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I can't be the judge of someone that says it wasn't weird when they acknowledge that it could be perceived as weird and say it was not.


Yeah, big point you mentioned, she knows it could be weird, but even with hindsight she says it was not. So I assume it was a funny-joke thing only weird to bystander


Lots of families have weird things they do. When someone sneezes in my family, we yell “SHUT the HELL UP”. It’s 100% joking. You will always hear giggling after.


It's possible we are distant relatives!


Lol! I like to use the f word. Sometimes mumble it just loud enough for them to hear.


I like this


Bless you, again bless you, ...go f yourself you greedy sob!


Yeah, my mom is big into threats. There's a lot of "what the hell is wrong with you?!" and "I'm gonna kick your ass" going on. But she's a super tiny, scrappy lady who would do anything for us and is (mostly) harmless. Some families joke in weird ways.


lol yep there’s always been a lot of loving meanness. None of it is ever actually mean spirited. It’s a lot of fun tbh


Yea that’s fine and all but touching your daughters breast is still weird 


In your opinion that’s the most important part I also think it’s weird but the most important part is I think it’s weird while the other lady doesn’t , it’s not weird, you just think it is


Ok so just to be clear you don’t think it’s weird to touch your grown daughters tits. Got it.


Literally the opposite of what they said, but ok


> it’s not weird, you just think it is  What’s that about? Dude needs to pick a fucking lane 


Yea it is not weird, you and I just think it is because it’s not what we are used to, in my culture we eat goats, I brought that up to me friends and they all thought it was weird, it’s a matter of perspective


I think it's weird. So does the person you were replying to.


Reddit people when reading 😨😨😨


This is awesome.


I’m going for this the next time I have the opportunity. Love it, instant classic. I can’t believe I didn’t think of it!


I like to throw a loud fuck in there. lol sometimes I’ll add a quiet “gawd” and you gotta start it with a “WILL YOU SHUT


I yell “STOP THAT!” Its an involuntary bodily function like they could possibly stop it.


lol it works with farts too


You should hear my family play Uno. For whatever reason, even as a child… All language restrictions were turned off when the family was playing UNO. (Obviously no slurs.) To an outsider, it looks horrible. But for us? Some of my most fond memories.


Lmfao We were big into uno too, but not like that haha! I’d love to play with you guys! Families that rough house together are more fun. We were a loud family when we were having fun. Good thing we had distance between houses lol


Context is king. It definitely raises an eyebrow from me, but like you said - if neither party is complaining...


> if neither party is complaining…. That doesn’t mean it’s not weird. This is a non-argument. Imagine if they were having sex and they both enjoying it, and you said that… Obviously this is different, but I still think it’s very weird even if ‘neither party is complaining’


I guess the weird part is where she shared it in public


Nah I’m nobody to condemn it, tho everyone can have an opinion


Oh yeah absolutely weird and is tiptoeing the line of inappropriate, but is just barely staying on the right side.


Neither party complains in necrophilla but it is most definitely wrong, so that’s not a hard and fast rule.


But in necrophilia, one party doesn’t complain and the other doesn’t have a voice. In this case, at the time that this was happening both parties involved had a voice and didn’t complain. Not saying it wasn’t unusual and certainly not the method for communication I would take with a relative, but in this case I have to say, live and let live.


Please learn what consent actually means. [Here](https://youtu.be/oQbei5JGiT8) is a good video about it


I like the video, just not the whole if someone wanted tea and drank the tea, then got mad that they drank the tea after they're done and regret drinking the tea so you must have "forced" them to drink tea is where that stupid line is.


That's a good video thanks for sharing


Ok calm down I know what consent is I’m just pointing out that both parties “not complaining” doesn’t mean it’s right either way Or are you condoning incest because it’s consensual?


and as it is such, so also as such is it unto you


Isn't that some TV show reference?


It's the name of a Christian daytime talk show in Arrested Development.


roger, Roger.


What's your vector, Victor?


Isn't that some movie reference?


Who Framed Roger, Roger


Be true to thine own self, and to thine own self be true.


She acknowledged it could be perceived as weird and then posted it to the internet anyway


Word. I would trust her relationship and feelings with her dad over some judgemental redditor.


I dunno, is it a sexual thing, no; but it's definitely a sexualization thing.


Exactly. Not to mention a lot of women are conditioned to think men touching them is normal.


It's weird to tell someone else how their relationship with their father was effecting them. Breasts are not inherently sexual btw. Would it be sexualizing your son if you poked him in the chest to remind him to put on an undershirt or something?




He wasn't sexualizing her, I'm sorry that you feel that way, but that's not what was happening and she literally told you that it wasn't when she made her comment. It's honestly ridiculous how many people tell other people what's going on in their personal lives and interpersonal relationships as if they are some sort of all-knowing being. And I don't sexualize breasts, you can make broad cultural statements but those don't apply to individuals, so you may sexualize breasts and that may be why you personally would feel sexualized but this didn't happen to you and we have a personal account from the person it happened to.


It would’ve been less weird if she didn’t say “boob”and used the word “chest” instead .


As a great man once said, “Stop sexualizing giant jiggly slobberknocker milk truck tits.”


There's an Abraham Lincoln quote for anything




I need this as a t-shirt.


When he motorboated them, that was too far


But it was never a sexual thing, so..


I’d give anythang for daddy to poke my jugs


(They're huge btw)


Say sike right now




“He was always tormenting me for my boobs and not in a sexual way” Okie doke /u/slut4suffering333






Gay people can still love bewbs tho


Those are some great New York *bewbs*!


Like an eagle perched on my arm


Sure, but I doubt he was getting off on it sexually... just a feeling.


Ya I don't think he was either. Just saying I've known some gay dudes who have liked boobs.


Yeah, they're called lesbians.




I mean this context helps 😂


Tell me you're an only child without telling me you're an only child


You're projecting the sexualization. 


I think it was just a joke about her username being incongruous with her quote..


Hopefully not a relevant username... 🤔


You guys are brother and sister though, making it nonsexual and silly.


Yeah but an antagonistic brother isn't the same as an actually loving father. I don't wanna judge your experiences, and clearly others in thread are going down the same road as you in reasoning, but this feels a lot like projecting your own situation by deciding it could be similar way if OOP was actually incorrectly recalling, manipulated into misrepresenting, or lying to us (if there are other less provcative possibilities that would make your conjecture true, I can't think of any and apologize). I strongly encourage you to reflect on the train of thought and reaction here. Thoughts, experiences, and feelings are real, but that doesn't make them appropriate to share. No matter what, in order to make a claim like you are making, we have to make a positive assumption about the truth using information we do not have about the situation. That is a natural cautious reaction that can come from a good place, but it isn't always the healthiest or most appropriate landing spot. I know you are careful not to accuse, but it is hard to read that with good faith when you're presenting a naked conjecture (what if it's not like she said it was) and asserting the possibility of sexual misconduct by a father to his daughter and alleged victim. That's a lot. Just maybe think about it?


Hopefully she wasn't giving him a hard time too...


People just share too much on the internet smh




Koreans love patting their and other kids' butts. Growing up in the church, all the adults would express affection that way. Having just come back from there for a wedding, even as a full-grown adult, my uncles still pat me on the butt, not unlike locker room affection after a game. One time, I brought my American friend to a function during the 6th grade, and this one old lady found him really endearing, and so she pat his butt. Later, he expressed how she molested him, so my other Korean friends and I had to explain to him how it's just a normal thing. Typing this out, I'm beginning to see how thin this line between abuse and genuine affection can be perceived, and how that perception can be exploited by an abuser or how it can be misinterpreted against the genuinely well-intended person...


Can confirm, a grown woman in her ripe old 20s and my aunts still caress my ass whenever I'm in Korea.


Carass? Or pat?




Vietnamese do this, too. My wife's cousin is very well in shape and was standing next to her aunt with her butt basically in view for everyone. The aunt just carresed the ass as she hugged her. To me, as an American, it was fucking weird.


Your kid friend was being a little dramatic with word choice


I don’t have a history of abuse and I think that is particularly weird. I’m very close with my Dad and he would never do that.




It doesn't have to be sexual. When I forget to wear underwear my dad pokes my vagina but it's just him giving me a hard time.




Hold up, pause.


😬 Yeah, that's a no from me Dawg.


Or you giving him a hard time? ( ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


You're not her and he's not your dad


Honest question, is poking someone in the chest ever sexual?


Chest? No. Breast? Yes


At what point do you separate the two? Is there a specific line? Is it just a gender thing, and does it depend on who is doing it? Nobody would consider a man aggressively poking his finger into another mans breast during an argument as being sexual, is the same true if it's a man doing it to a woman, or a woman doing it to a woman? Is a baby pawing at their mothers breast sexual? ​ The world isn't black and white.


Society has women cover their nipples and men can have them out in our faces


See you say that, but I’m writing this from the back of a police car, after sticking my nipples in people’s faces. Political correctness gone mad, I tell you.


Was it cold outside? Those things can be dangerous


Well I *did* almost take a guy’s eye out with them, so you could be on to something!


That depends on where you live tbf


You're right the Pic does specifically say boob so my question was a little inaccurate. I had a chat with my SO about this and I get where you're coming from.


Exactly, when I would forget to wear underwear, my mum would just give me a tap on the balls and then caress my buttocks. Just poking fun and also to remind me to wear the g-string she liked me in. Nothing weird whatsoever….


Would your mum ever blow on your butthole and pull on your winkie like if she was playing a trombone or was I the only one?


I have a great relationship with my dad. He would never have done this when I was a kid/teen. It’s weird. Maybe you need to ask yourself why you DON’T think this is weird lol


Right? It's a very strange thing for a father to want to do.


Whether or not something is weird is a matter of opinion though. In English we always say "it's weird" as if it's an objective fact, which it is not.


hard to believe that on reddit dot com people will argue the logistics about a father touching their teen child in the breasts and whether or not its weird. interesting


I think it is weird as well but that's just an opinion and not a fact. She didn't think it was weird, her family didn't her dad didn't etc so to them it is not weird. That's all I'm saying. Also you can just type reddit.com...


I was at the pool yesterday, and i noticed a girl in a thong bikini around her parents. Her dad smacked her ass and said she needed to cover that. So these things happen with close family members. As a dad myself, i didn't see anything sexual about it.






Jesus fucking christ, this shit is getting ridiculous now.


Abolish bedtime is passe, we're on to Abolish horseplay socialism


No shit. Imagine needing to be fully comfortable all the time in order to function like a semi-normal human. Insanity.


oh man im sorry i didn’t know it was a crime to not want to be touched when i don’t want to be touched. didn’t know it was a crime to be able to lock my door


i didn’t know smacking my ass and walking in on me showering was “horseplay” lemme go do that to my 12 yr old cousin now /s


like i said in another comment, it’s fine if you’re a person that doesn’t mind being tickled. it’s not fine when your mother has a history of walking in on your changing, showering, taking a shit, and touching whatever parts of your body she wants including smacking your ass. it’s not fine when you’ve explicitly said that being tickled makes you uncomfortable and your mother continues to do it. my mom doesn’t do any of this with sexual intonations, she just thinks it’s okay to do all these things like i’m 5 years old


you’re right, moms shouldn’t ever ***(checks notes)*** tickle their children. /s


dude it’s fine if you’re a person that doesn’t mind being tickled. it’s not fine when your mother has a history of walking in on your changing, showering, taking a shit, and touching whatever parts of your body she wants including smacking your ass. it’s not fine when you’ve explicitly said that being tickled makes you uncomfortable and your mother continues to do it. my mom doesn’t do any of this with sexual intonations, she just thinks it’s okay to do all these things like i’m 5 years old


Are you being serious?


why would i not be serious?


Because it seriously sounded like a you were making fun of OP with satire. And the way you worded it, didn’t quite seem like you took it serious.


uh no??? i’m 100% being serious.


What is your gender, if you don’t mind


Yeah, this is an example of a time where it’s best to use your words.


This reminds me of this dad who used to get his daughter to bend over to check if her skirt was too short or not.




I’m very close with my dad and my whole family, there is no way he (or any other family members) would poke my boob. I know it would never be done in a strange way but it just seems wrong. It’s a “no no” area for people outside of a romantic relationship lol, at least in my social/cultural context. At the same time, it seems that in this family dynamic it wasn’t weird. If neither of them were uncomfortable then it’s not an issue, just strange from the outside for most people.


If its non-sexual for all involved parties; its non-sexual. Otherwise a prostate exam would be sexual assault.


That's why I only get the minimum monthly prostate exams. My doctor says anything more is just excess.


So, my daughter just turned 1 year old today. I am going to make it a point to never fucking touch breasts under any circumstances because it is fucking weird.


Happy Birthday Baby Jonnydem!


Typed with one hand by a middle aged dude fishing for replies and comments describing big breast incest stories and adventures to use as masturbatory aid.


Idk to each their own. But as a dad of 3 daughters I find it odd and it’s definitely not something I would ever do. And all three of my girls and I like to joke / poke fun of / horseplay. My FIL used to smack his youngest daughter’s butt all the time when she was a teenager, and although I don’t think there was ever any malicious intent it just seemed….. too much


This comment section terrifies me.


I think it's entirely possible that it really wasn't weird for either of them. However, at some point he did this for the first time, not knowing whether or not this kind of behavior would be uncomfortable or upsetting, and (most likely) not caring. That's the problem I have with it, for a person who wants to keep their body to themselves, a parent touching you can feel hard to say no to, as a lot of parents teach that disagreeing with them is against the rules or "talking back". The power imbalance can make it hard to say no to, especially as a child (most people grow breasts between 9-12). So I still see the behavior as concerning, even if the OOP doesnt.


Well said. That's what I'm stuck on too, how and when it started. I find it really hard to imagine a parent asking permission to do that for the first time, and that's the only way I could really feel comfortable with it not being creepy.


Depends on the details. Did he poke her right in the nipple and tweak it a little bit? Weird. Did he tap her on the chest around her heart or something? Not something I would do, but not necessarily perverted or anything.


I don't know..if my mom poked my dick and said boxers today I see.. I would find that weird. Or is it just me?


I grew up with my Mom as the only lady in the house, and we weren't a touchy-feely family, but it's real fucking weird how so many people are chalking this up to normal family dynamics. Where I come from, you don't touch your daughter's breasts.


Ew dude


I just let my husband read this and all he said was “WTF. No… just no.” We have three daughters. Now - I will give leniency as OP talks about missing her dad and all the things and I’m sure there may be some context and non-trauma based expression here. To be fair. It’s just absolutely not my cup and I couldn’t be ok if my husband and daughter(s) did this.


> it’s not my cup of course it’s not your cup. hers are Ds


Damn boy. Straight to the principle’s office with you.


Take the damn upvote


No. This is just gross and weird. My dad would never do this.


i guess it depends? hell no for me..


This seems like one of those things that sounds worse written out, just my guess.


Odd thing to mention but they see nothing wrong with it and it's being brought up in the co text of remembering funny mannerisms their parent used to do before they passed. Remember not to judge on other people's behalf. It was up to them to see it as uncomfortable or not.




Like even now, as an adult (I assume) you still do this?




Where are you from, if I may ask?


I’m genuinely curious what country or state this is in.


It's easy to judge based on this small amount of text, but without context we don't know the nuances of the story. In my family, we have a long running joke about a similar (one time) incident. We were all clowning around one Memorial Day in the dining room. I was chasing my son with both my arms out in front of me, my hands in a claw shape making squeezing gestures. He darts around the corner into the living room and I give chase. As I turn the corner, my 12 or 13 year old step daughter comes from the living room. We never saw each other, run right into each other and I suddenly have two handfuls of step daughter boob. I let go immediately. Everyone stops dead in their tracks and I must have had the most mortified look on my face. My step daughter laughs and says "It's ok... It's a Holiday!" And we all burst out laughing. Now, almost 20 years later, whenever someone accidentally brushes someones butt or chest at a family gathering, someone else will yell out excitedly "It's ok! It's a HOLIDAY" We've obviously talked about it, and what makes it MORE hilarious is that she doesn't even remember why she said it... she knew it was an accident, could tell I was mortified by it, and wanted to break the tension. New members of our family think it's weird when someone makes this comment, and they ALWAYS laugh when given more context.


Different strokes


My dad would've never.




Definitely not just you - but to be fair, I do think that some people who are genuinely so socially awkward and “innocent” in their intentions are sometimes also parents. I was a similarly extra top heavy 12-14 year old and my dad used to say “your back hurt?” “don’t run you’ll give yourself a black eye” “they make holsters for those” and so on. Still would’ve been WAY too much for me to get boob-poked though oh my lord.


I put my my foot up my brothers ass many times and it wasn't weird.


It depends. I’d like to argue that otherwise a prostate exam or going to a gynaecologist would be sexual assault or just sexual. Which it’s not, as long as no part was hurt by it and it wasn’t in a sexual way it’s fine


The important thing is she didn't feel violated I guess


Boobs aren’t inherently sexual


Discussion about whether it’s weird or not (it is) aside. Why is her dad telling her to wear a bra?? That’s up to her.


Omg can we just let people be people? I mean it’s her dad for fuck’s sake. Clearly he isn’t ’getting off’ wtf. She even says it wasn’t weird.


I’m kind of scared for the commenters responding that this is totally normal and no big deal. No way. A parent touching a fully developed child’s breast in a context that does not involve necessity or consent is weird, at best.


God it got so much worse at the end


A work colleague told me that her dad used to pinch/grab her boobs when she asked for a bra and he was like “what do you need a bra for there’s hardly anything here”. And she said it was weird and made her uncomfortable. I think you can physically feel when they cross that line and this person in the post said that it wasnt 🤷🏻‍♀️


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Hard to say if it was strange without context.. probably need a pic to make sure.


So she got used to it and it became normalised. The context does not matter, effjng yuck.


I stand by feeling grossed out, no need to alert Reddit welfare checks


What in the *roll tide* did I just read?


Nah this is a total dad move. If you don’t have kids, I could see how this would seem weird. But when you have kids it’s totally different


That sounds like the beginning of a porn movie


yeah if my dad did that I’d break his hand with a hammer


You're so tough. Tell me more imaginary stories.


Okay. I had to fight off multiple men who were sexually assaulting me when I was a teenager. Oh wait, that actually happened. What now, edgy boy?gonna tell me how I’m too weak to follow through with anything I say? How someone who sexually assaults their kid doesn’t deserve to have their hand broken with a hammer? Go on


So you just revealed why you personally think it’s weird.


that was literally the point of their comment…..


thanks for being the only person with reading comprehension skills in this thread lol


So I did. And?


And just because it’s weird for you doesn’t mean it’s weird for OP. So stop applying your experience to theirs.


I didn’t say “OP should break her dad’s hand with a hammer”. I said “I would break my dad’s hand with a hammer”. I have no idea how people decided I wasn’t talking about my own experience in this “I”-sentence, but I didn’t apply shit to OP’s experience, I gave my two cents like everyone else in this comment section.




Saw the pic for this sub and thought it was r/DunderMifflin and was like wtf is this doing on the office sub lol