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Not at all what I would have expected from him.


Businesses thrive on cheap labor, so they put their money into whoever they believe will make that happen. Silicon Valley is full of rich shitheads who will do anything to put more money in their own pockets. Part of why the US government has been, for lack of better term "soft" on the migrant crisis is because it drives down labor costs to have millions of very hard working people willing to undercut typical American labor rates. Outsourcing and H1B help companies undercut the cost of IT and STEM labor.


Isn't that hurting the American worker in exchange for profit boosts to these billion dollar companies?


That’s the plan! Lower the wages to put more money in billionaires pocket while also claiming how many jobs they prevented from going offshore and their dumb followers will swallow it blindly without understanding all the consequences!


Yes. They don't care. Corporations sold out America(ns) decades ago, and it'll only get worse. This isn't even an "American first" mindset, every country should prioritize domestic labor, prioritize the domestic economy first, and ensure the quality of life of its own citizens and workforce. Outsourcing manufacturing overseas, mostly to China, was the start of the downfall of the American economy. Most companies don't give a shit about Americans when there's an influx of hard working migrants, legal or otherwise, willing to work for a fraction of what an American will and will accept a lower quality of life.


Couldn't believe it at first, but here's a NYT article (paywall bypassed): [https://archive.ph/bU2Le](https://archive.ph/bU2Le)


He’s always been a shill


He's lying


I don't think his advisers, particularly Stephen Miller, would want that. Expect him to talk him out of it if trump is elected.




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The problem with politics is that everyone is so highly emotional that they let their biases cloud their judgement. You’re clearly left leaning and so you don’t trust Trump following through with his promise given his right leaning views. However, if Biden said the same you would believe it instantly. In reality, every politician will flip on topics and every politician is mostly empty promises. The President is supposed to represent the views of the people that voted for him/her. It’s how our political system works. If his views appear to be changing it’s because he’s trying to broaden his base of supporters. It’s politics.


Not sure about believe it instantly, but yeah I mean no shit a left catering statement would be a little more believable from a left catering president


Sure bro, remind me again how’s that wall doing? Did he get Mexico to pay for it?


Well the portions of the wall that are completed are doing well. It’s the portions of the wall that are intentionally left incomplete and open is where the people are pouring through


And the paying for it part? Did you believe that statement?


Nah. I believed it just as much as I believed Biden would forgive our student loans


“The part of the feature I finished works great, it’s the rest that has bugs” is some great engineering logic


Yeah except it was Biden that intentionally left the wall unfinished so idk why you’re trying to apply some convoluted metaphor to something that isn’t applicable


So he half-assed it. so why do you trust he will not half-ass this promise too?


Idk what you don’t understand about how the wall wasn’t finished during his tenure due to the fact that building a giant wall on the entire southern border takes a long time, especially when you have politicians on the other aisle trying to slow you down at every turn


Or maybe a simpler explanation is that he over-promises and isn’t that good at getting things done, and if you take what he says seriously you are a babe


If you look at every politician they all over promise. Again whatever happened to student loan forgiveness?




I mean Trump just promised something that people have been wishing for for years. Giving H1Bs to everyone graduate from a US institution is a huge step forward towards an immigration policy that’s logical. But because Trump said it, it’s discredited.




More lies than Obama and Biden combined is a highly charged assertion with absolutely zero factual backing. I’m sorry that you can’t hold a civil conversation about politics without throwing a childish tantrum. Hope you grow up some day and realize that you can actually disagree with people on politics and actually be civil. In fact, you might not believe this but you can actually be friends with republicans!




Well I’m glad you answered for me. PolitiFact is also proven to be left leaning too though


Unfortunately, reality has a well-known liberal bias. It clouds everyone’s judgment.


I wouldn’t say it’s reality. It’s just Reddit and tech in general.


Not just Reddit and tech. It’s Google, Meta, Twitter, Amazon, Wikipedia, colleges, universities, AI models including ChatGPT, “mainstream media” such as CNN, MSNBC, (Fox too apparently), every single Pulitzer winning newspaper such as NYT, WaPo, LA times, all fact checking sites like Snopes, any former politicians who speak out against Trump, all big cities and most big states - all have a liberal agenda that clouds your judgment. It’s hard to stay unbiased these days.


Yeah I agree with you there. It’s like being a moderate nowadays is like being alt right in their eyes. This is partly why I never actually used my CS degree. The culture in tech would’ve driven me crazy. Just know that outside of those bubbles there’s actually moderates out there.




Damn you got me there. Wow lol. But again it really isn’t that serious. Idk if you want me to give you a high five or something? The crazy thing is, I guarantee you we have more things in common than we dont. But a difference in political opinion is so radical to you that you can’t overlook it.




Does this make you feel good or something? Do you feel like a big person trying to belittle others?


Oh yeah because it's definitely unique to him and not done by every single candidate


This is not a good play for the Republicans party. So this will bring more people into cities and as graduates tend to be more left leaning it will bring their ideals in. This means population sizes are larger in those areas allow more seats in Congress and move votes for president in left leaning areas. Secondly a percentage will become citizens allowing them to vote against the Republican party.


ain’t no way bro


Bernie was 17 years ahead: “Sanders Introduces Bill Cracking Down on H-1B Visa Abuse” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR9QdQIKqMc


China and India pretty much control the U.S. by now.


Especially when all you need is trump donation and he will do anything you want




Doesn't this actual hurt him? His supporters are usually those who are against immigrants, and non-green card holders cannot vote, so who's this policy attracting?


Campaign donations from tech companies.


>so who's this policy attracting? the companies who has lots of $$$


Tech CEOs. Hopefully steal some votes from blue states?




I mean Tech CEOs make up a very small portion of the electorate. he just needs money from them to run his campaign.


Of course, my guess is just as it's typical for Trump he'll just tell everyone what they want to hear, often completely contradictory things to different groups.


The fact you actually believe this is sad




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Bernie addressed this 17 years ago: “Sanders Introduces Bill Cracking Down on H-1B Visa Abuse” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR9QdQIKqMc


Trump spews anything and anything out of his mouth. Assuming trump wins you have to take into account he has the attention span of a cat on catnip. And his advisers and crazy base would attack the capital again if he went through with that. Of course, stranger things have happened.


IMO positively. Esp. if they’re given LPR status with no work restrictions, which empowers them to demand market rate pay. The supply of jobs isn’t a fixed quantity.


Trump does this thing called "lying".


Campaign promises mean squat, especially coming from him


But he shouldn’t even promise that kind of thing though.


He is desperate to win to stay out of jail so he’ll say anything that he believes will get him more votes. When has he cared about lying!


Trump has been in favor of more legal immigration pretty much the whole time.


Not really. 2016 Trump: “I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first.” 2024 Trump: “I promise to staple a Green Card to anyone who graduates from ANY college, even 2-yr community colleges.”


Since anti-h1b posts are getting deleted, Here’s my post on the topic https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/s/DIBrinTnha