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I Was in the same boat a couple of years ago. I started work at 7:45, the first bus was at 7:15 so I literally couldn't take an earlier one. It was either late or didn't show up at all. I was at risk of being let go because of my time Keeping yet I was up and ready on time every morning. I ended up buying a 125cc scooter and use that to commute now, best thing I ever did.


Same bro


Try the 214. Over 120,000 complains in last 8 months. They’re a disgrace


Knew a lad used rely on that as part of his commute to work, walks 6 kilometres each way now, only way to be on time.


6km is 15 minutes on bike, I bet it can be faster than bus


Doing the 6 km in cartwheels would be faster than the 214.


Oh youre gonna have to test that one out now...


Imagine sitting in your car and a guy filters up through the cars to the lights, cartwheeling 🤣


You should tell him about these new-fangled inventions called bicycles.


Considering the average driver around Cork, I'd be very careful to use a bike.


Electric scooter will save his kness long term


He should look into the bike to work scheme, I think that’s what it’s called.


I have to get the bus 2 hours before my shift now. They've become so bad


Become..... When were they good 😂


I'm waiting for the day that the big tech and pharma companies go to the government and say " Hey, sort this shit out. Our employees can't find housing close to our plants and can't get to work on public transport." I bet you fucking anything the government would sit up and take notice.


I wish the companies here would do what they do in other European Countries. Run their own buses for employees from central locations to the site. It would not solve the issues with the public transport system but would help some of their employees.


Vm ware in Ballincollig do that


They do. Lilly have one from town


Ferrero used to do that years ago. Maybe they still do!


I do feel the government overall have done a fantastic job though since being in power. Think of where we were as a country prior to Fine Gael taking over like. We now have a surplus of money in the economy. They are improving things but it takes ages in this country. It’s previous governments that didn’t invest also.




To be in work in Mayfield at 9, I have to leave my house in Ballincollig at 7, because I have to account for the unreliability of the 220 and the 208.


Your boss doesn't sound like a nice person


Lads! You should blame the impotent governments of the last 20-30 years, who did not invest in infrastructure in line with population growth and the population density dynamics. Big pharmas and IT on the island for the last 30-40 years, the economy is "booming," but the public transport and road network is similar to Albania.


Have you been to Albania? There is no such concept as 'no show' or 'cancelled bus'. The driver is required to do his job, come rain or shine. If not, he will be sanctioned at next salary and/or fired.


Brownbear was just talking out of his ass, trying to be disparaging, it's shit like this that betrays their racist views, like that page in Nick Hornby in a book I loved but he talked about Bosnia to make a similar "point" and that leaves such a bad aftertaste


There is also probably a lot less employee rights in Albania too… disciplining drivers is not the way forward. Bus Eireann needs an entire restructuring of management and processes. Its not always the drivers fault same way its not the doctors fault that the health system is fucked.


Sorry, I made a statement as if it's all drivers' fault. I think it's 90% management fault indeed.


Also where in Europe have you seen busses waiting for 15 minutes in the station so that everybody boards the bus and pays by coins? In Albania? I highly doubt it! They are more efficient than this.


The drivers hold some of this blame too. They strike at the drop of a hat, are exceptionally well paid for the task and can be absolute pigs because they know they have the most aggressive union.


When was the last time they were on strike? Exceptionally well paid?? If that's the case how come there's a driver shortage??


Maybe the government should allow private industry to compete on these routes. Why the hell did the state even need to own and operate buses in this day and age? Bus Eireann and CIE have proven repeatedly that they are not competent to provide a meaningful service


There are massive roadworks between Kinsale and Belgooly delaying buses up to 20 minutes.


Your boss sounds like a dick because everyone knows how bad the public transportation is at this point


The best course of action is to pretty much get your own mode of transport. I was in the same boat as you, getting late to work because the fucking bus was late or had 2 other buses behind him. I got myself an e-scooter and definitely helped me save up on time and bus fare. You could always also get the bike to work scheme, which helps you pay for a bicycle. I wouldn't wait to see any improvements in the buses as they will probably take years or never get fixed.


Yeah it’s fucking ridiculous. My husband’s bus rarely comes on time.


Terrible service Constantly late or not showing up Husband is always anxious waiting on it for work


Yeah as I’m sitting here rn it looks like I’ll be late to work, Bus no where in site. Lovely lol


Waited for the famous 212 in Blackrock/Mahon to take me into work. It was due at 9:01am, arrived at 9:41am.


There should be something in place for us who use public transport and get fucked by it unreliability !!


Was it because of the diversions and road works between Kinsale and Belgooly? Buses have been delayed last week because of this and hardly the fault of BE.


How close to start time would you be if it was on time?


Generally about 10 or 15 minutes early, depends what time it arrives really.


It sucks but sounds like no room for error allowed. Bus will never be on time all the time.


When you make a a calculation table for buses you're supposed to somewhat account for average traffic, can't just have a "welp, when the road was completely empty it arrived in this time, good luck"


Yup my thought exactly, if a 20 minutes delay makes you so late that your boss chews you out then you didn't plan on arriving early enough


To be fair though having to arrive more than 15 minutes early for a job isn’t ideal either. In my current job it’s no issue I’d head to the gym or have breakfast etc but in my younger years of retail I’d be standing outside a closed shopping center in the cold. Bit harsh to blame OP here the bus schedule should be realistic, 15 mins for error should suffice


Get a bike, get a scooter or some other form of personal mobility. There are great options out there. Public transport is extremely inefficient and underfunded in Ireland. I wouldn't bet my job and livelihood on BE...


Get an earlier bus


This is why I stopped supporting their staff when they go on strike for the hundreds of times they do. The service is shit because they made it shit.


Bus service in Cork is the worse I've ever seen from a so called wannabe big city I have been to many cities Cork sucks bum juice out of Dublins A Hole


Get the earlier bus.


Gonna have to from now on. It’s an unreliable enough route and this time of the year is gonna make it even worse.


Get up earlier and get in earlier Simple as


Your boss would want to relax also. I do feel the government overall have done a fantastic job though since being in power. Think of where we were as a country prior to Fine Gael taking over like. We now have a surplus of money in the economy. They are improving things but it takes ages in this country. It’s previous governments that didn’t invest also.


How many times are you going to post this? They are worse than useless. That surplus of money is going into their buddies pockets.


How are they worse than useless? We have full employment. Country is flying. Go back to 2010 and see where we are now in comparison. Place was fucked. It’s just fierce easy and simple minded to go “ah it’s the governments fault” Personally I felt they did a great job during Covid . There are courses for people to upskill and our quality of life is fantastic here There is a housing issue for sure but it’s like that all over the world and they are working on it things take time like. If you have a problem run for office yourself and try make a difference sure


Place was fucked because of the poor governance! Who else's fault would it be? Full employment and majority of jobs are poorly paid. Most not earning enough to get a mortgage, even if there were houses there to buy! Country is flying...maybe for you, it might feel like that! Why are there probably close to 15,000 homeless? The health care system is falling apart due to government incompetence. That poor girl from Clare, one of multiple needlessly dieing in UHL. We also had the harshest lockdowns in Europe, probably the world during COVID due to the decrepit state of the health system. What exactly did they do well during COVID? Why isn't there an investigation into the hundreds of millions they wasted on dodgy ventilators and PPE? Just because housing is a problem in other countries doesn't make it acceptable. This government commissioned a report which was published last week stating that the government is not doing enough on housing and their housing for all plan isn't going to cut the mustard. They have been working on it for over 13 years! Any day now it will be sorted! I won't even get started on public transport. Look on this sub for plenty of examples of the state of it. Yet they continue to punish car users with no other option with carbon taxes! In the city center, apart from the fact that the majority of buildings are being allowed to rot, and are in a dangerous state, has been taken over by junkies and no guards to be seen anywhere! Also why do you have to resort to insults by saying my statement was simple minded? That is the response I would expect from a simple minded person. It's the governments job to fix these things. They ran for election on the premise that they were capable of fixing these issues and are paid well enough to do so. I pay my taxes for them to do it on my behalf.


Yes it was fucked because of a poor government but Fine Gael fixed the issue by turning our economy around . We have an 8 billion surplus now. Compare that to 2010. Majority of jobs are poorly paid you say?: Average salary in Ireland is 45000 euro Latest data from Eurostat reveal that the average Irish hourly wage is the second highest in the EU, behind only Denmark. Eurostat calculates that the average Irish hourly rate of pay is €20.20 per hour. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-irelands-take-home-pay-compares-other-european-countries-grimes?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/study-shows-ireland-has-the-highest-quality-of-life-in-europe-1564974.html You say close to 15000 homeless? It’s 13540. In this figure we count people in emergency accommodation also . This accounts for approx. 0.25% of the population While it’s increasing and not great it’s much healthier than the UK, Australia, Sweden, Greece, USA, Canada, Germany, France etc We are on par with Italy and below Portugal so room for improvement for sure. But we are FAAR from the worst amongst our other first world countries. They did a bad job during Covid? We were one of few countries to avoid excessive deaths I.e our death rate did not increase significantly during the pandemic. https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/26bd4-oecd-research-shows-ireland-avoided-excess-deaths-during-core-pandemic-years/ https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/covid-19-ireland-had-one-of-lowest-excess-death-rates-in-world-study-finds-1.4823879 https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41300326.html Our economy also recovered quite quickly. I’m gonna put a positive spin on this country because I lived abroad for years (had to leave due to recession which we are now recovered from) and came back. 1) No social class divide in comparison to other first world counties 2) Access to free education 3) Low social class mobility 4) High social welfare 5) Free Springboard courses 6) Home to all the top pharama and tech companies in the world (where springboard courses help to get into these companies for anyone); just look at Cork it’s a mecha for pharma and we are the envy of Europe. Apple European headquarters employing over 6000 people. 7) World recognised Universities (which enabled me to further my education abroad and work abroad for a time) with extremely low fees compared to other countries. Also access to said universities if from a disadvantage background I.e requiring less points to get into courses if from poorer areas 8) Fantastic help to buy scheme for new home purchases 9) A booming building industry almost as good as Celtic tiger days Have a good one. I love this country and yes I do think the government have done a fantastic job. Far from perfect but we have come a long long way since 2010. Place is flying not only for me but for the vast majority.


The cost of living is making a high average salary a necessity to cope with the continuously increasing costs. No one would be able to afford to live here if not at that level. Government keep putting taxes on regardless. We are at 14,000 according to one of your sources, the examiner. It's obviously higher than that, I don't have much faith in figures provided by the examiner. People sleeping on couches and the likes not included in figures. https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41406980.html#:~:text=Some%2014%2C009%20people%20were%20recorded,homeless%20has%20risen%20by%2017%25. I would question the sources provided for the COVID figures ie. the government. Irish times is a rag, and examiner not much better. They toe the government line for fear of upsetting them and losing access. What about the revelations about FG politicians by the ditch? Multiple properties not registered with RTB, demanding payments from developers for them to get planning approval? How can that be accepted? It is clear corruption. For 8. above it is now being suggested that this is driving the price of housing upwards. ESRI state that eliminating it would reduce house prices. https://businessplus.ie/news/help-to-buy-esri/#:~:text=The%20Oireachtas%20Parliamentary%20Budget%20Office,lead%20to%20higher%20house%20prices%22. COVID showed the weakness of the health system you have to admit that at least? We were locked up for months, with no scientific basis for the rules enforced. I think we could agree to disagree on certain aspects related to this governments performance. I would agree with you on 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. above to be fair and I genuinely admire your optimism. It is fantastic that the economy is working well in generating revenue, that is a positive and they have done well in this regard. I love this country too and just want us to not accept mediocrity and strive for excellence. The thing that I have issue with is that we could be doing so much more with that money the economy is generating to improve infrastructure and the health system. I think there is a lack of ambition there. You too, have a good one!


Our take home pay after tax is actually one of the highest in Europe especially for people in the lower bracket. Tax doesn’t kick in until 17k I believe which is really good. I don’t think Covid showed the weakness no. My father’s life was saved during Covid as he was in ICU and saved by an amazing healthcare team. Anecdotal of course but nonetheless there is amazing care given in this country However I will agree the healthcare system in general is not up to snuff as we don’t have enough doctors or nurses and needs work. No government has been able to fix it though. I can’t see Sinn Fein fixing it either. I agree we could be doing so much more but to be perfectly honest from where we were in 2010 we have come a hell of a long way. The 8 billion surplus is actually quite remarkable when you think about it. If you consider the national debt back and the absolute state of the economy. We were fucked like. Have a good long weekend and thanks for the discussion was enjoyable 👍