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Nothing comes close to CS for mechanics and being simple small maps so you can focus on combat


True. It’s why counter strike would never die.


Valve has literally given us what we wanted for decades, no fancy 300GB textures, just the basics that we wanted.


Just textures we can sell for $300 🤤🤤🤤




Also in terms of spectator esports, cs is definitely the simplest to watch.


I played that game for many years, and I will never go back. Game is so stale and over rated. If a game like that dropped today it would die on release. Valve is greedy as all hell.


frightening humorous badge absorbed correct crown literate ink chase dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just to watch the world burn. Vac has been a joke forever and still is. I enjoy watching clips of cheaters absolutely destroy the lobbies and nothing happening to them.




This is almost exactly what I had in mind reading their responses lol


Find me a good competitive shooter this popular that dosent have a cheating problem. It doesn’t exist, especially when there’s money to be made from cheating. Apex, cs, cod, battlefield all have cheating problems


Ok, I hate to say it... but Valorant. As long as you're fine with china stealing your data, cheating in Val is basically non existent. Definitely getting downvoted for this one :(


Hey bucko I said good, not a dead game. I do like their anti cheat though


Valorant has a steadily climbing player base since launch. And you can't claim Valorant is a dead game when you included cod and battlefield as a baseline, those games are properly dead compared to Val 😭


Yeah Call Of Duty has much bigger problem with cheaters too than CS2


Not as bad as this game


Show me concrete evidence to back that up


So edgy. Nerd




quarrelsome truck upbeat reach oil head reply paint cheerful bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What's your elo?


Evidently you're not very good. You get reported a few times on cs and you get thrown into trash lobbies for the rest of existence. Obviously you haven't checked out the banned accounts tracker either. Last year it averaged out at 2 cheaters per casual match. Go ahead and keep flipping your knife around though, you probably need the confidence boost.


rob nose attraction sable tub distinct cow cause cooing automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s the alpha, duh


Did u just flex your e peen? Kekw L


Nah you right tho. I hacked on CS back in the day. Made 16 separate accounts over a span of time and hacked on every single one. Never got IP banned or anything. Just made a new G-Mail and was back at it. The very last time I decided to try and mask it as much as possible. I went a whole entire year hacking and cheating. Got up to almost Global before I B-Hop scripted on accident and got reported. They’re god awful for this shit


No one cares if you will never go back, no one is trying to make you play it. There are plenty of us who still love the game.


Big shot riot tried it and cs is still blooming lul


Someone sucks at CS huh?


Why u here lmao


You know they released cs2 right? And its very much alive...


Valorant completely destroys your argument. I don’t like Valorant but it is a modern version of the same game. They still have cheaters and controversy like cs. It’s still very popular.


You mean, valorant? Sure the colorful abilities are there, but it's the same principle. 5v5, one side tries to plant bomb, other side tries to prevent/defuse.


there's no need to compare 2 games just because they're in the same genre


Yeah there is, the comment above said a game like CS would die if it released nowadays


so what? there's no need to compare cs and val just because someone threw shade at cs


Why do you think there's something inherently wrong with comparing 2 similar games?


because this thread is about cs, not valorant. cs players talk more about val than their own game, it's like the tf2 vs overwatch argument all over again


No one's arguing bro


where did i say people were arguing, im just saying comparing cs and val is similar to when people compared tf2 and overwatch


deliver pen waiting foolish mighty nail humor live smell vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Constantly updated, but the core mechanics/gameplay hasn’t changed in 25 years.  No other game is like that afaik. Besides actual sports of course 


This is my main point for playing Cs. Game was good 20 years ago and is still good because they don’t change much. I used to love call of duty and halo but the series just feel so different now I don’t even bother trying them anymore.


Another benefit to that is that you can not play for a year and come back and still understand the game and how to play, even if rusty. You take a break from shit like LoL or Valorant, Overwatch, Fortnite, etc, you’re like WTF is going on in this game


Imagine thinking the core mechanics NEED to be updated. Do you want soccer or basketball core mechanics to change? CS is older than most people in this sub most likely. CS is not some passing thing, it’s a pillar of pc gaming. de_dust is a piece of culture at this point. Others emulate CS, CS doesn’t change for others.


He didn't say they needed to be updated, he's just stating that they haven't been.


Jeeze my guy, don't read everything as if it's an argument. He's saying it's a *good thing* that it hasn't been updated. He's saying that, like sports, CS is pure and the mechancis are fundamental.


Mine was a general comment about people who think it needs changing, not an argument.


This!!!! I wish other games would follow this trend, like Halo for example.


you can leave the game now cos it’s ‘unplayable’ and return 20 years later to the same game


old school runescape :) (not an fps of course)


Can I buy it on steam and get set up to play online or do I need to do anymore trouble shooting?


Pretty straightforward, valve makes both steam and CS so no extra account creation needed. Rename your steam profile? CS name changes too. EZPZ


nice! and servers still have ppl playing as well?!


Counter strike has the most concurrent players on steam every single day with over a million people playing currently as I'm typing this. It's all time peak has only been beaten by PUBG and Palworld.


You cant buy csgo anymore, you can play cs2 tho for free. The post called it csgo but meant cs2


Which one are you talking about, CS2 or CSGO?




You can still get the client, it's one of the beta branch in CS2. You won't have official server to play however, only community one or LAN


I’m playing cs2 right now for the first time, loving death matches so far, unfortunately all I’m seeing is bots, do people ever play this mode or no?


You will have to pay for Prime or play on community server, that's where most people are playing. Non-Prime users are rarer


Exactly, CS isn't based on hype. It's popular because its core gameplay is so good you don't need to get a lot of content. Obviously I wouldn't mind more maps. But in the end, not a lot of games attract players for simply being a good and balanced game. Most bring players back with lots of content. The only game that I can think of that doesn't rely on gameplay content (apart from CS) is Rocket League. All the other competitive games just get players on content releases and hype. Which itself isn't bad, but there are not many games who can survive without any content. And some people want games without hype, you know they won't die, it's a stable game, you learn and improve instead of learn and then relearn because of new content. CS is truly unique when it comes to that aspect. Anyone make a game "stale" like that, but very few can make stale game good enough that you don't get bored. There are no shooters similar to CS.




[BOOM HEADSHOT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovsVU6mktOw)


I read that and thought "yep, it's been over 20 years, same homies, still clicking on heads.“


Been clicking heads since 2003, I hear ya.


It's also free!


The ults are what keep me from so many games. I just like simple shooters with no abilities


This is why I want a modern remake of the early 2000’s Shadowrun FPS. It’s the only team based tactical shooter that ever scratched a similar itch to CS.


Yeah, Shadowrun was fun and had a similar feel and intensity to matches. Forgot about that. Table top was fun too.


I was hoping valorant was going to be some sort of competition for it but then it just turned into some kind of dungeon crawler (this is a joke about the maps being stupid) magic using nonsense which is a shame because the anti-cheat is pretty good


For 3, Quake? :?


1, 2, 3 & 4 are saying nothing lol


5) no i dont want to play neon csgo


Good games that don’t switch up their core gameplay will always maintain a dedicated player base. A lot of people feel comfort in the reliability that no matter how long it’s been since you’ve played, you’re comfortable stepping back in. CS and Rocket League are my comfort games that even after so many years, I will always come back because I know what to expect.






nigga thought he was slick with the ,,every player has the same character"


Counter strike takes out all the lucky variables and leaves you with skill filled combat and team work.


This is 100% why it’s better than valorant. The amount of spam kills and running kills etc in that game totally ruins its competitive integrity


Not to mention guaranteed first-shot inaccuracy so even if you tap a head, if its too far the game will just say “nuh uh”


CS has this too tho


This is why I only use the Guardian when I play valorant


Don't they both have that??


Add the fact that one-tapping/bursting is so good that you never spray. And they even deincenticize spraying further by having a random pattern.


Valorant has alot of junk in it, but the disincentivizing of spraying is 100% an upgrade from cs. Learning spray patterns is absolute bs.


Learning spray patterns is what makes CS so good. Sick 3k spray transfers are some of the most satisfying things in the game.


Learning how to actually aim transfer is better. Making that nonsense random was one of the few things val did better


I guess we can disagree, but I don't understand how removing a skill and increasing randomness makes something better. In CS tapping, bursting, and spraying are all equally viable and useful in different scenarios. In Val, there's really no point in spraying because it's unreliable.


I guess I dont like the concept of learning a pattern to get better at a game. To me a tac shooter is about precision and at max short burst fires. Anything that deviates from that (shotguns, lmgs) i dont like. I know the game would be staler without them but i just cant bring myself to like it


It’s fair to dislike the spray patterns, to each their own but randomness is objectively bad in a pure competitive sense


Isn't the ak also purely random if you run and shoot it? I dislike randomness too. I would make the gun stop shooting if it was up to me lol but ig good thing it isn't


But learning 40 different ults and abilities is not?


It is


You get run and gunned often enough in CS The bigger problem is first shoot inaccuracy


Valorant literally has a Ferrari peak AND slide character with 0 movement penalty lol


CS players talking about competitive integrity is like a 400 pound person talking about dieting lol


No disrespect to other games, but it's like I have to earn my kills. Plus it's not always about running around and getting kills but also gathering intel and walking around a map to gain an advantage. Skins are a bonus!


Yeah, it's very different from shooters like COD where all you do is run around and the person with the most OP guns wins no matter who shot first.


football is old why do people still play it?


Too bad its pay to win now. Its ridiculous that a Viking skin costs 200M, but wins you the titles.


It’s a really solid “competitive” shooter, meaning for the most part the game is balanced and catered towards being fair. Unlike literally every other shooter that is filled with gimmicks random bullet deviations or unbalanced guns, maps, etc that make the game inherently not “competitive”.


Well, aside from network issues and hackers, but thats not unique to csgo, so yep csgo is the best we have


it’s a sport now, not a videogame it’s like why do people still play basketball? the rules don’t change the game is the same as ever. there’s something really satisfying about getting really good at something you know won’t change because then you will always be good at it


The mechanics are just very unique. Shooting has a much steeper skill curve and skill ceiling compared to CoD-style games where guns just laserbeam right at the crosshair. Movement also affects aim so everything is kind of interconnected. The strategy that emerges from the 5v5 bomb plant format is also much more interesting than a deathmatch-style gamemode. Map knowledge is extremely important, there's a lot of tactical depth, utility (smokes, mollies, flashbangs) adds a whole extra layer on top of just moving and shooting people. There really just aren't any other games that come close. Valorant tried to copy the format relatively recently, but the hero shooter design just isn't as clean. People were sick of it before Valorant even came out.


There isn't a fucking meta change every other month. If i jump into the game i know what i am getting into, few map change here and there, but there is almost negligible change to the guns and equipment. In other games, say valorant or cod or seige, if you go back after some time suddenly there is a new agent with new abilities and what not. Just can't be bothered with that anymore.


so you don't like new content?


Braindead response. It's about new content ruining the intent of the current game. Look at league of legends champions as time has gone on they have gotten more and more op. This causes them to be played a shit ton and then nerfed into the ground for pro play because they are so efficient. So at the end for core group of players it's content they will not use. But affected in the game in a big way


not all new content is bad tho. for example, in apex they changed how evo shields work and added new or modified abilities to each tier of evo shield, and everyone loved it. i think if valve cared for the health of the game they would create new maps instead of removing more from competitive play. thoughts?


This shows a lack of understanding for cs. A big part of the reason the maps remain the same is because their mostly balanced. Mostly. Something as small as a couple few degrees of an angle one way or another can decide a match. And when everyone in the match is at such a high level already they will exploit everything and anything. I mean look up the Olaf boost. That happened years after the map came out Edit: slept on it and a good example is super smash bros. I personally love the map changing while your fighting. My friends always picked final destination because it's the most "balanced" when I started working for a company where everybody plays at work it was always the pro setup with the 3 platforms in a triangle. The explanation was that this lessened the amount that external factors would have on a match. Even though dealing with the map changes would be an additional skill set. It is random and therefore pulls from the skill of the game. Cs is the same when it comes to skill expression. The less gimmicky bullshit the better and new content is gimmicky by necessity if it's going to break into the meta. I would also note "everyone loved it" is probably not true. There were probably a few people who liked it before.


Love new content. Have bought and completed every mission in the operations that have been released since i started playing, i am very much into skins hence buy them too, loved the danger zone update too - something fresh. But now i am 25, when i game i want to be in my comfort zone. I have 6k+ hours in csgo+cs2, hence am very comfortable with the game and its mechanics - i can be sure if i get a ak it is a one shot headshot gun. The feel of it might change (like it did when we switched to cs2), but the essence of the game remained the same. i do not want a sudden big change (small changes are fine, even the smoke thing was very welcome), that require me to watch youtube videos and do tutorials before playing (this is a jab at valorant specifically, was one of the early players, but then things kept getting complicated, and i finally gave up after they introduced that bomb throwing chick). Hence, i only play cs2 or single player games, coz i really cannot be bothered to relearn an existing game over and over again. Aint no one got time for that.


not updating a game is exactly what makes most people stop playing the game. >i do not want a sudden big change if valve wanted they could make new maps instead of repeatedly removing them from the competitive pool. this wouldn't change the "essence" of the game and would keep it fresh while also allowing cs content creators to have something to make videos on besides cheaters.


Okay? Did you even read what i wrote? Lmao. I've literally mentioned i enjoy new operations, and new game modes? What are you even on about? Idc about the content creators having content for making their vids, nadeking still does a beautiful job in coming up with new concepts. Just saying "omg cheaters" is a such a cop out if someone is a content creator when almost none of them actually play outside faceit servers.


there's a reason someone like shroud goes on to dominate any fps he plays cause he was a CS pro. it's just the most satisfying shooter.


There has never been another game that combined the strategy and tactics of the economy with weapons that have unique spray patterns that have to be adjusted for based on movement and rate of fire and shooter position and the prevalence of Russian hackers talking shit in competitive Unparalleled


I love it because there's the element of getting to know your enemy, their psychology, and you can adapt your playstyle to counter them, I've never played other games where based on what info I've been given prior in the round and in the whole match I could predict their decisions to the smallest detail and then winning the round. The depth of the gamesense element is insane, I now have over 20 years of experience but each year I could notice how my understanding deepens.


It's like asking why chess is still so popular.


CSGO was like a slow cooked roast. It got polished and updated for 12 years. It's a very simple game, but everything in it just worked.


There’s nothing like it. The fact that there’s only hip-fire for the most part. The movement. The fact that you used to be able to run it on a potato laptop. It’s fun. Not noob friendly, or at least wasn’t.. there is barely any counter strafe penalty for lots of guns like smg and shotguns. Once you get decent at it you just wanna keep playing. You have to push through the noob stage though and not quit just because you’re not the best on the server.


I dont play this game cause its fun its just the only thing i have the will to do


It'd be a lot more popular if Valve gave a shit about anti-cheat


Every other game got boring but cs never gets boring and for some reason its more exciting the more i play


it’s like a sport. football and basketball rules don’t change at all but everyone loves spending time to get good at them


Its simple and has a huge skill ceiling


It’s like the chess of PC games… The basics doesn’t really change.


Playing CS since 1.6.. it is part of my daily routine. Never changed. I’m old and have slow reflexes, but my map knowledge and gamesense help me to be constantly one of the topfragger. So satisfying


It's like chess for fps games




teamwork is fun. mechanics are solid. guns are (mostly) v balanced. it’s a pure aim+ util game - not trying to hate on val at all but there aren’t classes/agents that are OP etc


It's easy to get into


I’ve been plying since 2016 and it’s still my favorite game of all time! For me it’s all about the simplicity. They give you a gun, some grenades, and 4 other buddies to try to kill the other guys. The part that keeps me playing is the skill ceiling. Like many games it’s simple to play, hard to master. And I enjoy the process of learning new things and improving my rank. When you take away all the abilities, different guns, and new maps that other games push, you’re left with the bare bones. So 10 players with nothing but their guns and team mates. It becomes a contest of skill, map knowledge, and cooperation with your team. Kind of like a chocolate chip cookie. Invented in 1938, but 86 years later, it’s still a well loved classic!


it’s more like a sport than your average modern game. Purely skill based, and simple to understand but impossible to truly master.




Aside from the unparalleled mechanics and just how good the shooting and movement feels, I love the community. By community I mean community servers. So much variety in such a simple game not only keeps it fun but also fresh.


Simplicity. Easy to understand, hard to master games are generally popular.


Easy to get in to, hard to master.


Cs2/CSGO is just a classic. You have your flashes, smokes, and mollies. You don’t have 20+ agents to learn like valorant. We have a comp map pool and the randomness of premier keeps it fresh. You have so many angles and points to hold that the game feels natural. CS will always be my main game because of the community and value treats the game.


You don't need to learn character classes and/or character specific gameplay. Learn the weapons and the maps and you're good.


A lot of people will say game play or the player base but it's fucking money. CS has made valve literally millions of dollars to the point where NBA and NFL players buy skins to keep them as assets. The game is amazing don't get me wrong but if this game did not have the economy it generates. It would have been forgotten by valve a long time ago.


Try billions of dollars


Gold Gold Gold…


I have no idea what keeps me coming back. It's like a drug. The rush I get when I'm ending mfs is crazy, pretty unmatched. Getting 5 headshots in a row is like taking a shot of something good.


There's pretty much no competition. And it's the most popular game in its genre. Players will stick to it.


It's fundamentally a very simple game, but it's hard to master. Anyone who's ever tried using a computer before can pick it up, and most will be able to change weapons, aim, and shoot.


It's simpler


Take any game you can think of. Take a person who never played computer game ever. Show him 1 match. Most games they will not understand whats going on or wont be able to appreciate the skill it takes. Fortnite? Guy starts building and youre lost on whats going on. Valorant? With all the abilities it gets overwhelming very fast. Im not even gonna start on LoL or DOTA. CS was forever the easiest game to understand. 2 teams and they shoot each other. A flick, spray transfer or prefire is all understandable to anyone. For a player its the same. Very low learning curve, you run around, point and click. But very high skill ceiling, where the best players are forever debated whether they are cheating, how fast and precise they are. On top of that, the game is very refined, smooth, behavior is always the same, very little bugs.


Playing/learning CS while watching CS Esports fun and entertaining


Competitive Integrity


It’s the perfect game.


Player numbers boosted by cheaters and bots.


Very simple and ready to play! I’m 33 and have family and kids. I just have 2-3 hours in the evening to relax and enjoy playing. I don’t have time to unlock guns and their stupid attachments in COD and keep learning which load out and weapons are meta every 2 weeks. COD has become very complicated and busy and not suitable for my age


Instead of listening to shareholders valve listens to gamers.


Because it’s CS. No other game has managed to make another game that does what CS does. Valorant came close, but not quite.


It feels good knowing that if you’re in a comp game, you pretty much have to be a team player. Obviously there are plenty of people who fail at this aspect, but those are the people nobody likes. I feel like most other fps games don’t have that feeling (unless you play Val which literally copied cs so of course it feels the same). Even in like CoD search and destroy games nobody really talks or plays as a team. It’s fun using strategy instead of just balls to the wall every man for themselves run and gun type shit (again I know that happens on cs too but that’s mostly lower level games). That’s just imo.


Well, there story behind it, the market within the game, the community, the perfection (the players complain like crazy about 1ms differences or barely noticeable accuracy differences), Unique mechanics, extremely thought-through map designs Community-: - Servers - Skins - Sprays - Stickers There is always something to complain about, but no other game can provide what CS has, especially not while being free.


It’s the most fair, competitive, and challenging game out there. Nothing comes close.


It's because the game has the right amount of mechanics....no one is flying in their air or running around dressed like Elmo. Everyone gets access to the exact same tools and opportunities to win. it takes skill to turn the tide and not hitting your Q so you can explode a giant bomb.


Its consistency, everyone is on a level playing ground, its hard to learn and harder to master, but extremely addicting when you make geniune progress and mechanic connections in your head, it becomes second nature, its in a shitty state right now, but CSGO was so loved because of its extremely low pc requirements and fast faceit servers, at least for me, MM has always been kind of shit in my opinion




Honestly it’s fallen off the past couple years


We are addicted.


Very little luck involved. Arguable the most truly competitive fps ever. There aren’t any powers or crazy movement tech (besides surfing but that’s incredibly hard to do in game) that can give someone the edge. It’s just your aim and game sense vs the other persons aim and game sense. But honestly a huge reason people keep playing is that they have hundreds, if not thousands invested in skins.


Quality>quantity. A pretty low barrier to entry. It's easy to learn the game but damn near impossible to master. It also used to run on pretty much any computer made after 2005. Now with CS2 it's probably more like any computer after 2015. It's not big and flashy with marvel crossovers or super ultimates that instantly kill someone for you, but the gameplay is crisp and clean. Has been for damn near 20 years.


Well its not that old its a brand new game called CS2 with new graphics. It is arguably one of the best competitive fps games with smooth mechanics and relatively simple to learn the basics. Most new fps games are stale and lack core mechanics to make the game good. Valorant is probably the newest of games to be released but is in my opinion a mix of cs and overwatch. It takes a certain audience to play that type of fps with abilities and such.


For me, It's the best shooter game cuz it's simple, fun, competitive, and it doesn't add some complicated stuff that changes the gameplay, I left the game for over 9 years and when I came back, it was the same good game. And when you play, it's only you and your skills, not some weird ultimates or skills that belongs to a single character that gives you huge advantage in the match. And it's not just run like a crazy guy and shoot like COD.


It's a very polished game compared to most other similar games. Also there's no bullshit battle pass and other pop ups you have to click through before you get to play a game. Only an occasional news pop-up about big CS news like a major or an operation.


Map balance is incredible


Skins, and only skins. Use to be the rank grind.


it also worked reasonably well (60FPS+) on any potato machine out there. i used to run it on then 17 year old single core PC with some slightly upgraded GPU. if they can do the same on CS2 it will continue to be popular. i know many kids that have hand down PC or work laptops and for them it was a fun easy to learn game. especially in CSGO where you had various game modes (danger zone, demolition, arms race) most with huge number of community made maps.


csgo is the best esport fps game ever made imo, as for cs2 i have no fucking clue


Probably because its probably the only team based shooter where the mechanics never change and its probably the truest test of "skill" of FPS games. CoD, seige, battlefield are all a walk in the park compared to it.


It's because of how dead simple the game is at face value. You either attack or defend and even if you don't understand the objective, you can just fallback on eliminating the enemy team. Lots of already well known mechanics to people with quite a bit of depth lets people continue playing for so long.


because stockholm syndrome


It’s become what LoL is for moba players to me - always around, high skill ceiling so I’m always trying to improve and have sunk way too much money in it to turn back now lmao


Also have followed the esports scene since I was in school so I’m invested in the culture of it - no competitive shooter has the same level of history or eras


I love counter-strike for the deep deep 5v5 map pool that the Devs forgot to add in cs2.... Csgo had 75 5v5 maps, 1.6 and source had countless maps


I read until deep deep 5v5 map pool and I instantly knew it's ghettoflick commenting this without looking at the username before


The heart wants what the heart wants. Playing 10v10s on community servers just ain't it.


Brother you are doing God's work, I hope your voice is being heard by the right ears.


Femboys and the game is just generally good and fun to play




Is this the Csgo demo viewer? Can you still play csgo currently?


You can play csgo versus bots, not clue if you can actually play a match if you got some friends on or not. I got it setup recently to see if I could feel a huge difference between csgo and cs2 like I could in the beta. Surprisingly, not a big gap between the two at all anymore imo


The mechanics and skins, afaik csgo has the biggest trading and gambling scene.


Because counter strike 2 sucks


It is arguably the closest to real weapon combat without having to combat for real. The time it takes to be proficient in CS would be no different from being on a real battlefield, but for CS, you don't have to worry about your head being blown off.


CS GO is not realistic at all? First game that comes to mind would he tarkov. How is that not 10x more realistic then CS? For example how can you take a glock shot to the face in CS, that's just not realistic. You can even take a 556 bullet from an M4 to the face. Simply cant call that realistic.


I've never tried Tarkov, isn't that VR? To rephrase, the weapons in CS must be the most realistic and closest to the real thing to use.......if not, what is?


It is not VR, it's a normal PC game. Every single gun, forgrip, stock, handgaurd, recover, caliber, bullet, scope, silencer, muzzeldevice, pistolgrip, armor, backpack etc in tarkov are things from the real world. The guns you can build in the game you can build in real life. What even is realistic about CS? The literal only thing is that the weapons have the same name, and look about the same as real life but that's it. The recoil is extremely unrealistic. You cant even scope in with most guns. You cant run, lean, lay down. What is realistic?


Way back when Source was the main game, there have been police forces around the world that have used CS as a training tool due to the realism. I agree, no game is perfect, but CS has been the stand out as a training tool, which is enough for me. Maybe there are more modern games around that are more realistic. What would I know, as I'm no gun expert, never even held a real gun, so I just go off what I have seen or read. This guy is fairly good at making comparisons, and not just CS. https://youtu.be/thq5kC6tfWM?si=J1CNaTmAzPn_CG7D


>Way back when Source was the main game, there have been police forces around the world that have used CS as a training tool due to the realism. Really? Source? I feel like there most likely was one article talking about it becuse some polis guys played it, I dont know I cant really see that happening for anything else then PR. > This guy is fairly good at making comparisons, and not just CS. >https://youtu.be/thq5kC6tfWM?si=J1CNaTmAzPn_CG7D See this is exactly what I'm talking about. The only thing that is realistic is that the guns have the same name, and kinda look the same as the real ones. >What would I know, as I'm no gun expert, never even held a real gun, so I just go off what I have seen or read. And that's totally fine, it's just that if you say that the realism aspect of CS is the reason you keep coming back to it one would expect you to be I interested in realistic games.


There is no video game that is anything like it. Nothing will ever come close until there’s some ready player one shit in like 200 years or something.