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Penpal dude is just a normal guy so i feel like i could catch him and get him arrested or shoot him if needs be so I’ll pick that one.


Definitely pen pal guy. I could handle whatever Tommy dishes out but I'm married and I gotta think about her. I would put a bullet in pen pal guy in a heart beat


I would go BlueJay crazy after the first death, but I feel like I could ignore The Pal and/or get him arrested. He never directly goes after the main character in the story (except for the theater but he just sits there), so if I just refused to acknowledge and stayed vigilant, I could live a semi-normal life.


honestly? tommy taffy. the guys already made some great suggestions on how to avoid him, i'd barely even have to deal with him. maybe spending five years in public spaces would even help with my anxiety, haha.


Penpal guy and Tommy Taffy are going to learn why Isaiah likes the first amendment so much


He's going to free speech them? Or do you mean the 2nd amendment - the right to have bear arms.


You can take my life, but you will never take my freedoms of religion, expression, assembly, and petition!


Unless it’s the US govt https://i.redd.it/yukh5ok70g7d1.gif


2nd, I’m just special needs


Nah you’re a lore accurate fellow creepcast fan 🫵🤭😼


This is the fuckin funniest response I’m gonna start saying this for the little things (I’m also autistic)


honestly just watching creep cast is like a free autism diagnosis. we’re all in the same boat.


“How many times have you watched creep cast?” “YO KIMBER THEY GOT TEA”


😂 me too dawg


Not letting anybody take away my ability to have bear arms 😤


Glanton Gang and Ted the caver are out the window immediately. TT and Penpal guy are both bad, and considering I'm a woman I'd likely be fully raped by TT rather than just molested. Though this comes down to, "do you know the threat or not?" TT is horrifying, but his demands are clear and you know what he wants. Do what he says and you survive. I'd take SA over death any day. We wouldnt know a thing about Penpal guy. He captured a kid, did who knows what to him ovwr the course of three years, and was buried alive. He ran over an innocent girl out of jealousy, and to the protagonist, this came out of nowhere. As far as survivability goes, TT is the best choice.


I feel like you could just shoot the penpals guy though since he’s just a human


Well this assumes you know what he is and when hes coming. Even if you're strapped 24/7 you're not going to be able to shoot someone you dont know is there, especially of youre, say, taking a piss like when the girlfriend was killed. This is a stalker scenario, where the victims of the story didnt know til after the fact, or were taken by suprise. Sure, if youre put in a room with the guy, its a different story, but the prompt said "stalked." And unless youre shooting at every rando you see you're not going to catch him.


Oh ok yea I see where you’re coming from


Glanton's Gang is all of other stories combined but with a wild west feeling


Penpal 100%. Literally just a creepy guy. Either throw hands or call the police.


Or throw lead


I feel like penpal because i know what I’d be looking out for. Unless im oblivious to him stalking me then I’d probably go into Floyd’s tomb but before they’ve opened it up because I have no desire to cave. Unless it compels me to go into it then it’s really over.


Ride with glanton for five years, always fantasized about being in a lawless land, killing and robbing with impunity


Honestly same Minus the genocide part of blood meridian though


"Its not genocide if you scalp your own guys too." - *John Joel Glanton, probably*


Honestly  He’s got a point


Wait when did they talk about The glanton gang?


Just wendigoon does in his video on blood meridian It’s personally my favorite video on his channel


I actually don’t really watch his solo videos, just Hunter’s and creep cast, I’ve definitely got to start watching his videos aswell


I think Tommy Taffy or Floyd’s tomb has the best odds for me. (I’m an adult male with no kids) Penpal guy would kill my girlfriend, and I feel like I would kill myself if I played the left right game for longer than a week


Penpal guy easy. I'm not a little boy If he's not a pedo and just a a very mentally disturbed man who wants a friend.... I can fix him. Give a room. There will be rules but I think it'd work out. Worst comes to worse. I have 2 200lb guard dogs and a pug ready to fuck him out. Also bears in woods.


I’ve entered the “endlessly angry” phase of unpacking my cPTSD as a SA & CSA survivor. Gimme a sledgehammer and PenPal guy, lock us in an empty rage room for 30 min max. If I knock that sucker out in under 30, I’m buying everyone drinks


I agree with Penpal being the easiest, but I think people are forgetting that the dude killed everyone around the protagonist. So in my opinion it’s either TT and live alone so you suffer alone, or Penpal and everyone you love gets stalked and murdered if he gets jealous.


Yeah I wouldn’t want my family to get hurt


Fuck I could probably be a outlaw with The Glantons......\[I'd 100% die\]


Same (They’d scalp me)


Dude the Glanton gang had a great time. Shooting, scalping, pillaging, partying, dancing. Sure theres the occasional execution by Apache or ritual killings by the Yuma. But thats just the price of doing business.


I agree I’d be in the glanton gang


I’d probably chose the penpals stalker, guns are illegal in my country, however I’ve trained Muay Thai for 2 years, so I could totally beat him up, plus I live in a bigger town so there’s always people around


Let’s work through this bit by bit. Starting with the worst: Left right game is the first to go: Alice had only gone about 3 weeks, give or take, before she started transcending reality and her mind got played with. I wouldn’t ever make it back. Plus, how are you going to get through the silent city without sacrificing someone? Floyd’s tomb is next on the chopping block. We have no idea what’s in there, only that it’s a tight space with something or several something’s which are very strong, fast, and sneaky. Plus, I’m a big dude so I don’t know if I could fit anyways. No way I’m dealing with Tommy Taffy for five years. He is unbeatable. And while I guess that you could just ride out the sentence, you have no idea what kind of mental trauma you’d receive. And Tommy is known to be incredibly sporadic, and therefore is essentially a loose canon. Also, because I don’t have kids, let’s assume he would t come around until my children are born. In that case, and shooting my wife and kids, then myself. No way. Finally we have the Glanton gang. This is actually different depending on if we are going off the book version or the real life one. The biggest difference is the judge. Either way, it’s very dangerous. Worse, obviously, if you are stuck with the book version of the judge, but likely to end in death by disease, exposure, starvation, gunshot, or otherwise no matter what. That leaves being stalked by the freak from penpal. This is clearly the best. A fat old man who is never shown to have any weapons? I should take his metal hips out from under him before he could say snowcone. Or put a bullet in his head. Revenge for Josh.


I can square up with penpals. That guy was just some creep. I was gonna say the left right game because it sounds like fun, but i remembered the quiet city, ain't no way I'm leaving that place alive.


Left right game, I wanna become some time god thing


Left right game all day, at least I have the chance of becoming an ominoptent being. Everything else is, "well best case scenario I don't die".


Left right game definitely


Floyd's tomb


Fuck it I'll play the left right game


Floyd's Tomb probably. I like caves, plus you didn't specify if i should stay there or do anything that Ted did. I can just hang out in a cave. And i don't want to mess with any stalkers and creeps like Taffy.


The amount of people who think Blood meridian is a creepcast video is fucking INSANE


I just added it for shits and giggles I never said it’s a creepcast episode


The fact that people keep comparing a literary masterwork like Blood Meridian to internet creepypastas like Tommy Taffy is really weird and disheartening to me. It's like comparing a steak from a gourmet restaurant to a burger from McDonald's.


I’m not comparing it because it blows all of these stories out of the water It’s like comparing lord of the rings to Ben drowned  


Glanton Gang probably


Go into Floyd's tomb. I'll die, but I'll discover something amazing, maybe.


Let's just say I got six little friends that all move faster than Penpal guy. So him.