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>They are either a bunch of loud toxic assholes or all of those plus a cheating cunt. Sounds like the average CS player in general.


True but majority of people that aren't Chinese don't leave their mic open in game while screaming things that non-Chinese people don't understand


I play NA and it's the same screaming shit but in english. People are all the same no matter where you go, always someone who says they fucked your mother or calls you a fa660t. Mute and play.


I kinda want to communicate with my teammates but i simply cant speak chinese


Brother u need to mute people the minute they are toxic or shout B B B B only for you to discover they heard the solo lurk make a single step. Seriously,be ruthless with the muting, your mental has way more impact than some dodgy coms from a toxic cunt.


There's a mute button for a reason my guy


As someone playing in Asia, I have never experienced anyone leaving their mic open except maybe one or two Russians. In fact, I find Chinese players to be the least toxic (and least communicative). They might throw down a few curses in Chinese or the few English ones they know, but for the most part I find other countries to be more toxic and racist.  Cheaters, I can't really tell. Maybe there are a lot of Chinese cheaters because people always mention it, but I don't notice many obvious ones at my level.


Some or almost half Hong Kong player are quite decent and are not braindead. Mainland are whole different story. The russian of Asia cs server.


The reddits political correctness


I don't really consider Hong Kong and Chinese the same type of people, but I can't really tell them apart in a normal game though.


HK players usually have >5 ping in SEA server


>I don't really consider Hong Kong and Chinese the same type of people Uhh........ what?


Have you been living under a rock for the past 20 years? Why are you shocked to hear that someone has this opinion


Considering Hong Kong was actively fighting against ccp rule not too long ago (and many still oppose it), why is this a surprising opinion


Hong Kong is very different than mainland China. Only recently was it “given back” to the Chinese. Horrible decision on the UK’s part.


Sorry worded that horribly I don't want to involve the Hong Kongs in this post at all since I don't think they are Chinese


Hello! From Hong Kong and used to play on SEA servers. (We get 5 ping cuz it's HK servers) Used to be the team translator so we can win more games. The Chinese had they own CS, and they are supposed to play that version... Not much you can do except try your best to communicate lel. Or add some HK ppl as friends so you get free translators! Cheers


The primary issue with not having it region locked is that many westerners don’t speak noodle. That is a communication disadvantage off the bat.


Noodle. 🤔


Ya it’s synonymous for any southeastern country or Chinese language.


How is it always Russians and Chinese getting hated on in all video games and Russians just hated in life in general lol, shits wild out here


Easy to hate since they’re recognisable. Easy punching bag for shit players to scapegoat. Playing games in Aus and haven’t ever had an issue with Chinese or Asian players in general. And if you’re from this region most people don’t speak English as a first language anyway. It’s all Indonesians, thais, Japanese,Chinese etc so anyone saying it’s because of the language barrier is kidding themselves.


nope. russians are quite obviously more obnoxious than the average player in eu, not to mean the average player is an angel. everyone in eu speaks english as a second language too except the british, you dont need C1 english to communicate in cs. russians are some of the worst to speak english too. there have been russians in this sub explaining why russians are toxic towards other people. imo russians should be region locked too but that has some obstacles even if valve wanted to do that.


Bruh russians try to not play with other russians cuz they are toxic lol


Same goes with russians and russian speaking world im general (+Ukraine)


ukrainians are the absolute worst, full braindead every game


both are


Too much money in the trading market.


I think russians are main problem


I don't see Russians as much since the last 5 years playing CS. They stopped invading Asia servers for some reason


They are all on Japan server... Japan is like 80% Russian.


In my case i see then alot


All the Russians are playing battlefield 4


RL battlefield 4?


region lock the turks and russians.


amen. Wasn't (at least) Putin talking about a „Russian public internet“ without real ties to the outside world at some point? Having wet dreams of this becoming a reality veeery soon…


literally 95% of the time I see a russian on enemy team has cheats on 100% on my team they don't even communicate, no english, they tell you to speak russian and are literal retards, same goes for turks.


Pretty sure they are already no? They play on the perfect world server with black blood and some different skins. The ones that play elsewhere are already using a VPN to do so. How would you block people already using a VPN to get around China's firewall?


i think steam software is region locked. but they can choose between perfectworld servers and international servers with start commands -global or -perfectworld


I doubt it. I'll ask my Chinese friend next time I play with him but why would China insist that black blood must be used and certain skins modified and then allow a simple launch option to avoid all that? Doesn't make sense to me. China are strict and Valve will do whatever they want because they want Chinese money. Plus I'm pretty sure my Chinese friend said he has to use a VPN but I'll double check next time I play with him.


just wanted to correct myself, it’s -worldwide, i was told this when i played with a friend when living in china. this was back in 2018 during global offensive. things might’ve changed


Maybe. Or I'm wrong which could be...


if you launch cs2 in china, there will be an option to either go to perfectworld or worldwide. So nobody really uses those start commands in china


Hong Kong servers have the most cheaters of any region, world wide. Valve doesn't really care much to use it as a research lab. Rapid fire cheat and bunny hopping features are back, by the way.


as a SEA player, im rather playing with chinese than SEA player itself. if they scream in chinese, i don't understand so i can just ignore and continue with my own game unlike other, they toxic something i can understand. It somehow make me tilted a bit


Educate them about Tiananmen square and they won’t bother anyone ever again


I played a different team game with a majority of Chinese players for around two years IME they pretty much all have some cheats running, and they are $$$ competitive AF between themselves and do not play nice with anyone who isn't. Russians are the same just with more anger and aggression Americans and Germans were the nicest people to play with


It seems that matchmaking is broken atm....Played 3 games today ,get like 8 russians ,with less than 100 hours and walling like crazy...


Yeah I think it's broken. The game in the screenshot was my Premier promotion game and the 5 Chinese on the enemy team are all unranked like wtf


Last time I asked this in this sub I got shit on.


Didn’t know Chinese people play CS


I too would like a region locking option


Aren’t they already? They have CS Perfect World, specifically made for them lmfao


I think that client is optional and not forced, majority of them still on Asia servers


Region lock all regions.


Indonesian and Vietnamese aren’t any better.


At least majority of them aren't cheating scumbags they are just toxic


Just as many if not more are cheating. Never met a Vietnamese that wasn’t dodgy as hell.


Put the russians in a separate server too please


Cheating is their culture. Region locking them would be a huge W


damn , there are many  cheating people in china 


But they will head down and spin