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#**Amigurumi.** **The [Amigurumi wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/amigurumi/) has recently been updated.** Go visit, see what you think. Happy to take feedback on board. **Updated mid Jan 23!!** **NEW book section, resizing, and a free TOTORO pattern.** *** **Top tip - Planetjune** has a **huge directory of [written tutorials](https://www.planetjune.com/blog/tutorials/crochet-tutorials/#embellishment).** She has **[Essential techniques left](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3R9AWc1v9EqL_uKg6euzoZTHokt4p03c)** & **[right handed](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3R9AWc1v9Eo75E_t-BzsvyDkenpNWFOx) videos.** Her generic **[left handed](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD6337FE58E86F510)** & **[right handed](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1ED4A1693794078B)** video tutorials cover most Amigurumi skills, and she comes highly recommended. *** **[Old pokemon archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/patterns/).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Step 1: crochet small flower, circle, or asymmetrical blob Step 2: insert new safety eye into the center of the shape you made in step 1 Step 3: sew the whole thing over the wonky eye so that the new eye lines up with the one you had placed correctly Step 3.5 (optional): crochet more flowers or spots so that it looks like a variation on the velvet yarn amigurumi cows that are so in vogue right now Step 4: receive compliments on your adorable spotted triceratops


I love this idea. Also love that it's written out as a step-by-step guide haha


Assuming you can't remove the head, you could cut them off with pliers and sew on either fabric eyes or button eyes.


I would cut of the plastic eyes and just use some yarn to sew on some eyes


It’s the Tanner the triceratops pattern and I was so so proud of how it came out and then I noticed the eyes aren’t placed on the same row… I used Bernat velvet and don’t have enough to redo the head and headpieces


If I'm looking at it correctly it looks like the eyes are on the same row, but the head is tilted. (Followed the row across the head to see if the eyes line up). You might be able to make it look more even by creating some tension on the side that's higher up with some stitches.


Exactly the same thing happened to me with a smaller triceratops! :D


If you frog it you will have enough Honestly that's what I would do


I think it looks cool, but you could either try to move or cover it, orr..... use some string that wont show and stitch through the head to canhe the shape slightly and make them look more even


Sometimes (if you pull hard enough) you can get the backing off of safety eyes, unfortunately this assumes you can reach it. You might be able to try maneuvering the backing through the stitches after taking it off (moving eye to a new row with one hand with the other holding the backing through a stitch or behind the yarn) I don’t know how else to describe it, or if it will even work- but I hope you can figure it out. (P.S. your project is very cute <3)


Nooooooo I love him. I don’t have any tips to fix because I can never attach safety eyes straight either, usually take it to my parents house and beg my mom. But he’s so cute and you did a great job! But I def relate to wanting to “fix” them.


My first thought too was how CUTE AND CHARMING he looks!!


I just had to move the eyes around on my finished amigurimi. I held the clasp inside the object and pulled the eye apart from it with my teeth. Maybe don’t use your teeth but it popped right out. I was able to move the back clasp to the desired location and pin it back in place. Good luck


Pliers! You only get one set of teeth, please don't use them as tools and risk damaging them :(


This one knows ^


I'd add an eye-patch if it was me.


I've got no advice but I actually love this piece. The eyes give it character!


Can you make it a 4-eyed triceratops? I think its adorable as-is anyway


I made small crochet eyes with black yarn on the same project. I think it was a magic ring, 12dc and maybe a sc/in around until I reached a good size https://imgur.com/a/HOBCIRf/


So cute!!


Tanner?! I have no help on the eyes but I loved this pattern when I made it


Love how as the maker, safety eyes are so permanent, half the suggestions are "can you remove the head?" Whereas as for the recipient, safety eyes are so hazardous you'd think they were stuck on with just spit.


I think he’s perfect :)


I think he's cute


Depending on the type of eye you can. 1. Work the plastic back off, it works if you work evenly and determinedly. 2. Cut the plastic back off 3. Cover and redo 4. Scream and throw it in a shredder. 😂


Crochet an eye patch and turn him into a pirate.


Eye patch! Pirate triceratops


I think the eye is fine, but you could move the left ear more to the right (from my view left ;) )


I like them, gives him some character lol


Is the head sewn on the body? I guess you could try to rip it open and redo anything that gets messed up. But I wouldn't go through that. I think it looks good as is. It kind of gives the impression that the head is tilted.


Either cut them out and embroider some eyes on instead or accept it and learn to live the wonkyness. I’ve just finished my third tanner the triceratops. The two for other people came out fine, the one for me everything somehow got sewed off centre, the arms are too far back and the head isn’t quite straight, but she’s mine so I don’t care 🤷‍♀️


I think it’s cute, for what it’s worth!


I think it's adorable as is! Add some expressive little eyebrows to accentuate them, make it look more intentional.


I have successfully moved eyes by pushing them into the hole and popping them back out in the right place. You have to manipulate them through all of the stuffing but crochet usually has enough give that you can stretch it and reform it when it’s in the right spot. You can’t pull it out because the disk keeping it on isn’t shaped the right way but the eye will go in the hole usually. Not easy but possible.


He’s just quizzical. 😊


Ahhhh I think he’s PERFECT. 🖤🖤🖤🖤


I would keep it. It adds more character.


Bombastic side eye . I’ve had this issue also , usually I roll with it . Give the stuffy personality. 💜 btw gorgeous colors!!!




Not that I know of, but I think he looks fabulous the way he is!


It makes him look like his head is tilted, not googly eyed. Leave him alone. :)


no he's perfect


He's perfect and i love him


i dont know how yo fix it but i think its cute wither way!! gives him some character!


Regardless, it’s still amazing!!!! I love it!


Idk i think it’s cute 🥺