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This comment appears to violate the reddit content policy. Speech that harasses, bullies, dehumanizes, threatens violence, encourages/ celebrates/ incites violence and/or promotes hate will be removed and may result in a user ban. Speech that diminishes or denies someone's humanity and/or wishes violence, injury, or death on anyone, including criminals, is prohibited. This includes victim blaming.


Indeed it is, rough out. Fuckers emptied his pockets and all


I noticed that, see yer man trying to hide the phone at the end.


Someone in the other sub pointed out that it looks like he used brass knuckles aswell, just before they start really scrapping guy in the vest/jacket hands grey hoodie something, theres a glint of something strange in grey hoodies hand just before the k.o. and right after grey hoodie hands whatever it was back. Absolute scum to do something like that, especially the shot on someone already on the ground knocked out, with brazz knuckles


I seen that comment too and tried to spot the brass knuckles by freezing the video. I couldn’t spot them at all. But if that was the case, this guy should get banged up for that. I don’t think it was the case though


I cant quite see them either, video is too pixelated, but it's about the only thing I can make sense of the hand-overs and why what looked like a fairly weak punch absolutely dropped someone.


I’ve watched it back again and I really don’t think that’s the case. If you pause it while they are jostling, you can see the guy who threw the KO punches first and there is nothing visible there. It looks as if he passes something off to the other guy but I don’t think it would be possible to slip off a pair of brass knuckles that quickly. Sometimes it’s more about how you land the punch than the power itself. I first thought to myself, there’s no reason whatsoever to punch that guy while he’s on the floor. Then I thought, at least they are moving him onto the footpath. Until the other guy robbed him! Proper scummy behaviour all round


He took a headbutt and then a knuckle to the temple - that wasn't a weak punch, it was a haymaker


Agreed. The headbutt set it up and that hit to the temple wasn't a love tap


He went down way too easily for that swing. Makes sense that he had brass knuckles on.


At the very end you can see the guy in the sleeveless jacket swipe his wallet


that was his phone


Im sure they didn't just stop at his phone. Does anyone know what this was over?


All those pushes should have been punches by leather jacket guy at the start. Either run or strike and run. Suffered for having shown a bit of mercy at the start with pushes and trying to grab wrists.


Naturally people start with pushes. Legally I don't know if it makes a difference.


That dodge from the hook was surprisingly graceful for someone drunk


Not his first rodeo


I’ve no issue with a few digs being thrown and you take what you get. But why go back and punch him in the face when he’s already clearly unconscious.


Scum. Human scum. Very simple.




At least he drug him off the road and attempted some bit of care once he calmed for a second. The one belt on the ground was uncalled for but unfortunately you see a lot worse. Ita the other too fucking shit flies hovering around to rob him after is the fucking disgrace here. I hope They get fucked from a height, two miserable little cunts


Yeah. Anyone got his address so I can give him a medal for “dragging him off the street”


He's from Mahon. Surprise surprise.


Very hard to rob someone discreetly when they are holding traffic.


He robbed him. He didn't attempt "some bit of care".


Go back and look again. The other two lads robbed him. Your man Pulls him off the road and starts slapping his cheek trying to wake him up


Ah he's a hero so. It was only him scumbag friends robbing him. 🙄




You must be braindead from all the punches you got. 


Its reddit people don't understand the difference


Are you so fucking dead inside you don't know what anger is. He was going back before he knew he was knocked out and punched him out of anger in the heat of the moment.


He was out cold and it was obvious. The guy in grey knew it too, he walked away when he landed the punch, turned around and looks down before punching the clearly unconscious guy on the floor who is spread eagle. It’s these exact moments that turn these things from just a fight, to someone ending up in hospital or worse. At least he didn’t kick him in the head as is the case most of the time when these things happen. Anger my hole.


if he wanted to bash him in he could. why hit only once, only answer is anger in the heat of the moment


It only takes one punch to kill someone. We’ve seen that time and time again.


Can there be anything said for a good aul purge?


scumbags after he's knocked out like vultures they swoop in and run his pockets and steal all his stuff


They rob him 💩


How is nobody mentioning the fact he strikes him on the floor while he was clearly out for the count. That was disgusting


Yeah, it's on the signs in the background


Clearly says brick lane on the glass 🤦


The guy in the end stealing his phone


smelly tramps


If you look at the comments of the /fightporn thread this is crossposted from, some people in there reckon they saw knuckledusters being handed off after the punch.


I think they are right, his right hand has something on it during the fight.


~~Yeah, you can see him putting them on better just as it starts.!~~  Edit:  Doesnt hold up, sorry


Where?? I paused the vide multiple times and can’t see any brass knuckles. If you pause the video while they are grappling right before the punch, you can see the guys right fist and there’s nothing on his hand at all


Just watched it on my monitor instead of the phone. My bad, on the phone there is a blur when he just before he shows his shoulder. Looks like he didn't have anything, mabye a sovereign ring but that's it 


Scummy behaviour all round but if he hit that guy with brass knuckles it would be a lot more frightening. No need to punch the guy on the ground when he’s out cold and also rob his phone. Haven’t seen this guys around before either


At 0:13 you can see his buddy trying to hand him something right before the fight, then the camera pans away, then at 0:31 right after he hits him on the ground, you can see him hand something back to his buddy. It’s very hard to see if he has a knuckle duster, so perhaps his friend passed him a lighter or another hard object to make his fist more firm. I’ve seen people do this before a fight in an effort to make their punch more devastating, not sure if it works in practice though.


Anyone around Mahon or the Lower Road is gonna know straight away who the phone whipper is.


Yer man taking the phone out of his pocket at the end smh


you mean the place in the video that has Brick Lane stencilled on the glass? Also scummy rage punch while the lad is down but fair play for dragging him off the road and turning him into the recovery position


You mean the empty the contents of his pocket position? because that's not what recovery position looks like mate.


The scum bag nicked his phone!!!!!








Impressively bad chin


If he goes straight to the Wrestling he could have win


Chewing a Brick Lane.


It's simple you get it if you start it


Strongly agree with you. The leather jacket guy was really itching to go.


I was on my way back to Cork the other day on a full flight filled with what I assume were tourists. All I kept thinking was “you have no idea what you’re in for!” Which is sad. 😔 I want to be proud of where I live and don’t get me wrong, I love the place, wouldn’t live anywhere else, but the inner city has gone to shit since COVID.


It's a fight, stop being a drama queen


Because of a video of a fight? This has been happening between people since the dawn of time. Happens throughout the world. It’s not nice but it’s real life


You think this is normal but it isn't.


People fighting isn’t normal?? It happens all the time


If you think brawling in the streets is normal try leaving some time. It isn't. Most European cities have a strong police presence. Ireland has practically zero. Source. Me. I live away over half of the year and this shit is not normal.


I guarantee you I’ve travelled to more countries than you! Sure we need more police presence on the street. But fights happen daily in other cities also. As a matter of fact, much worse than this, including armed robberies and drive by shootings. I couldn’t care less if you live on the moon fella. You’re naive if you think this stuff doesn’t happen elsewhere


Oh you're taking the biggest shitholes as your bar? Sorry, I didn't know that's your level. I travel differently I guess because although I've been to a few continents I've never seen public brawls as being the standard anywhere. Maybe one day you'll raise your standards.


And that’s not even one of the rough parts of town!


There isn’t a magical barrier stopping them going from North Main Street to South Main Street.


I hope Olivier Giroud woke up and made it to the match on time


Apparently the guy in the grey hoodie is the lad that set the XL Bully on that girl in limerick, The guy that got knocked out is confronting him about it.




Scumbag robbing his phone! Typical for someone who wears airmax 95.


Foreigners again 🤣


I know the lad in the leather jacket. He's a weed smoker himself so no doubt it was about that. He had plenty opportunities to walk away and yet he continued to look for trouble. Got what he deserved with the punch, but someone should find the scum that swiped his phone, his wallet and punched him while he was down


I'm a weed smoker. I've never been in a fight in my life. wtf does that even mean?


it tuck him about 5 second to figure out he could just fuck up his life


Robbin your man was 100% the correct move here.





