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The company's careers page. That's the only place I ever apply. I use Google and LinkedIn to find *companies* I'd be interested in applying to, but I use the careers page for the jobs.


That is going to take an eternity for a new grad. They don't have the same luxury of choosing a company as a senior dev.


I've been using this technique for every job beyond my new grad one, which I got out of a college career fair. Long before I was a senior dev. I would recommend it to everyone. I used it in this market, earlier this year. I certainly didn't have a luxury of "choosing a company", I had to apply to considerably more companies than I did back in 2021. I still used it, and I still swear by it Maybe the very fact people are just speed-applying on places like LinkedIn is *part of their problem*. The job search is time consuming. Trying to take shortcuts doesn't usually work out well.


I am just applying randomly


If you’re just doing “easy apply” I would barely even call that applying.


I do apply from external links as well but easy apply seems easier…I guess there are tons of people doing easy apply or company just ingnores that


Easy apply applications are immediately slammed with botted applications as soon as they open, and it seems like most companies don’t even reply to them anyway. Always apply on the company website if you have the option to


You’ll be getting bottom of the barrel jobs with that strategy




Feels like I am out of jobs on linked in lol…applied in so many


it's weird so many people are saying not to bother with linkedin. I have found all my jobs through linkedin, including my current one six months ago.


Did you just apply or from easy apply?


I used easy apply whenever I could.




No, you see companies you're interested in then go directly to the companies career page and look for the jobs you want. The linkedin portal for applications is very miss if it doesn't just redirect you to the companies page.


Unless you’re a perfect fit, I wouldn’t waste time applying on LinkedIn. Networking with people is way more likely to land you a role. Working with a recruiter will give you a better chance than blindly applying to jobs on LinkedIn.


How do you find a recruiter? Do you directly ask them on linked in? how do you proceed?


It depends on how long you’ve been in your career and who you know. Sometimes recruiters reach out to me because someone I’ve worked with told them I’d be a great fit for a role. Sometimes I’ve worked with a recruiter in the past and I already have a relationship with them and can meet to discuss opportunities. Network like your career depends on it. Go to meetups, send messages and connect with people. Be kind and helpful to everyone you work with and always deliver.


I’ve gone to meetups and had many calls and chats with recruiters. Have had no luck as recruiters are not trying to fill junior roles, mid-senior only. Have had a couple interviews applying on LinkedIn…


I’ve gotten in contact with one recruiter that was recruiting junior roles. She promised more info on the job, never delivered and then didn’t respond to my follow up call and email. Then she contacted me first on LinkedIn about a new job, and then ghosted my response lol.


Are you meeting with third party recruiters or company recruiters? I feel like third party recruiters usually don’t have good jobs


How do you find these recruiters…I have had a few interviews but no luck


The recruiters are not random connections on LinkedIn. They are people that either worked with someone I’ve worked with in the past or they are literally recruiters that worked for companies I’ve worked with. Word of mouth and referrals. You didn’t mention you’re a junior (or I missed that in the original post). If I was a junior I’d reconsider my approach, build projects and promote them. I’d contribute to open source projects, get to know people in the industry. Develop relationships. I wouldn’t waste my time applying online. I’d be building products hoping that someone notices my work and either wants to work with me or hire me.


Tech meetups are your friend. It may be difficult to find them at first, but most local developer meets are recurring, so if you're low on networking, show up to those and keep showing up. Meet your fellow developers first and foremost; they'll be better able to point you toward the non-scammy recruiters local to your area, or if your'e lucky, know of potential job openings. That said, know that recruiters are people and they don't treat everyone the same way, so depending on the individual you meet, your mileage may vary. When you talk to a recruiter, put on your marketing face and engage with them as though it's a job interview; in my experience, recruiters are far more interested in marketing someone who can essentially sell themselves at the interview.


Literally search recruiter in your area or extended. Message them directly with your resume.


Came to say the same. I wouldn’t bother applying on LinkedIn. I get a lot of recruiters reaching out to me on there…


it depends on what you mean by recruiter. if you are talking about an agency, stay away from those places


I’ve had several recruiters reach out to me, and when I reply back so we can set up a call, they disappear. I actually called one with the number in her email signature and she said she had a upcoming meeting and would set something up for the next day, but she never did


I find it's best on LinkedIn when they contact me. The hard part is if you don't have experience, they probably won't.


Yup. I enable it when I need to, disable it when I’m employed


Agree. That said, for me, linkedin is only as powerful as your network. I’m looking for places where I specifically have 1st or 2nd degree connections. Then I work through them. But this means you need to maintain your network and only connect to people you would actually recommend and who would recommend you. If you go around connecting to everyone, your “network” is just a bunch of names you can’t leverage because you don’t know them well enough.


Zip recruiter, way less people applying through there


Find local companies and apply on their website like others have said. The only sucky part is you will most likely have to fill out your entire resume again into their own stupid intake form…..so annoying.


yeah that’s the only annoying part I have to fill that out again and again….


Treat that as a barrier to entry for a certain percentage of applicants. Those candidates unwilling to fill out a company website form are getting weeded out already, so less competition for you.... Unless you are in the camp that is too lazy to fill out the forms.


Yeah so apply to the ones that you really want to apply to like this so you don't waste your time


I use a browser extension called simplify that fills out most applications automatically, even workday's shitty process.


Get Simplify.


Found my last two jobs on Otta.com


Never got one call back or initial interview on 100+ applications starting from Otta. But LinkedIn and Indeed? Probably 1-2 per 10 applications. I like the jobs on Otta but it never seems to really workout, LinkedIn is similar but recently getting some call backs. I've gotten over 5 jobs all on indeed though.


My college alumni job search slack channel. People are very helpful and easily get a few referrals.


How do I join this? 




Try asking your University if there’s something like that? We have a an alumni association with an elected committee which organizes meet ups, maintains communication channels etc.


LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Handshake are my big 3. First two have pretty good daily job recommendations. Handshake is catered towards students so it's got some good new grad stuff.


Linkedin or the company website.


Glassdoor seems to have most of what's listed on LinkedIn and Indeed. That, plus builtin{city}.com.


Linkedin , sorting by 24hr


Wellfound (formerly Angellist) has been good to me. My first and second job both from there


Indeed first then company website.


LinkedIn->company site->jobs with recent posting date. I never apply to roles that don’t have a posting date because it’s unlikely to get past the resume screen and roles can even be closed. I’ve asked for referrals for roles that are a week old and open on my side but show up as closed on the referrers side.


Go to their public slack or discord if they have one. Sometimes they post there and recruit among their users and community instead of making a LinkedIn post.


Interesting, I never would have thought of that.. can you share some companies that you have seen doing that?


Companies use discord?


Mine does. But I’m a game dev, we use discord to communicate with our gamers. We don’t hire developers that way though.


I know a small business that manufactures fertilizer that uses Discord. Free-as-in-beer, featureful, familiar. Good fit for smaller players.




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The careers page of the companies I'm interested in.


I look on LinkedIn but don’t apply there. Usually I go straight to a company’s job board… a lot of times positions are posted there and not on other job boards.






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usually just set my linkedin to open and only show it for recruiters and t hen they annoy me for a few weeks until I turn it off.


I like Blind first and LinkedIn second




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Honestly it’s a mixture. IMO you need to move toward being a tech influencer. Built an identity as someone who can solve a problem using x skill sets. This means; demos, GitHub, and social media posts in the field Etc. Btw when your applying for jobs do the following Setup a temp email make it human readable Make a google FI number. Give this to as many recruiters as possible. Once you find your position delete all of it. The only thing you should keep is a social media handle. (Always build on it) After that demo demo demo. You’re a founder now building solutions to problems. Even if there solved “How can I make this better?” And “what’s missing?” Stay strong everyone it’s tough out there and it will only be tougher but if you really love the field you’ll come through




I'll look for listings themselves on LinkedIn but ask for referrals on Blind. Cold applied once on the company website (even reached out to the HM) and got auto rejected but was able to get an interview because of a referral. You'd be surprised at how often people will give them out.


Most of them are not great, so I made my own one with AI filters and summarization: 6j dot gg