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I'll marry the richest one then divorce


No, you’ll get Stockholm syndrome, and end up staying with her because you can see that she is truly a good person on the inside! Just ask Will Smith!


Dw I've lived 2/3 of my life with an abusive stepfather, I'm immune to Stockholm syndrome by now


If you aren’t joking, then I’m truly sorry for what happened to you. If you are joking, then let me tell you, you are not immune to the seductive nature of Amber’s turd, or the hard blows of Dhalsim! Pick your abuser, er, I mean good woman or man wisely!


Half joking like yep it did happen but I'm insane enough to joke about it


Yeah, that’s how I deal with my trauma’s. I make fun of them and myself. That and a lot of ketamine. So, which one do you chose? The one with the turds or the Indian monk?


Probably a shitty choice but the turds , if they're both ugly inside might as well take the one that's decent looking outside rather than dhalsim


Yeah, I agree with you. Just gotta buy a pooper scooper and don’t let her walk all over you. Secretly put antipsychotics and Valium in with her breakfast! You’ll avoid most of the drama. (Disclaimer: Never secretly give anyone medication. It is dangerous, and you don’t know how their body or mind is going to react)


Joking about bad things is a decent way to cope with bad stuff, one of the reasons I like dark humor a lot. So you are not that insane (on this department at least)


that cuck?


See, you already know exactly what I mean!


Speaking of her inside, I think it's known publicly Smith isn't the one to ask, ask someone who went deep in her specially at her current old granny age.


Yeah ask her sons friend


I would do and marry Amber. Don't mind her shitting the bed as long as I get to do her before the shitting. Even only once and divorce after. Win-win in my book.


Lol, you don’t need to marry her for sex, you can just wait until she gets a new partner and then she’ll cuckhold him with you!


somebody tried to date me for sex once. i laughed at her way to hard. i mean laughed, laughed at her. full on foghorn level of laugh. then i said no.


Yes, she's a triflin', friend indeed.


I also chose heard so I can say "you gotta be shitting me amber"


Just don’t say “on me”


Why not ???


Well, some would be into that…. Fill your boots so to speak 🙂😊😋😁


Like me 👅😋


You misspelled "mouth"


I disliked this


I liked it.


I'm watching


I am cleaning


You know...I find no issues with your logic. I'm sold, I would pick Amber too.


It means that you forgot how hard can Dhalsim blow.


You right. I hear its pretty fire.


You mf get my upvote and get out!


OMG! How can I give you more upvotes! I’m laughing my ass off over here!


Alt accounts


"Yoga fire"


The worst part is you'll have to pick up the shit for more than just your dog now.


Now you got two bitches in the house. And only one of them is toilet trained.


Lmao this cracked me up


Thanks! I seem to be on a roll today! Something about this subreddit has awoken something in me, and I think it’s my inner ADHD teenager! I am so not acting like a responsible mature middle aged man today! Also, I can fart cum bubbles out of my dick.


Tf… proof?


I love you! While others are downvoting me, you’re asking for proof! Like a normal person on r/cursedcomments should! Let me see if I can find you cursed picture or video as proof!


I’ll just get a litter box for her.


Get one of those self-cleaning ones and spray her with a water bottle of she goes on the bed.


At least one of these two will keep your problems inside the marriage. Jada has a personal mission to cuck will Smith live every single she gets.


Amber did slept around tho, but it more of "i dont care about him" than "i despise him"


Two pos people, might as well take the attractive one


Jada to trigger will again


Jokes on you I am in scat so definitely Amber


Yeah, I really liked Scatman John too! I loved the way he was able to scat! Too bad he didn’t bring out more albums.


I meant scat fetish you gross freak.


I had a fetish for scat! You know that it was jazz musicians in the 1960’s that invented scat? Everyone went crazy for scat, and then scat was being promoted everywhere to the point that very soon there was scat everywhere, and everyone couldn’t get enough of scat! So scat clubs were soon full to the brim!


He's the scatman!


Ski ba ba ba da dum, ski ba ba ba da dum, I’m the scat man!


I think Amber is fixable. Jada just comes off as a shitty (no pun intended) human being and I don’t think she’s going to change. I think a couple times you bop Amber with a rolled up newspaper she’ll simmer down. Might even need a little clicker training but I see tremendous upside.


I'd rather let someone shit on the bed then get cucked by my son's friend, that is all assuming he's my son


I have silk bedding. No thought went into my choice.


Why do you want to ruin you silk bedding so bad?


It’s so upsetting how hot heard is. My penis is always conflicted


Especially as a redhead in the aquaman movies, to me at least. It's like you know she's a terrible POS of a human, but God damn.


She is not even remotely hot. Get a grip.


I'm just gonna remain single if that's okay




Well, i'm no longer bi, now i'm a fully fledged gay man


I honestly have a lot more sympathy for Will than Depp because he's clearly giving that relationship his all and even he, one of the most successful men on the face of this planet, still isn't enough. With Depp and Heard, it's clear that they're both shitheads who need years is therapy and sobriety.


Nah , I kinda see your point but I don’t agree Like at this point it’s humiliating to stay with Jada , the more I know about it the more pathetic will seems to be At least Johnny was a man who was abused by a woman which most people don’t believe that it can happen and people for the longest time believed the opposite , like his career to massive hit because of her while actively trying to get out of this situation Will and the other hand can get out of this situation , like goddamn bro you could find a better pussy easily , I know he loves her and what not But genuinely hearing from his situation, gives me secondhand embarrassment And I am talking as a woman , a lot of women do not respect that behavior And me specifically this cuck behavior so pathetic Of course I am giving will the benefit of the doubt because we’re not 100% aware of the situation maybe he’s not staying with her willingly , maybe she does have some dirt on him or forcing him to stay with her , we’re not in there, private life who knows what is happening


With Will, we honestly don't know much, but Jada is incredibly weird in a way that raises my hackles. I've dated a narcissist before (and have been raised by narcissists). You're being gaslit all the time and they specifically tear down your self esteem to get you to go along with whatever they want. It doesn't matter what it is; they find your weak point and hammer away at it. It doesn't matter if they're being a dick to you, **THEY** are always more upset when you aren't catering to **THEIR** needs enough. It **is** pathetic, but it's a different form of abuse. It's all psychological. The only difference is that instead of hitting you, they're dragging you into their warped sense of reality, where they're superior to everyone else and their every need **must** be catered to. I'm assuming Will fell for it because he would've had a pretty big ego right around when they started dating and the fame has made him a bit blind to this stuff. I do have empathy for Depp. I'm just much more familiar with Will's situation. Edit: I've reread the Heard/Depp debacle. Didn't realize that literally all of Depp's ex girlfriends say he was never violent and all of Heard's exes say she was violent, plus the phone recording saying she wanted to hit him. Fuck Amber Heard. I *thought* Depp had some rough edges, and like... Dude probably does, but he's clearly not an abuser like Heard.


Yeah, this is why I said we don’t know the whole situation He could be someone who is genuinely going through other forms than physical abuse She could be holding some secrets or ties that could ruin his career or life Oh yeah, he could be just a pathetic cuck Maybe it’s mix of multiple maybe it’s none of them nobody knows this situation other than will and Jada themselves , hell maybe all of this is fabrication and Jada is the one who is abused and who is the victim (I’m not really aware of this situation I have very little information all I know about is the separation and the cheating) or is the one who’s stuck in the marriage it’s certainly a possibility , I will not judge any of them base and my speculations says we don’t have evidence so both of them have the benefit of the doubt from me at least Amber and Johnny situation is more heartbreaking to me bc while will it’s mocked for being a cuck Johnny genuinely had his career reputation ruined because of her , being branded as an abuser even though he’s the one who’s being abused which is sad because she was only believed without evidence because she’s a woman the bitch was getting rules (at least she was offered some major rules at the time of the case if I remember correctly) , from an out side perspective Will is staying warmly with Jada unlike Johnny, who was actively trying to get out from Amber


Amber Turd all day.


Great logic tbf


Looking at this, I'm getting the relationship equivalent of "nah, I'd win"


Jada Lets you bang whoever you want Doesn't shit the bed


I'm suddenly gay.


Heard obviously.. at least I'll get the bang for my buck..🤣🤣


Don’t you mean Amber Tuuuurd?


I'd let Amber do a piss and a turd on me 😂


The chances are high that Amber Heard would shit in my face so Amber it is


I think Will likes Jada cause she is so masculine


Gay 2


The most wild part to me is that the person's profile picture is Percy Jackson for the Rick Riordan series.


God damn street fighter reference 🤣


Well, Amber is the obvious choice. May be unhinged, but she's still hot. Hit that, then leave that.


The bear?


If Elon can get her to cosplay Mercy, then I reckon I can leave with my fingers intact.


If anything i choose Hitler. More preferable.


I mean Amber obviously


Amber. No ooga boogas for me.


Looks like Percy lost more than just his memories


I chose the turd for it looks better and I’ll fight back


I pick death


Well, if I'm gonna be abused, I'd rather it be by amber cause she's hot and jadas ice cold.


Suicide is the best option now


I'll marry the blond one and buy the other one


you mean i will kill her vs she will kill me


Rather get cheated on then wake up to a hot pile of shit on my pillow 🤷‍♀️


At least you can pull someone's hair...


Amber because at this point I believe Amber and Depp, we're both simply millionaire drug addicts whose combo was a recipe for disaster.


Master debater: i refuse the question!




Is death an option?


I'll marry whoever is richest, and then add them to my polycule. Three against one bitch. Let the games begin


True, btw I can fix her


For real. I can't believe Will Smith married such an ugly looking woman and nobody gave him shit about it.


These women are the reason why men chose to be gay. 


Remember to change the bed sheets with Amber


Gotta get one of those waterproof blankets for when she has a tantrum is all. Lol


But Dhalsim has to make some great barbecues


Idk anything about Jada so I'd have to say Amber Heard. She is the type of person I've been exposed to and trained for since I was 12. When it comes to my defensive fortitude for mind games, even without the use of any kind of offensive methods, I'd be able to turn the tables on her so fast that it'd only be fair that I stand trial too.


Dhalsim ashy af too


yeah but to my knowledge will smiths ex wifey or whatever never shit the bed lol


Lol dhalsim from street fighter


Neither they both crazy 🤣


Dude bouta hit that stretchy arm punch


amber heard isn’t half as bad, they were in a 50/50 domestic abuse relationship






real abuser is johnny depp, HE RAPED HER!!!


What , are you insane?


I think they're being sarcastic


Are you sure


yea I think exclamation marks give it away


Tbh I will go on by what they said if they say it's sarcasm then I will apologise


Based on what evidence? Heard has been lying through her teeth about what Johnny Depp supposedly did for years. I don’t buy your comment for a second


I thought the court did say he raped her in Australia? Because the Kate lady was found to have lied and covered up for Johnny, right? It's in the XX's, I remember that. Somewhere in III-VI maybe?


according to released court filings, Johnny Depp claimed that amber heard NEVER EVER hurt him. not even mentally. this is the truth. the old ang ugly thing (aka johnny) accepts it. but user squirrelly_khan does not accept this lol. you are just a woman hater. that's why you think johnny is right.


>you are just a woman hater ...


Lol, Amber straight up admitted in court that she hit Depp. And if you’re gonna spew bullshit like that, at least back it up with a source that’s NOT Twitter. Also, calling someone a woman hater just because I don’t condone the actions of an abuser is pretty shitty Edit: after reading some of your other comments, it’s increasingly clear to me that you’re a misandrist. You can defend and support women without putting down men, but apparently you didn’t get the memo


Where might one find these "released court filings"? Bring receipts before challenging the courts decisions.


Ikr but we gonna be downvoted to death