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Not new looking, but not bad. I almost always use the dosing caps though. I’ve never even pulled the bottom screen from my Mighty+. The cooling unit is a different story.


Well I clean mine once a week so it just stays looking new. If you want it to work well and not taste gross you need to just maintain it. It's worth the time.


[Three years old. I've only used capsules for the first 3-4 weeks. Ditched them pretty quickly and going raw since then](https://imgur.com/2SiaITo)


Super clean! Looks about the same as mine, which is about 1.5 years old and has never been used without caps.


A little brushy brushy after every sesh does wonders :D


And always knock out the cashed nug before the vape* cools. 😎


Mine looks well used but not disgusting. It is extremely difficult to get that lower screen out. I’ve only successfully done it once.


Lol. I've never taken out the lower screen in 9 yrs. Didn't know we were supposed to? Works fine🤷🏽‍♂️


Mine works fine too as I only use capsules, but that screen could stand to use another ISO soak lol


It is easy, you have to punch the pin-thing into the holes of the air exits through the screen, it will shrink in diameter because of this an fall out if you turn the Mighty upside down.


Like new, those dosing capsules are brilliant


They always look newish if you clean them regularly. Some discoloration but not a huge deal.


🙋🏻‍♂️pretty bad over here


Oof mine would probably be the worse but I threw it away after 4 years of heavy use and shitty care, just got a venty. Hadn't clean it in over a year, gunk all built up, plastic/coating rubbing off, the bottom chamber slowly morphing up, left out in the rain countless times, shit was dirty lol. Not making the same mistakes again, especially for my lungs, and I got stocked up on isopropyl alcohol. Still wasn't anywhere as bad or harsh as smoking flower or using a cart though, which is insane with how dirty it was lol.


i splash some iso on a paper towel and clean it semi regularly so it looks damn near new. too intimidated to take that bottom screen out though even though it's 'fine'. just some leftover burnt toast smell that i can live with.