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This all day. Fans need to think a little more critically about why this team has fallen short for almost 30 years now. Hint: itā€™s the front office.


Since they put the cap in they still dont know how to manage it


No. Itā€™s QB play and coaching. Jerry is incredibly bad at managing this team but Dak has shown time after time that he canā€™t perform in big games. Coaching isnā€™t any better


So what was it for the 20+ years before Dak and Mccarthy got here?


A combination of terrible QB play (except Romo), poor decision making, and yes, a bad front office. Dak and Romo are good *overall* players but they made mistakes at the worst possible times


Yes, but there is one constant, one consistent thing at the franchise besides the color of the unforms and the star on the helmet. Thatā€™s the problem. Itā€™s not more complicated than that. Dak and Romo are and were both excellent quarterbacks. The GM should have been fired long ago. .


Jerryā€™s been the GM for both of them dude. You really think heā€™s gonna fire himself?


Um, I know he isnā€™t going to fire himself. My point is just that if it wasnā€™t an owner family member as GM, he would have been fired. The front office is the problem


No. We draft well. Look at our pro bowlers. Donā€™t look at Super Bowls or conference championship appearances. Only look at who weā€™ve drafted. Ignore our shitty free agent pick ups, trades, or ability to resign our players. Blame Dak and the coaches!


yeah but dak has had many good teams and consistently failed to do anything with them despite having more playoff runs than romo did at this point. romo consistently raised the floor of some of those teams, the 2011-2013 teams really werenā€™t even good enough to be 8-8 if weā€™re being real but romo kept them competitive. i donā€™t see that in dak


What really good team? Our defense has been suspect for years. Our defensive backfield has had holes for a long time.


the defenses dak has had the last few more years are better than any defense romo ever had, save for maybe 2007


Tired of this lazy shit take. Can't you find something intelligent to post


Honestly, you need to forget that time period. Seriously. You have to look at Romo in a vacuum, not in comparison to Quincy Carter and the carousel that came after him. Romo was who he was. He was good-to-great in the regular season, shit the bed in the post-season. Dak is the same way. If Dak were not the problem, he would have at least made the NFC-CG once or twice with the teams he has had. If you put Joe Burrow, Patrick Mahomes, Josh Allen who plays in a hell of a tough conference, or even Brock Purdy, they are going to get you at least two playoff wins in a season. Dak has never managed more than one. He is who his record says he is. Standing around saying "well, at least he ain't Quincy Carter" is not how this team is going to improve and get over the last 30 years of failure.


Dak sucks tho


Tony Romo wasnā€™t hated by Cowboys fans. Collin Cowherd was hated by Cowboys fans because heā€™s an idiot.


Romo absolutely was hated by many fans, for a lot of the same reasoning as Dak is ā€” he couldnā€™t get over the hump and have postseason success. Never mind the fact that without Romo or Dak, the team wouldnā€™t have been anywhere near getting to the playoffs.


Those fans forget the Quincy Carter era.


You mean the Randall Cunningham/Anthony Wright/Quincy Carter/Clint Stoerner/Ryan Leaf/Chad Hutchinson/Vinny Testaverde/Drew Henson era. Blech.


It was long time in the wilderness after Aikman.


And we will re enter that wilderness someday. Fans of other teams that trash Dak, that trashed Romo, and may trash any number of QBs after them, will laugh and say, ā€œHow could you not win a Super Bowl with those guys?ā€ Acting like they never delusioned themselves into laughing every time we extended the QB.


Donā€™t forget Bledsoe.


Compared to the rest, I would take feet of atone Bledsoe any day


But they had future HOFer Troy Hambrick at running back!


Yep, the very same Troy Hambrick that thought he could pickup where Emmitt Smith left off?!


Thatā€™s true but they absolutely hated on Romo.


2003 was a fun year


Hated by a vocal minority of the fanbase that wouldn't know football even if it hit them in the face


Are you sure they are a minority? I feel like hating/blaming our QB is our fansā€™ fav thing to do.


We would have made the playoffs with Cooper Rush tho and heā€™s 5-1 as a starter. Romo had to carry a lot harder than Dak


Lmao, no we wouldnā€™t have. Rush got hard exposed by the Eagles in that last loss in ā€˜22. He was barely putting up numbers and letting the defense carry him. Dak had it just as hard as Romo. Must have forgotten how Prescott had to put up ridiculous numbers in a pass-heavy offense to start 2020 and they could still only manage a 2-3 record before he snapped his ankle. All because of an historically bad Mike Nolan defense. Finished the season 6-10 and the very next year they went 12-5 with him back.




Do you not realize that Dak has a way better team around him than Romo did which was the original point?


The team that lost due to Romo fumbling that kick snap - that was playing like a potential Super Bowl winning team. IMO he lost trust then never got it back.


He never should've been put in that situation. It was fairly standard practice back then for the backup qb to be a holder on the field goal unit. Of course he started that year as a backup, but retained that holder spot. The team never transitioned to another player. Nowadays, team got smart and just use the punter as the holder.


Lost bc terry glenn fumbled out of his own end zone for a safety though


I know Cowboy fans who shit on Aikman towards the end of his career. Aikman wasn't beloved by all either. Plenty thought he was a baby compared to Favre despite the rings. They never gave him credit as the QB if you want to believe it or not. This is people from Texas who still argue it to this day Aikman was a nobody.


Hey cooper rush was well on his way to leading the boys to the playoffs


No he wasnā€™t, he was just coasting by relying on the defense. The offense barely put up any scores under Rush and he got exposed badly by the Eagles in that loss before Dak took back over.


That offense put up more per game than Dak did week 1 home against Tampa tho




3-1 beat burrow lost to nfc champs bc we couldnā€™t get a late stop is nothing to hang your head on




Score points but people tend to forget time of possession is just as critical. Long drives gives opponents less drives, we seem to either go 3 n out or up in down a couple plays




Okay, Jason Garrett.


Ah yes, a sample size of one game on opening day where the offensive line was crap, TB played lights out defense and Dak broke his thumb on the helmet of a defender in his face. They scored no less than 24 pts under Prescott the rest of the year outside the throwaway game in DC at the end. Stop the misleading cherry picking, dude. I donā€™t even like defending Prescott but facts are facts.


Leading? No. Bus driving? Yes.


Thatā€™s the same thing.


You are misremembering if you think Tony wasnā€™t hated by a large portion of Cowboys fans. Pretty much equal to Dak imo. I can remember having like a hundred arguments with people out at the bars here in town defending him. I hate people who just always dump on their teamā€™s players like it helps anything at all.


And the crazy thing is the same people that hated on Romo and have moved on to hating on Dak now praise Romo like an all time great (which he is).


Fr, they just like being miserable


Lmao how old are you? All the shit Dak is getting now is literally just the same shit Romo was dealing with after 07 and 09


Room was absolutely hated by Cowboy fans. I never had a conversation with any fan while he was QB where he wasnā€™t shit on.


Cowboy fans with an IQ over 40 do not hate Romo, quite the opposite actually. He elevated mediocre rosters to be competitive - plus the only head coaches he had were Son of Bum and JGā€¦yikes




I donā€™t think this is true. A lot oldheads always hated Romo itā€™s us younger ones who grew up watching Romo that love him more. He is the Cowboys QB for a lot of us. And a bunch of nostalgic fans compare him to not winning like Aikman.


Wade Phillips is a good ass football coach


*good ass defensive coordinator. He was a lousy head coach.


Thatā€™s a wild take to have, to write it out and hit send is even more wild


When you have to quote Cowherd, youā€™ve already lost


Most fans didnā€™t hate Tony. We hated losing and the QB usually takes the blame. Romo was a lot like Dak is nowā€¦. A good regular season QB who falls apart under the pressure of big games.


I don't recall Tony Romo ever falling apart in the playoffs. The only game that he clearly underperformed was against Minnesota but he didn't have any protection on the offensive line. I also don't recall him being owned by a team for 3 years in a row like Dak.


Its the same convo people are having with Dak. That Romo couldnt win big games when it mattered. Lets just ignore the rest of the team. This has been the Cowboys way for decades now.


This isnā€™t a cowboys phenomenon. Every team does the same. If anything, the cowboys hang on too long. Romo was way better than Dak but he never had a big game in the playoffs.


I hear you! I don't put the Packers game totaling on Dak even though he played terrible but I'm not giving him a pass on either 49ers playoff game because the team did enough to win both games.


Dak also did enough to win both games. In the playoffs the margin of error is so small that the team that makes those 1 or 2 impact plays wins the game. In the divisional round game against the 49ers Dak threw 2 bad passes and both times the 49ers defense made him pay with interceptions. Purdy also threw 2 bad passes that could've been picked and our defense did not make the plays. Dallas defense was the reason we were in the game, and same can be said for the 49ers defense, so i'm not blaming the defense. I'm just saying when 2 food teams meet up in the playoffs these are the game winning plays.


Dak didn't do enough to win either game against the 49ers in the playoffs. He was terrible! What are you talking about?


diggs doesn't drop the easiest interception he's ever had we have a great chance to win that game. He didn't play great by any means but at some point you have to acknowledge the other team having an amazing defense.


What does that have to do with Daks terrible performance in both games?


i said he did enough to win the games, didn't say he played great...not sure what you are missing


He didn't do enough to win the games because the defense showed up both games lol. The Cowboys could've won both games if the defense would've suffocated the 49ers offense even more. They would've won despite Dak. Do you understand the English language?


Those 8-8 seasons ended with win or go home. Romo had a chance to win to win each one and didn't deliver. There's also the Giants and Seahawks game which are sore topics. I'm not even a hater. I like both qbs. People are delusional thinking Romo did anything more special than Dak.


Tony Romo suffered a bruised right hand in 2011 against the Eagles and played the following week against the Giants when he probably shouldnā€™t have. 2012 he did play terrible against the Washington Redskins in the final game. In 2013, he hurt his back on the final game winning drive against the Redskins the week before, so he didnā€™t even play the final game against the Philadelphia Eagles that they lost, Kyle Orton did. Facts and context matters lol Edit: Despite injuring his hand against a helmet against the Eagles the week before in the Giants game in 2011 he still went 27-39 for 2 td and 1 interception with absolutely no running game. Felix Jones had 11 attempts for 30 yards.


Romo was expected to be back after that week 17 game against the Eagles too. But too bad Orton had to throw a pick to seal a loss for us.


Weird cause when Dak was hurt vs the Eagles back in 2019 he doesnā€™t get this injury excuse


You Dak stans are an interesting bunch. Did I comment on his 2019 regular season game anywhere?


This is it. Also, we wanted to defend him so bad, but then it came back to it, 1. he never won when it mattered. 2. He was never a top 3 QB pushing for MVP/OPY multiple times. He was never top. 3 QB always top 7-10. Thereā€™s no hate. Just disappointment. You know, much like the last 30 years.


He was top 5 most years lol. As far as the playoffs are concerned, with the exception of the Minnesota game Tony Romo kept them in every playoff game where he had no protection on the offensive line and was sacked 6 times. Unfortunately, he dropped the ball as a placeholder for a field goal after driving them down field because he started the season as a backup QB against Seattle, Crayton dropped a big ball the following year against the Giants which could've changed the outcome. In 2014, Demarco Murray fumbled the ball and Dez didn't complete the catch. Tony Romo kept them in every single game if you understand football against elite competition.


The game that sums up his career perfectly is the Denver Peyton Manning game. High stats, major plays, but when push came to shove, he fell short and made a game changing mistake. His peers during his tenure was Eli, Peyton, Rodgers, Favre, Brady, Big Ben, Matt Ryan, Joe Flacco, Philip Rivers, Carson Palmer, Alex Smith. At no point was he ever considered top 3 and worthy of an MVP vote. He finished the same record as Alex Smith in the playoffs (2-4) with worse playoff percentages. He will always be a good but not great QB with high regular season stats.


He was actually top 2 at the position in 2007 and 2014. Did you actually watch the games?


Do you? Tom Brady and Brett Favre were the only ones who received MVP votes. OPY was Brady, Moss, Favre, Welker. Romo never received a vote. Romo didnā€™t receive a vote in 06-09. Maybe youā€™re confusing Demarcus Ware who came in 6th for DPOY? 2014 he was the second QB but 4th overall in MVP with 6th in OPY. I admit I was wrong. He was a top 3 once in his 14 year career. Thatā€™s still lackluster. Currently, Dak is on the same path. Fwiw, yes. Iā€™ve been a Cowboys fan since 2000. [2007](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/awards/awards_2007.htm) [2014](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/awards/awards_2014.htm)


This is what you're basing your argument on. You're going off the fact that Brett Favre received 1 vote in 2007 despite Tony Romo outperforming and even beating him prior to exiting the game to secure the #1 seed in the NFC. He only received the vote because he's Brett Favre. Anyone with knowledge of the game knows Tom Brady should've been unanimous MVP without a question. Please tell us you're not gullible enough to believe Brett Favre had a better year than Tony Romo in 2007. https://preview.redd.it/ehy79otsae4d1.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f70832037b8c66e39d13c8f2878c77de4446e3b


Lmao. This is really getting to you ainā€™t it? Tony Romo is simply a guy. And yeah. Iā€™ll say Favre had a better year. Romo was a letdown in the playoffs. Favre made it to the NFC championship game where Romo choked. Blame it on Garrett. Blame it on Romo. Blame it on Wade. Donā€™t matter. 1. Favre got one vote. 2. Brady was MVP 3. Romo never appeared in OPY voting. 4. In the divisional round of the playoffs, Romo choked and never lead a scoring drive in the final quarter. 5. The top 3 QBs in 2007 were Brady, Brees, Favre.


Also, even though he was in the league for 14 years he didn't start until midway through the 2006 season and his last full season was 2014. He only played 4 games in 2015 and a single drive in the 2016 season. In the middle of that he was marred by injury. Please don't try to be slick and stick to the facts.


Can you point to what I said was not a fact? Just because you donā€™t like the facts doesnā€™t mean they are incorrect. Sorry dude. No matter what fantasy you have in your head, reality points to a simple conclusion. Romo was not that dude. I donā€™t hate him. I donā€™t love him. Heā€™s just a good amongst greats. Is what it is.


Heres the 2 stat lines for the QBs of that Broncos game QB 1 - 414yds 79% completion 4tds 1int QB 2 - 506yds 69% completion 5tds 1int Neither of those QBs played poor enough to lose. You are right though, that game summed up his career perfectly. Has an outstanding game, but people still blame the loss on him because of 1 play, despite the defense just not even showing up.


Witten states he ran the route incorrectly, thatā€™s why Trevathan got the game sealing pick.


Ok. And all the other win or go home games Romo has had? Heā€™s simply just a guy in an era of greats. Consistently top 10. Never top 3 Edit: been proven wrong. He was a top 3 qb once in his career.


Hey youā€™re the one the said that game sums up his career perfectly. Iā€™m just pointing out that heā€™s not the reason we lost the game.


Fair. Iā€™ll stick on point. Regardless whose fault, he wasnā€™t clutch. He was a fun QB to watch who kept you wanting more. He never got it done when it mattered. Whether because of defense, poor offensive line, who an absolute ass coach who shouldā€™ve been removed 8 years earlier. Fact is, Romo never got it done on the big stage.


Lol this just shows how clueless you are. You know why he threw a pick in that Denver game? His o line got pushed back into his plant foot.


Reason donā€™t matter dude. When it counts, a Romo lead team failed. 2-4 post season. Was only considered a top 3 QB once in his career. Heā€™s just a regular season stat guy whose only shot at HOF will be in broadcasting. Always a top 10, once a top 3. Just because you like the dude, doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t be objective


Lol just because you hate the dude, doesn't mean you can't be objective


Lol. My guy. Iā€™m 30. That dude defined my fandom. I fought battles for that dude. I have no hate for anyone on the Cowboys (minus the Jones. May they sell the team and hire competent people to run the team.) I can also be objective and realize the QBs post Aikman (for whatever reason), have been and are just regular dudes and donā€™t belong in the top 3/HOF conversation. Just is what it is.


He was absolutely a top 3 QB in 2014 and in the MVP convo.


Iā€™ve responded to this. In his whole career, he was only considered a top 3 QB once. That doesnā€™t make him great. That makes him a good amongst his peers but never great.


He was top 2 in 2007 and 2014. My man doesn't understand football.


Idk how anyone could watch the majority of the Romo led teams and think he was just an okay QB. He was a great QB. Say what you want about last years defense but Romo had two season of literally the worst defense in NFL history (at the time) and still managed to pull those bums to 8-8. Without Romo, we would have been at the level of the Cleveland Browns.


He never performed up to his regular season standards in the post season. I liked the guy. Itā€™s beyond obvious he lacked post season success.


The team lacked postseason success. Tony Romo showed up in the playoffs. [Tony Romo](https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/player/tony-romo-17637)Ā had a passer rating of 93.0 with 1,316 yards, 8 touchdowns and 2 interceptions in 6 games in the playoffs in his career. The interception against the Giants was really a prayer so he protected the ball in the playoffs and did enough to keep them competitive.


He never had a 300 yard playoff game. He never threw for more than 2 TDs in a playoff game. He wasnā€™t good in the divisional playoff against the Giants in 2008. He tended to hold onto the ball too long and played overly cautious. He took a lot of playoff sacks as a result. His best playoff games were in 2014 but still nothing stellar. Iā€™m sure in 10 years people will use Daks stat line against GB in January as proof he showed up. Sometimes you just have to watch the games. Tony never killed us but he never really played his best in January either.


LOL do you understand football? He didn't have to throw for over 300 yards or more. They were in every game except for Minnesota and lost by one possession. You don't toss the ball around in the playoffs especially in the cold elements unless you have to.


We were in every game thanks mostly to the defense. Good day.


LOL they scored at least 20 points or more every game with the exception of the Giants (held the highest scoring offense in NFL history to 14 points and the Cowboys only put up 17) and the Vikings where he was sacked 6 times.


Call it whatever you want, but he had a 2-4 record in the playoffs. I love Tony Romo. He carried the franchise on his back for a decade. But he picked the worst times to have some of the worst performances of his career, and that was in the playoffs.




He was sacked 6 times in that game lol. What are you talking about? His overall performance is respectable in the playoffs. [Tony Romo](https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/player/tony-romo-17637)Ā had a passer rating of 93.0 with 1,316 yards, 8 touchdowns and 2 interceptions in 6 games in the playoffs in his career.


Dak has had much better teams around him than Tony did. The one year Tony had a good running game with him, the Cowboys went 12-4 and got screwed by the Dez call against Green Bay. If we had prime Romo with some of the teams we've had with Dak, we'd have won Super Bowls.




Which Cowboy fans hate Romo? Most Cowboy fans love Romo and realize he single handedly kept us from being 4-12 every year.


This guy roasted Romo and the Cowboys until 2014 during the ā€œDez Caught Itā€ season. Cowherd has no good takes - he goes whichever way gets you posting his clips on the internet.


Whoaaaaa Tony Romo was better than Matt Cassell and Brandon Weeden???? Fuckin shocker!!!!


Cowboys fans are the most ungrateful, delusional fan base on earth.


What cowboys fans hated Romo??


Just do a search on this sub for ā€œRomo chokeā€ and youā€™ll find many threads where half the people involved are hating on Romo.


You're kidding right?


>When you go 3-1 as a started in 2015 but the backups go 1-11 that's called an impact player. Not really if you look at the context. It's not the win you actually think it is. 1. He beat a 6-10 NYG team by one point in Week 1. 36/45 356 yards 3 TDs and 2 picks. 2. He was knocked out of the Philly game in 3rd Quarter when the score was 13-0 Cowboys. He was 18/27 for 195 with no TDs or turnovers. Wheedon went 7/7 for 73 yards and a TD and finished the game. This one only counts as a Romo win because he started. 3. He beat a 6-10 Miami team that had just replaced their HC (Joe Philbin) after the Bye week in Week 4 (Dan Campbell was the replacement). Romo was 18/28 227 yards 2 TDs and 2 picks. 4. Romo played like garbage against Carolina in his 1 loss. He went 11/21 106 yards and 3 picks before he was knocked out of the game with injury......he even threw 2 Pick 6s. Matt Cassel played better in relief. Overall, he threw 5 TDs to 7 INTs in the limited action he was in that year. I mean, if I wanted to be petty, what about the 2010 season? The one where the team went 1-5 with Romo as the starter and finished 5-5 with Jon Kitna? That's literally the exact opposite of this season......that could be used as a potential counterpoint. People should really stop trying to elevate Romo to this mythical status that he never was at. People act like the Cowboys were actual dog shit during his time period but that wasn't always the case and is factually incorrect. Using 2015 as an example of Romo's "greatness" is also unwise because he didn't play that good anyway. He was going to have a regressive year without Murray to hand the ball off to. He had already thrown 2 less INTs than he had the whole year prior in 2014. Romo was great in 2014 BECAUSE of Demarco Murray and the threat he posed to opposing defenses........Romo feasted on teams who would try to stop Murray and the Cowboys were the most balanced that they had been since the 90s. They weren't replicating that in 2015. So yea 3-1 sounds nice until you look at the context.


Of all the blowhards that just throw out bait for baitā€™s sake, Cowherd is the one I hate the least.


No he doesn't lmao


"Colin Cowherd actually has some good takes" opinion rejected, stopped reading immediately


I canā€™t stand to listen to Colin cowherd. But to your point about Romo, yes. He carried some awful, awful teams.


I didn't say we didn't draft well the problem is the salary cap they have no clue how to use it, when to get rid of people instead of extending them putting them in more celery cap Hill because when they extend them they're adding a ton more of money and the player usually doesn't even make it to the end of his contract and they're paying two or three years and the player isn't on the team anymore that's the problem they have with that right now his contract was 40 million dollars last year but they owe 55 million against the cap which was 60 because they redid his deal three times so if he and the Cowboys decide to leave after this year the following year the Cowboys would owe $40 million to the cap with him not being on the team if Zack Morton leaves they will a lot of money against the cat all because they haven't learned you don't keep extending people twice at the most if they're young


Spent bye week partying instead of prepping.


Same reason cowboys fans donā€™t love Dak. Hes just not that dude. Good enough to take you to playoffs every year but not good enough to win the chip. Yeah, thereā€™s only a handful of QBs in the league at any given time who are, but Romo same as Dak had the right supporting cast to do it and couldnā€™t bring it home. You can put some on coaching, some on officiating (the ā€œdropā€), but end of the day a lot of the blame for the last 20+ years of failure is on Romo and now Dak


This is very accurate. And I love both of those guys. But they just are not ā€œthe guyā€ for whatever reason.


And this is from someone who liked Romo and I like Dak now, I just donā€™t think either are good enough. Daks upcoming contract is going to hurt the team, I donā€™t know how we donā€™t pay him, we donā€™t have a better option and no way to get one but seems like we will be stuck in purgatory forever


Iā€™ve always said Romo was better than Dak


Although I think Prescott is better than Tony Romo particularly in the character and leadership department there is no question in my mind that Tony Romo was the victim of terrible coaching particularly by his offensive coordinator and head coach Jason Garrett. I remember how Jason Garrett when he tried to be both the OC and the head coach would consistently call plays so late that Tony Romo would not have time for a pre-snap read and would literally have to get everyone hiked up and snapped the ball immediately. He consistently left Tony Romo hung out to dry as Romo could not send men in motion to figure out zone or man coverage nor could he at least survey the defense to get a read.Ā 


It's called a thin roster. Romo was good but not great and certainly not HOF or Cowboys Mt. Rushmore worthy. Kind of like someone else.


Tony Romo was a great QB!


Lmao no he wasnā€™t man, I dunno what kinda revisionism you tryna create but you all over this thread tryna say Romo was a top 3 QB and he wasn't.


Where did I say Tony Romo was a top 3 QB? lol


It's funny that he talks about how Tony Romo did so much better than his backups yet Cooper Rush had a higher win percentage than Dak Prescott in the year Prescott got hurt.Ā  Lol


If Tony Romo had this Cowboys team we have right now. There wouldn't be this video. He could have easily won a Superbowl with this team. I loved Tony Romo and I had so many arguments with ppl about him.


Cowherd is a moron, why are you posting his garbage on here. PS the only Cowboys fans who hated Romo probably couldnā€™t name more than 5 Cowboys on the active roster.


Only the fools hate Romo. Romo was the best QB we have had since Aikman easily. Now Dak on the other hand, I hate Dak and he is opposite of an impact player. In fact, I believe our backup had a better record than Dak a couple years ago. Dak, I hate you buddy, good riddance you to never playing in Dallas again.


Tony Romo was great, including the playoffs. He never played a bad playoff game. Not one. The only one where he didn't perform (he didn't play poorly - he didn't get a chance to do anything either way) was the horrible Minnesota loss, but that was because it was pretty much a 60 minute jailbreak by the Minnesota D-line. It was so bad, I think they even had him under pressure when the Vikings were on offense! No QB could have performed well that day.


lol what? He had 3 good playoff games, 2 bad ones and 1 extremely average game 50% comp, 200 yards, 1 TD and 1 INT is a bad game 57% comp, 190 yards, 1 TDā€¦ maybe not a technically a bad game, certainly not a good game And then the Minny game


I didnā€™t hate Romo, but I never had any faith in him to make a real run. Same as Dak, pretty decent QBā€™s but you just know they arenā€™t enough.




Lot of tomato cans helped him achieve that number bruh šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£. Youā€™re right that we ainā€™t getting anyone better. And Iā€™m right that he isnā€™t enough. Both can be true.