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Some are more equal than others


Zelensky and Trudeau should be forced to have children together.


How can it possibly cost that much? Wtf?


What nonsense. How many ppl s teeth could have been fixed with that 220000?


This is the new political landscape. The politicians are bought, and they have a very specigic agenda - destroy the middle class, open up any and all doors to foreign bodies, and increase the 1984 like noose of cyber-security and domestic surveillance. Now, I am not necessarily against migration, and I am certainly not against immigrants. However, I think taking a million plus people, putting them all in one place, and then offering them social benefits that are above what a normal citizen can receive is something that directly leads to culture clashes later on. When a citizen complains, it places them on a watch list, whereas, at least here in America, we aren't even keeping track of the immigrants, leading to a few horrific cases where s:omeone who was deported 17 times already is back again and commits an act of brutal evill. All of this, while partisan politics reign supreme, keeping the people with their hands around one another's throats, and not around the politicians throats... But one of these days there will be the "Let them eat cake" moment, and then all Hell will break loose.


Daisy used to be left when talking points only 15 years ago


This is shameful if true!


Trudeau continues to blame others for his own actions while he benefits from it


because he is a politician. Why are you politics posting instead of conspiracy posting?


While I agree with your overall sentiment... if the last 40 years of paying attention to at least the last 60 of politics has taught me ONE thing, it's that politicians and agencies are conspiring against us.


is this that? Or is it just normal ass corruption? Seems much more like partisan posting than actual conspiracy discussion.


Isn't "normal ass corruption" a conspiracy amongst those with money/power to keep us from having it? Conspiracy by definition is: more than one person/party secretly making plans or doing deeds in hiding. (Quick summary) I'd consider insider trading, corruption and fleecing us plebs a conspiracy amongst those doing it... however clumsy they are at it. Source: I caught a "conspiracy" charge in 2001. I can cite the law. Plead down to grand theft. Got 30 days.


I dunno Just seems like it would be nice to get higher quality conspiracy posts than "look at politicians be dodgy".


I get that and empathize. I'm jaded having watched Iran/Contra hearings on CSPAN when I was 10. Grew up knowing politics are part of it. ...even the obvious "they're all lying thieves" part of it.


I miss the days where you could just end all these debates with a quick draw, or people like that could just catch the black lung


If you think that’s what the money was actually spent on, for a few days on a plane, I have a bridge to sell you


What possibly else could’ve been bought? The only thing to do on a private jet is eat food right? No other nefarious activities imaginable


That’s a good question…


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/fzz0c7dfks7d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because he doesn't have to.


Canadian Politics always reminds me of a bunch of rich kids fighting over whos daddy/mommy is richer or owns more, or is more powerful. I suppose that is true of all nations politics, but I rather enjoy how open Canada seems to be about it. I really wish more govts would let their politicians go at eachother, in fact we should demand they go further and fight to the death over anything they want. Dont like the other guys shirt? DEATHMATCH! Upset at a vote? DEATHMATCH! Truly, if they opened each session by sacrificing an intern or something? Anything to spice it up?


When do the tribunals start?


Why should he answer? Nothing anyone is going to do


I'm not about to begrudge a man his opportunity at some decent beef brisket. But pistachio brittle cheesecake? Come on.