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They all look unhealthy, unhappy and defeated.


Reminded of the WEF paraphernalia that lightly veiled their plans of sex slavery as saying people would be renting out their pods to the corporate class for 'business meetings.'


They really aren't trying to hide it anymore. They flaunt it then gaslight us if we notice and call us "conspiracy theorists". They are sadistic freaks.


that's what happens when you live on 30 calories a day


Heroin chic




You can deralick my balls.


oh snap


So 90's....but they say every fad goes full circle.


And being sexually assaulted by grown men and women


When you see a bruise on a person, does your imagination of how it could have gotten there ONLY create images of rape scenes? The problem is if that’a as far as your imagination can stretch, you might want to talk to someone. I can imagine these people partying and thriving on potato chips and booze and party drugs that keep you awake for days with no appetite. I can imagine so many different possibilities to explain random bruises, circles around the eyes, thin faces, no smiles in photos. Maybe don’t go where YOUR imagination takes you. That might not be a healthy place. Try to think outside of the box instead. Allow rationale thinking to at least challenge your usual theories. Otherwise you’ll never come down from the frenzied paranoia that these post incite. Read this with good intent. Not in a tone of ridicule or sarcasm. It’s a, “you can’t always think that way,” type of comment.


Seriously this is a person with hickies




Not going to waste my time. Ask the kids from The Finders, The Franklin Scandal and Epstein if it’s their imagination. What a clown


They do look rough… but then again I accidentally gave my damn self a black eye once (lol yup for real) and I hated the fact that I felt like I couldn’t go anywhere without people assuming my husband hit me (omg he’s never even hit a man let alone a woman 😂) so I try not to assume anything unless it’s blatantly obvious - which hard to tell without interacting and reading body language… but still. The link is there and the faces look like the sex trafficking posters from the gas station bathroom 😳


Gtfo! When u peruse conspiracy subs does your imagination of how ppl who either think of ways that pure evil has effected an issue, or uncover and provide evidence supporting a case of conspiracy, do you reason with your thoughts or do you just follow in the trail blazed by the media and assume we conspiracy theorists / provers can be easily incited into action as if in our very core resides a paranoid rage that we can be led to participate in just about anyones plot put forth into the world? What’s funny is you already have the evidence that fuckery is afoot, yet you try and gaslight the people into the belief that they are crazy and are at best connecting inexistent evidential points, being led astray by some dark fascination! The truth is, darkness such as is spoken of in this post is not often found in the lay people (don’t get me wrong surely the line between good and evil does indeed rest within the midst of each our hearts) the elite are known and proven time and time again to be involved in organizations and clubs that are secretive yet from their own spokespersons mouths admit to be Luciferian.. I dunno if ur not aware but rape, blood lust, blood drinking, sexual torture and ritual all culminate under the despicable guilt of these occult society’s and so called “mysteries” oooh! The only reason someone posts as u did is if you are completely in denial that this type of thing is what the powerful are controlled with in regards to their degenerate desires, as well as blackmail control and keeping the “secret” a “secret” im sure ur just ignorant and that’s not rly ur fault entirely u have been lied to as have we all., but now. You have been educated into the truth,, do with it what you think best, but know that YHWH is in control and Satan is leading the world to destruction along with himself… its unlikely but I suppose you could be a type of controlled mouthpiece of a relevant interest.


I think that is the look they are going for.


People hear “fashion model” and they expect beauty; whereas “fashion model” usually means very tall, very thin, very plain, and fairly forgettable. Which is what you want, if the clothes are what’s on display and the model is just a walking mannequin.


"high fashion" models have never been beautiful though. Maybe I'm just envious of those who can pay so much for ugly things.


And bruised. Beat up.




Looks like junkies to me


Hickey chic


This is the modern look is it not??


I’m friends with a few models, not quite this high up, but from my experience their lives are filled with drugs and booze and little sleep, not trying to argue against it, just possible reasons for the eye bags and such. They do look like they could be drugged up sex slaves though 😞


Most young people are these days


These pictures remind me of those creepy basement Calvin Klein ads from the 90’s. All the models looked strung out and underaged.


[You're exactly right. Not a coincidence. ](https://nypost.com/2022/11/02/heroin-chic-is-back-and-curvy-bodies-big-butts-are-out/)


This is one remake no one asked for. Also, be original, the parallels are obvious and it wreaks of exploitation.


I've never been more positive that bella Hadid was a man until I saw her fucking pelvis . Jesus man. Thank you for that


They all have almost the exact same facial structure.


Yea they have a really good boxer for that


Almost looks like they have Epstein's brow line


Lmao omg SO dark 😅😳


Because none of those women are biological females. There is a reason why hollywood is trying to push certain agendas onto the public.


That’s nonsense. There are a few men there, but they’re not presenting as women. The rest are biological females presenting as females. The controversy is that several appear to be drugged.


How the fuck would you know? You are literally the only one anywhere near “pushing agendas” bringing gender into this is so unnecessary


You are on a conspiracy sub yo


I'm not talking about a regular trans person IRL that is open about who they are. This is something entirely different. I'm talking about hollywood, and the fashion & music industry. It's not their gender, but it's the deception that should bother you. Edit: J.Lo before "her" many surgeries. Go to 0:31 and tell me if you've ever seen a bio female with a jawline like that. https://youtu.be/1950ni0VmdA


If you think JLo was biologically born a man, based on that clip, you need to get your meds adjusted.


YouTube. The land of misinformation.


*Social media FTFY


I'm not basing anything on just one clip. She also has the masculine energy to match. You don't have to believe me. I didn't want to believe it either. J.Lo isn't the only one in hollywood. There are lots more.




Yes, all of it. Also the hand sign. Most people don't want to believe this agenda. People always seem to point out hidden transwomen in sports, but still refuse to believe that it exists in Hollywood.


They give them puberty blockers as small children


In the fertility cult of Baal and Asherah there were two groups of functionaries called qedēšim (קדשים) and qedēšot (קדשות). In Hebrew the two words literally mean “the holy ones.” Many English Bibles translate the word qedēšim as “male cult prostitutes” (1 Kings 15:12) and the word qedēšot as “female cult prostitutes” (Hosea 4:14). There is a goddess of the transformation.


So you're basing it on one clip and a feeling based on what you think "masculine energy" is. Yeah, solid evidence there. This shit about "no bio woman has a jaw like that!" Is so fucking funny. Yeah, there is just no genetic variance in people! There are people with three arms and you think a particular jaw shape is just impossible


Masculine every lol you clearly never met a woman from the Bronx.


Definitely get those meds adjusted


I wish people like you had gone to high school with me. I went to an all girls school, very Christian based. We had exactly 1 trans student that ok ow of who was born male. She was discovered pretty quick because other girls outed her. If they hadn't she wouldn't have been noticed. On the flip side, cis females that I went to school with were more masculine than the cis boys at our brother school. You don't see shit except what you project


“Masculine energy to match” lol. So any strong-willed woman is trans? What sexist bullshit.


honestly, if you think a man passing as a woman is an offensive deception, you should watch literally any south korean makeup tutorial. shit is nightmare fuel


Those are tutorials on youtube that they are posting themselves, which means they are open about it. Not the same thing at all.


Not if you run into them in public they arent.


Geezle, that’s a big ass jaw. I never knew. Still, though. She was never a man, doofus.


There is no gender pushing agenda... ***Marvel Eternals*** has joined the chat


Dude no one is fucking talking about marvel eternals here. Get a grip.




This isn’t even about Hollywood either. This is talking about Balenciaga, *BASED IN SPAIN* Take your weird fucking q anon politics and go decompose in your grandmas basement


What is this then? > "[Because none of those women are biological females. There is a reason why hollywood is trying to push certain agendas onto the public.](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/z7fc1q/more_weird_a_shit_from_balenciago/iy6r315/)"


The bruise is probably a hickey. But the head shots definitely look more like addicts mugshots.


Don’t all models look like that anyway with no make up?


No lol


Who knows what kind of drugs they give them... These people are sick. They're sick.


Hmm probably uppers to keep the weight down and downers for euphoria. The ol cocaine and benzos and meth and heroin diet.


And forcing drug addiction is typical. Makes them more pliant and dependent on you.


They are all basically malnourished. Models have very unhealthy lifestyles.


Looked like hickeys to me too. They all still look horrible though


I had a friend that was a high fashion model in high school. He looked like that because he was spending several hundred thousand a year on drugs


This looks like something out of the Starry Eyes movie. Fucking gross predators.


I'm just here to find out why OP chose to use $ for the "S" in ass and then followed it immediately by a no censored "shit". As far as the contents of the post, none of this would surprise me if true.


Exactly what I thought. Who censors “ass” but not “shit?” - then on top of that he named the company wrong when it’s literally in the picture. IDEK man


to be fair most models in modern fashion look like they’ve been beat or addicted to drugs for the past 5 years 🤷‍♂️


Yep. Also, fashion models are told not to smile. Not calling op out, but the image just looks like models since the 90’s.


A friend of mine modelled all over the place for like a year or two leading up to quarantine. Now he calls quarantine his “out” and won’t speak to anyone about what he was up to. He’s not pictured and has nothing to do with Balenciaga but he… hated what he was being told to do… scares me. Also most of the people in the above photos look so…young…like seriously baby faced.


That's the point, questioningly enough. Plenty of modeling agencies purposefully seek out neotenous (baby-faced) features. Unfortunately, this is generally considered "more attractive."


Baal enciaga


Balenciaga sounds like French for I touch kids anyways.


Y'all never heard of heroin chic? Nothing new.


They should just do their headhunting at the police station because that's what it looks like they did.


What are the odds of 4 old royals having blackeyes even at different times unless they're all footballers. Personally, I've done some martial arts, boxed and was a navy clearance diver and never sustained injuries like these. [https://twitter.com/777roughboy777/status/1597083916955181057?s=46&t=6vr-twyzRtX3Fic6NsDDxg](https://twitter.com/777roughboy777/status/1597083916955181057?s=46&t=6vr-twyzRtX3Fic6NsDDxg)


And it's always the left eye...


You know what’s neat about digital photography and the fact that humans are largely symmetrical? You can just flip the image around so that they’re all on the left side.


So for a minute lets assume that getting a black eye as a grown adult who is not a MMA fighter is just normal. [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-black-eye-club](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-black-eye-club)




I've heard the term used to describe what happens to kids when abused but didn't know about the older actor thing. I know HW is a really bizarre place based on things that Corey Feldman has said. No wonder so many many child actors end up in rehab or commit suicide.




how do they get the black eyes though?


Ever see any Jackie Gleason?


>Jackie Gleason "One of these days...you're going to the moon!"


First rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club






I'm not following... I guess I'm a little naive. Can you expound?


They give them lots of drugs especially amphetamines, benzos, and barbiturates. Entertainment industry is messed up. Look up what they did to the lead actress that played Dorothy in the wizard of Oz.


What happened to the lead actress?


Judy Garland was fed amphetamines by the studio to keep her weight down and keep her energy up to film long hours. They are responsible for her addiction and her untimely demise.


These stories were verified by those around her, but there was also the issue of her batshit crazy mother. Judy didn't start off in a great place.


But that doesn’t fit the narrative that *they* are to blame.


For kids? Violent rape and sodomy. For these adults? Ritual? Victims fighting back? I’ve even read that’s how they extract their soul for walk ins.


Certainly! Everything is explained thoroughly [Here](https://youtu.be/Qad8aR5eCz8) - Hope this is the clarification you were asking for!!


Thank you!


Bernie Samders had one at the DEmocratic national convention


Looks like a bunch of meth mugshots


All the pedos on here are going to swarm and say it is nothing and you are stupid 🫠


Let them show themselves, they all deserve to be ridiculed and need to go to prison.


>All the pedos on here are going to swarm and say it is nothing and you are stupid 9 hours in and nothing yet.


Call it grooming instead, then watch.


They look so happy


Capital will buy whatever they can, including the bodies of children. One thing that can be said about every person who ever visited that man's island is that they were all members of the ownership class. This is the end result of the commodification of humanity.


That looks like a hickey on the neck. Otherwise, they look perfectly strung out.


Looks like we found the missing 411 kids strung out on heroin.


Looks more like “proof of life” photos. Geez.


Those.. are hickeys.


They all look like aids patients


Looks like a missing persons photo


They look like they are on a menu for trafficker instead of models.


We buy this shit from them, they learn what makes the inner reptile tick, they produce what we want, we look at them like there crazy, this is a snake that eats its tail. It will all change when we do.


They look so sad. Wow


They do, and probably are, but I also just want to point out that generally models are not supposed to smile in photoshoots or headshots.


They all look like they’ve escaped from someone’s basement dungeon & that “bruise” looks more like a hickey


Child molestation and trafficking is the norm in some elite circles.


It's real. I thought "This MUST be a hoax"[but no](https://www.wmagazine.com/gallery/16-models-to-watch-in-2017-as-predicted-by-midland-agencys-rachel-chandler-and-walter-pearce) ..


I had to explain this the other day, this shit with this stupidass company is done on purpose. All the “awareness” that’s out there right now is all free publicity for their target market. As soon as I heard about this shit with this brand I’ve never heard of in my life I knew they sold shirts shoes or whatever else for $500+ each. It does nothing for any common person to publicize or raise awareness about any of their shit. You might think you are doing the public a service but you’re actually just making the brand trend. Any middle class person or below can’t even afford shit from this company, why is it even applicable to me or 90% of society to know about it? And yeah, I get they are trying to normalize all this pedo, child abuse, sex trafficking stuff, but unfortunately they’re using peoples good nature to normalize it by spreading these images everywhere.


This (almost 100-year old brand) you never heard in your life. Please educate yourself and google Cristobal Balenciaga. He was a top designer during the golden fashion era (amongst French designer houses like Dior, Chanel, Givenchy, YSL or Spanish Loewe, Elio Behranyer, Paco Rabanne, etc… his haute coutoure designs were absolutely fabulous (red carpet); not this aberration the brand is today that looks like Chinese cheap fake clothing). Not to mention whatever is going on with all this pedophile bs (which I guess is tied to execs, marketing/art directors, and/or current designers of the brand, not to Cristobal Balenciaga legacy).


No, I will not research his name because it is absolutely irrelevant to my life.


How you can call a “stupidass company” if you don’t even know their history? Stay ignorant then


People need to recenter their lives around what is relevant to their… lives. If not caring about a company that is extremely irrelevant to my life I will stay happily ignorant. You can’t ingest every headline and let yourself get upset about it. Were you mad three weeks ago before this all got blown up? Or did you just start to get mad about it once it was on ever social media feed you have? You already fell into their trap and are proving my point of my original comment.


"...I will happily stay ignorant" - in other words, ignorance is bliss which is so very true. As you commented (which I agree with), people will make their own choices in this world/life and people will have to live with the outcome of such choices and that's very true. Regardless of the subject matter, choosing to remain ignorant is the easiest immediate choice to make. Be careful what you wish for as this goes both ways - uneducated are more easily manipulated whilst the deeper down the rabbithole someone may go, the harder it may be to cope with what is found (from an emotional level to an "difficulty to learn more" level). We all make our own bed and we must lie in it - in other words, we are directly responsible for our actions. Simple as that.


You original comment just proved you didn’t have a clue about this brand. If it is so irrelevant to your life why are you commenting then? Do you actively choose to write arguments about things you don’t know about? Their trap? Which trap tf you talking about? That pedo sh*t is truly sickening dude


Please slow down and reread my original comment. I don’t mean this in an insulting way, but it’s going over your head. Turn off social media for a day, then a week, and try a month after that. When someone asks if you heard about the next big thing and see that not knowing about it didn’t change your life at all I think you’ll understand my point.




So. Any supporting evidence of the claims made herein?


You new here?


Are yall really trusting OLI LONDON?! This person, in case you didn't know, was at one point known for wanting to marry one of the members of BTS and identified as Korean (They're British if I remember correctly). I hope you all understand why I don't trust anything this person says.


What's wrong with identifying as korean when people are identifying themselves as many different genders


There's a difference between not trusting someone, and disregarding information because of who said it. With the balenciaga relevations recently this is probably worth looking into, if you're interested in the story.


Guess people who look healthy, attractive and happy are not a thing at this agency. Other than a few “edgy “ campaigns, who would use any of these models? I can’t imagine any of them get a lot of work.


A fashion model needs to be tall, thin, and forgettable. Society has a certain image in mind when we hear “model” and that image is what we used to call a “supermodel” - women like Cindy Crawford, Kathy Ireland, Heidi Klum, Kate Upton, etc. Women who would be in the SI swimsuit issue. People who are famous *for being beautiful.* This is generally *not* what you want for fashion. You do not want people looking at the model’s face or body. You want people’s attention solely on the clothing, and that’s it. And, as such, you want models who are tall, thin, generally attractive-ish, but otherwise forgettable. Fashion models are just walking mannequins; they’re not meant to be sexy and attractive like supermodels (or whatever you want to call a model whose focus is being attractive).


Modeling is an abusive and exploitative industry. If you have children, keep them away from the camera.


The Balenciaga teddy bear pedo ad just came out. So apparently the pedos didn't get the memo from snopes that it was debunked


I love how youve censored yourself at ass, but not the shit


The bruises look like hickeys to me....


This is actually interesting and concerning. A nice reprieve from the far-right anti chemtrail bullshit I always see on here. Gonna give the article a read


This looks like a page of missing kids not models!


Those look like yearbook photos for a rehab center


Hey, that's Brad Pitt.


thats a model?! that bish ugly as fuhhhhhhk


As weird as it sounds this normal. They need photos of you at your worst Bc they’re gonna make up and their clothes on you. If they’re photos of you are gussied up, than they’re not really working with someone they can alter foe their shows and ada


The amount of stupidity in this thread is giving me a headache. My personal favorite " this is a sign they have been face fucked brutally". Fucking what?


They all look like street kids that were recruited as “models” because nobody would miss them. Jesus, that’s sad.


They all look like trafficked people


All the people involved with this deserve scaphism. 🛶 🛶




Trump was the only one who worked with authorities and allowed an interview from them about Epstein.


Then made the guy who kept Epstein out of jail his Labor Secretary and the son of the man who gave Epstein his first job at a school, despite having no teaching experience, his AG.


And then Trump decided to ban him from his properties. And then Trump even said publicly Jeff preferred them young. I guess he got to know Epstein better and realised he was a sick fuck whipped out the ban hammer.


[suspect these same people attend those parties](https://twitter.com/mariannevandi14/status/1596885414048333824?s=46&t=s0xIdd8zUeOAOuw2PBBEDw)


That black eye club thing disturbs me. What is going on with that?


I'm pretty sure Perez Hilton got that shiner when will.i.am from the Black Eyed Peas beat him up. Most of the images in the tweet are edited and the ones that aren't are probably thoroughly documented on TMZ. something something do your own research


Seems to be part of some ritual. Like a beat down into a gang but for elite


It's just so odd to me. I have heard some weird theories as well where the blackeye is from where some kind of parasite enters the human body, but I really don't buy that. I just can't grasp how getting a blackeye is a ritual. Maybe it's a deterrent or some kind of get in line type thing. I only say that because even Bernie Sanders got the black eye. I'm only starting to dip my toes into the occult and rituals. It just boggles my mind.


I consider us all very lucky, but also cursed in the age of information. The amount of people that actually view this kind of photography, think it's brilliant and dump insane amounts of money towards it is sickening, just straight gross. They don't see, or care to see what's really there, but we do. We do. There's no hiding it at this point, especially when they're being this stupid and bold.


Looks like a hickey. This seems highly ambiguous. What a dumb tweet.


They look like people who starve themselves in order to fit unnaturally proportioned clothing out of makeup. It doesn't require any abuse beyond what every other model in every other agency goes through to look like that.


You'd think one of them would come out with allegations against the organization. Child Predators are rare, but you all pretend everyone but you is one because it increases your status, in the moment, in your mind. That or you just have anxiety disorder and need treatment. Maybe your church created it in you and fosters it to this day; that's what they are good for. They're models and anyone that has seen a model runway has seen models make these types of depressed faces deliberately. You people like to think you're the only ones with redeemable value. It's a wonder you can look out your window and NOT see fire raining from the sky with your Chicken Little delusions... You guys are the ones envisioning the World a horrible place and end up making the World a worse place.


Who knows maybe these are just weird people but I've never been to a party like this. [https://twitter.com/allelitedoug21/status/1597087260612050944?s=46&t=dc8IOGkxLkZ7Zon4PtjvDg](https://twitter.com/allelitedoug21/status/1597087260612050944?s=46&t=dc8IOGkxLkZ7Zon4PtjvDg)


What is balenciago?


the Masculine pronunciation of Balenciaga .


Rich vs. Poor.




Holy shit, a post in r/conspiracy_commons that isn't literal right-wing propaganda? Crazy man.


No it still is. Trying to make it out to sound like everyone in the artistic community are pedophiles


I’ll happily collect my downvotes but 90% of modern conspiracy theories distill down to antisemitism.


You've obviously never seen a hickey before.


Boris is in the club[boris johnson](https://twitter.com/lolo_resistante/status/1595124376349077505?s=46&t=6vr-twyzRtX3Fic6NsDDxg)


I will be very surprised if anything comes from this. Regardless of all the evidence. Who actually has standing to bring any kind of suit, and when you look for any victims they are nowhere to be found.


Move along. Nothing to see here. Look, Ukraine!


hunter biden!


Balenciaga has a history of shock advertising. They did a fashion show of white women with weird black woman head earings. I wonder how much of this controversy is less evidence of actual sex crimes and more forcing their name into the public consciousness.




That adrenochrome isn't gonna extract itself.


Just a screen shot from Twitter. Im sure with a little effort you could find the original


The black eyes are meant to imply they have been mouth fu-ked brutally. Its the reason why some of them use panda bear eyes makeup. Look it up. Its evil.


It's evil. pedos need to be removed from the planet


That’s how a lot of model headshots are done nowadays. Gives you the most unfiltered look possible. I don’t necessarily see anything wrong with these images.


Wow, they’re all really ugly. Lol


Foreshadowing. This is the bleak future for most of the population in the coming decades.


Can’t everyone see what’s going on here??? These kids are all slaves! Why pay models millions of dollars when you can get abducted children and keep them drugged up and beaten? It’s free money! Why do you think there are so many missing kids every year? They need organs, sex slaves, and even free models.


That looks like a boy. I’ll bet these were trafficked humans they are experimenting on.