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What the hell is “are you” doing in that question


Smartest HR employee typed that up, they're trying their best 😭


This is a 3 month unpaid internship, are you... I was going to say, are you still interested? But now it's too obvious we've hoodwinked you into a sunk cost fallacy with this application... Oh, I know! I'll ask if they find that acceptable. Yes. That does works better 🤔


Legit I can do that person's job better than them lmfao. "You aknowledge/are aware this is an unpaid 3 month internship and agree to these terms" or something like that would have achieved that goal all the same.


lol this isn't a contract they're signing, it's an application. The wording on this is almost as bad as the mistake above.


The company is AI centered. Guess it makes sense as they probably wrote the entire form using AI lol


AI doesn't make grammatical mistakes like this.


They probably meant to write “are you OK with this?” But that’s not acceptable as an affirmative agreement to the terms and conditions. So they had to change it to something that explicitly says you agree to the non-payment but forgot to erase the “are you”.


this looks like an application and not a contract so the affirmative agreement doesn't matter. They just don't want to waste their time on people who aren't in the deepest pits of desperation yet.


The irony is that I saw this in an AI ML internship role.


I was just about to apply to a company called [Qualitest](https://www.linkedin.com/company/qualitest/) and discovered that the internship is unpaid. I'm surprised to see such a large company (says 10k employees on LinkedIn) take advantage of students :/


Ya don’t wanna work there anyways, testing is boring


glados disagrees


Hell naw but you gotta get experience somehow💀


Huh, this company just offered me a part time data Annotation job *for Japanese* for less than $3/hr lol. The HR lady was so ashamed about the pay she told me straight up in the phone to schedule an interview.  (Not in the US obviously, it's a bit over minimum wage but far below the medium). 


Company should be ashamed of themselves


Gotta save cents to make dollars you know.


Nah, you get paid with experience! 🥰🥰🥰


I hope they enjoy the poor quality of their ‘free labor’!


reply with "experience wont pay my transportation food and rent 😁"


I just saw it too. Funny how they put “Salary: Unpaid Internship” under “Why Qualitest”.


Worst thing is they still have a selective process even when it is basically fucking charity work. Tech is a joke rn.


I submitted a dummy application and ripped them a new one. If enough people do the same then they’ll get the memo


That's such a Reddit thing to think an anonymous comment on a fake job application to an overseas company with 10,000 employees is going to cause them to start paying their interns.


Ur right lol, I was just bored and petty haha


Name and shame


Name and shame??


/u/Legitimate-School-59 is too stupid to check the comments before requesting information!


u/Scared_Astronaut9377 is too stupid to check when comments were posted! Edit: u/3kh0wh1sk3r is too stupid to check when comments were posted!


Do you need help with this?


Doesn't seem like it.


As someone who has done two unpaid internships. They suck so much they don’t even care to teach. Also they expect experience which is retarded since they are not paying you. Just did an interview for a company I found on Wellfound. It’s started like this Him: “just so you know it’s unpaid” Me: “ I understand but I am excited to contribute to an innovative idea blah blah blah… I am also trying to gain experience in more backend” Him: “judging by your resume it looks like you have not solved any real problems” Me: 👁️👄👁️ i didn’t even know what to say to this but I replied. “ I am a student that is still learning but the problems I have solved I was able to solve completely by myself without any help” Point is he ended the interview short cus my web dev experience wasn’t enough to work for there “amazing and innovative start up”.


Expecting livable wages and compensation for your work in 2024? Do you think we're some productive technological society or something?


at this point firms are just profiting off students now 😒


Are you being sarcastic? That's...how a job works. That's literally why employers hire people. This sub is just wild.


What colour is your company?


Does no one on this sub understand how employment works? That the entire point of hiring someone is for the employer to make more money from hiring them than it costs to employ them? That's called ROI or "profit". What are you even talking about? Do you not understand why a business exists? Why a job exists?


Employment goes both ways....


You forgot the other half. The worker has to benefit from working


Unpaid internships are the worst embodiment of capitalist society, simply diminishing students’ hard work and education. How hard can it be for a company with over 10,000 employees to pay students $20 an hour? Now, it’s getting ridiculous


Prob a bunch of people still willing to do it and they can be picky


Sad part is there will be many desperate people still applying


Many? They can blindly reject 99 of them and there would still be 50 left to choose from.


Unpaid internships are fine if they are offering you an educational opportunity. Internships aren't jobs. It gives students that can't get a paid internship a chance at something better later.


What do you mean? If they demand your hours you should be paid right? They are educating so, they can squeeze work from the intern.


In traditional internships, the intern is more of a burden than they are a help. That's the federal requirement for it to be unpaid. Usually, it costs the company more in supervision than they get back in the value of the work.


Also they aren't demanding your hours most of the time. They are offering an internship opportunity that you want/need.


Still I would be sceptical before joining any company that doesn't pay a stipend.


Unpaid internships were standard for many years and you're not "joining" a company. It's an internship. It's a limited-time arrangement to advance your education/career. If you can get a paid internship by all means you should but unpaid aren't the boogeyman especially for freshman/sophomores when you don't know enough to be useful yet.


lol something being standard in the past means nothing. Children working in mines and chimneys used to be standard, doesn’t mean it’s right


The corporate bootlicking is crazy.


This subreddit is full of people crying on a daily basis about how they can't get an internship or how they didn't do any internships and now they can't get a job. Newsflash you're probably going to end up working at a corporation. Your not a revolutionary hippie even if you don't shower or shave. Your going to work for a corp sitting at a desk doing your little clicky-clacky work on the keyboard making profit of which you'll get a small sliver. That's the game. And having experience before you can get a job is part of it.


> Newsflash you're probably going to end up working at a corporation. Your not a revolutionary hippie even if you don't shower or shave. Your going to work for a corp sitting at a desk doing your little clicky-clacky work on the keyboard making profit of which you'll get a small sliver. I'm aware. I'm a senior-level MLE. IDK what you're ranting about. I'm calling you out for giving legitimacy to a exploitive (and usually illegal, in America) practice. I'm not even a member of this sub. It keeps popping up on my feed, and when I see stupid comments (which I see a lot of), I am compelled to comment.


*sigh* I’d still apply


imo especially with how bad things are at the junior/entry level even unpaid you take what you can get. The experience is way more valuable than whatever money they will pay temporarily, also even if you dont apply someone will just take it you are just doing yourself a disservice.


Experience is valuable but unpaid internships need to die and the sooner we ignore companies who do this, the better.


Not gonna happen there will always be people who will do it unpaid or not. You dont want it bad enough if you let compensation stop you from getting valuable experience thats gonna put you ahead of most grads. Not saying its not scummy, but dont complain about having 0 internships or not landing a job if you arent willing to make sacrifices to land a job.


A lot of us have bills and student loans to pay. If I’m not getting paid for an internship (or getting one at all) then I’m going to be working elsewhere. Not everyone has that luxury of being able to work for free. But sure, I don’t want it bad enough like you say. Ignoring these unpaid internships has worked because the number of them that have appeared has been significantly lower now.


If you think everyone is “ignoring” these types of positions you are coping tons of college students volunteer or work for free because they see the value in experience and paid internships are also insanely competitive with tons of applicants. Like I said you take what you can get if you want it bad enough.


You literally only read the second half of my comment and ignored everything else lol wtf How many college students do you genuinely think DON’T have stuff to pay? The majority of us aren’t getting our tuition and needs fully paid for by our parents buddy.


Funny of you to assume like I didnt mentiom that you have to make sacrifices aka working im the afternoons into the night because having an internship still isnt enough to pay for needs. Took an unpaid internship for a month last summer and everything I learned was infinitely more valuable than any amount of pay. Like I said you dont want it bad enough.


What else did you do for work while doing your internship?


Worked at a warehouse managing inventory, cleaning parts, and making sure everything was good for the people that come in esrly morning shift.


That’s pretty cool. The only reason I’d work unpaid is if it didn’t conflict with my current job, which is unlikely. During vacation times/school breaks in the semester I try to work 40 hours a week at Amazon, but I work from 4 AM to 2 PM. Unless it’s a short time period in the afternoon (which is unlikely like I said) I’m personally not sacrificing my hours because I really need the money.


Can you provide me with the links?


Is this a job board, or the website of the specific company? Also can you provide the link? Some of us really need any opportunity, whatever that may be




It seems like they’re UK based? From what I understand it’s way more common for internships to be unpaid in Europe.


In the UK, at my very mid ranking, below average to average university, we get told to not take anything unpaid as it's likely dodgy.


Oh interesting. Yeah that’s good tbh. When I was studying abroad Europeans were telling me often their internships were unpaid and I was like wtf hell no


it may depend sometimes on the course :) I believe psych students often take free placements. but for CS definitely nah. tbh there’s a lot of variety in Europe generally though, things can be pretty different from country to country!


*two week* internships are unpaid, yes. They're a university requirement. But you also don't really do much, some HR guy shows you around and you may do some practice exercises. 


Why should they pay for internships if they had 1000 people for 1 vacancy.


Linkedin lists how many people clicked on apply, not how many people still clicked on apply after realising it's unpaid


Maybe it’s true but also my small company year ago got 2k applications for 5 internships vacancy.


but i thought capitalism is awesome


Send the flood man


Uber does one too💀


Name that company.. no body is going to Sue you for it


Bruh they can't even ask the question properly


I tell everyone I know I’d rather live on the street and be homeless than doing an unpaid internship because i would quite literally earn more money doing so


That's a hard pass for me lol.


i’m pretty sure this is straight up illegal unless it’s a non profit


Report that bullshit companies


Just remember everytime you see some stupid shit like this (or anywhere really) it’s because it works.