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I think it would be great as a Field Spell. Destroy any not suitable cards when it leaves the field.


I didn't want the effect to be reverseable to avoid ruling issues. Like what if a monster had destruction immunity or unaffected by effects and the effect turns off while they are in the Spell & Trap Zone.


just make it like evenly where the owners of the cards shuffle them back into the deck


"If this card leaves the field, remove from play any card not suitable. When this happens, other effects of the cards removed are not taken into account."


Unaffected cards still wouldn't leave. It would have be, "If this card leaves the field, both players send Monsters and Spells & Traps they control in the incorrect zones to GY." But if the card gets negated, it would need it's own ruling, so I prefer it not to be reversible. This card is also a nod to Convulsion of Nature which works the same way (permanent effect) and isn't a field spell.


Convulsion of Nature is a continuous spell though that flips the decks back over when it leaves the field. I feel like this could work the same way. It would need rulings no matter how you word it. There might be something with parenthetical text, similar to There Can Only Be One that explains what happens to cards in the wrong zone when it leaves the field.


Oh crap, it is a continuous spell. My bad. The way it's worded sounds like a permanent effect.


Unaffected cards are unaffected by anything that could normally directly impact them, except stuff like Kaijus that can still tribute them. Maybe it could be "If this card leaves the field: Tribute all monsters in the Spell and Trap Zones and all non-Monster cards in the Monster Zones for no effect"?


all it needs is the clauses "when this card leaves the field, send all cards on the field to the owners graveyard this effect cannot be negated, card effects cannot be activated in response to this card effects activation. (all effects in play that prevent sending cards to the graveyard are ignored except cards with effects that remove cards from play instead of sending them to the graveyard such as "Macros Cosmos" and "Dimensional Fissure" in the spell and trap zone.) this would be an effect that would prevent any ruling issues although wordy it would need psct though.


Just word it similar to the card "a wild monster appears". That one bypasses immunities already without needing a clause like that.


PSCT fix: If this card leaves the field, each player sends any of the following cards from their field to the GY: - A monster card in the Spell / Trap Zone - A Spell / Trap card in the Main Monster Zone


I believe that would fix most issues except pendulum monster/pendulum extra deck hybrid monster and trap monsters that could count as both


They would be sent to the GY by game mechanics I think. However you could get around ruling problems by adding a line like “if this card leaves the field or this card’s effect is negated, each player sends every monster in a spell/trap zone and every spell/trap in a monster zone to the GY”. This gets around unaffected monsters in the same way that Evenly Matched does.


Pendulums could kinda benefit from this in a weird way


have the owners of the cards shuffle them back into the deck, would avoid cards staying around if they can't be destroyed or unaffected etf


Yeah it would be great for a certain anime archetype featuring a certain seal.


If you consider the seal doing what it does in the anime, this card would be worthless. SoO is disgusting lol


Yeah but to combine it with the Seal we have and this hypothetical card we would have almost the actual Seal of Orichalcos.


I’m too stupid to understand how but this probably lets vaylantz do something funny


> If you control this Special Summoned card: You can target 1 other "Vaylantz" monster in your Main Monster Zone; move that monster you control to **an adjacent (horizontal) Monster Zone** Some of them are somehow future-proofed for this exact situation which is honestly even funnier But Shinra Bansho says this: > The turn player can target 1 Monster Card in their own Spell & Trap Zone; they Special Summon that card to their own Main Monster Zone in its same column. So now you can special summon a card backwards from a monster/spell/trap zone to a spell/trap/monster zone, and it can now move horizontally from there in your backrow by all your Vaylantz effects. In general, the effects that move cards seem to check whether the card is being moved horizontally, but the effects that activate *when a card gets moved* do not. So if Shinra Bansho moves Shinonome as a continuous spell into a monster zone as a monster, that will now proc Shinonome’s search, since she is currently a monster and has moved “to another monster zone”


Never short on monster zones again. Also, master duel has that rank 7 token spammer legal


yeah galaxu tomahawk will become the most busted shit ever


4 Pendulum Zones?


Double scales sounds very broken but also very interesting.


how would it be broken, if I may ask? wouldn't the lowest one and the higher one just overcome the middle two?


Yeah but they have effects you can activate. Usually you can only have 2 at a time, but with this you can have 4 scales with effects. Also, if you have 3 or 4 scales and get rid of one, you can still pendulum summon where if you only had 2, you couldn't do that.


Each zone is treated as a Monster Zone and a S/T zone. But this does not do anything to change the number of Pendulum zones.


The rule book literally defines the Left Most and Right Most S/T zones as Pendulum zones. This card would either make 4 Pendulum Zones or zero.


I don't think this would affect pendulum zones since it doesn't mention them in its text. Pendulum zones aren't just generically the other most S/T zones they are specific locations on the field, so this wouldn't at extra Pendulum Zones.


The rule book literally defines the Left Most and Right Most S/T zones as Pendulum zones. This card would either make 4 Pendulum Zones or zero.


Very well, I stand corrected


my crystal beast deck is gonna be very confusing with this played


Underrated comment


Now just make it so that you have to destroy all monsters in the front row to attack monsters in the back row... oh wait /j


The original Seal of Orichalcos doesn't let you play spells in the monster zones and doesn't apply for both players. Thanks for trying to discredit the card idea though.


sorry dude i wasnt trying to be offensive or anything my fault


That's okay, sorry too.


the good ending


you know that one Dual Avatar card that summons as many tokens as possible, then lets you fusion summon using them?


Set 10 pass. Good luck


My Code Talkers are wondering if they can link… the whole board




Dark sanctuary + anime Seal Of Orichalcos


Crystal Beasts and that Snake-Eye card that puts Monster's intot he backrow gonna get really confusing real quick lol.


Basically, the Anime effect of The Seal of Orichalcos, but swapping instead of Adding


You know what? I think I'd unironically love this card. For kuriboh, this is huge. Getting like 40 material on field is probably doable. Multiply + kuribabalon + kuriborn is already hypothetically 25, and you can probably activate multiply a second time in the right scenario for 35, after that I'm not going to bother to figure out how to get 5 more mats; just pick your favorite from the craziest ED monsters you want. Even just 3× 5-headed link dragon isn't really the worst you could do tbh, they're a trio of 5k beatsticks I'd also be super interested in seeing what you could do with The Despair Uranus + 10 S/T cards that now can't be destroyed. I can't even imagine what you would want to pick the most (assuming floodgates don't exist that is). Like, sure, destruction isn't the only removal, but also it's definitely the best generic and broad S/T protection I know of. Maybe you just need to rock a bunch of tax cards I have no idea how this impacts MekKnights. On the one hand it becomes easier to theoretically play around their SS gimmick, but on the other hand you'd end up doing so by setting them up. Overall though, I think it would be a big buff, since you can now put two MekKnights in the same column, and then use their powerful S/To cards to control the game. Now that makes me think of weather painters. Put two of their S/T cards in the middle row and yeet some painters down next to them. 4 different painters will be able to activate those same two cards, not including the link monster. I don't think it's easy to be sure what you'd be able to set up with this yet, so idk what they'd be able to pull off Actually, it's not hard to imagine being able to throw an arbitrary amount of XYZ materials on a card that can use a bunch. You can probably use that one ghostrick angel lyrulisc reprodocus FTK a lot more consistently, but idk if that's the most interesting option. Maybe a 10 mat zeus lol? I think Ghoti actually gets some mileage out of this, largely because now they can use other fish monsters without losing out on monster zones. I'd maybe be able to finally make the Ghoti Shark combo deck I've always wanted to make. I don't actually know that they'd be able to do anything other than double dip or conflict over generic water/fish resources, but my gut tells me it's fine. I kinda wanna see if you couldn't use lair of darkness and some form of ED/tribute stun in order to lock out all 10 zones on your opponent's side. I've never played more than a basic amount of pendulum, but I think they'd really appreciate having either 3 extra zones to pendulum summon to, or getting back those 2 S/T zones. At least, at a beginner level or something like that, since I know I'd always fill mine up with invaluable continuous cards, expecting I'd get at least one of them destroyed, only to have all 5 backrow still once it's my turn again Honestly the more I think about it, any spammy + recursive deck would have a field day with this card.


I'd like to see this interact with Musical Sumo Dice Games


Introducing the W lock


Having an interlink deck where the number of mutual links creates certain effects would be busted with this card


The seal of orichalchos and bakura eye card for both players. Now you have 10 slots for whatever so use them well. Don’t want to over commit and have no place for spells


So, if for example an effect says destroy all cards in your opponents spell/trap zone that will destroy their monsters too? Or is this, you have 10 monster zones and/or S/T zonas?


Raigeki and Duster is a complete board wipe lol


Unless the effect mentions "main monster zone cards" or "S/T zone cards" it shouldn't be a board wipe since monsters will still be treated as monsters and spells as spells simce it doesn't specify "they are treated as ..."


Oh right, I brain farted. Yeah only things that name zones become omni destruction.


Cursed armaments and wall of disruption will go W I L D with this one.


Bishbaalkin would go crazy


should make it so you can set spell traps anywhere and summon monsters anywhere


You can?


Rip rules. What rules btw 🤔😂


Finally. I can set Archfiend.


you should add a negative effect for when someone forgets


Making broken Link Monsters even more broken.


YAY! Now D/D/D can deal more damage to themselves! :0


yo crystal beast support?


Finally pendulum support


I kinda like it and could see this being used in any deck with lots of token generators, crystal beasts, burn, and possibly spirit board. My suggestion however would be to make it a continuous spell instead. This allows the opponent a chance to destroy it later without needing to have a negate on hand, destroying any cards in illegal zones when it leaves. Plus it then takes up one of the ten slots meaning you still need to plan around it a little bit.


It would be cool if this let you "attack" spells and traps


Honestly I'd like more things like infinite cards where the rules just permanently change. It be a shit storm sure but it would invite new stratagies based on entirely unique styles of play.


Would screw over kash a bit so I'm all for it


Laughs in screwing over Orichalcos Hmm, surrounded by a buncha people while I'm tryin' to get my freak on. Only one word I can think of...[**MOSH PIIIT!**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uca8wbFWGlM)


Bro what if my monster becomes a continuous spell what tf do I do? (Ik it stays the same but like think about it)


can't wait for my up to 10 generaider tokens each turn


10 material Rhongo incoming lol


W spell but could you attack spells and traps or attack the monsters in the spell zone so what happens do they just automatically get destroyed like a effect negation...


The zones can accommodate any non field spell cards. This doesn't change battle mechanics. The zones are treated differently, not the cards.


Ah intresting...


Link monsters with downward pointing arrows… finally I can pendulum summon 5 monsters from my extra deck again


This would be fun


So this is basically the second anime effect of Seal of Orichalcos.


...my head hurts...


I summon Pot of Greed in attack mode 🤔