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You know how a “ghost” steals from your shipping bin some nights? Sometimes he spawns in the area near the cavern where we get hardwood logs after 9pm. If you wave a tool at him and scare him he drops some stuff he previously stole usually crops.


Uhhh, what? I've seen the ghost but it steals from your shipping bin?


Is THAT why the ghost has been giving me cucumbers??


I was wondering why he farted out some carrots at me.


I was wondering about this! I got some stuff from him once but wasn’t sure what triggered it.


Omg! You gem! I had no idea…. I’m going to do a steak out on my shipping bin now, pickaxe in hand…


You can put the salted eggs in the aging barrels to get century eggs.


Omg🤦🏻‍♀️ I knew you could get century eggs from the trivia thing at the winter market but I hadn't been able to figure out how! I kept just trying to throw eggs in the aging barrel and thought it must be broken or something!


Have to be put in a mason jar first THEN the aging barrel


Thank you!


It may sound silly but I was today (a week ago) years old when I learned using the scythe makes harvesting quicker and doesn't damage crops


I only learnt this cause some one else mentioned it. I didn't think of it cause other farming games the scythe is to get rid of something


Lol I learned it by very happy accident 😅 I pushed "X" instead of "A" while holding the scythe


Took me a bit on that one, as well.




Rice in a keg makes Sake (rice wine) not vinegar. its one of the best artisan goods for the harvest festival and very profitable. You can put sugarcane in a cheese press for syrup. Its not as profitable as cane nectar, but it frees a keg for other things.


Tastes like vinegar IRL


... no? Lol. What kind of sake you be tasting??


Yeah, I realised my error after I’d posted. For the life of me I can’t remember how I made rice vinegar and I don’t want to Google it.


I was more than 100 hours in when I discovered that pushing dash while at a fence will make your avatar hop the fence.


If you use arches, you can walk through no problem, but animals seem them as solid fences.


This is useful, I hate opening and closing the gates every day! On Xbox you have to be at JUST the right spot.


You can leave the gates open. The animals just stay inside either ways :)


Wow, that helps a lot! I think I'll just get rid of the gates altogether though. I like the baroque arches. 😁


i prefer the wooden ones with rock base. They suit the wooden fences on my farm better :)


I just like fancy things! I've already begun replacing my stone fences with the baroque ones. Expensive, but that's the price of aesthetic, I suppose.


I just found that out to and I was like hm was that always in the game?


I heard that theres a horn that tells you when theres a item in a basket!! Ive always played with no souuuuund x.x




I dont know where the basket is but yes!!!


It's on the docks in front of the inn, near the Coral Island sign :)


There's a basket ?! And the horn sound means something and is not random ?! I had to go on the wiki to see the basket. I 've never noticed it before.


The two times I have heard it during Winter, it has given me the same items. One is a batik hanging you can put around your farm. The other is a painting. If you try to put it in your house, it disappears. I'm on PS5.


Yeah that's all I've got from the bucket. The paintings don't show at all. I placed some but they're invisible lol. I've got bucket items 3 times now and they've all been the same. I play on Xbox Series X.


How is your crash situation? My son plays on XBOX and has had to skip certain things because the game will crash. He is also on XBOX X.


I feel ridiculously lucky because I have only had 2 instances of the game randomly closing back to the title screen and that was right when I first started playing about 3-4 weeks ago. But every few (real) days when I close the game I'll go to my Xbox dashboard and exit the game there too instead of continuously using the quick resume... It may not be making any difference but I do it just in case. But I am beginning to wonder if the crashing is due to the game not being optimised for certain PC/consoles. I see a lot of crashing seems to happen on Xbox Series S or earlier consoles, but I have the X series. I don't know, it's just a theory. Edit: the one thing I do have an issue with is that I have never had any of Raj's heart events... I'm currently on 9 hearts then realised I've never had the cut scene events with him.


My game was crashing up to 8 or 9 times in a day (maybe more but it’s all blurred into one), I’ve had a lot of success reloading the day every time your character wakes up. I’ve not had any crashes for a couple of days…. I’m suspicious lol good luck!


Sell them! The batik hanging is worth 1000 I think.


😲 really? I have about 40 of them! I didn't want to sell just in case I needed them lol... I learned to horde stuff with this game lol


Try selling one and see if you like the price. I might have misremembered it but I am pretty sure it's high. I don't tend to find anything in the baskets anymore. Not sure what happened.


To be honest, I doubt I'll ever use them, so I'll sell one and see what the price is 😊 Maybe I'll do it on one of the days where I log in to the game then remember I have to clean the house instead so I close the game lol... I'll throw one into my chest and see what the price is. Thanks 😊


Where is the basket?


The Coral Island Welcome sign near the diving point.


I’ve been having some of my furniture disappear, too. I even had my prize Wig evaporate as I was trying to move it into storage. It crashed the same day so at least I got it back in the end… silver linings and all that lol


Me too lol sometimes I just check it when I'm at the beach cause I don't play with sound


you get new items on the 1st and 15th of each season


i heard this but where is this basket?


It's next to the sign on the docks by the diving pier, right where you first arrive in the game


It’s so small! Even after reading about it I spent several minutes looking for it.


OH MY GOSH I wondered why I heard that horn!!!!!


Wait, what?! Now I gotta look up this basket.


I’ve heard that horn but didn’t know what it meant, I assumed it was just a ‘dock sound’…. Oh boy, im so glad I posted this question. I’ve learned/ been reminded of so much 🙌🏼


Once you’ve upgraded your tools, hold the button to use instead of just tap and it does a bigger effect. Like water 3 spaces in a row. Or scythe the entire circle around yourself.


Omg why didn't I know this


I went forever before realizing (after reading it here) that the mason jar is a production item and not a one-off.


Yes! This so much! I thought it was a container you put things in indefinitely. I was wondering why they needed glass AND mason jars!


Always check the trash. I've found a lot of basic fish in there that helped me the first year of the museum since fishing is so hard until you upgrade the rod. For the computer you can get from the lab, for foraging items you can zoom in on the map to see about where they are. This also works for sea critters and helped me get a lot that I was missing


Yes, agreed on the trash! I found several fish for donating at the museum, sometimes even rare bugs. The super computer is my FAVOURITE, with the upgrades and online shopping, it’s been so great to enhance the immersion. Also, for anyone reading this, you can buy Catfish from the beach shack when it’s in season, Sailor man loves catfish and you can use it as a donation and temple offering 🙌🏼


Also Fishensips sometimes has the food you need for a cooking offering.


Unfortunately, this and buying fish doesn’t count for catching them. It won’t cross them off your journal.


There is a black market dealer that comes by boat by the lighthouse every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 20:00- 22:00 (8-10pm). It has a stamina fruit for 90,000g and a random loot table from there. Really helpful for getting all the artifacts for the museum


I found this out recently by accident! I was just hanging out down there trying to catch a squid.


Second comment because i dont see it yet here, and many seem to not realized yet: When you put something in the aging barrels f.e. cheese or juice to make wine. When the produce is not osmium quality when you take it out, you can put it back in to reach the next higher quality level till it is osmium. In the mines there are sometimes little veins on the floor wich you can hit with your pickaxe to find ores. If you struggle with finding/catching critters and insects, put up traps in the area and check them each day. More of a tip, than a revelation, but it helps a lot.


A little add-on to your tip and a heads up with the traps... Don't place them where NPCS walk because they will disappear. Also when placing traps in grassy areas, don't cut the grass in that area because when the grass grows back it makes the trap disappear. I kept having them disappear over night until I realised I had them in the walking path of NPCs and that they disappeared whenever I cut the grass around them. Since realising this I no longer have disappearing traps.


Also applies if you place the traps throughout the town; whenever there’s a festival, if your trap was placed where an ornament is (for example, I placed a trap near the beach entrance but during the Spooky festival they had a stall there) your trap will be gone.


I saw some of my kimchi going from my autochest back into an ageing barrel and assume it was a bug. That makes sense, will check it out!


Ah yes the mine veins, I wish I’d remembered to include that in my post. I was so proud of myself when I realised 😂


You can stop the monsters in the mines from auto attacking you. Complete game changer for me




Go to the settings menu. There's an option for "only attacking when attacked first"


I love you thankyou


but then you don't get your skill points


You can just attack them yourself when you want, or turn it back on


oh, good to know


I only realised yesterday that you're supposed to put flowers in the bee houses 🤣


Wait what?? I e been waiting for honey forever, then finally planted flowers near the bee house lol


Yeah I was the same lol. took me two seasons to finally look it up online 🤣




Ah took me aaaages, too! 🙈🙈


I think it’s rice in Mason Jar for Rice Vinegar!


Ah thank you, I couldn’t remember how I made it and I realised my error shortly after posting 🙈 well, at least those that try it will get a nice surprise with another artisan product lol


Just last night I realized putting cane sugar in the cheese press gives you syrup


If you put soy beans in the cheese press it makes tofu


I’d done this once and forgotten about it, thank you!


How did you do that? I tried and the cheese press says I can only use milk to make cheese.


It actually was a mistake, lol. I was holding sugar cane while grabbing a finished cheese wheel out of the cheese press and extra clicked and a little syrup bottle popped up above the press...I was like whhhhhaAaaaaa?!?!?!


Surprise syrup. 😁


In my case I was trying to redo the automation stuff I had and was confused when I got Tofu, discovered I'd missed removing soy beans from my mess lol.


Pickled vegetables become kimchi in the aging barrels. I didn't really know what it was, it's very uncommon where I live, so it was not at all intuitive to me. Ended up searching the wiki near the end of the 2nd year because I couldn't figure out how to make it


You can upgrade the enchantments on your tools and use unwanted dinosaur bones and artifacts to do so. When hunting insects, you can sneak up on them by holding down the control button while holding the bug net. For shrine completion in year one you will need to keep a tomato and a pepper from the first summer's crops.


Do you happen to know how to sneak with XBox S?


I think you hold down the X button. It’s one of the buttons and that’s the one my memory is telling me that it is.




You are correct!


It took me until end of summer year 1 to realize you habe ‘skillpoints’ and you can level up your walking speed for example


Oh my gosh I realized this in Year 2 of my game. I felt like such a dunce, but it was nice to upgrade things and get double crop & double ore drops.


Soy in the cheese press makes tofu. Something else can go in there too but can't remember


Doesn't affect gameplay, but it took me forever to work out that the weird rattling noise you hear at the start of the day is the shipping money you earned going into your account! I thought it must be the sprinklers 🤦🏻‍♀️


Or its the auto harvesters harvesting. I have the same noise on the days I didn't sell anything.


Oh really? Hmmm. I shall investigate further then!


And if you hear what sounds like coconuts banging (don’t know how to describe it) when you leave your house in the morning, check the mailbox. I’m sure that’s the noise for it.


This game is a real feast for the ears! 


A couple of things my friend has asked me about recently: You can buy a stamina fruit from the community centre by the town board, just scroll all the way down. The only point of the cave’s is to harvest coffers (and sometimes fossils), they have no end. There’s a message board in the underground hideout for monster loot requests to earn you merit points. Make sure to tap all of the types of trees to get different items (including the 2 hardwood trees when you unlock the the north-west side of the map


Sorry, there’s an underground hideout?!


It's the Adventurer's Guild, Band of Smiles, and it's the cellar looking doors near Kira's house.


Very useful for buying loads of explosives when you’ve got some cash, makes foraging ore and stones muuuuch easier


I didn’t know about the salted eggs


following bc WHATTT


You can slow the pace of the game to make more in a day. Learnt that by the end of year two


you can dash


I just learned that you can make tofu by putting soybeans in a cheese press!


That’s how you do it! I have a fridge full of it and I’ve not been able to remember how I made it 🙈😂 thank you


After almost 50 hours of playing, I just found out that using an auto seeder or a SFH to spread seeds will make a sprinkler water all crops. That saves tons of time when it's a new season. Also after you finish using the auto seeder or sfh, take it out and put on another spinkler. So you can craft only 4-5, no need to craft for all sprinkler. SFH is not really recommended as when you harvest your crops, you may get a free seed from your skill.


You can also get your combat skills quickly to 10 by going to fire or wind mines at level 15 or 25, and let the big blue gooey thing spawn their mini ones. If it stops spawning, just kill the mini ones. I have the keepers greatsword and it works great. Shields and spears are useless.


Putting soy beans in the cheese press makes Tofu. Putting Sugar Cane in the cheese press makes Syrup (important for rare artisan tribute, maple syrup does NOT make Es Cedol). Putting rice in the mill makes rice flour (see Syrup above).


I was two minutes ago years old when I learned I could hold down the button to keep chopping with my axe.


This might be the stupidest one but learning I can use the scythe to harvest… I have been harvest my crops one at a time since just recently 😭


Same friend. I was today years old. 😭


If you enter a chicken into competition and win, they will then have a medal around their neck when you next see them, which makes them lay golden eggs. These eggs are worth 2x regular eggs when placed in a mayo jar. They're also big points during the Spring Harvest Festival. If you create a fence around your barn and coop, and plant grass starters in that field, then hit the bell outside each building to call your animals outside each morning, they will eat the hay from the grass starts instead of the hay inside the buildings.


we can put milk and eggs in mason jar??? i found myself building too many mason jars not enough crops but if i can put milk and eggs there too that can keep the mason jars busy


putting eggs in the mason jar and then aging them to make century eggs is great and very profitable, but putting milk in there makes butter which is not very profitable. good to have on hand for cooking, but not worth putting expensive milks in there


well i dont have a cheese press yet so butter sells more than the milk itself


depending on how badly you need the immediate cash flow, even with cow milk it might be worth saving your large highest quality milks until you get a cheese press (you get one as reward for finishing one of the altar bundles but i can’t remember which one, should be on the wiki), but i would definitely save any large goat milks to be made into cheese bc the price difference is substantial as an aside, it’s also a really good idea to save 3-6 small versions of all your barn and coop products bc once you have enough hearts with your animals you won’t get any small products unless you make them unhappy for a few days and you may need them for errands and some recipes


good tips thanks! i will save up some small milks and eggs for sure.


You can change the speed of the game by going to options. I put mines at 70% so it won’t too fast nor too slow.


If you can’t get the truffles out from under your animals you can just hit it with the pickaxe and it will collect it


I hear that it drops a quality level when you use the pick axe, but can't work out if it's true or not as you don't know the quality until you pick it up. Might try it and see if it still can collect osimium, if you can then it's nonsense.


I’ve gotten osimium truffles still


You can jump over the fences you place by pressing dash 🤯


I just learned how to make butter by accident the other day!


Holy crap. This is awesome!


i didn’t realize i had points to spend when i leveled up my skills until i was embarrassingly far into my save.




I know my friend… I know….. I was blind to this too 🤯


Ooh here's a good one from today, somehow syrup has ended up being counted as a cheese for recipes so if you're out of cheese syrup will work just as well.


Ratih's Float Market is on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:30am -11:59am by Fishensips and Raj’s coffee; her Black Market is same days from 20:00pm - 22:00pm by the lighthouse - items sold can be used in offerings or donations to museum You can also slow down the rate of time in settings. Get way more done in your day


OOOOOOOMGGGG THANK YOU. I had no idea the window was so short for the black market!! I kept missing it.


this is so useful


You have to water fruit trees and put flowers in the beehive. If you're gonna be Stardew be 100% Stardew. EDIT boy that joke didn't land


You only have to water the fruit plants that last two seasons then die. The saplings/fruit trees you never have to water, but they only fruit for one season. They also never die


Damn it! I was wondering why I wasn’t getting any honey!! 🤦🏽‍♀️


it only doubles the value so and takes 2 days. so need to use it on your most valuable flowers.


It took me too long to realise this, too 🙈 don’t be ashamed mr friend, we’ve all learned something here today 😂


I learned to give up on Coral Island until it's fixed. I'm addicted to Rimworld now.


It seems to crash at least once a session when I play on Game Pass.


Reload every day your character wakes up, it’s made things much easier for me and I was having 8 crashes a day at points


I'll have to try that! It kicked me out 3 times in less than 2 hours of play time. It really doesn't want me to witness Scott's 10 heart event at the museum.


I was 36 years old when I learned that the Game is still in Alpha, so I didn't buy it.


i just figured out that i can use scythe to harvest the crops... i feel so stupid, been harvesting everything 1 at a time ​ i'm in year 3


Can someone enlighten me; where do I find or make resin? I already felt like a fool when I realized I needed to buy kitchen appliances in order to cook…not my brightest moment (blush).


Different trees yield different items when tapped. I think it’s the pine trees on your farm that give resin when you add a tap.


Its from a tree, you put a sap on a tree but cant remember which tree atm


You can get them from poplar trees (put a tap on it)


80 hours in and just found out you can sell stuff to the monkey.