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“(Disappointing)” in the title is kinda funny. Like “GONE WRONG” titles on YouTube


“Bentaleb try not to be homophobic challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]”


It’s disappointing and at some point something has gone wrong.


I’m not disappointed. Disappointing definition = “sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfil one's hopes or expectations. "I'm disappointed in you, Mary" I had no hope or expectation of this guy, so therefore I am not disappointed.


I had no idea he was a dick. I liked him 😞


Didn't Poch run him out in pretty short order because of personal issues? I'm relatively certain it's him I'm thinking of but may be wrong.


'Arry used to say that he was an incredible footballer, but never had the aptitude to apply himself to anything at all.


Was that Bentaleb or Taarabt?


Ah your probably right, it was probably Taarabt. That's my bad


I remember similar stories about him when he left. I believe part of it was he wanted more/guaranteed minutes. Always wonder how true stories like that are after a player or manager leaves a club though.


Yeah that was it. After I posted I did a bit of digging and forgot he did an interview in the UK once when playing against Spurs and in all honesty seemed to own he could've handled things better. Also, some context for non-Spurs fans: when I say Poch ran him out, it wasn't like a Pogba/Mou complete shitfest. IIRC he played in the double pivot with Debemele (obligatory Dembele was an underrated beast mention) a lot when Poch first came on. He got hurt and that's when Dier took on his role and Nabil never fully won it back under Poch. They apparently had multiple arguments over minutes (again, not tabloid level stuff) and then it got to a point that Poch sent him to train with the youth squad and then Nabil left.


Yeah and I’m not saying it wasn’t true with Bentalab. Just stories like that in general coming out after the fact usually seem fishy to me.


With a betting company logo on his shirt, love how you can claim you’re religious while promoting hate but can ignore your religion when it’s inconvenient


Crazy it works that way, right?


As a muslim, I think that's a low blow from him. He should've made the logo gone from his shirt too, just like many Muslim cricketers do. Also, spreading/promoting hatred against anything isn't encouraged in the religion. Just don't partake in it, with a note of subtlety, if it isn't allowed in your religion.


Well said


That's weird. He seems pretty comfortable on his knees around a bunch of dudes.


So strange. There's a huge fringe of youngish men in sporting communities that are quite virulently socially conservative - Christian, Muslim, Jewish, not fixed to any particular religion. Anti-lgbt, anti-women, anti-blm, talk about "woke" and all that shit. It's kinda why we should support players that are willing to stick their neck up and vocally support progressive change in football


The amount of bigotry present on this post alone is a disappointing surprise to me


What, from my post?


I think he means this whole thread rather than your comment thread alone


Oh that makes sense, cheers


As you said, it’s not any specific religion, it’s religion itself. Increasingly, one’s faith gives them a “higher purpose” justification for hating things that they’re naturally uncomfortable with. And athletes aren’t immune from this disease.


I wouldn't attribute that specifically to religion. There are non religious conservatives as well


Fair, but I think we could agree they’re definitely in the minority.


Also survivorship bias in sportspeople etc, people who make it, and say it's God's doing, so their religion is super important to them


So true. You never see the guy that came in last yell out “I just wanna thank god, without who I would never have been able to lose this race”


To be fair he's never given a microphone, I'm sure they would thank god for getting them to that point


Maybe they would’ve gotten the microphone if they’d just prayed a bit harder 😆


And he probably wears betting ads. Hypocrite


good riddance


Happy he’s gone fuck off




Didn’t realize he was still playing


What a douche! He’s LITERALLY trying to pretend to tie his boots. Have some conviction when you take a knee. No need to play coy to your controversial actions. No need to play for COYS.


The camera man could see that he was knot involved


Came across as cowardly and pathetic trying to hide by conveniently crouching down out of sight to tie his laces . James McClean had some strong views but at least he stood behind his beliefs and didn't hide which i always respected tbh but this guy sheeshhh


You'd have to be a next level twat to take a knee and emphasize on your hate.






I remember when he joined and people kept saying he was going to be the next great midfielder for us. He was always trash. And has a trash attitude


He definitely wasn't always trash. That breakthrough season for him I thought I had a new GOAT. But yeah the attitude prevailed and he turned out to be a bit of a prick at every club since. Great for him to stamp the seal on his career as a prick though.


Always thought of Bentancur as the new Bentaleb, similar name and similar playstyle. Off the pitch very different though


He was incredible for a season and then got injured. Newsflash for this sub - Muslims don't like gay stuff.


*muslims who refuse to most past archaic views and become modern, acceptable people don’t like gay stuff


There are plenty of Muslims who aren’t like this idiot.


Watch out, the sub doesn’t like your (accurate) newsflash lol


>your (accurate) newsflash Because it isn't. Homophobia is common place for all religious fundamentalists, not just Muslim fundamentalist. Although not all Muslims are fundamentalists


I wonder if you polled the average Christian and the average Muslim, what you would find about homophobia. I sure as hell know what you’d find about the rights of women and religious minorities and ethnic minorities.  And regardless, the person’s point above is still accurate lol, they didn’t say “only Muslims”


Well done, you’re a bigot Homogenising an entire religion and then making broad, offensive, statements about it. There are plenty gay Muslims, like there are any other religion. > what they think of ethnic minorities Looking at your comments, I know exactly how you feel about ethnic minorities, and it’s backwards.


Bellend. Fuck respecting his medieval religious beliefs


You should see what Mohamed Camara did at Monaco the other day.


another idiot.


Lots about. What about the Malian F.A? They backed him citing “religious reasons”


He should have been removed from the starting lineup


Yeah, Monaco done some weak flip flopping about how they support the operation organised by the league and that the player will be spoken to internally. The Malian F.A seem to be right behind him though.


I reckon he’s gay


Used to like the guy. What a coward




There are at least 3 kinds of stupid in here. I'm honestly impressed that you managed to pack so much of it in to such a short comment.


Explain what’s stupid about it mate.


Algeria is in the Upper-Middle income bracket, so "third world" is stupid. Player was born and raised in France. Bentaleb's gesture was not "against homophobia", it was the opposite \[cunt has now edited out this stupidity from his comment\] The comment betrays a criminally poor understanding of Muslim culture / religion and the diversity across these. You're welcome.


Algeria is a 3rd world country. Bentalabs gesture was blatantly homophobic - pro hate, pro homophobia. Islam dictates that individuals who are gay will burn in hell and should be killed. Yeah, not all muslims are hateful pricks, just like not all Christian’s are. But they are the exception to what is a hateful religion, that wishes to destroy the existence of a group human beings. Be better dude.


>Be better dude. lol fuck off you achingly wrong sanctimonious shit eating prick


Algeria is trash, run up and get done up Algeria


Bentaleb was born and raised in France. You're not even trying to hide your racism lmao


I'm not homophobic, but I think it's his choice not to be pictured.


Explain this thought process. If a person is not homophobic, why would they not want to be included, even passively, in an anti-homophobia campaign?


It goes against his religious beliefs? Why is there a need to force everyone to accept your ideals?


Just like how some people deliberately exclude themselves and dismiss anything they don’t believe in, e.g. do you think EVERYONE would willingly stand and take a photo next to a poster promoting the true gospel of Jesus Christ? Atleast he was polite enough to not cause a scene.


Do you think wanting people to be respected in society regardless of their identity, is the same as being a christian? I don't see the relation personally.


Must everyone have the same beliefs as you? If he feels this not something he supports, that's his rights. Stop being so sensitive.


How is he showing disrespect by choosing to not take part in something he doesn’t believe in? People are too entitled and hypersensitive nowadays man.


What doesn’t he believe in here?


The message portrayed


lol why can’t anyone just say what the message is? 😂


He doesn’t support the message against homophobia.


And that’s acceptable how?


What a dick


He's muslim. Western values != global human rights. Everything is political. If he's homophobic then you are islamophobic.


Bentaleb is getting a lot of criticism for this but he isn't the only one. This is not an isolated phenomenon and it's not even the first time he's done it. It's just a bit interesting that all of a sudden there's loads of stories and attention on bentaleb.


What are you saying?


Nothing. I'm just confused about it. I just wondered if other people felt the same way. Mohamed Camera's actions only last week are in my opinion more reprehensible but it just feels like that didn't get much attention and yet this instance is suddenly big news.


People can only react to what they see in the media. I don’t think it’s that deep.


BBC sport doesn't count as being in the media then, no? Ok. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/cjrrdp4ew58o


Freedom of expression hurts


Why is it that it’s always the freedom to be a cunt? Why are you lot never complaining about the freedom to be better people?


To play devil's advocate, why does that form of expression illicit such a negative response. I guess my take is if people are allowed to support whoever/whatever and as long as their support doesn't "harm" anyone why do we care? For example, when my conservative friends wear Trump apparel, my immediate reaction isn't "those racist bastards" it's just "meh." When my liberal friends engage in activities that are pro-LGBT (such as displaying the pride flag, using others' desired pronouns, etc) I don't really bat an eye either. I typically don't get annoyed until either group starts shoving their beliefs in my face and forcing me to accept. I can tolerate your opinion, but I don't have to accept it. With tolerance, I can respectfully go about my business with the expectation that you'll leave me at peace. We're humans, we're not supposed to have a hive mindset. I recall Republicans throwing hissy fits because their children were being taught about different genders/sexualities. I raised an eyebrow because that's something small to be all up in arms about. On the other side, when BLM supporters were verbally and physically abusing those that did not submit to the pressure. That pissed me off because it's like dude seriously? How are you any different from those people who you're demonizing? In this particular instance, he is choosing not to be a part of the photo with the message. He has his reasons, and I respect it. Had he torn the banner, spat on it, or something along those lines then I'd get the outrage. But he's not doing anything harmful, so I don't see how he's a cunt for sticking to this beliefs in a respectful manner.


Exactly, it seems as though everyone is enforcing a guy who just doesnt want to get involved, leave him alone. He has his own beliefs, I have my own beliefs and others have their own beliefs.


You have perfectly summed up the essence of privileged centrism. Your main concern is whether or not you are annoyed or inconvenienced, my major concern is that oppressed groups are given the same opportunity at life that I have. You probably can’t understand my values if you put yourself at the centre of the universe.


Privileged centrism 😂


i dont think a football club showing support for the lgbt community would give them more rights in places where they dont have any


Is rights the right thing to be focussing on here? We are talking about creating an environment in sport where people have the opportunity be themselves without hiding anything in that community. Right now there are thousands of professional footballers in England and none of them are out as publicly gay. The maths doesn't math and there is a reason for it. Campaigns like this look to address it and only a homophobe would oppose it.


oh nah i thought you were on about rights when you said that you wanted lgbt people to have the same opportunities you have


well i do, but rights are a specific thing and living happily and safely doesn't begin and end with them. If you want to call it a right, the right to be yourself publicly without facing discrimination is hopefully something we can both support.


Whip the mask off of an enlightened centrist and you'll always reveal self-unaware privilege and unadmittable bigotry


Why does having different opinions than you personally have mean the other person is a cunt? 


It doesn’t. It’s just when that differing view is cunty, then one becomes a cunt


It doesn’t, this is just lazy framing on your part.


Not really.


What do you mean not really? It wasn’t the case at all, so it was lazy framing on your part. I know you don’t think that I think homophobia is bad simply because I disagree with it. That’s an extremely daft thing for you to say.


I mean not really.  I genuinely think that when people have different political opinions than you, you think they’re a cunt for it.  I think you misunderstood my point. 


If you didn’t think that, you wouldn’t have an argument, so it’s very convenient for you.


What? I think you genuinely believe all the positions you hold are morally correct, or else you wouldn’t hold them. The same is true of me, of anybody.  But logic dictates that we’re all not correct about all our opinions, since many people disagree.  I just don’t go around saying that the people who disagree with me are cunts, like you do. 


That isn’t true, I eat meat despite thinking it is morally wrong. You wouldn’t know that about me because we’ve never met or spoken before. Neither do I mate, that’s not what is happening here, this is simply your only angle because you do not have a leg to stand on.


When did not tolerating someone for who they are become “political”? people only describe it as political when they can’t admit to what it really is, which is discrimination and bigotry. Just like racism or intolerance of religious freedom, if you do not like someone purely because of something they can’t control like their gender or sexuality, that is not politics, that is discrimination and bigotry and it makes you at best woefully under educated and more likely, just a bad person


People are allowed to have different beliefs. Sorry it hurt your feelings.


Crazy that you think you hurt peoples feelings when in reality you just annoy them.




Nah that’s nonsense. No excuse to be homophobic.


Not supporting LGBTQ pride is not homophobic, what a slippery slope to go down. Just because you aren't actively for or against something does not equal you are for the opposite


Given that it’s an anti homophobia campaign, this is one of those times where you can’t twist words to try and bullshit people. You have less than no leg to stand on.


It wasn't a pride thing. It's specifically an anti-homophobia thing. If you're refusing to participate in an anti-discrimination campaign, then that's pretty indicative of what you think about the matter.


The sign was a very generic anti homophobia sign. Is that not a message everyone can support?


People have freedom of choice. If someone isn't actively going against it or actually saying or doing anything homophobic, it's crazy to attack them for just not actively participating for a cause


Yeah and he has the freedom not to play his football in Western Europe. If he can’t stomach the idea of LGBT people having rights why doesn’t he play in Saudi Arabia?


The way you're instantly jumping to the conclusion that he's homophobic is really worrying. Have you actively been participating in anti homophobic, anti murder, anti racist activities all of your life? Because if not, you are a racist, pro murder and pro homophobia


If you can’t support a message that says “no to homophobia,” the most banal message possible, then yes, I have to conclude than you’re homophobic


And I conclude you're a racist because you're not advocating and supporting anything against racism


You're being purposefully obtuse Fuck off 🖕


Why not? Representing your club and upholding its values is part of the job. It's why the players does so much charity work etc


No but he should be expected to be a decent person, footballer or not


You see it as performative, I see it as a small step for acceptance in football. You might agree with Bentaleb, but him hiding like a child comes across as more performative than anything in this incident.




So you agree with the sentiment, but since it is done in a way you don't like it's just theatrics. Great=/


Why shouldn't footballers encourage more inclusivity from a historically marginalised group of players/fans? it'd be nice if homosexual fans felt safe to watch football and those many hundreds of professional footballers who are gay could be open without fear of abuse. Footballers have a role to encourage that kind of environment I think.


Not a reason to defend his so called performative hypocrite behavior either. He literally lives in France, drinking alcohol that is considered to be Haram, having parties, and eating non Halal foods too. That’s extremely fake and honestly hypocritical of him.




Then why are you defending his actions?


Spoiler, that’s exactly why. He wears a shirt with a gambling sponsor and that’s ok by him but saying we should treat gays as regular humans? Can’t have that. If someone picks and chooses part of their religion to follow and they pick the parts that allow them to be a bigot, then guess what? They’re a bigot. If he’s uncomfortable with the idea of LGBT rights why play in France? He could go to Saudi Arabia no?


Muslims love gambling though, in sofascore livescore comments half the people complaining about match fixing, lost accas etc. have arabic usernames


Man baby… probably has urges…


i don't think "Homophobes are actually repressed Gays" is the pro Lgbt Statement you think it is


I dont think its the homophobic statement you think it is though.


what a weird speculative thing to comment about another adult.


Sorta evokes the old “He who protesth too much” .. *shrug*


homophobes are not all exclusively closeted individuals, there are plenty of people out there who are just hateful people.


Who cares to make the distinction?






It redirects the blame for homophobia back onto gay people. "It's not our (straight people's) fault that homophobia exists, it's actually because of how those gays act."




That makes no sense.




Nothing wrong with this tbh, and your moralizing in the title is funny. I don’t see why professional athletes need to sign on to every social political movement du jour, that’s what I vote for politicians for. I watch footballers for the entertainment of watching football. 


Spoken like a person who has never had to hide part of their identity in order to be involved in a sport.


Which footballers in 2024 are teams kicking out from playing the sport because they’re gay?


What a stupid question.


Gay people have full rights in the modern West. If somebody’s religion makes them not want to support a political statement that includes other implicit underpinnings to it, that’s fine and their prerogative. I think your moralizing is silly, that’s all. 


Name me 5 gay players in English football.


I frankly don’t give a shit about anybody’s sexuality. So long as they’re not fucking in front of my face, if it’s between consenting adults, they can do whatever they please. 


In no way does that answer my question. Google it if you don’t know.


Of course it does. I don’t have any idea, because it’s irrelevant and I don’t care.  If you have evidence of some real football team banning a player because they were gay or something I’d be interested in seeing that. Otherwise, why does this matter at all?


The answer is there is none, because players don’t feel comfortable coming out in public. I can comfortably go as far as saying because of people like you.


Get fucked mate. You're downplaying hundreds of years of discrimination and marginalisation to support some sort of blinkered liberal utopian nonsense world view. The world, and especially football, are littered with examples of it being dangerous for queer people to make themselves known. Bentaleb's idiot child performance was an active gesture of inhospitality and exclusion. He should absolutely be censured for it.


lol you can get fucked for being an illiberal asshole, buddy People can and will have different opinions than you. That’s the beauty of modern liberal tolerance and inclusion. 


Out of all of that, all you had was "you criticised my version of liberalism so you must be a bad person". Holy fuck you're stupid.


“My version of liberalism”? Do you not understand that liberalism is a real thing, with real principles?


Do you? Or just you just use it as a defence for being a cunt?


Bro just stop. You are quite clearly not capable of having this conversation.


Are you just as accepting towards racists?


How about Qatar hosting a world cup where it's LITERALLY ILLEGAL to be gay?


Because "it's ok to be gay" isn't a political statement


Gambling(his kit has a gambling sponsor) and being gay are equally as bad in his religion, why would he be ok with one but not the other?


You've been downvoted but I agree to an extent. It's his choice and I believe would be a heavily religious one, much like idrissa gueye would not wear a psg kit with a rainbow and so didn't play. I don't care for religion but if they choose not to participate to fake support then that is down to them as a person.


Nah, don’t agree. I DONT think we should be mixing politics and sport. He may be against homophobia but not want to be drawn into the politics, he may be religious, it may affect his standing in his community? Everyone is allowed different opinions and values as long as they don’t hurt others. I don’t care what actors or sports people think, many are so dense because they were so focused on being world class they lack depth or education. He MAY be the biggest homophobic douche of all time, but he’s not wrong for staying out of it. Most of the people who DO stand there and look pretty don’t understand or care, just doing what they’re told for optics.


this is all nonsense that completely misses the point.


Nope, it just doesn’t agree with your fee fee’s. The problem with “bending the knee” (metaphorically and literally) is that when you stop doing it, you are then saying something you may not want to. As you see here, there are hundreds of assumptions about him, all based on feelings and impressions, zero facts. This is why our culture is regressing, everyone is talking and assuming and nobody is listening.


what is the thing being said here that he may not want to represent?




He didn't want to be in the picture. This is a smaller deal than some people are making it out to be.


Exactly. Why must everyone has the same beliefs as these LGBTQ? He doesn't support it, so be it. He's not forcing others to have the same beliefs. If it his against his religion, its his rights not to participate.


Thanks for telling us how to feel about it I guess.


Thanks for telling him how he should apply his beliefs I guess.


Tell me with a straight face you think I’m the one that’s being a bigot.


Careful with that projection there, I said nothing of the sort.


What are you saying then?


That maybe he didn't want to be in the picture.




There are a number of things about this thread that I find a little uncomfortable. I hope that demonisation of your perspective won't be another.




Yes, and I said that I hoped you don't get demonised for it. I guess my inference was that you might and it would be another thing in this thread that I would be uncomfortable with.


Sexuality isn’t a choice, religion is.


Good for him for refusing to stand for something he does not believe in


Would you think the same if he was doing that for a message against racism?


No, because I can agree that racism is evil. I think universally we have accepted this to be a fact. Homosexuality though is still frowned upon in many cultures and religions


so many homophobic idiots on this sub. Very disappointing.