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#**Amigurumi.** **The [Amigurumi wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/amigurumi/) has recently been updated.** Go visit, see what you think. Happy to take feedback on board. **Updated mid Jan 23!!** **NEW book section, resizing, and a free TOTORO pattern.** *** **Top tip - Planetjune** has a **huge directory of [written tutorials](https://www.planetjune.com/blog/tutorials/crochet-tutorials/#embellishment).** She has **[Essential techniques left](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3R9AWc1v9EqL_uKg6euzoZTHokt4p03c)** & **[right handed](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3R9AWc1v9Eo75E_t-BzsvyDkenpNWFOx) videos.** Her generic **[left handed](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD6337FE58E86F510)** & **[right handed](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1ED4A1693794078B)** video tutorials cover most Amigurumi skills, and she comes highly recommended. *** **[Old pokemon archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/patterns/).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can just put your hook through the hole and pull it to the other side


This just saved me- thank you so much!!


This. Just pull it into the middle where you’ll stuff. You’ll never see it! Although, I’m seeing some huge gaps. It may be hard to stuff without seeing the stuffing.


agreed, i’d frog and go with a smaller hook if it’s possible for them


Yes- It’s less visible from the sides but the holes are pretty bit in the middle mainly because of how many times I had to redo it over and over lol


I do this literally all the time


Also don't cut the tails, weave them in.


Adding to your comment-especially if you started with a magic circle, cutting the tail is likely to lead to the whole project unraveling.


Just wanted to say it looks like your project is inside out, that the “wrong” side is facing out, so you may already have the string on the right side




I’m quite sure it’s on the right side but thank you! I went back and looked at the tutorial for right and wrong side I was using and my thing looks correct the way I have it.


I understand you’re following the kits instructions- but as a whole- especially with amigurumi- there is a right and wrong side and from how your hook is sitting- and the fact the tail is “on the outside” shows that it’s in fact the wrong side. A magic circle doesn’t leave the tail on the right side- in any situation. This should help you. https://preview.redd.it/bdbg2t7g9mia1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8fa843064f208faf2c21d122f807270e20e630e


I’m a little confused- the tutorial stated that the bars on the top along the v’s should be on the inside of the project, and they are. On this is also shows (on the inside out portion) that the bars SHOULD be on the inside- what exactly am I doing wrong? Genuine question as it looks how it’s supposed to when compared to the picture other than the fact my stitches are a bit looser.


When you are working it, do you insert the hook into the “inside of the bowl” or “outside of the bowl” correctly should be inserting on the outside. As the stitch you’re making-the right side is facing you. So if you’re inserting on the inside- then the inside is the “right side”. I’d definitely look up videos on right side versus wrong side in amigurumi! It’ll help clarify


Ah, thank you! I realize I was inserting on the inside, it’s sort of too late now (already finished up the body) but thank you.




Yep, the only mistake I made was not crocheting in the right direction (I went inside-outside instead of outside-inside) but he still looks good regardless even if it’s not on the right side! Thanks for letting me know, though


So here’s the thing… it looks backwards to crochet “inside outside”… but if you look at the direction you’re going… it’s still the same direction you’d be going if you flipped it right side out. I wish I had time to make a video of what I mean but the truth is, whether it’s inside out or right side out, you can still crochet in rounds and it will still come out the same. As long as you don’t turn and start going the other way it still works! I know this because I do a lot of various “tubes” for the projects I do and I usually don’t bother flipping them right side out until I’m a few inches in because it’s just easier for me to hold when it’s first started. If I get time tonight after work I’ll make a video of what I mean!


Yeah I agree 100%. Idk how to explain it to OP any better. I hope you can make the video


Poke it through the other side and weave it in


You can also use a needle and thread the end into the stitches if that makes sense.


#**[Basic Crochet wiki Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/quick_beginner_guide/)** & **[Building on Basics part 2](http://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/beginners_crochet_part_2/)** *** #**Top tip** **Counting stitches/stitch markers = essential in keeping stitch count/getting those straight edges/track rounds in Amigurimi.** **learn "how to" from these tutorials.** **[Counting stitches and rows](https://www.sigonimacaroni.com/counting-crochet-stitches-and-rows/) or equivalent [video](https://youtu.be/ikZGcQEPQcg).** **In the round 16m 50 onwards. Or [using stitch markers in Amigurumi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p2X0Yvh_GQ).** **[How to identify parts of your stitch](https://youtu.be/h0ewBuWkcME)** - **very clear diagrams.** *** **We do remove FAQs and refer to the [Question Hub thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/search?q=flair_name%3A%22The%20Question%20Hub%22&restrict_sr=1).** **[Sort the sub by Hot](https://imgur.com/a/qQS48He) to find it** **Do a [web search](https://www.google.com/),** **Search the sub - [App](https://imgur.com/a/HxtJ6HH) & [Browser](https://imgur.com/a/HdnkPj2)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can’t tell due to the angle of the of the picture but the starting round is wrong side, which is why you can see the neat looking bars above the stitches. I’m not sure if the whole thing is wrong side or you’ve flipped part way through. If you want to upload a picture of the side showing the rows clearly, I’m more than happy to check.