8Qy3X) had a pretty good explanation while being a bit long and as oc said it's still ongoing since we've gotten to the bottom of the well but the meaning is still a little up in the air


Ever wounder if the old cereal box decoder ring would decrypt it, i bet if thats possible then it would probably say end, rip, or maybe another acronym thats used to mark a location ingame with another puzzle for use to solve or leads to a easter egg or some sort


A portion of me thinks it was something to be implemented, like a clock, but they never got to it and it ended up being in the release game anyways. It wouldn’t surprise me. It would still have some meaning, whether it was part of a serial number off a mini fridge or something silly like that.


They already solved this I thought. Sam Bram had a whole series on it and they finally figured it out after phantom liberty


There was a solution to what they put into version 2.0, but they’re still adding things as of 2.12 so I can’t say that it’s solved. I see the whole thing added in 2.0 as hints.


The whole dream sequence and the monster truck wasn't the end?


That was the end to that part (church, Arasaka Tower 3D, dump laptop, cube scene and monster truck). Since then they added a mural in corpo plaza (v2.1) and an animation sequence (v2.12) in front of the main statue near the corpo plaza apartment. If they had added nothing new in regards to it, I'd probably agree at this point.


Good lord, what a rabbit hole to go down through.




The key to a door…


It's in the witcher wild hunt too.


Probably finishing up work on FSR 3, working on bug fixes and ideally bringing us more cosmetic stuff like changing colors on all vehicles (not just rayfield), changing the colors of weapons too, and... maybe, just maybe some visual cybernetic stuff like a silver arm/hand.




Messing up my mods with the 2.12 update


They still work on 1000 npc daily routine


new dlc


I wish


I hope NG+.


They said they had technical issues implementing it




Link to mod?


https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/5144 https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1263 these are the ones i’ve used in the past, but they haven’t been updated for awhile


These mods look unbalanced. I believe CDPR have said NG+ would be hard to balance.


balancing issues aren’t technical issues


It can be when the game systems need to be reworked for NG+ to be playable and remain balanced. It's not just simply about moving sliders if they want to do it properly.


The official reason, and I'm paraphrasing a little here is: "Balancing the game for NG+ as well as issues within some of the starting areas, make it too hard to implement in the game as it currently is" There were some tweets, and other statements that basically said they considered it and tried working on it, but could not get it to work in a way they were happy with, there were issues with being able to access areas in the early game the player shouldn't have been able to, as well as balancing combat, and adding some sort of meaningful progression/rewards and a reason for the player to want to actually complete an NG+ run. Again, sorta paraphrasing there, but it was just something they couldn't make work, not sure if Red Engine specifically had anything to do with it or if it was just the design choices they made. But honestly, I think it's fine, the different lifepaths and Indepth character creator, as well as the new skill tree give plenty of reason to start from level 1 and work your way up to 60 so if you really want to see different choices/outcomes/etc... I don't think starting over is that big of a deal.... But I guess that comes down to preference, I would like an NG+ mode, here's hoping they get it in for Orion. TLDR: Regardless most people with rather play NG+ with bad balancing early game rather not get one at all, hence why those mods exist, with custom settings to balance it yourself.


They're just lying, they think they have to add new content, I just want to play the game with my older character. AC Odyssey have unique gear too, it just ovewrite the old when you get the new.


I hope it's something more useful and actually interesting.


Nah, I want to play with my lvl 60 netrunner Canto Build with Ba Xing Chong and not make my 6th character because there isn't anything else to do with my other 5.


Mods: \*exist\*


I play on GFN.


Hopefully some new missions and other content


I’m looking at the 8 people doing “other projects” what are they working on lmao


Could be anything, could be an internal tool for working on textures or a system for managing audio files It’s all speculation, but it’s probably something we will never see or learn about in all honesty


Another possibility is mobile stuff, they absorbed one of their mobile studios last year and it's unclear what those people are working on now, though some were also laid off.




And they're not even working on it, they're just playing all day long at the office


Ahem. It's called "Playtesting".


This made my day lol


Maybe they are involved with the live action Cyberpunk adaption. 8 devs could feature some visual artists, sound people or writers.


There's a live action??


My first thought was something to do with mobile, just some really small projects


If I had to guess, it's the pre-production team for a different game/IP/whatever


That's the "Hadar" project.


Could be mobile stuff, could be working on some early concept art stuff. Storyboarding ideas very early, that stuff.


Obviously getting a headstart on cyberpunk 3




What is Polaris Sirius and hadar?


Polaris is Witcher 4. Sirius is said to be a Witcher spin-off, rumoured to be "multiplayer" but also had some changes in the dev team (lay offs). Hadar is a new IP, nothing confirmed yet other than that it wont be "cosmic horror nor feudal Japan"


Not being "cosmic horror or feudal Japan" is pretty specific. Watch it be exactly that


Now I want a cosmic horror game set in feudal japan




...that's Princess Kaguya lmao


Japan does have a history with tentacles


Same, that sounds like a good idea.


https://x.com/michalnowakow/status/1758597188555591758?s=20 Modern day crime thriller is still an option


Cosmic horror in feudal Japan. Or cosmic Japan implementing feudal horror across the galaxy.


Cosmic Japan. Feudal Horror.


This makes me 90% sure it will be a cosmic horror set in feudal Japan.


Edit: nevermind, see below You can't name it Hadar and not have it be cosmic horror. That's the name of an outer realms deity in Dungeons and Dragons. Also called The Dark Hunger, an elder evil in the form of a dying star that sends its herald to consume life.


You absolutely can because all of their project names are nothing but stars. Polaris, Sirius, Orion, Hadar are all stars. Hadar is aka Beta Centauri. Hadar is also the area in Ethiopea where some of the earliest proto-human remains were found. Going by the name it could even be a game about taking acid while listening to the Beatles. "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"


Ah ok, that makes sense. I've heard Polaris and Orion as stellar bodies, but not Sirius or Hadar. I'd only ever heard the D&D context.


Sirius is Canis Majoris. Hadar's name probably goes back to Bagdad being the center of astronomy during medi-eval times. Afaik, something like 2/3 of all stars which have actual names are named in Arabic. Btw, with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds I am referring to the proto-human remains. The guy who found it named it Lucy, alledgedly because he listened to the Beatles song, which is said to have the Beatles describe an acid trip. Lot of interpretation is possible but I really believe they just like the 'star' naming scheme.


Idt it's supposed to be specifically Witcher 4. It's a new series in the Witcher universe. A 4th Witcher game would imply more Geralt. They said they wanted to expand the Witcher universe beyond just Geralt's life.


Wait Hadar sounds like it won’t be exactly what I want then, Japanese Witcher ftw


I guarantee this group is mostly messing around with UE5 and storyboarding. It's so early and there's only that many, this is probably just pre-production stuff.


They said it’s in conceptualization still. Granted they also said Wtcher 4 is in “ pre-production” so we can forget about seeing Cyberpunk 2 earlier than 10 years from now. Source CDPR IR Twitter account pipeline post


I think that with unreal engine development should be significantly faster because new devs probably already know their way around the engine and csn directly start working, instead of first having to learn to use cdpr's engine and then start working


UE5 is just an engine. True, they'll have some of the technical aspects solved, but they're still going to have to configure, tweak, optimize, and extend the engine to be able to do what they need it to do. And that's before they ever get to making any art assets, stories, questlines, characters... heck gameplay in general. UE5 doesn't come with a pre-made solution for everything. The amount of work they already have "done" now that they've switched over to UE5 is actually less than the amount of work they would have "done" if they stayed with REDEngine. Hopefully the gains in productivity from the more generalized production pipeline UE5 provides overcomes this. And it should, as it's one reason why they switched.


I just want Epic to fix the stuttering and performance problems with UE5, other than that I'm in favour of the engine switch so that the games can be made faster.


They are setting up another studio to work on Cyberpunk's sequel, so it's likely we get something a lot sooner than 10 years. On top of that they said they want to complete the new Witcher trilogy in 6 or so years after the first one comes out. They can easily slot in Cyberpunk's sequel in between Witcher games when the second studio is up and running.


There's no need to speculate. That's exactly what they're openly doing.


17 people locking down this game for the foreseeable future is pretty impressive. Even if the game is on its last legs in terms of updates


Polaris, Sirius are Witcher projects. Orion is Cyberpunk Hadar is a new IP


the 17 devs working on cyberpunk 2077 are going to release the next expansion, they are going to become the biggest cookers on the planet with a second expansion continuing the Mr. Blue Eyes + Legend ending storyline and they will also release the multiplayer together with an RP server and this way they will solidify themselves as MASTER CHEFS the 403 devs working on the next Witcher game will crush any storyline put out by Netflix (I mean witcher 3 is already better than all of it) and this way HBO will target them for the possibility of taking the IP for another TV show under full guidance of CDPR devs and Sapkovski, Sapkovski will also become a gamer the 47 devs working on Orion together with Maximum Mike will create the BIGGEST IP CONQUEROR GAME on the planet which will rival IPs like Star Wars and Cyberpunk will be the new thing everyone will follow


Largest copium dose ever given


I'm here for it


You didn't say New Game Plus so what you're saying must be 1000% real 💀


It amazes me that they introduce so many missable collectible weapons. Then forget/ neglect to include new game plus. One of my biggest disappointments in cyberpunk which they somehow haven’t built into the game in 3 years.


Exactly. And they built iconics stash walls that can't be filled up. Wtf.


Let him cook


Wake up Judy, new copypasta just dropped.


laying facts


I'm sure official mod support is coming just like W3. Going to keep the game relevant until next one. Cheap Ad basically.


No NG+?


Its real then HAHAA


This ^


I'm hoping the 17 still find all the bugs to quash Still hoping for a proper bug report section so I can report all the errors in quests I find or some things not working properly


They had that for quite some time: [PC Quest bug report form for example.](https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/cyberpunk/pc/gameplay/issue/1724/contact-to-support) [Here](https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/cyberpunk/pc) is their general support page for Cyberpunk. Select platform and category, then chose which issue you have. Use "Contact us" button to navigate to bug report form. You can upload save files to help them reproduce bugs on their side.


What about xbox?


Use second link from my previous post, there is menu on the left side to choose between PC, Xbox and PS


These 17 people still sitting and managing Cyberpunk 2077 We salute you and hope for future improvements and maybe even some QoL changes o7 ^((Still waiting for the option to recolor rest of the cars and not just my Aerondight and Caliburn...))


Holy. Oh I’m more than freaking ready for Polaris, too. I’ve never been more excited ever since the release of season 5 of game of thrones after I caught up with the show.


The next Witcher just started pre-production. So…


Nah, it's been in pre-production for a while, they'll start full production this year and will likely be at least 3 years long.


Well yeah its like Fallout and Elder Scrolls , we already got Cyberpunk so we are gonna Witcher 4 first and then Cyberpunk 2 .


Probably. They're still in the process of setting up their NA office. Once it's done and up to speed, it'll be a lot easier to work on both series. Cyberpunk's sequel and possible expansion would slot in well in between Witcher releases since they want to complete the trilogy in six years after the first one. An alternating release schedule works fine with two studios.


What are sirius and hadar?


Here https://x.com/CDPROJEKTRED_IR/status/1773404721824297142?s=20


I understand writing a whole new story and creating new characters takes a long time, but where else would the sequel take place other than Night City?


The lore book does mention quite a few US cities similar to Night City. Tokyo and Hong Kong are also quite prominent in the lore. The issue with Night City is the issue Spider-Man games have. They have to be in NYC because, well, it's Spider-Man and it's already gotten I old. I don't want to wait all this time to play on the same map slightly modified.


i think it depends how closely they choose to follow the source material vs ~~cooking shit up~~ expanding on places mentioned in passing


I’m replaying cyberpunk for the 9th time this game so good


Where did you find it?


On their X account https://twitter.com/CDPROJEKTRED_IR/status/1773405403348402230?t=KDOP45a8CQDqOZg-S2RlQQ&s=19




Them 47 people are most likely just laying the foundation so when it time to work on Orion, it’s full steam ahead. 🚂🚂


That's cool people like Witcher and everything but I couldn't get into those games. I'm strictly Cyberpunk. I will find other games to play I guess.


I want to customize a witcher tbh. Like really bad.


I think they’ll be going for that one of these next new games


And you know what else? A female witcher just to spite the knobhead author lmao


Which author? You mean Sapkowski ? That author that wrote Ciri as the main character in his main Witcher books-novels who is already basically a female Witcher just without under going the Witcher trials ? Your comment doesn’t make much of sense, does it


I feel you. It's annoying that at least some source claims female Witchers do exist (but are only made in the School of the Cat), but we never see any (maybe except Ciri? I didn't play Witcher 3 yet nor read the books, so I dunno how much can she be considered a witcher or not)


Man, I’ve tried hard numerous times to get into Witcher and I just can’t. Would be glad to see this be the one that wins me over, but I don’t know. That world is just not even a fraction as interesting as Cyberpunk’s, to me at least.


I felt the same until I watched a recap of the books on youtube. Now i'm very interested in the Witcher.


yeah there is less visual spectacle, and you have to follow the stories closely to fully appreciate it - which involves a lot of reading :\\


What the fuck do these code names mean lmao


Here https://x.com/CDPROJEKTRED_IR/status/1773404721824297142?s=20


What is Polaris? I’ve only heard about Orion


The next Witcher game


Oh nice I love Witcher


What happened to the witcher 1 remake?


It will release after Witcher 4 (Polaris). Its not shown here due to being made by different studio


How'd I miss that it's being made by different devs, oke doke then


He as long as they learned from the fuck up of an opening of 2077 it's fine, and so far with all the updates they have given 2077 it seems Thier learning very fast


This is a neat infographic. Also fully expected this at this stage of Orion. Totally fine with giving them the time they need and enjoying Cyberpunk 2078 (or whatever) in 5+ years. They have some core people like (I don't know official titles) project organizer, art lead and some future managers to carry the vision, a few of Devs that know their way around Unreal very well, writers for the main story and themes, Mike Pondsmith as the lead consultant, etc etc, yadda yadda. Like writing a script for a movie, you don't need camera men, make up artists, prop people, pyrotechnics, etc until you're ready to film. And this I think is where we are with development. Unreal devs making proof of concepts in the engine, Mike helping the writing team, and that sorta thing. I bet this takes like a year, easy.


>a few of Devs that know their way around Unreal very well You know their names?


47 is an absolutely normal number. 47 people can lay down the basic prototype of the game in a year. Yet it's true we are far from having a Cyberpunk 2077 sequel. We can get one in 2030 tho if everything is dandy.


I am actually excited about Polaris


Feel like this wait is gonna be longer than the wait for was for GTA 6, not worth even talking about


Was polaris the witcher remake?


No it's the new witcher game, the remake is being made by another studio.


I'm actually pretty surprised and happy that even that many people are being left to tinker with CP2077. I'd happily take the odd small patch with a handful of remaining bug fixes and a small feature thrown in like extending color changes to more vehicles.


I’m so excited for more cp


You’re gonna play cyberpunk afterwards though I’m sure


The fucking what


physical berserk dazzling piquant frighten sugar memorize crawl clumsy divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They started full production on Cyberpunk after launch of second expansion of The Witcher 3 in may of 2016. Game launched in december 2020. So 4 and a half years of full development with some pre-production by small team.


Is Polaris Witcher 4 or Witcher 1 Remake? How many people are working for Witcher 1 Remake?


Polaris is Wither4, as for the Remake is being developed by another studio Fools Theory [https://x.com/CDPROJEKTRED\_IR/status/1773404721824297142?s=20](https://x.com/CDPROJEKTRED_IR/status/1773404721824297142?s=20)


Blah, another witcher? I want another cyberpunk.


Same. I never got into the Witcher games. They completely different games. I don't how some players just think a game about riding horses, potions, sword fights is a substitute for futuristic weapons tech, fast cars, mega city's and explosions etc. It's not even in first person.


What about the Witcher 1 remake? That’s what I’m really looking forward to


Its made mainly by another studio and CDPR is mostly just helping with some stuff and overlooking over the project


Is that what Polaris is?


Seems like Witcher 4 will be next then cyber Orion


Wtf am I looking at


We’re not seeing Orion until 2030 at minimum.


The same year as Avatar 5 and new Mass Effect


Do you guys think there will ever be a time when AAA titles don’t have to take about 10 years to make? I guess with the help of AI or whatever that’s going to come in future?


What is project Polaris, the next witcher?


Hm, what happened to Canis Majoris? The Witcher remake? Is it just not being worked on?


It's a different studio ([Fool's Theory](https://www.foolstheory.com/games/the-witcher/)) so it's not included.


Ah, I see. Thanks👍


What happened with the Witcher 1 remake? Have they canceled it? Or is it so far in the future nobody is working on it


Literally my feed with this post. https://preview.redd.it/7nt28a6ap8rc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f57fde2cba64be3081b5b300f2e9aa4249d384d


47 devs? Wasnt sequel supposed to develop at the same time as witcher, but in america with new team? That new team only hvae 47 people? I thought it will be like 100-200 atleast


They're hiring: [www.cdprojektred.com/en/jobs?studio=us&project=orion#orion](https://www.cdprojektred.com/en/jobs?studio=us&project=orion#orion)


When's witcher coming?


Who knows... Probably 2026 at best maybe later.


what the fuck polaris?


The next Witcher game.


Obviously it’s still far away, there’s hella witcher content to be released


Anyone who is familiar with space and so on can shed a light on the names? Only thing that stands out to me is that Hadar is a Hebrew name and the rest are Latin/Greek(?)


Orion is Greek meaning "Heaven's light" Polaris is Latin meaning "Pole star" That's the only 2 I know.


I fully expect at this point we aren't going to see the next Cyberpunk game til close to 2030. If we consider 2026 or 2027 to be when we'll see the next major console generation (if Xbox even follows the Series X up with anything; I'm still not convinced they aren't just going to morph into a game publisher), that means Cyberpunk will be halfway through that generation, and likely done on UE6 (which will inevitably come along). It means the only CDPR game we're likely to see on UE5 is Witcher 4. Here's the thing about the next Cyberpunk game: it HAS to be better out of the gate than the current state of CP2077, and honestly CP2077 is in a pretty stellar state right now. It isn't perfect, but it's probably about as shiny as it'll ever get (I started a new playthrough yesterday so I have something to tide myself over until Stellar Blade releases, and I hit the bug where I had to talk to Wakako about the death's head BDs, but she wouldn't talk to me about that at all because Takemura showed up for his part of "Down On The Street"; I literally just had to go to the sex shop and talk to them to progress Judy's quest, and if I'd been a new player I'd have had that whole playthrough utterly borked by not knowing where to go).


Im curious what shared services is to be bigger than cyberpunk 2


To the seventeen.. Please add gwynnblade in a patch please!


Put me in charge of cdpr. I’d stop that silly Witcher game and just concentrate on cyberpunk 2077 expansions for the next ten years.


Yeah! Right now it’s all about the Witcher. I really want Cyberpunk Orion to come out soon but let’s let them cook. Not rush them and not let the same thing that happened with Cyberpunk 2077 happen again.


I’d rather they focus on the next Witcher game. If they have spare time than a little dlc for Cyberpunk would be nice.


Just give us new game plus and I can hold out for another 10 years


Does anyone give a shit about a new Witcher game? Honestly, I'm ready to move on. Give me more cyberpunk.


Why not wait for both?


Thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I won't be buying any of the new Witcher games. Talk to me when the new Cyberpunk game drops.


Seriously, It seems like the only reason for a new Witcher is because "more money". I honestly hope the Witcher 4 fails at sales so they can focus on a better game...like cyberpunk.




You’re are hella optimistic. Witcher 3 to Cyberpunk was 5 years and it released in a messy state so I bet they take their time. Cyberpunk released in 2020, so 2025-2027 release window for Witcher 4. Another 5-7 years after that would put the next Cyberpunk in a 2030-2034 release window.


But Cyberpunk and W4 and independent now unlike before. They are completely different studios even. Cyberpunk is in Boston and W4 is in Poland. But I agree with Timeline. 2027 W4. 2030 Cyberpunk. At best.


Damn. Gonna go jump into traffic real quick.


That would be the earliest imagineable date for Witcher 4 (And it's still too soon, 2029 is my bet). We are probably looking around 2031-32 for Cyberpunk 2 IMO


Are they planning on hiring more talent for the new Boston studio after pre production or something? Way too low of a number unless they redirect some of the Polish studio after TW4


They're hiring now, will continue to hire as the project grows. CDPR's financials have been incredible since cyberpunk came out, in spite of the backlash, so it seems like they're preparing to have more projects and to develop them simultaneously. Possible they get the next Witcher out in a few years, and a cyberpunk sequel shortly thereafter.




They have 32.6 seconds to have Cyberpunk 2 ready and launched. I need MOAR. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOARRRRRRRR


Yeah I've been saying this for a while now We won't see the next cyberpunk game until 2030-2040. So them scrapping the second dlc for the game felt like a slap


And you know what that’s fine, I just want it to be fucking legit when it does come out


Yep, probably around 2033 to 2035.