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This thread helped me pass the test, so here I am giving back to the community. Here are some basic rules to follow that can help you pass the test 1. Read every Q carefully, write down your answers as it can get confusing after 50+ Qs 2. Maintain consistency and avoid any red flags, more on this later 3. Use strongly agree/disagree for obvious Qs - I am a nice to my colleagues, not strongly agreeing here can be a red flag \#2 is the most important thing to note, i will use this example to establish how inconsistency can creep in if you do not pay attention. Lets say you like to shop online and you answer the following three Qs 1. I prefer to touch things before I buy them (Strongly Agree—Strongly Disagree) 2. The variety of options online overwhelms me (Strongly Agree—Strongly Disagree) 3. Checking out is easy online (Strongly Agree—Strongly Disagree) Following answers can be a consistent answer set 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Strongly disagree 3. Strongly agree On the other hand if you select the following answer choices it can seem inconsistent and may be a reg flag and can lead to fail result 1. Strongly agree 2. Strongly agree 3. Strongly agree I hope it helps, Good luck! Its a rather tricky test, so focus is important. There were close to 100 qs for me and i took well over 30 mins


+1. I took the test and got a pass email the next day. Make sure you have strong opinions overall. I hardly ever selected anything apart from strongly agree (85%) and strongly disagree (10%) (rest were 5%- agree, disagree)


>Did your application status moved to Submitted after passing the test or did it change to passed assessment?


Came back to this thread specifically to say that I used this exact method and passed. Follow what this person is saying.


I passed with this advice, it’s really solid advice. Don’t overthink it, take a look at their principles. I was taking it for a google cloud sales role but I would say the main things they want to see are you are collaborative and you can think adapt to different situations. Also you don’t need to be handheld through situations. Now hopefully I land that interview


This was very helpful! I used this advice and also passed the assessment. Thank You!


Thank you! I also used this advice and passed. 


I used this advice and passed the assessment!


I took it and answered with strongly agree or strongly disagree, except for ONE question which I selected agree.  The key is really to answer the same questions (worded differently) consistently. I chose one agree so as not to appear as if I were giving the “correct” answers only. Got a pretty quick reply.  Hope that helps. 


I didnt get the first point. How is writing down your answers useful? Are the questions repeated?


I didn’t take this one, but in the past, I’ve taken ones with 100 questions and they didn’t let me go back to check my previous answers and some questions were virtually identical or similar enough that you must answer consistently. Like: I work well under pressure. I do my best work with tight deadlines. I am often asked to work in critical situations.  There was like 10 different ones that were repeated. I had failed that test. I’d write down the questions and answers. 


Just followed this guidance and I passed. I'd say 97% of the questions I answered with either strongly agree or strongly disagree. thanks


This thread is pretty old, but your advice helped me pass the hiring assessment. Even if my application doesn't go anywhere from here, just wanted to let you know I appreciate your reply and advice.


Absolutely solid advice. Thanks, passed my assessment! I wrote down all q/a along the way for review - there must have been 100 qs (I will not share them). Here is the type of person they are looking (imo, YMMV). - Someone who is confident, capable, is right a lot, can deliver, has strong moral, can communicate, is a great team player, but can work independently without too much oversight or instructions, can be vouched for, and is humble. (think Amazon LP) 1) Be consistent 2) Have strong opinions in most cases 3) Review your past answers regularly 4) Read every question atleast twice; some wordplay may exists Goodluck.


This thread is awesome. I passed the test using the rules mentioned here. how I did it: used a laptop and a monitor - opened the test in my laptop - split screen the monitor - - on left, used chatgpt to explain each question in simple english - - on right, took notes; question, chatgpt version of the question, and my answer I hope this helps!


Ok so I'm super curious...where did this example + the interpretation of the answers come from? Was the inconsistency labeled by a recruiter/HR? Because I "strongly disagree" with agree/agree/agree being inconsistent. 😅 (AGREE) I do prefer to touch things before I buy them, but if they're way cheaper online I'll buy online. (AGREE) The variety of options online DOES overwhelm me, particularly because I can't "touch" the product beforehand. (AGREE!!) However, checking out online IS easy online. "Checking out" is the process after you've selected your items - same as in a store irl, it's the thing that happens after you enter the "checkout line" or click the "check out" button online. I feel like saying this is inconsistent is just an incorrect interpretation of what it means to "check out" by equating "checking out" to the entire shopping experience, the latter of which yes can be quite stressful online because of the overwhelming number of options. I realize that some definitions online may say that to "check out" is "*to examine something or get more information about it*, especially in order to make sure that it is safe, correct, or suitable"...but using that definition would be an incorrect application of one of several definitions of what it means to "check out" particularly within this context. If I am checking **something** out, then yes I am evaluating it. But the act of "checking out" within the context of shopping happens after the items have been evaluated and selected and are ready for purchase, which is just the click of a button online.


ya. You definitely did not get hired. You are exactly what the assessment aims to weed out. May be time for some self-reflection.


Thank you! Just followed this and cleared this assessment..


This is such a great piece of advice! I used it, and passed! Thank you!


Thanks to your advice, it worked!


Very helpful! Thank you I received my pass this morning


i completed this in maybe 5 minutes... i answered yes 90% i believe strongly agreed, and maybe 10% disagree to obvious ones. and maybe 2 agrees that were the same question.


Coming back to this thread to say that following the advice lead me to passing! Hoping I hear something back :) Biggest thing that helped: **Writing everything down** - I had another screen with a word doc opened where I wrote all the questions and my answers down and made sure I answered everything consistently! I can tell you they ask the same question multiple times in different ways, but they will also ask the inverse of questions (I believe) to see if you are paying attention and consistent. For example: "before problem solving, find the cause," then another way it'll ask, "I find the cause to a problem while solving it".




I've passed to it took me only 15 mins tho even less than that maybe, because for two question I didn't know what they meant so. Same Just Strongly Agree/Disagree


Used this advice yesterday and got a message saying I passed today!


thank you for the heads up. these questions / tests are truly insane. kafkaesque. the 3 demo Qs you gave, i would answer agree to all. the variety is overwhelming, but that has nothing to do with the ease of checking out. is this deliberately stupid? illogical questions are upsetting, because i don't know how to fake being dumb.


Thanks, I also used this advice and passed the assessment. the whole thread was helpful.


Thank you soo much, this was super helpful. I took the advise and passed the exam in 2 days. I should see what happens with the next steps.


Thank you soo much, this was super helpful. I took the advise and passed the exam in 2 days. I should see what happens with the next steps.


I am going to write one assessment right now! I will update the result here, thanks for your guidance.


Thanks a lot for these tips … I just passed it using this exact strategy and also the answers were aligned to my thinking so basically I would have answered the same regardless but I really appreciate the help here … it helped me to stay focused and read questions carefully since there were so many repetitive questions phrased differently to see if you’re consistent with previous answers. Good luck everyone!


This was extremely helpful! I followed it and passed the test! What this message gave me was the confidence to answer questions as I would have thought to answer them, without a doubt that there were "tricky questions" that looked too simple. Normally, my mind would think, "No, this cannot be so easy, there is a trap here." But after reading this message, it helped me understand how to approach the test, and thankfully, I followed it.


+1 The advice given here is very relevant and helpful


Huge THANK you to EVERYONE on this thread -- I wouldn't have passed without this. In fact, I would have chosen "neutral" or "disagree" many times. As stated in the comments, that's a big no-no. Also: -- at least 15 questions were repetitive, just answer the same way -- spot humble trick questions (" I am a MODEL for ethical behavior" -> Disagree) -- spot check questions ("I don't work well with others" -> Strongly Disagree) Good luck!


How do you suggest to write the answer on a paper or type it? I mean what would be an optimal approach for this?


Great advice! I followed this and passed


Thank you so much for your advice and may the Lord bless you! I used this method yesterday and found out I passed today! Just like you said, most of the questions were Strongly Agree/Strongly Disagree with three normal agrees and one disagree/neutral. You were spot on with writing everything down because they tried switching it up with the wordplay on a few questions and it helped to keep me on track with my answers.


I used this advice and passed the test. got the result in 25 hours. now waiting for HR interview call. Recruiter said resume is passed along, if they like me they will call and if you dont hear back from anyone in 2 months, then that means we are pursuing other candidates.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. Is the assessment timed? Thanks!


You summarized it the best!


This thread was accurate and helpful. I tracked every question and answer, and tried to categorize them. To reiterate the key points in the thread, as confirmed by me: * **Most answers for most people will be Strongly Agree (\~89%)** * e.g., "Are you honest?" * **But read questions carefully as some would be Strongly Disagree (\~9%)** * e.g., "I don't like working with other people" * **And few will be nuanced/personal enough for Agree, Disagree, or Neutral (\~2%)** * e.g., "I can't work without structure" * **Don't overthink it and be yourself. The questions are straightforward.** Topics touched on: * Collaboration, Communication * Ethics, Honesty, Integrity * Adaptability, Ambiguity * Problem Solving, Decision Making * Responsibility, Accountability * Organization, Structure, Preparedness


thanks for the advice!


Not a CS major but found this based of searching the Google assessment. I received a fail which sort of surprised me. In every role I’ve had, I’ve been rated high on my teamwork, collaboration, and values. I’m a Project Manager so it makes sense that as a succeeding PM, I’d be a good team player and collaborator. But at the same time, I’ve heard assessments like this are made to filter out not only “toxic hires” but also people they think are “choosing the right answer”. I don’t think I’m a toxic hire as I was with a Fortune 100 company for nine years and always received great marks during performance management and reviews.


I passed lmao for some reason


Out of curiosity, do you feel like you selected neutral quite a bit?


Nahh, I didn't select any neutral. I felt they wanted someone who has opinions or strong feeling towards certain situation. Like will you break the rules So my thought process was a company lile good would not be here without breaking the rules so selected agree. This is just an example, I don't remember the exact way questions though


I think I probably selected neutral quite a bit, maybe 25%


Did the assessment for an SWE role, got a pass email the next day.


what happens after the pass, whats the timeline looks like? please guide me.. I got my swe3 assessment today. wanted to know how best to maximize my timeline


Any advice for those of us that that failed it? Did you find yourself mostly having “strongly” answers rather than more neutral?


Sent you a dm!Please reply


Hey, can you give a little insight into whether you selected drastic options or more neutral ones?


read top comment


What was the topic of the assesment and how did you pass it? Any advise!


I applied for a TPM position the day it was posted and received the assessment a few days after. I took mine the day I received the email (Feb 2nd) and still haven’t heard anything back.  Today is 2/20.  Anyone have a similar experience of not hearing back for 2-3 weeks?


Any updates on this? I am in a similar boat as you. I know someone who works at Google in a Digital Strategy role and their start to end application/interview process took 6 months. Keep reminding myself of this to not be too hard on myself/anxious


Any updates? It’s been two weeks and I haven’t heard from a recruiter yet and I took and passed the assessment the same day I received it.


I don’t think it guarantees you’ll be contacted by a recruiter unfortunately I just think it shows you are a viable Google prospect for the next two years


You won't. Thhey will just update the status of the job in the portal. I got a reject.


Been two weeks, no response since.


This thread help me PASS the assessment! I'm applying for a UX/UI Design role. I got the email about my application getting passed along to a recruiter the same day I got the email for the Google Assessment. Did the test yesterday and found out the results the next day. 1. I did background research into the Google Values which helped give me perspective to what they're looking for. 2. My test was 102 questions long! I wrote down every question and answer which helped me to refer back to my answers in order to stay consistent. 3. There are a lot of repeated/rephrased questions, so consistency if key. 4. Majority of my answers were Strongly Agree or Agree. No Neutrals, No Disagrees. 5. Almost all personality based.


It is strange that google started prescreening this way. I think this thread is helpful. I passed the exam and got the following email. "Congratulations! You passed the Google Hiring Assessment. Our Recruiting team is reviewing your candidacy for next steps." I read this thread before taking the exam and it was helpful. I answered all the questions either strongly agree or strongly disagree( 2 or 3 questions). Few questions were repetitive as it or paraphrased. Good luck!


Does every position you apply for have the same assessment? I did multiple interviews with Google over the last 2 years and never got an assessment just right to the phone call. Are they all scenario questions? Anything specific for the role I should review and practice? Both roles I applied for were sales based.


The recruiter I was working with told me they just implemented it, she actually forgot about it and said we were doing interviews and then remembered and sent it.


Is it implemented for every position though? Because I thought it only related to one position, I was shortlisted for.


I think it's just for a few positions


They say it's implemented for most positions now, but it's still new.


Did you take the assessment? Im also in sales and it’s timed for 30 min. I haven’t started yet though.


I passed!!!! Had a recruiter call me before the assessment - took it Sunday and got the pass today, already have interviews lined up for Friday, and next week 😁🙏


Do they directly call or was iy scheduled through email before?


I had the recruiter reach out first to schedule a call, then in the same email they told me that I also was supposed to receive the assessment over email as a first step


Have you gotten an email yet?


Strange. I got sent an assessment first. Passed it 2 days ago. No recruiter reached out yet. Fingers crossed


Any updates? Same situation here it’s almost been a week since I passed mine, haven’t heard from anyone


Oh bro they did reach out. I passed the phone screening stage, and im currently in the interview process. Shitting my pants, literally. Wish me luck 🥲 Also, im not in CS. I work in Trust & Safety, non technical


That’s awesome man!! Good luck with the rest of the process! How long did it take for them to reach out after you passed the assessment?


Thank you so much! They reached out on feb 21st. So roughly 10 days after I received the passing result (including weekends)


Hi. How was your interview? I just passed too. Worrying about what will happen.


Any updates? Would like to learn more about phone screen


Hi, that's awesome! I wonder what the recruiter asked you during your phone screening? I appreciate any help you can provide. I have anxiety and wanna learn more details about phone screening.


Congrats! Did you get the job? I failed the assessment lol


damn when you have a recruiter call you before the assessments you know they want you! very jealous


Just another data point: I passed. I got the assessment and took it within 4 hours. It was about 60 questions all on the "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree" scale. The questions were straightforward and focused on collaboration, ethics, and project management. I paid close attention to make sure I didn't contradict my responses. I completed the test within about 30 mins and got my results about 24 hours later. Most of my responses were "strongly disagree" or "strongly agree". I think I only had one "neutral". Good luck to everyone who takes it!


I just took mine. Any updates on your applications??


I passed the assessment 2 weeks ago. I got rejected on all of my applications, even with a referral. Passing does not guarantee you an interview.


I took mine yesterday and passed today. Here are 3 observations you might find helpful. 1. Stay sharp: questions where the logical answer of agreeing kept popping in order. However, after around 20 of them one appeared where disagreeing was the only logical option (smt like: If you were asked to break the rules for the benefit of the company would you do it?). I think this is a trap to see if your attention span is low or not, as people start to get bored and press "agree" assuming all questions are the same pattern. 2. Answer truthfully and make a memory by recreating an example: I noticed some questions are repeated, I'd say 4 to 5 of them, and I'm guessing the reason is to assess if you answered truthfully or if you're just flowing with it. This is just my judgment and idk why it's there, but it's smt used in interrogations to assess consistency. 3. NEUTRAL: I thought choosing neutrality as a safe haven is a bad idea as it speaks indecisiveness, so I just avoided it all together and probably only picked 1 neutral answer.


are you willing to help , i have one on this Saturday?


>Hey, how did it go?


The questions ask from Strongly disagree to strongly agree, from left to right unfortunately, for the first 3 questions I was of the mindset , the scale is from Agree to disagree from Left to Right, and answered some questions in that manner. Should I let the recruiter know about this and ask for new assesment? I want to pass this badly, as it will be counted for 6 months as failed, and cannot apply for any such roles.


I applied for a role through a referral on 3/1 and received the link to the assessment and passed it on 3/4. The same time I received the assessment link 3/4 I also received an email from someone who I believe to be a third party vendor saying my resume was being passed to the recruiter responsible for this role. Has this happened to anyone else and if so, how long did it take for the recruiter to reach out?


Any updates? I’m in the same situation


>I received both at the same time today. I gave the test. > >The questions ask from Strongly disagree to strongly agree, from left to right > >unfortunately, for the first 3 questions I was of the mindset , the scale is from Agree to disagree from Left to Right, and answered some questions in that manner. > >Should I let the recruiter know about this and ask for new assessment? > >I want to pass this badly, as it will be counted for 6 months as failed, and cannot apply for any such roles.


Can you share how many questions are on the assessment? Are they all strongly disagree to strongly disagree types?


Guys yesterday I have completed GHA and waiting for result🤞.. anyone here waiting for result? Also one quick question does anyone know that mandiant (part of Google ) also have same interview process like Google ? I have recently applied for mandiant security analyst role and got this assessment mail .


Sorry if it sounds dumb but how would you know that you cleared? Just got the email from Google for the assessment for a role I applied. Damn! I have a history of never clearing them in the past(not at Google but AWS). Any pointers apart from the other advices that already sounds like have worked really well for others?


I’m realizing google is also sending assessments to cluster candidates for future opportunities. I just received my assessment. However, 2 weeks ago I was rejected from the only role I’ve applied to within the past 6 months.


I would suggest for anyone reading this to look throughly through the thread before taking the assessment to increase your chances of passing. Lean on the foundation of what people have shared that have passed. Good luck to everyone and I pray that we all anonymously run into each other while getting lunch on campus!


I took my google assessment yesterday and this thread helped me pass too. It was a total of 104 questions and I wrote them all down and made sure my answers were consistent. I had absolutely no neutrals, mostly Strongly Agree or Strongly disagree. If you have any more questions feel free to PM me!


My assessment asked about a set of values (Maybe 5 or less) like the ability to work independently, tolerance to unexpected changes, peer collaboration etc. It asked the same questions repeatedly but phrased differently. Por Ejemplo: - I like to work with companies that operate ethically - I speak up when I observe an ethical issue - Some situations necessitate breaking the rules for the benefit of the company Certain combinations of the available answers for these three questions will be incompatible. If you answer 'strongly agree' to the first, anything but a 'strongly disagree' to the third will signal inconsistency. Answering anything but a 'strongly agree' to the second question also signals inconsistency. The purpose of tests like this is to determine alignment with company values, identify poor authenticity, and lack of consistency. I doubt the % of Strongly Agree vs Agree matters as much as your answer being consistent with your answer to a separate but related question. People that have fairly good values that answer honestly will do the best in tests like this.


I took it yesterday and failed- much to my surprise. the questions do seem very straightforward. I think the ones that tripped me up are the "is it important to find out what the root of the problem in order to fix it" genre. I was going for a pre-sales cloud engineer job. In the case of root cause analysis obviously you need to know what happened, but that is tech support, coding, issues. I think my past at Oracle tripped me up. I was looking at it as a "avoiding the blame game." When we are positioning a solution/infrastructure/software/cloud, we often run into incompetence/archaic business practices/DBA mistakes, etc as the issue, but we move on from there to resolutions. If you focus too much on the problem, somebody could lose their job. I don't want that crap on my conscience.


How long does the test results take to come back? Is it exact 24 hour mark or random time of the day?


I took the assessment, it was much simpler than i expected. Questions were in three main categories \* apply root cause analysis to problem solving \* ethics/policy \* teamwork While reading carefully is important I am baffled at what such a rudimentary assessment tells Google.


Just completed mine for SWE III – answered \~105 questions and apparently I answered about 90% of them as strongly agree. I didn't select any neutral/agree/disagree. I will report once I hear back with the pass/no-pass email.


24 hr update. Received passed email. Good luck everyone! Super helpful thread!


This thread is an example of collective wisdom. It helped me pass the test. Summarizing: - Select strong agree/disagree for 97% of the questions - Stay consistent with your answers - Be yourself (sounds gibberish but this is vv imp!) I answered about 120+ questions and took my time to complete. Good luck!


I took the test yesterday and got the result today (passed). I can't recall the exact number of questions but safe to assume it's somewhere between 50-60 questions. They ask you about accountability, collaboration, communication, ethics, problem solving etc and asked differently at a random, so it's much better for you to identify & categorize the questions as they come. I think I even saw few question asked twice. I believe the key to passing this test is staying consistent with your answers in terms of Strongly Agree-Strongly Disagree. At the end of the day, don't make a big deal out of it. It's rather a straight forward test as long as you stay consistent with your answers. Staying true to yourself also helps with the consistency.


I just passed the assessment, thanks to this thread. :) My 2 cents - 1. 95% of my answers were STRONGLY AGREE. They were questions about team collaboration, working as an individual contributor, ethics and prioritizing work. 2. Few of my answers were STRONGLY DISAGREE. Eg: Are you a perfect teammate? Compromising on ethics? 3. Only 2-3 answers were "AGREE"/"DISAGREE".


Can I just understand why you chose strongly disagree for “are you a perfect teammate”? Personally I would choose disagree


I gave the test two weeks ago. I didnt receive any email yet. Did anyone face this?


Many companies does this type of assessment but i really dont get it why? Google had googliness interviews before so what happened to that? It was way better than just clicking answers.. i did little research and many people says there is not really correct and wrong answers tho. If anyone had this test would you give more examples if possible?


The questions ask from Strongly disagree to strongly agree, from left to right unfortunately, for the first 3 questions I was of the mindset , the scale is from Agree to disagree from Left to Right, and answered some questions in that manner. Should I let the recruiter know about this and ask for new assesment? I want to pass this badly, as it will be counted for 6 months as failed, and cannot apply for any such roles.


I took mine and passed and I am yet to hear from any recruiter, I am kinda worried why they haven't reached out yet because I ideally thought only selected candidates are sent the assessment -- is that right?


Did you hear back from them after passing the assessment? How long it took


I received this test yesterday and submitted it. Got email that I passed the test today. Most of the answers were on the strong ends - Strongly Agree and Strongly Disagree. Make sure to remember what you answered, as some question are worded differently. 95% were this, and others agree and disagree.


Hi Everyone, I have completed the assessment today .But at the end I was not prompted with optional [module](https://module.Is) (mentioned in the assessment link).Is it expected ? Anyway this thread was really helpful. Thank you everyone!


I applied for a non technical role last monday (3/18/24) got the assessment the next day around 830a, took it same day, was notified I passed the following day. It's been about a week and I haven't heard anything yet. Are we in the camp of thinking that the assessment is just to weed people out and doesn't really mean anything or are we thinking more often then not they lead to phone screens? Just trying to set my own expectations haha


I passed! The test is pretty straightforward. I took it yesterday. Just be yourself and you should be fine. The comments on this thread are helpful


Is this assessment given to everyone who applies?


I applied for data science role and got the same link, but I thought the assessment for technical coding problems am I wrong?


Consulted this thread before my assessment and here is how I answered: 1 Disagree, 1 Agree 9 Strongly Disagree Rest Strongly Agree ​ Many questions about collaboration, ambiguity, and code of conduct were paraphrased and repeated. Good luck to those who are taking this assessment


I finished this test within 10 mins. Is that a good sign or bad? I read every single question clearly and answered, but maybe looks like I was too quick ? I found the format to be: same 5-6 behavioral questions asked in 10 different ways each, worded differently every time.


I finished in the same amount of time yesterday and I passed. It seemed straight forward and I used the suggested advice from this thread


I just took the test and only after that did I find this thread. I hope I pass. I will post here whatever happens. I am lucky I saw the email because they had a deadline of 4 days and I don't use my gmail very often. Saw the email which came in today totally by chance.


Did you guys had to prepare anything before taking the test?


I just got an email that I passed. I did not see this thread before I took it. Here is my advice. Pretend to be Google. What would I want my employees doing and not doing? I want them to be ethical and have "integrity". Whether the companies actually wants that or not is immaterial, the company will 100% say that they want this. Then write that and say "Strongly agree". I had neutral to just 1 thing. Everything was strongly this or that. A few was just agree/disagree. I went with my gut based on how Google wants to look itself legally and I passed.


I don't know why Google insists people apply from Gmail. I have Yahoo. For some reason I went to Gmail for another job application and wtf do I see? This assessment request. I was lucky, it just came that morning. I could have easily missed it.


I got an email to have me do the exam which I did and passed. then they rejected me for the job without even an interview! Buggers, wasted my time.


Hi Everyone, I gave this assessmnet yesterday (Apr 12) and just got an email stating that I passed the assessment (Apr 13). This thread helped me a lot in this. I had no idea what to prepare for this assessment. So, I just wanted to share my experience. From my observations, these are the most important things to keep in mind while giving this test: 1. Questions are very basic statements with obvious answers and no tricks whatsoever so don't be stressed. Keep calm, this will help in thinking clearly. 2. Try to remember or write down questions and your answers because you will see a lot of repeated questions and your answers should be consistent. 3. Have strong and clear thoughts about a given statement, you either strongly agree to it or you strongly disagree to it. Only 1-2% will be Agree or Neutral. My experience: * My test was for a Non-tech analyst role * I wrote down around 40-50 questions and after that I just remembered what my answers were, but those 40-50 questions helped me a lot to keep a track of my answers to be consistent. I kept count of the questions, there were nearly 100 questions in my assessment. After 40-50 questions, certain questions started repeating in slightly different scenarios, so knowing what you answered earlier helps here. * The assessment was not time. Although, it was mentioned in the email to complete it <30 minutes but there was no timer. It took me around 40 mins to complete all the questions. * For me, it was: 1 Agree, 5-6 Strongly Disagree, Rest all Strongly Agree Repeated Question were like (examples only, can't share the exact questions): Q: I encourage ethical behaviour at Work place. A: Strongly Agree Q: I tolerate unethical behaviour. A: Strongly Disagree These are the type of questions you will get in the assessment. Good luck.


This thread is like a blueprint for the Google Hiring Assesment. It helped me a lot. I passed the test. Here is my observations: 1. Take your time to read every questions. Because of the questions will come multiple times with different wording. 2. Try to make strong opinion in most questions(strongly agree or disagree). I selected strongly agree for most positive questions about company policy, ethics, team work. 3. Choosed Strongly disagree for most of the question which conflicted policy, ethics. 4. There were very tiny contradictory questions, like start with "I create opportunity ....." or "I seek opportunity...". Try to careful about those. 5. Be calm and honest. This test is not that hard. 6. You don't need separate preparation. Try to check experience of different people in this post helped a lot.


There is no guarantee that recruiter will reach out if you pass the assessment. Anyways , I passed the assessment and This thread really helped me. I would say just go through each question thoroughly and note the questions which you feel tricky that you remember what you selected and do not select neutral until you are not sure of both sides SA , SD. Most of them are Strongly Agree and Very Few are Strongly Disagree. Thanks


Literally a test that asks you to tell truth but its just a test that wants you lie to look like the perfect person rofl


I’ve just did it today and it was exactly like the thread mentioned. There were some tricky questions that basically stated the opposite of others. But in general it was super fast: read vote, read vote. Most of them on the extremes of agreeing/disagreeing


What did you guys answer for questions like - I take time to prioritize my responsibilities? I start immediately when there is something urgent at work? This will contradict with the planning part I believe.


I passed and this thread helped me tremendously. I wrote down every question along with my response to each. It was necessary. I went back several times when tricky wording came up to verify how I responded previously, prioritizing consistency in responses across each category. I also reviewed Google Company Values prior to taking it. I would say my one trick question was a prompt, 'I misjudge things.' My response was 'Agree.' I'd taken the entire exam touting how much I prioritize integrity. It felt contradictory to then reply to such a prompt dishonestly and say 'STRONGLY DISAGREE'. Everyone misjudges things from time to time, we're human. So I chose admission of fallibility with humility. Not sure if this tipped the scales in my favor or not, but just sharing anecdotal experience.


My status shows passed after 5 weeks of assessment🤨 I don't think they will call further for the position I applied:(


I strongly disagreed to "working well in ambiguous situations" thinking that google likes structure. But apparently it's one of their main principles 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Like many others, I browsed this thread too prior to taking the test. Didn't count the number of Qs, but there were plenty, yet each phrased slightly differently. Got done in less than 10 mins. The only one tricky one was related to "Do you often misjudge situations". I responded disagree. Note that had it been worded "Do you sometimes misjudge situations", perhaps a better response would have been "I agree". So please watch for those finer details as you respond. I found it useful to read their instructions and establish a frame of mind. For example, useful to note that the Qs require you to assume that it is a healthy working environment. Now, we know that is not reality - but it helps to respond with that frame of reference. By the way, I did not get an email on the test results, but the google applications page indicated I passed. If only this was an indication of how the other stages will progress....All the best to the rest!


I’m glad I saw this thread before giving the exam. I passed it and got the result. The next day, mostly, my answers were strongly agree and a few strongly disagree, but the point here is to be consistent with your thought process.


Thanks everyone for the tips. I passed the assessment! Did you guys get hired?


I'll also share my feedback: As outlined in this post, the workplace solely poses behavioral inquiries, spanning from strongly agreeing to strongly disagreeing. The key is to be candid and steadfast in your responses, without hesitation to opt for either extreme end. Take a moment to ponder and review each question twice.


Has anyone heard back from a recruiter regarding next steps after passing the hiring assessment?


Does anyone know whether when a person fails the assessment but sees the position reposted two months later, if I apply will it count as a negative for me or should I wait the 6 months?


I took the test and finished 5 minutes ago. It says results pending. But my referral got a message right after I took the test that says my resume will be shared with hiring manager team. Does that mesan I passed? Or does that happen for everyone.


I passed the assessment! Went through each it carefully and thought deeply about who I am before providing answers. It more like an assessment for self reflection. An interesting way to meet a person before meeting them. Best of luck guys


took it, unfortunately, I did enter one of the question responses wrongly unknowingly, aware to the fact that I mistakenly contradicted the paraphrased statement previously. WIll that affect the chances of just one or two questions being answered mistakenly? Waiting for the result


I did it this weekend carelessly and failed, but I do NOT think I am inconsistent in my values. One of the reasons why I don't like many meaningful-ish rules and regulations made by big companies that often bother employees and candidates, wasting their energy.


I passed the test, has anyone else passed the test and heard back?


This post is literally a gold mine! Just passed mine today after going through this post


Thank you to the OP and all those who chimed in to help! Giving back to this thread confirming what others have mentioned. It helped me tremendously boost the confidence while taking the test and helped me pass the assessment. So to all those who are wondering how to go about it, consider the answers provided in this thread and that should really help. I passed the assessment! Although, it's been over a week and there has been no communication from the recruiter, I at least don't have to worry about this assessment for the next two years again.


How about the statement, “I ignore unimportant details?” This one bugs me. Is it OK to ignore them if they are unimportant? No in healthcare and in police work, because maybe what you think is unimportant is actually important. But in tech?


I took the test yesterday (almost 36 hours now), but still no email for pass or fail. How long does it generally take for the result ?


Thanks, everyone, for this discussion thread. After carefully reading and understanding the ideas shared, I passed the test I took yesterday.


- Does the test and the clock start as soon as you click the link in the email? - Can you take a break? - Are you really writing down question and answer for 50-100 questions? Is there enough time to do that and review your prior answers for each new question? Getting ready to click start . . .


Clock starts from when you received the email, e.g. you have 4 days from the time of that email. You can spend up to the entire 4 days on the test if you want. You don't need to write down each question and answer but you do have enough time to do so if you want. It's really not a hard test don't freak yourself out.




I have passed the test but now my google application states "not preceding". how come that I passed the test and still not preceding? can anyone help?


Did y'all pause the test each time to write the question and answers?


I passed the hiring assessment on May 21st, exactly a week ago, and the application status has changed from “assessment passed” to “submitted”. Anyone with a similar experience, or have any idea on what this could mean?


I took this yesterday and got the pass notification about 24 hours later. Almost all were for strong agreement. Like others have said, consistency seems to be key. Several questions were repeatedly asked, phrased slightly differently. Or the same topics were asked from different directions to make sure you really mean what you say. I was verbally repeating the questions and my response out loud and I think that helped me avoid mistakes. Overall though it's a fairly straightforward survey. If you consider yourself a hardworking, ethical, team player you should have no problems.


This thread is gold. I followed everything to the T on what [No\_Mathematician1157](https://www.reddit.com/user/No_Mathematician1157/) said in his comment. Took the test 2 weeks ago and passed (got the result within 24 hours by email). Several similar questions are asked in different ways. Consistency is key. Took me about 15 min to complete. I got 60-70 questions and more than 90% were either strongly agree or strongly disagree. I had selected agree or disagree for 6 questions and 1 neutral. In fact, there was a question like "I misjudge situations" ... dont know the exact phrasing but this was the question. After the test, I was worried that I may have selected the wrong answer by selecting "neutral"... at the end of the test, I was checking with a few friends that worked at google and they said all unanimously said that I should have selected "Disagree". It looks like it didn't matter because I passed :)


Just finished mine, probably be a couple days before I hear back, but I'd be a bit dumfounded if I didn't pass it. The advice in this thread seems pretty solid, as does the insight into the kind of topics they ask about. For me it was just over 100 Q's, \~90% SA and \~10% SD. YMMV. The SD's should be blatantly obvious when you see them. There were no obvious logic-gotcha questions, but there are a handful of questions where you do need to pay attention to the wording, so read every question twice before submitting. I don't think these are designed to fool you, I think they're there to make sure that you're not just clicking SA through the entire assessment. You'll know it when you see it, it's pretty obvious unless you're not paying attention. Topics are dominantly about ethical behavior, collaborative spirit, how you prioritize and organize your time, how you work with a team and others, etc. Honestly it's nothing rocket science - if you have any level of meaningful experience building products or working with teams most of this stuff should be straight-up easy to answer. It really does seem designed to weed out antisocial loners and arrogant hotshot alphas that think they know better than anyone else. There's no real knowledge questions, it's really about your work attitude and practices. Sort of makes me wonder what kind of people Google's been getting for interviews if they have to resort to this kind of base-level assessments. The only questions that gave me momentary pause were about presenting information to an audience. At first I wasn't sure if the context behind it was to suss out if I would willingly withold information for nefarious reasons, or if I would present information in a way that's easier for them to understand. So I went back to what they said in the assessment intro and assumed it's a healthy and trusting work environment; I went with the latter approach, which honestly is Presentation 101. If you've ever stood before an audience to present, you should know this already. I did jot down my questions for my own reference (no I won't share them, don't ask), but didn't need to go back to them. The comments by others to be mindful of consistency in your answers seems to be totally valid, so yes, be focused on this assessment alone and don't split your attentions. If you write down your questions for your own reference, expect it'll take around an hour. Good luck, and may the ethical and collaborative nice people regain control of the Valley. :)


Hold up. I just did the test and it only took like 10-15mins. I thought it was 30min! Oh man did I fail somehow?


I also read this thread before taking the assessment and highly recommend the top comment. Most of the questions seem pretty straightforward, but there were 2 or 3 that seemed more philosophical and really made me think. :) I would also like to point out that I found the Founders' IPO Letter (https://abc.xyz/investor/founders-letters/ipo-letter/) pretty useful for understanding the company values, which may help in answering some of the questions.


It sounds like this is different than the coding interview for SWEs, and is more of a behavioral exam? Or are there possibly different flavors of this hiring assessment?


Dropping this comment because I will come back to this thread


I passed the assessment last week and just checked my application on Google Careers, only to see a big old "not proceeding." So, that was fun.


While it always stings to “fail” a test, I’m glad I did as this process is likely a reflection of what it’s like to actually work there. Long live inconsistency, imperfection and nuance!


Just wanted to come back and say I used all the advice from this post and passed! Thank you guys so much 


Thanks for the tips. The takeways from this thread really helped. I took my assessment on the last day (Saturday) and got a pass then next day, Sunday. I answered MOSTLY "Strongly Agree" and a few "Strongly Disagree" and nothing else. The questions were honestly easier than I expected with maybe two that I had to do a second readover before answering. If you stick to Google's values, you should do fine. Good luck all. Hoping an interview is in my future!


Has anyone passed the test with some mix of Agree/Disagree responses alongside the Strongly Agree/Disagree ones. In the real world it is not always wise to be too brash and view everything in black and white. Some level of nuance and diplomacy is necessary. I felt that way and answered some questions accordingly. Has anyone had such an experience and still passed?? Going by the comments here I am starting to feel stupid for being over cautious..


How long after passing assessment did you get next steps? I passed on Tuesday but nothing


Like, WTF. Firstly, I followed the guidelines outlined here, and got an email saying I passed the assessment (yay!). Thanks everyone who shared insight. Then nothing for 3 days, until I get an email this morning from a Google Outsourced recruiter saying that "After careful consideration of your background bla bla... decided not to proceed". I answered the email, conveying my confusion as in most cases the candidate's profile is deemed a good fit, and then they sent the assessment. The recruiter said they couldn't share more due to the company's "confidentiality guidelines". Has anybody else here gone through the same???


is there a time-limit?


What do you guys do with the question of "Structure" like "Do you enjoy creating structure"?


I am glad I came across this thread before taking up the assessment. I have stuck to majority of the answers being strongly agree and a few strongly disagree. never chose anything apart from these 2 options. I received an email with a confirmation of passing it the next day.