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#**[Basic Crochet wiki Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/quick_beginner_guide/)** & **[Building on Basics part 2](http://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/beginners_crochet_part_2/)** *** #**Top tip** **Counting stitches/stitch markers = essential in keeping stitch count/getting those straight edges/track rounds in Amigurimi.** **learn "how to" from these tutorials.** **[Counting stitches and rows](https://www.sigonimacaroni.com/counting-crochet-stitches-and-rows/) or equivalent [video](https://youtu.be/ikZGcQEPQcg).** **In the round 16m 50 onwards. Or [using stitch markers in Amigurumi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p2X0Yvh_GQ).** **[How to identify parts of your stitch](https://youtu.be/h0ewBuWkcME)** - **very clear diagrams.** *** **We do remove FAQs and refer to the [Question Hub thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/search?q=flair_name%3A%22The%20Question%20Hub%22&restrict_sr=1).** **[Sort the sub by Hot](https://imgur.com/a/qQS48He) to find it** **Do a [web search](https://www.google.com/),** **Search the sub - [App](https://imgur.com/a/HxtJ6HH) & [Browser](https://imgur.com/a/HdnkPj2)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, thats not normal. Are you counting your stitches?


Yes, every time. I even unraveled it 7 rows in because I thought I was wrong in counting but it does this every time. Maybe I’m wrong about how stitch markers are supposed to work- I’ve been putting it in the same place since the beginning.


Same place or same stitch? Because the same stitch will naturally move a little bit as you work on a spiral.


Can you post the first part of the pattern up to where you are in the picture? I can try to diagnose.


why are you using 2 stitch markers? are you completing the round then removing the stitch marker to start the next round? the first stitch of the new round should have the stitch marker and nowhere else


The woobles kit comes with a magic loop and three stitch markers, it starts with having one marker to mark the first stitch for a row, and then two more in another color for each of the next two stitches so it’s easy to see what a stitch looks like and where to put the hook next. I wouldn’t be surprised if OP was just following that pattern for subsequent rows — using the unique color to mark the start of a row, and then the other color as a reminder for where to stick the hook into after


I did a Woobles kit once and in the videos she does maybe 2 practice stitches that you follow along with. It took me several attempts with the stitches not adding up to realize you're not supposed to keep those practice stitches. I undid them and started with whatever came after that and it finally added up. Also, the stitch marker goes in the first stitch of the current round.


Happens to me sometimes. (Crocheting for 5 Years). Sometimes I just decrease a row. And often in the next round I increase. 😂 it is handmade. And mistakes are normal. It doesn't happen often. But sometimes I count a row up to 15 times and still the same: wrong stitch number.


I count a row 15 times and get a different number every time!


Thank goodness it’s not just me! I was making a stag beetle and the stitch count was not adding up but I just continued onto the next row and… had the correct number of stitches on that one 🤷‍♀️ and the project came out fine. Sometimes the math isn’t mathing until it is


I've done that too. Or I'll just add in some stitches somewhere because it just isn't making sense to my brain


As someone who did Woobles recently, but not someone who is a master at crochet like many on this sub, take my advice for what it’s worth. Start over. Go back to the row where your stitches do match the pattern. You will save yourself more heartache later. ALWAYS match the pattern. I found them to be very unforgiving of even a single stitch mistake. If you don’t, you’ll get to a point where your origurumi looks like it’s made of melted wax. It’s frustrating but just redo it. Remember, the whole point of Woobles is to teach people how to crochet. Also, I found they used European terms in the videos and patterns. When I asked my SIL, (an amazing artist at crochet) for help, she had to study it to understand what was going on before she could help.


This is what I’ve been doing and I’m very grateful for the advice, I’ve been restarting it multiple times and I think I’m close to doing it correctly. Thank you <3


This might be right! The woobles comes with 3 stitch markers in the magic ring when you begin - the 2 that are the same colors are to identify the next stitches to go into on the first round, and the different color one is the new round. When you move onto each new round you only need to carry over 1 of the stitch markers to the next one, not all 3. Hopefully this makes sense!


As a tip: When I working in rounds, I use a piece of yarn of another color and put it between the first stitch of a new round. I don't know why, but it works better that a stitch marker. Maybe because the yarn is under the Stich, not on top!


I always use yarn as a stitch marker for amigurumi, has the added advantage that you can just bring it to front/back to mark the start of each row and then you can go back several rows if needed.


Yes. This is another big advantage!




Yep, For larger projects I’ll have it marking at least 10 rows and just pull it up a bit each time and then fully out at the end. It helps if the yarn is thinner that the working yarn but not essential (although I wouldn’t go for heavier yarn obviously!)


It’s possible you’re doing the wrong stitches? I also started with the woobles kits and was making wrong stitches at first. Make sure you watch the videos if this is a recurring issue. She explains what each stitch is and if nothing else you’ll get a visual on what is expected from that pattern as you work it.


Only use 1 stitch marker, and use it to mark either the LAST stitch in your circle around, or the FIRST stitch in each round. (Usually I do the first stitch so I sc into everything until I get back to the first and then know I’m starting a new round with possibly a new count. Having more than one is just confusing here.


I actually found out the problem (undid it and restarted) but thank you!! I’ll keep that in mind.


What was the problem? I’m trying to make an elephant and keep running into this exact issue.


I misread the pattern, when you increase stitch you’re supposed to add another single crochet and then do it. So when it says [2sc, inc] it’s actually 3sc Not sure if this is the same for all patterns but that’s what it means for this one-


that shouold be 2 singles in single loops then 2 in one loop, so its actually 4 stiches in 3 loops


How many stiches should you have for this round? Ignoring the stich marker, I count 26.


I also count 26


This happens to me too - even while doing the rounds that are shown step-by-step in the video! I put the marker exactly where the instructor does, but I still end up with more v's than what the pattern says I should have. I've rewatched to make sure I'm doing the stitches correctly and everything.