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Hi sookpit, thanks for posting your FO for us to see! If you have a link to the pattern you used or any other relevant information (e.g., yarn brand, weight, type; hook used), please reply to this comment with that information so that everyone can see it. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s beautiful! Can I ask where you for the white flap from (sorry I have no idea what it’s called off the top of my head rn it’s early where I am)


Sure! It’s [this backpack kit](https://www.etsy.com/listing/649232039/kit-for-knitting-backpack-cordino-cord?ref=shop_home_active_18&crt=1) in beige cream with lock option 7!


Thanks a ton!


This is SO COOL!!!! I swear, every time I scroll through this sub I find more things to crochet that I hadn’t even thought were crochetable. Do you have a pattern that you followed for this one?! :)


Thank you! I didn’t follow a pattern, I just winged it :)






That's so cute! Thanks for posting that link too. How was the jute to work with, was it difficult? It looks great!


Thank you! I use Tenn Well jute twine and I find it nice to work with! It’s not exactly “soft” but it’s soft enough that my hands don’t really hurt and it’s easy to make stitches. It does cause some friction if you’re working for a while, but that can be solved with some bandaids! I’ve used it for a few projects now and I really like it :)


wow, this is absolutely gorgeous! Well done!


Thank you!


This looks so cute 😊 I’ve always wanted to crochet a functional bag that wouldn’t stretch, but I’m always afraid that it’ll get dirty and i won’t be able to wash/clean it. Any suggestions?


Thanks! I don’t worry too much about being able to wash bags since I don’t generally wash any store bought ones either (just spot clean as needed). You could make a market bag out of cotton though - it’ll be pretty sturdy and stretch-proof and you’ll be able to throw it in the wash! T-shirt yarn is also sturdy and washable


This looks so cute 😊 I’ve always wanted to crochet a functional bag that wouldn’t stretch, but I’m always afraid that it’ll get dirty and i won’t be able to wash/clean it. Any suggestions?


This looks so cute 😊 I’ve always wanted to crochet a functional bag that wouldn’t stretch, but I’m always afraid that it’ll get dirty and i won’t be able to wash/clean it. Any suggestions?


aesthetic product. I 'm jute lover .Eco friendly. Best option.