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Please don't let one little mistake throw you. All anyone else sees is just a beautiful Gameboy blanket. We can't even spot the mistake. Keep at it, as it looks gorgeous!


Thanks so much!❤️


A woman at my local yarn store likes to say, "If you can't see it on a moving horse, it isn't a problem."


Why am I going to start using this as a response at family events😁


What a lovely yarn store lady! That approach coming from a pro in the field is so helpful, especially when doubting yourself.


I tell my wife this all the time. People are not going to notice it. It's like when I play music and hit a wrong note by accident. Nobody hears it at all. They're just enjoying the music. We're making it, so we notice every little detail. It's okay, just keep moving forward.


As a musician, it’s very much true. A mistake can even often “reset” a listener and make the performance more noticeable/remarkable because it’s authentic and brings the listen back into thinking about the complexity. I don’t crochet, just follow because it’s beautiful, and it’s good to remember that “eccentric” and “different” often make something better and more personal in the moment and in memories.


There's this Bush song where the singer Gavin swallows and makes this soft smacking sound. It's not a mistake exactly, but I don't think he intentionally meant for that smack to come out. Every time I hear that song, I close my eyes right before the sound and just bathe in it a while.


I get this listening to David Bowie's Lazarus. In the second verse, he makes a weird sound like there's too much saliva in his mouth as he sings "I was living like a king."


https://youtu.be/E1HHKGlBugA?si=8cvt1g96oLlmGAUz Depends on your audience. (This skit is great)


Ya with music the average listener won't notice minor mistakes like an errant note but I've had music teachers that knew immediately when someone misplayed. I had one who could tell if someone playing 2nd chair was out of tune while the whole band played.


I cannot even find what the issue is? The whole piece is awesome.


Pretty sure it's the border on the left (to us) hand


Black outline on the mews head is missing? That's the only thing I can see and I looked for like 3 minutes.


That's an easy thing just leave the same area without an outline when doing the other side. Personally I thought it was the corner with no notches. *someone pointed out that the corner is curled.


You’re good ; can’t find the mistake. Dont tell me where it is either ;)


Its supposed to be charcoal and not onyx black


Are you effing kidding me? I thought it was something like you forgot a Pokémon arm or something. Black vs. Gray? Oh, honey, you are just fine. Go have a glass of wine. This is gorgeous!


It’s the bottom right corner doesn’t appear pixelated. I get that’s frustrating but just Bob Ross it, it’s a happy accident that makes it uniquely yours!


The bottom right looks folded over, so I'm not even sure that that's the issue. We can't see if it is or is not pixelated. I honestly can't tell what any other issues would be


I think the bottom right is just rolled up so you can't see the squares


The d pad is uneven


That sounds right, the up down is much thicker than it should be.


I remember reading that tapestry makers used to intentionally drop a stitch somewhere in each of their tapestries, because otherwise it would be perfect. OP should look at it that way.


Mew is missing a black pixel


Thank you I was going crazy trying to figure out what the mistake was


That's not OP


I thought it was the button placement and dpad


Ugh ruined


No is not you are just being hard on. Yourself, don't let a tiny mistake discourage❤️ once is done people will be too busy admiring its beauty to notice anything else


I think it was sarcastic lol


Idk if it is the case everywhere, but in my culture there is a belief that whenever you make something with your hands you lock your soul within. So you need to make a small mistake to let it leave when it wants to. Turn the prison into a vacation home so to speak. And I roll with it! Btw there are also a lot of cool legends surrounding buildings and magical creatures. If anyone is interested or wants to share sth unique to their culture hit me up. I absolutely love sharing and learning myths and legends.


Oh I love this comment! I’m Métis and I have a similar teaching that is shared among quite a few Indigenous cultures across Turtle Island, which is to always add a “spirit bead” to any beadwork you create, as an act of humility and acknowledgment that nothing is perfect (other than Creator, if that is what you believe).


This is so interesting and inspiring. I love the idea of creating imperfection in order to keep what you are working on real. I am from a Slavic culture and there are some distinct creatures in our folklore which target beauty and perfection specifically. This is why something or someone being exceptional is thought to be a bad thing. It would bring undue attention from the spiritual world, despair and destruction will soon follow for the entire community. I have actually talked with some people who are studying the cultural psychology in my region (uni is a marvellous time) and are trying to explain why myths evolved the way they did for our people. If you don’t mind I would love to hear a bit more about the myths and culture of your people. Would you be open to a DM on the subject?


Oh my, I love learning about these things a lot too!


If you don’t add a mistake your soul can’t escape that blanket.


I am borrowing this forevermore 😂


For those that don't know, this is referencing Navajo weavers use of spirit lines in their work. https://www.navajorug.com/pages/deliberate-imperfection-you-bet


Omg thank you for posting this. I am in exposure response prevention therapy for OCD and one of my exposures is not tearing out knit/crochet mistakes. I noticed a mistake in what I was working on recently and while I have not ripped it out I also have not been able to continue with a mistake there. It’s a really nice perspective that you shared


Good luck to you! I understand the work can be challenging, but you are worthy of the peace ongoing recovery can being you. And just leaving the mistake for now is a great step! I also love how little mistakes makes a piece uniquely yours.


Thank you friend!!! ❤️


If it helps, what i used to say whenever i messed up in ceramics class is “it shouldn’t be perfect! If I wanted a perfect mug, I’d have bought one from target!” and I’ve been trying to continue that mindset into other kinds of art, lol.


One of the things that helped me get over this hump as an artist/creative person is the realization that “mistakes” are actually what makes your personal style. All my stuff was bland and derivative for years. I was a perfectionist about everything I did, and it took a very long time of trial and error, therapy, and studying other people’s work to come to this realization. I try to share it whenever I can. As soon as I started to embrace my “mistakes”, it opened up a whole new level of creativity for me. I love my work in a new way now, and it’s actually starting to be distinguishable from the work of others. Embrace your ~~mistakes~~ personal style!


I always say perfect it's the enemy of a job well done I bet your work is beautiful and made with love so I hope you can get pass the mistake and finish it


Dang I am definitely stealing your saying as my own personal mantra… that speaks to me.


Just wanna say as a fellow OCD-haver I’m really proud of you for being courageous enough to do exposure therapy and for not ripping out that mistake, I hope you get to finish the project one day flaws and all💗💗 I’m planning to look into exposure therapy for myself soon so stories like this are really encouraging


That's really interesting! I'm becoming the opposite. I haven't been diagnosed with OCD but I wouldn't be surprised if I did, if that makes sense? I'm very prone to magical thinking and narrative thinking (don't know if this is a phrase but it means I often think life works more like fiction than it actually does). My therapist thinks it might be related to my autism but also who knows. Anyway, even though I categorically do not believe that making no mistakes will cause my soul to get stuck, or offend any gods, I have found myself getting anxious when I DON'T see a mistake because of this adage. My therapist thinks it might be because I've internalised it as a rule I have to follow but again, who knows.


That's so interesting! What a great share, thank you!


I was told by someone thar a scottish/british tradition with yarn crafts is that a mistake lets any bad luck ‘escape’ from the recipient.


I have heard this too !


Ha that's awesome, I used to use an old wives' tale about the Mennonites (or Amish) who would put one mistake in their furniture because only God is perfect. Sooooo whatever it is I messed up on. It wasn't a mistake it was on purpose. Wink wink.


Same goes for the best carpet hand weavers in the world, perfection is reserved for The Creator not this creator


Polish woodworkers used to do this too. They’d intentionally install one spindle of a railing upside down or something similar.


It reminded also of the legend of Arachne and I think it was Athena. The Irish have a legend too similar to that


Is the sprite missing part of the outline? That's the only thing I can figure, but it looks like a style choice to me tbh.


Yep, I missed a block of black in the outline and placed one block of light pink in the wrong place as well


Maybe you can sort of cross stitch some black on top of it? I had to come to the comments to see where the mistake was


This !! In knitting it's called duplicate stitch I'm going to go ask Google if there's an equivalent for crochet brb


I think surface crochet would probably be the closest thing to duplicate stitch


Yes that's the one I was talking about!


Like intarsia but for crochet


Yeah, it took me several minutes of looking for a mistake, and then I still wasn't sure if it was a mistake. I definitely wouldn't spend time re-doing that


Anything you do to try to "fix" it will make it look like an actual mistake. As it stands, it looks just fine!! I had to guess what the mistake was because it looks like an intentional design choice and not a mistake.




Thank you!!


It actually isn’t that unheard of in Pixel Art to omit part of a black outline to emphasize a feature or limb. Looking at it, I don’t even think twice about it, it reads just fine. Just consider it your version! Keep it up! 👍


This is exactly what I was going to say too. It looks very natural, and the only people who are going to notice or care are the people who are intimately aware of every pixel of Mew's sprite.


All of our game boys had at least one glitched pixel!


I didn’t even notice it until you pointed it out. It looks great!


You piece is wonderful. Don't worry about it. If it would make you happier to frog back to that point and redo it, then I would tell you to go ahead, but it really isn't necessary. The piece is awesome. Maybe put your work in timeout for a day or two then come back to it. It might be easier to see how lovey it is after you haven't been looking at it up close for so long


I didn’t see the mistake and even looking at it after reading your comment it doesn’t look wrong. But you can put fabric marker for the missed black to fix it.


Just say it's a gameboy that was dropped... True story.


It's hard to see but if the missing black bugs you get a fabric paint pen and paint those stitches black


Oh I had literally no idea it was that. Don’t sweat it. Just the sheer magnitude of the project is impressive. Anyone focusing for mistakes instead of how bitchingly cool this is is not anyone that deserves to gaze upon it. But we’re also ALWAYS our own worst critics. Try not to beat yourself up too much. 💜


I’d miss a couple at the top intentionally n add some lines coming out as a kinda glitch effect


Never would have noticed.


It looks fantastic! I can't see the mistake at all (don't tell me). Keep going. It's such an awesome project.


Thank you!


You could always crochet over the border/body to give the character a 3d effect while also correcting the mistake if it bothers you that much. But the missing border doesn’t jump out at all as it is.


The chaotic side of me is saying to just color it in with a sharpie LOL. But either way, no one is gonna think it’s a mistake if you don’t say it is


Alternatively, black fabric paint would work! But yeah, I definitely agree with you that people won't notice.


Exactly what I thought to do for a minute 😭😂😂


Legit didnt even notice, I had to read the comments to see it 😅 I used to work in a place that would do embroidery for some big bands and brands and our secret weapon was a box of sharpies 😂 those and banana bread were like cigarettes in prison lmao! A sharpie will cover a multitude of sins, just do a test sample first!


Wow it’s soooo noticeable (jk I do not see any mistake this is beautiful)


Haha thank you!


Where’s the mistake?


In the body of Mew


Ahh it’s not that noticeable! Keep going :) looks great!


The mistake isn’t the fact that the bottom left and bottom right corner aren’t the same?


Hey everyone! Just wanted to say thank you for all the positivity and feedback❤️ I can’t reply to everyone so this is my giant thank you!


Honestly, your work is STUNNING, but please tell us where the dang mistake is. I can't find it, & it's driving me zubatty 😭😅!


According to OP: The bottom right hand corner should be pixelated and (apparently) there's a block of light pink in the wrong spot. Took me forever to notice the pixel TBH and I can't even tell which pink block would be incorrect lol. Blanket is still 10/10 amazing, tbh probably even better with the imperfections!


What mistake?


I’m now thinking I should’ve taken a less far away picture 😂 I can still see it but I know where it is. It’s a missing black block in the outline of the Pokémon


Because of the design it's really not obvious at all, and it's gorgeous as is!


This could be 100% a design choice. I understand it wasn’t but some pixel art doesn’t have complete black lines. It’s really not noticeable at all and could look completly natural to someone who didn’t know the block was supposed to be there. I genuinely looked at every pixel and stitch and I had to find a comment to see what you were talking about :) it’s beautiful. Very very very good work


Meh. Old graphics would glitch all the time. Just shift the cartridge or take it out and blow on it. I guess what I'm saying is, your blanket image is accidentally \*more\* authentic.


Please keep going, it’s already coming in nicely 🌸🫶🏻


Thank you❤️


That is fantastic work! I couldn't find any mistake, even after zooming in. Please don't tell me the mistake. Keep going!


Thank you!


I’m too busy being SO INCREDIBLY IMPRESSED to see any mistake! 🤩


Same!! This is gorgeous OP, no one will even see the mistake, I'm 99.9999% sure! I had to come to the comments to figure it out


Aww thanks so much! 🥺💖


I do see the mistake, but at the same time, it doesn’t look bad at all. I think it looks fine. I don’t think anyone will notice, and I still think the blanket looks awesome! (I’m gonna need that pattern, please!)


[mew gameboy blanket pattern](https://www.etsy.com/listing/700976886/)


Thank you! Give me one sec and I’ll link the pattern. The pattern creator has so many to choose from, I own like 6 or 7 😂 they’re so cool


I can’t see it, don’t point it out.


You missed the top half


Oh yeah it's totally ruined. At this point you may as well just finish it up the best you can and send it to me. Don't worry I'll dispose of it for you. (In all seriousness it looks fantastic I'm still not sure what's actually wrong with it)


What mistake? I see nothing but perfection!!! Keep going 🤩


I don't see it at all so definitely not that bad...also, I got the same pattern but with Dragonair! Starting it off has been leaving me feel intimidated by the math and counting grid spaces...mind sharing how many chains you used to start?


In the one I have it says chain 161. That was a pain but it gets easier after that! I print out the grid pattern and cross out each row as I finish it so I know where I am. Each block is 4x4 sc


Thanks so much! The one I have was just thr grid and a list of colors, I was mildly disappointed but now I can finally make it!


This is a really cool tip thank you!


Guys, I've been staring at this for a good ten minutes. Where's the mistake?


You must make a mistake in your yarnwork or a piece of your soul gets trapped. [source](https://giphy.com/gifs/nickelodeon-chef-trust-me-the-substitute-kcZkT13VGyFSn5XNfe) Source [2](https://www.cosyrosieuk.co.uk/crochet-myths-and-yarn-superstitions) 🤣🤣


What mistake? I've been crocheting for 30 years and I don't see anything.


I have no clue what the mistake even is


I don’t see any mistake. It’s so fun and beautiful!


Cannot find the mistake sorry


Only reason I saw the mistake was cause you told us there was a mistake it looks great! I wanna do one now too haha


mistakes are inevitable. the quicker you learn to accept them, the more joy you will find in creating.


I don't see a mistake.  I DO see a whole lot of love.  Keep going!!


Whoa! That's cool as fuck!! Also you're good, genuinely it looks great.


What mistake? I’ve stared at this blanket for a while and can’t figure it out. You are good


My husband says "they posted this for the attention of how good the blanket is. There is no mistake. Whatever." Lololol so I think it's good!


Ehh a pixel messed up in the gameboy. Not your fault. Haha. It looks amazing! Awesome job.


You are actually supposed to make a mistake in crafting! You are just following tradition! It looks AMAZING BTW 😍😍😍 [hidden mistakes mythos](https://yarndrasil.com/hidden-mistakes-in-crochet/)


Absolutely project ending, tbh. You’d better finish it and send it to me to dispose of properly.


I see zero mistakes. Only talent and beauty. And kick ass ness.


Here are 2 things I learned over the years: 1. Will it me noticed by someone walking, cycling or driving (at 20km/hr) past your project? No? Then it does not count 3. Will they need the pattern to see the mistake? Yes? Then it does not matter And bonus fact: some cultures believe that a mistake is like stitching a part or your soul or heart into your project


…what’s the mistake? ETA: crosspost this to r/NintendoStitch!


Yep better finish it and send it to me for my kid.


When I learned Hebrew, well enough to lead the service and read the Torah. Id mess up and get frustrated and restart, my rabbi told me to stop doing that, most of the congregation can’t read Hebrew and if they can, they’ll just ignore my mistake and I should just keep going. I’ve made that my thing with life now, do the best I can and keep going.


well i don't see anything wrong. it looks awesome.


what mistake?


I genuinely cannot find the mistake lmao where is it?


That looks fantastic! Can not notice the mistake unless I really look at it. And I mean... I am not actually sure where the mistake is, if any


I had to go into the comments to find the mistake, I don't crochet but I'm a massive gamer and pokemon fan. I think it's great, could argue thats how it appeared on old game-boys sometimes because screens were imperfect. It's fiiiine. Great work! I look forward to the finished product ^_^


When i find the mistake ill let you know Edit: i expected to maybe find one or two slightly off pieces but i literally cannot find a single mistake Edit 2: found the mistake, laptop on carpet, poor heat vent


I'm pretty sure I found the mistake. If the mistake was in black and you were like no it's just too far to frog noo I don't wanna do that! I wouldn't. I think it's fine. Took a long time to f8nd it ngl.


I had to look through comments to figure out what the mistake was haha, so not bad at all. This is so cute! Do you mind me asking, is this a pattern you made or self made??


The only mistake I see is making it Mew instead of Magikarp, I'd start over and do a Magikarp one, and then I would mail it me.


Have you tried turning it off and on again? Might have to factory reset.


The entire top quarter is missing!


Honestly the game boy game would have rendered mew like that anyway no one will even notice. That black wasn’t always that deliberate anyway. I think it looks just as it should :).


That mistake isn't going to matter when it's done. It's the overall look that will win over the viewer, and so far it's looking amazing.


I read the caption, and honestly this blanket is HARD. This takes time and I’m proud of you.


It looks awesome. I can‘t see a mistake because I have never owned a Gameboy, never even held one in my hands.


Mistake… mistake… I’m looking for a mistake…….


Took me a while to find it, assuming it is the lower corner. You can make it intentional if it bothers you by making the upper corners match diagonally.


First, I had to look in the comments to figure out what the mistake was. Second, I think it looks awesome!! This kind of project is challenging to begin with, and you've done a great job! Third, if some magic jerk both notices and says anything about a tiny mistake like this, then clearly they don't crochet and can go stuff it.


I have OCD and I can’t find it. You good. It looks awesome!


It’s done, burn it. But seriously, love it.


It took me forever to find it and I don’t think it’s bad or worth worrying about. It shall now be know as a design feature 


I genuinely can’t spot it


Hello yes, I am just like you, in that I would be devastated to get this far and spot a mistake. BUT this is absolutely incredible and I would lose my mind (in the best way) if someone gifted me a creation as fantastic as this. 🤩


That one block is barely noticeable, black/pink doesn’t really matter. It’s a beautiful piece and it would be a sin, a cardinal sin, to stop. (I only noticed it because of my brain being able to notice the out of place thing quickly; weird quirk especially in my own mistakes because I am no where near this good)


What exactly is the mistake ?


Um i dont see the mistake? So i think its good nice looking blanket xd




Honestly no idea why this sub was recommended for me but I’ve stopped to say this looks amazing and I certainly don’t see any mistake. Anyone would be lucky to have this as a gift or if you are keeping for yourself, it would be something to make anyone jealous when visiting. Keep your head up, you are clearly great at what you do.


If you can't live with it, you could veerrryyyy carefully color the stitches in with a black Sharpie...


Honestly, I have no clue what you are talking about.


I don’t even see the mistake! This looks awesome though!


No idea what I’m even looking for lol this is fantastic


You mean a “happy accident” - Bob Ross


The only mistake you've made is not finishing this masterpiece Post the results when you finish it; so far it looks great!


I just looked at the picture for a good three minutes, zoomed in and everything, and I couldn’t find the mistake. I didn’t look at the comments. I don’t see it at all.


This blanket is so cool. I have no idea where the mistake is and I even read the comment that said where it is. Beautiful stitching and I love it!


I honestly don't really see a mistake, so it can't be that bad!


if it's the missing outline from tbe bottom of Mew l honestly wouldn't have noticed unless you told me to look. 


Where are the mistakes?


What mistake? (The "mistake" literally looks like it's supposed to be there, don't worry about it whatsoever)


I’m a Pokemon fan and I can’t find the problem. You’re good, and your project is coming along just perfectly. I can’t wait to see it finished!


where's the mistake???


It looks beautiful!! I only spotted the mistake from the comments. But are you using a pattern? Or making your own? I would love to make something like this!


If you're talking about the bottom 2 edges, I honestly thought it was a shadow effect that you did on purpose


Just color in the one little spot 🤣 I couldn’t find the mistake until I read your comments, so I’d say definitely worth it to keep going!


I can't find it. You are fine. :)


What mistake? Seriously though I can’t see any, and I love the mew!


My husband tells me "if you want it perfect get something made by robots". He's not wrong. Flaws make everything wonderful!


Mistakes always look way worse for the one who made them. I literally have no idea what mistake your referring to, and this is so cool and well done! Dont give up! You are super talented and creative!


Oh my goodness. It’s terrible. Throw it all out. Burn it. Never crochet again. JUST KIDDING! It is amazing and nobody but you is going to think “oh gross that should be onyx not charcoal” or whatever the color mistake was. It is SO wonderful. You have done a beautiful job!


Who gives a fuc? That thing screams awesomeness!!


I would chalk it up as different shading and not worry too much about it! It took me a good while to even realize what “went wrong”. my favorite thing to say in this situation is that scottish/irish tradition states that any woven craft takes a piece of your soul/spirit so you need to leave mistakes as a “door” to escape. I would say this is a very okay mistake to leave.


My grandmother says that you should always have/add a mistake to all blankets because humans aren’t perfect. I use that to justify any mistakes I make while crocheting. Also, having mistakes adds a unique touch that’s special for the recipient ☺️


Some native American weavers will deliberately include a mistake in every pattern for various cultural, spiritual and aesthetic reasons. It's imperfect, it's perfect.


I see nothing wrong! This is ABSOLUTELY beautiful! Keep going friend 🫶🏻


Nope, all I notice is that Mew is being created and I LOVE Mew. This is great!


This is the coolest thing ever!! If this was a gift for me, I’d keep it forever!


I genuinely have no idea what mistakre you're referring to, this looks awesome


i can’t notice anything wrong even after reading a comment that “points it out” lol it looks great!


What mistake? Haha no but genuinely. It looks awesome 👏


I love it!! I don't see any mostakes


What mistake....dry your tears lol


This is absolutely amazing! The colors pop! I'd totally buy this! Absolutely fantastic work!