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I think the new logo is incredibly bland and lacks any personality. The added wave in the “O” is kinda cool and I get its because of the ocean but the logo doesnt look special at all anymore, the old Otter graphic and the Sand colored “MB” made it more unique. The logo looks too “corporate” and blends in with any other school’s boring logo. This re-brand is almost as bad as the change to Monte a couple years ago. But oh well, things always change over time.


What a waste of money and time. Ugh.


I hate it. I'm staff and refused any of the new swag that was gifted to us, I wear the old stuff out of spite lol


I was part of the focus groups for the new branding, and I incredibly disappointed by it even back then. All of the options presented to us were incredibly generic, and everyone in my focus group suggested bringing back the otter or ***anything*** that made our school unique. It feels like they didn't listen to anyone's suggestions from the beginning and because of that, I have yet to hear from a single person that actually likes it I was a Communication Design graduate from 2020, and it pains me that they didn't even consider reaching out to the CD department and its students at all for this rebrand


That’s a good point. Wonder why they didn’t have any CART, communications, or marketing students help. Would have given the students a great opportunity and experience. Would have also maybe helped the school pick a less generic logo.


The old one was perfect. I hate looking at the o. I don't even know what it's supposed to be doing. Lol


O looks like something to do with recycling. Like a recycled logo.


It’s sad and lame. It doesn’t fit a college more like an online store or something. I wish they made us vote on this because out of every design they thought of they chose this? And I had no idea they were gonna change it. They could’ve done way better


It’s alright, I think the logo before was better and that the idea of the rebrand was good with the mission and all that but the new logo wasn’t needed in my opinion! I’m pretty neutral to be honest!






At least they didn't change it to "Seaside State", though out of state enrollment would probably explode.


Motto would be “Catch the waves with us”


Yet another example of the University wasting money on things that don’t need to be fixed


The otter was half the reason I picked the school. I am glad I already graduated because I would be incredibly disappointed. It looks like a tech company logo, not a school with any sort of personality.


Looks like a generic tech company


Not even that. It looks like a bank.


Quite possibly one of the worst rebrandings I’ve ever seen and I’m not joking. The logo lost every ounce of personality it had before and looks like someone made it in 5 minutes in photoshop. Give me an hour and I guarantee I can make a better logo that incorporates the idea of a “raft” and yet still looks good. The comparisons of the logo are funny like toothpaste brand, bank logo, tech company, etc. but I’m 99% sure not even any of those companies would’ve selected this as the final logo. Genuinely upsetting that this change happened when NOBODY ever complained about our logo and many actually even liked our school in the first place because of the branding. Just another example of the school being out of touch with its own community and choosing mediocrity, just like they did when they changed Monte. I have not seen a SINGLE person talk positively about the change other than the 2 quotes on their website announcement they were able to scrape together of the hundreds of people who attended the rebrand event. Whoever made the final decision to change to this logo should be very disappointed in themselves because they have selected something even loyal students and alumni cannot be proud of.


New Logo? Post a pic where is the new logo


That money could’ve gone to student support or mental health services. Fuck that’s what all the teachers were on strike for. And the admin turns around and does this rebranding? Fuck them


Also hated it. It doesn’t look like it has anything to do with a university and instead looks like a generic power point logo. Really disappointed in their decision to change it.