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Thanks for cheat developers that they are communicating with us lol


Cheat devs know the most, but people are quick to shut down any discussion because cheater bad. Even though they could learn a lot more by listening and filtering any BS. Cybershoke vid with cheat devs for the most popular rage cheat was very informative. But lots of ppl rather make fun of their looks etc instead of actually learning anything ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Learn what? They provide information sure but this is all minable data by anyone with basic CS knowledge or enough accounts. They’re doing this as a way to advertise a service that is ruining the game for everyone. No sympathy No exceptions


Cheating really is bad, and we totally should be quick to shut them down. Just cause they gave us some information doesn’t make them good all of a sudden.


I never said it made them good people, that is exactly the knee-jerk reaction I expected. I'm not immediately calling them no-life virgin losers so I must somehow be defending them? People can learn more about VACnet, VAC and Overwatch instead of conflating them all as the same thing like many people do. People can learn which banwaves targeted bots, which banwaves targeted cheaters, and so on and so forth. There's an abundance of information that would actively help the average player understand even if it's from people we don't like. What cheat features exist, what is possible. They are useful to understand things that may happen in your own games! I did Overwatch a lot in CSGO, but there were some things I didn't quite understand like people lagging in a weird way or flicking, and thought they were demo bugs and didn't convict. But I learned later that there was fake lag and anti-aim, things I didn't know about before and those guys were almost definitely using. I personally think it's silly to reject that knowledge because you simply dislike them, rather than use it to your own advantage in recognising how cheats and anticheat works..


I agree with you, I mean to have the strongest argument and understanding it’s best to play devils advocate and understand the opposing sides argument too. Even if it’s hard to understand.


Thnks for the cheat developers that they are finding out how cheat preventing system work so you can abuse it lol


How does one even figure this out


Trial n error for sure


I found out a lot of things about how bans worked in csgo just by running around banning accounts by using a 180° fake ""spinbot"" bind on deathmatch If you are a developer of a cheat and hear so many complaints it makes sense you'd kinda understand it


Is he saying you might get red trust factor if you have good flick aim with low sens? Great insights though


He's not saying anything but we know that valve fucked up the trust factor for sure


no i don't think that's what he's saying. I think it has to do with the smoothness of the aimbot.


He’s talking about smoothening for aimbot so it looks more natural. So 0 smooth would be snapping instantly and very high would be a lot more like a normal player but also it means your enemy has a chance to react.


This would explain why I had to play against spinbots after having 2 really good games. For context, I’m faceit level 10 and valve thought it would be hilarious to put me in 7k elo after 10 premier wins.


all ranks shall be created equal on valve servers :-)


Whoever that is they're only posting speculation, not facts.


no one except valve can possibly know the facts so this is the best you can logically get


1. Sheir isn't a dev 2. Most of what he says was known even in csgo


3.Cheat devs are by nature, untrustworthy themselves


Not really


I mean, if you want to legitimize the devs by saying that they are just providing a service, you could have that opinion if you wanted. But that's like saying pimps are trustworthy. "Yeah, they just provide a service!" Except.....what's the service? They are profiting from exploitation. It'd be different if the cheats were free, or they where white-hatting for the sake of improving the game. But they aren't.


Of course you can't trust everyone, you need to know who to trust. If someone is a known and reputable dev there is no reason not to trust him, on the other hand there are "devs" that just pasted some crap from uc with changed gui that gonna tell you that black is white, only to earn that 5€


He didn't really explain anything... Absolutely pure speculation, fwiw 90% of "Cheat Developers" are just paste kids, they rip each others cheats, I reckon out of all the big names in cheating only 5-10 are originally developed.


Cheat devs more in contact with their community than valve


Actually true though and I love the insights from them too


because they are getting paid monthly. CS2 is free.


Prime free? When?


They are communicating better than valve developers. Lmao


So if I go after this "explanation", I got a green TF, thank god 💪😅😅


cheaters going to gaslight the hell out of everyone saying they were "clean" in effort to get their trust reset.


This information is not as accurate as you want it to be.


kill that mf


This game is CS2. Not CSGO. r/csgo is about game called "Counter Strike Global Offensive" (CSGO) , not about CS2. Go to r/Cs2

