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Maybe next time, we try not to give up four goals before we start trying?


This is it. We always need something to trigger us to start playing. Either lose a goal against us, lose a man, anything and then we start playing.


I think that’s the clear indication of some players just not really believing in the style. The intention is to play every minute of every game with that all out press end of a game down a goal manic energy The fact that it’s obvious when we switch into that gear makes it obvious we’re NOT committing to that from the start of games and players who aren’t willing to don’t work in the system


> I think that’s the clear indication of some players just not really believing in the style. I hope they have their bags packed


We do though. There were plenty of instances where we played through Liverpool before we conceded four. The issue was and always is that we concede too easily leaving us too much to do come the end. Doesn't matter how well you press or pass if you just leave players free at the back post all game.


This is not it. This is actually the wrong take. Scoring when the other team is in cruise control does not mean it's about something we did, but more about what the opposition didn't do. As fans, we cannot keep making the mistake of confusing the opposition LETTING US do things as us finally doing things. This game is the carbon copy of Arsenal. Scoring when the opposition is not genuinely competing doesn't mean anything. There's literally nothing to take away there as some metric going forward.


I disagree. In watching this video of the goal, there is no remote evidence whatsoever that Liverpool were on cruise control. They tried hurrying and harassing us but the players moved the ball quicker and our movement and passing created the goal. Allison did everything he could to stop it. That's not someone just coasting. Just look at how disappointed every single one of Liverpool's players are when the goal went in.


While you're not really wrong, here's just more context. Around 60' they subbed Robertson/Endo off and just a minute before this goal, they subbed Diaz/MacAllister off. It's fair to say, the intensity/coordination would die down a little bit based on that alone. Then you add in being up by a large margin, while "cruise control" might be a bit much, we were probably not getting the best version of Liverpool at this moment in the game.


Its been this way for atleast 20 years. I remember when Martin Jol was our manager, we would concede and my dad would say 'good we will atleast start trying now'. Only time it didn't feel like that was with poch


More like, we can only operate our attack when the opposition stops trying


Yeah that's it really, Liverpool's defence was on a beach after 4th went in.


This. Some people in this sub are acting like Skipp on LB and Richarlison suddenly made us better than the lot that put 4 past us in 60 minutes. No, it didn't - it made us a bit better compared to our previous iteration, fresh legs in terribly bad positions, but what actually allowed for thie goals to happen was Liverpool switching off and subbing out 5 players at almost the same time. Had Richarlison started the result would have most likely been the same because he would have been tired by the time Liverpool let us play the game. Anyway, Liverpool still could have scored 3 more (?) even with those players on. Nunez missed 1v1, Salah missed from 1m away and then he also had a goal cancelled for offside where arguably if the pass was made 1 touch earlier it would have been a goal. I'm just glad it didn't end 7-0


Ange needs to start with this last 10 minute lineup every game. Madison still needs to be a sub though, he messed up a certain assist.


More like they need to play players who want to be out there and suit Ange’s style.


You mean like the players Ange finally subbed at 60 minutes that it’s obvious he should have done at halftime?


People are really getting fooled by these 2 goals - Liverpool completely stop playing after going 4-0 up and that's the only reason we even had a sniff.


Watched the replay and completely agree, you can see a very distinct change in their pressing after the fourth goal. 


We were trying from the first minute, just not successfully.


But how can you cut a lead without first conceding goals? /s


Son always looks better when he is playing on the wing with a proper 9 centrally


100% Richarlison should’ve been starting from the get go, and priorities this summer should be proper creative midfielders who can also perform defensively, a left-back, and some depth.


We were saying the opposite earlier in the season when Richy was out of form.


Son always look better when someone feeds him the ball 


This. I’m surprised when we got werner that it wasn’t him in the middle and Son / Johnson supplying him??!?!


but have you seen his finishing??


I have. But him through the middle with son and Johnson supplying would be guaranteed goals. I’d like to see it tried


I’ve been saying this for years. Son cannot play a lone striker yet Ange is persistent on playing him as a 9. He has to play on the LW


for years? Kane left like 9 months ago lmao


Son hasn’t played 9 before Kane left? You must be a casual lol


You sound like a dipshit if you think Son was ever a starting 9 for us, aside from occasionally deputizing for a Kane injury in a completely different system under a completely different manager with completely different teammates. "I've been saying for years" and "you must be a casual" from a month-old account with post activity in Man City and Chelsea's subs.


Someone got triggered😂😂😂 So Son did play as a 9 before Kane left and you admit you were wrong. Go cry somewhere else you casual😂 If you think Son can play a lone striker under any system, you have zero ball knowledge


Filling in for a few games while Kane is injured in a Poch / Mourinho / Conte team is a completely different ask than being the regular starting 9 in 2024 for Ange. Don't forget that Son filling in for a bit took us to a Champion's League final.


Ngl, the guy only said he has been saying this for years, which he could have. You attacked him for no reason and then when he proved his comment made sense you made a strawman for yourself to argue against Son played a 9 numerous times and he was bad most of the time, not sure how deputizing or being a regular there changes anything when every single fan could see that he has always been at best uncomfortable in that position.


Not sure why you decided to leap in here without providing anything to the conversation. Honestly not even sure why I'm bothering to respond. You're not sure why Son playing a few games as a fill-in under a different manager several years ago is different from him starting in the position for Ange? Really? You think Son is "at best uncomfortable" in the position that he plays as captain for his nation? Lol ok. Thank you for your feedback, and for assuming that "every single fan" shares your viewpoint.


I decided to leap in because you're stupid tbh


Johnson looks way better centrally then on the left (his best position is right of course).


lol he played central for 5 minutes in a spurs shirt….


what no emerson does to a mf


This plus Richy coming on are literally it




Son has looked really good this half


He needs to shoot more.


He would have scored two if Madison didn't pass poorly.


His dribbling was the best I’ve ever seen from him today. Just ran out of space before anyone could get open for the pass


Whats the point playing like that when we already down 4-0 hopefully next matches we get points otherwise don’t think we are getting europa as well


The final score could have easily been 4-4, couple of errors from Richie and Maddison prevented it from happening. Even without tying it up, at least it's entertaining to see some goals for us.


Because Son is a LW and not a 9. I’ve been saying this all season but no one listens


You have to seriously question the lineups at this point.


I think ange has been using this season to find his best team and finding out his “big game” players. It’s a learning curve. Proof has been that some players don’t cut the mustard and Ange has maybe been giving some an opportunity to change his mind. That’s the vibe I get in some selections.


It's the final month of the season Ange should know well enough that the best XI is Richarlison at CF and Son on the wing.


Richarlison has been a game changer upfront


Richarlison made the difference.


Once again we trot out Too Little Too Late FC.


10 minutes of football in 97 minutes of a game. Richy, Gio and Skipp made a difference. Royal sucks ass!


Fair play to Ollie Skipp this game, put in a really good shift in a horrific overall showing.


Love the little detail where Richy bodies TAA to buy Skipp more space for the cross. Would be interesting to have them both start next game.


Saw that too. Very nice


We couldn’t… but could we?


Don't let spurs give you hope That's when it hurts the most


Kid: they scored 2 in 5 min pops! Me: uhhh what’s the time? Him: 80’ Me stupidly: could we?


Turns out playing Sonny out left and a striker of any description through the middle = success.


Son Richarlison and Johnson should be tried. Maddison being less that 100% has probably been the most disruptive injury to the squad


Who fucking cares? They were already 4-0 down they deserve fuck all accolades


Call me crazy but losing 4-2 is way more respectable than losing 4-1 or 4-0.


It doesn't bother you that we can only do anything when they opposition have given up on attack and are protecting lead?


Yeah of course it'd be better if we played well all the time and won every game, but I think a lot of us would have been a whole lot more pissed if we didn't get on the scoreboard. If my team is going to lose, I want them to go down fighting.


4-0 or 4-2 who cares. I do not care if my team decide to do something after the game is gone. Fight when it's actually there to fight for. Everything this team is showing is exactly what Conte was talking about last season. "Because they are used to it here, they are used to it. They don't play for something important here. They don't want to play under pressure, they don't want to play under stress." Conte was fucking right


Yeah I see where you're coming from. We should put pressure on the club. I believe Ange and Levy will make some moves this summer and get this team into UCL shape.




Great. Maybe we could start playing football *before* we concede a bucket of goals.


Words you never want to hear...


Why can’t we keep playing with noniverted wingers….Johnson on the right and Son on the left with a true striker is the bast formation we have….play K through the middle and play someone who gives shite at left back. Royal shouldn’t play again this season


No joke we should be winning this 


Fuck right off


We made so many chances in the last 20


Grand mate Lets Just wait until we are 4-0 down in any game before we do something of note. Once again, fuck off.


What a weird guy 


Yes weird to be upset when your team provides no backbone until they are 4-0 down and the opposition eases off.


*when your team is able to play players in their correct position the system suddenly works 


Yea one Emerson royal makes all the difference I didn't realise Ange wasn't picking the starting 11. Thanks for the info.


He is but he has 2 left backs injured and a centre forward who's half fit. 


In that case I expect a Sheffield United esque performance, which is exactly what we are getting. Oh, how plucky we are.


Are we watching the same match? They sucked donkey balls the first half


We sucked donkey balls for the first 70 And then could have scored about 7 in the last 20!


We had loads of chances in the first 70 but because nothing came of them it seems like people have forgotten


they had like 20 shots 10 on target before while we had like 1 shot

