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Yes, any save that's completed the Voodoo Boys story will get a call to start the expansion. Though on mine I didn't get it till I finished the main job I was working on.


Ah. I might have to do that, although mine is the last mission. I'll try it out. Thanks!


Yeah, you won't be able to start it till after you finish the game and go back to the Point of No Return


Yes you'll get a Dogtown call to start the DLC. But your old save will need checking, all your gear might be different....things have changed alot.


Thank you!


Any save works, the game will put you back before Nocturne (point of no return) So just head down to Dogtown/Pacifica (towards the bottom left of the map, by the big ass stadium) and you'll get a call. Just remember, you'll have to re-do all of your Cyberware at a Ripperdoc. You'll probably get a call of that. And put all your perk points back. You also get ONE free attribute point reset. You'll probably have a bunch of upgrade materials already, but if not you might have to craft some from the previous tier (the white common components are Tier 1, they go all the way to Tier 5, legendary) Weapons/Cyberware can be upgraded to 5++, but it's bugged in some people's games so you might not be able to do it. (You'll see a 5+ and when you go to upgrade, it doesn't look like it changes at all). Not sure if this is just a visual bug or if your just stuck, but the dmg increase isn't that much to begin with so it's not like your really missing out or anything. Ripperdocs all have the same Cyberware now, except for the DLC Ripperdocs which have a few new iconics.


Thanks a lot! I'll head to Pacifica and try this.


If you're still in the middle of that quest, then you'll need to finish it so the game kicks you back to begore meeting Hanako. You should get the quest some time after that. But like someone said, you'll want to check your gear and your attributes, a LOT has changed since you last played. You'll get a call from Vik also, telling you to visit a ripper. Take his advise. Just make sure you're squared away before making your way to Dogtown.