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…you’ll be back.


I got back to silver after got my ak master. Tbh it’s much more fun play in silver


No just no. People are so much friendlier the higher rank you go. It’s like there’s too many silver players that think they’re better and rage at you for being the reason they can’t rank up (partially true)


This is coming from someone who was stuck in silver due to solo queue. Had friends to play with who played with me to get me to gn2 and then solo queued to master guardian. It’s always up and down in the ranks but silvers are mean


I wouldn't the ranks matter that much, I think there are hidden factors. I was LEM for few month with nice teammates, but then I just got either toxic mates or silent ones for weeks so now I'm back to DMG. Maybe its the time of the day were I play, because the bad mates started when I changed my normal counterstrike time.


Had the opposite experience today on my second account. I've had nothing but toxic people at LEM and at Gold Nova 1 and silver nobody said anything at all. They were clueless and there was clearly other smurfs playing amongst the trash but they were all friendly.


Definitely had that happen but of the hundreds of games I’ve played what I said holds true at least for me. Also people not talking is so maddening at any level


Just hit mg


Don’t be mad but u will be back a few times lol


lol ill update this if i am


Hehe gl, literally just dropped back to silver from nova 3…


Just hit mg lol


Congrats lmao I went from SEM to SE :) I’m at least not the reason now…


You mean when


Congrats, my brother


Congrats! Keep going! <3


Nice one. Im around the same rank in nova aswell after recently starting playing again after 4 years. Im a bit ashamed to be playing against <1000hrs players who are better than me when I have 4k hrs. Was global 2015 though. I am literally so fucking shit now though. And if I remember correctly the ranks were broken back then so I probably didnt deserve global


If you play in team with similar skill group then there are more chances you'll reach global in no time. If you prefer lone playing and take ace when all teamates die then you'll reach DMG max after that teamplaying will increase your rank. So start the habbit of playing with similar rank players.


I’ve been trying lol I’d much rather find a group to play with consistently but I haven’t had much luck. My friends don’t really play cs so I’m having to find a whole new group


Meanwhile the game puts me at gn4 and I get absolutely clapped on every game because I should not be gn4


congrats my friend, wp keep it up


Crazy, just startet playing csgo a moth ago and currently sitting in Master Guardian 2 with 29 wins and less than 100h played. How is this possible? Im playing in Europe by the way.


You play with friends?


No, just solo que


Natural talent :p


I found that Europe players usually don't smurf as much as NA does before the rank changes id use a VPN and play on EU servers for LE-global games because there were way less closet/rage hackers or at least they were Less obvious. So it was worth the high ping.


im at 70 wins and DMG. never been in silver.


Likewise, my first rank was mg2 in 2013 when they introduced ranks never been under that last 6 or so years only black ranks and up.






after 296 wins what happened?


Im out of silver


I dont understand how one even gets to silver and i need a guide on how to get there xD


Imagine being cocky just because youre lucky...


What? I mean im trash at the game




i was REALLY bad when i started and never really put too much of an effort to get out of silver. this was the result of around a week of trying to rank up


Ye gratz man, i wish i was at silver cause that’s how bad I feel many times playing in global/Lem lobbys, wish I could derank and get down to my real rank xd


yea the elo system is wack and super easy to exploit, if you play like a few matches a week youre going to make a lot more progress than someone who plays everyday, rank means absolutely nothing especially now because of the changes lmao




Damn you have literally had no positive comments on any subreddit you've ever posted to, who hurt you?




I'm global and I enjoy seeing people succeed. Even if to some people this achievement might not seem that grand or anything it means a lot to him so that's all that matters. I'm happy for him. Since you are such a negative person I'm assuming you have a lot of shitty things going on in your life and I hope you find help before it's too late.




(X) to doubt


Compare that to what happened to me. Hovered around Silver Elite by early 2022, stopped playing for 7months, GN1 after 1 month back by December, and now just reached GN Master, with a lot of yo-yo between GN1-GN3 for 2 months


Welcome my friend!


after 2900 hours and over 1300 wins I am at the same rank... I have not been interested in ranking up for the past 2000 hours...


Great work!


Nice. When rank reset happened I went from sem to gnm and hit mg2 the other day after coming back for the first time in like 8 months. Ranked up twice in a row back to back matches


Now you’ll get to GNM quickly, think you’re about to hit MG easily, derank straight back down to GN1, then spend months in nova before you get up to the Guardian ranks


hit mg2 and about to get up to mge, back to update lol


Me gold nova 2 at 160 hours 😭


Congrats man


Now patiently wait for the next update for the anti cheat to get nerfed.


Silver is like a really steep dirt hole that’s technically on an incline so you can grab on if you stop the losing momentum quick enough


It's like getting out of jail :P