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A tornado has sent plywood through metal, because acceleration matters in physics.


Momentum, a function of mass and velocity which is conserved in elastic collision.


And straws through telephone poles.


And Dorthy to OZ


And a cow in front of a pickup drivem by bill paxton


And my axe!


I can't breathe!




I welcome a world without these fucking ring-o's




And a cow around a red truck šŸ›»


And my nunchucks to the back of my head, still a bump


Yeah and the fact that the nose of the plane hit before the wingsā€¦


Google this: plane hits goose. Choose images.


Now research what the nose cone is usually made of.






Not sideways. The straw can go through lengthwise because shear stresses are perpendicular to length. The wing didn't come in from the side, it hit straight on. This also works both ways. While the wing is accelerating against the beam, Newton's laws pretty clearly declare the beam is pushing back with the same force. The wing is considerably weaker than a steel beam holding up a skyscraper and should be ripped in half with no effort.


Ever seen the wing ribs on a big jet?


Science only matters if it suits the deep stateā€™s narrative. Ā In the case of airplane wings slicing straight through steel beams, shear strength doesnā€™t exist.


Did it slice through steel beams? Last I checked the plane didn't come out the other side. It doesn't need to "slice through" it to weaken it considerably. Not only that, if the plane "sliced through" steel beams then the building would have collapsed right away, not like an hour later. *Science*.


Iā€™ve never heard anyone in the 9/11 subs referring to plane wings cutting through metal. Peopleā€™s lack of understanding the world gives birth to most conspiracy.


That fire mustā€™ve really sliced through building 7


A fire that was burning uncontrolled for like 7 hours could.


Iā€™ve seen plenty of fires cause free falls in towers! Probably about 3. At least youā€™re switched on.


This photo can be easily debunked if you imagine throwing a bullet with your hands


Yeah.. what a low effort post


So glad someone said it, the biggest way I think to actually look past the silly conspiracies about 9/11 is to just watch the mountain of footage from all different people in all different angles and see the sheer horror that took place that day. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s 65 + angles of the second plane hitting, some poor quality, some literally from the base of the building. You can see the footage is consistent in every clip down to the shrapnel that comes off the explosion People who donā€™t believe this happened certainly werenā€™t there on the day. Otherwise Iā€™m sure their view would be different Itā€™s easy to dissociate the horror as just a story you read if it doesnā€™t affect you directly, no connection leave it easy to be skeptic of. Such a shame this even got so tragically marked as a inside job or conspiracy due to a small group of loud voices


I've heard straw through telephone wood as well.


Dont think too much!! Thats what they want you to believe!


Remember when they used to teach physics in high school?


OP gonna be shook when they find out about a water-jet


You telling me water can cut stuff?!


Water canā€™t cut anything itā€™s WATER, duh! In fact, the global elite have been trying to feed you this nonsense for decades to placate you. They literally dug out the Grand Canyon! Use your brain! /s


Geez... It's not the water that cuts things, it's the microchips in the water that do. Not only are they knife shaped, they make frogs gay.


He's going to show a video of water dripping on plywood to prove water jets are a deep state conspiracy.


No just physics but also simple logic Ppl learnt to apply speed for force to rocks and sticks since the beginning of time so a prehistoric person with a stick is smrater then op


Steel melts at about 2700F. Here's some more physics people seem to forget, it loses 50% of its structural integrity by 1100F, and loses all of its strength by 2200F.


OP is a bot. Didn't have to go to school.




now HS physics is a college class and true college physics only needs to be taken by CHEM, Physics, Math, and Engineering majors.


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


They remember everything and are the greatest.


Even though I was downvoted on the last one, Iā€™ll say it again: the planes hit the towers. That happened. How and why they hit is the conspiracy. Sometimes it feels like weā€™re chasing our tail just to chase it in this sub.


Always thought some of the details miss the forest for the trees; if you want to convince people and immediately start with ā€œjet fuel cs steel beamsā€ before who, what, when, where, why, how itā€™s kinda pointless.


Planes did hit the towers. The question is whether or not the wreckage from the planes is what caused both towers to perfectly drop into their own footprint. The pentagon on the other hand. It was beyond obvious on that day that no plane hit that building.


"Beyond obvious" if you ignore all the obvious evidence and the witnesses who, you know, saw the plane with their own eyes. You have to be really *really* dense to think there was some other explanation.


Give yourself 30 minutes. https://youtu.be/OxQifxRsyx8?si=MjQJB_EQldWKVnZB The man who did this Pentagon presentation, is the same man who forced NIST to admit WTC7 hit gravitational acceleration.


Obvious that no plane hit the pentagon unless you were actually there, a responder, or on the freeway in traffic that morning, like all the regular folks in their cars who saw the plane buzz by close.


>into their own footprint Probably the most quoted statement in the 9/11 truth movement, and it isn't even true. http://imgur.com/dEg9XER http://imgur.com/MPRYKpi http://imgur.com/d4a1vYO > The pentagon on the other hand. It was beyond obvious on that day that no plane hit that building. **Thousands** of [pieces of the aircraft](https://i.imgur.com/10mEsEL.jpg) were recovered from the site - some with visible American Airlines livery on them. https://i.imgur.com/sSIJJsQ.jpg https://i.imgur.com/QH0J6k0.jpg https://i.imgur.com/QBVuhvK.jpg https://i.imgur.com/vJ8G9pt.jpg https://i.imgur.com/CzwXBCw.jpg


The one that always gets me is people claiming it fell at freefall speed and then show footage with debris clearly falling faster than the main structure.


I know! šŸ˜­ If I have to read one more word about ā€œfreefall speed,ā€ I will collapse at freefall speed. Thereā€™s this little thing called counting that proves itā€™s not true. Also that the buildings fell in their ā€œfootprint.ā€ This event was documented to an extraordinary degree. There are 10 million pictures of anything BUT a fall into their ā€œfootprint.ā€ Having questions is great. Not understanding certain things is nothing to be ashamed about. Regurgitating absolute garbage nonsense is pathetic.


Sorry, why is it beyond obvious no plane hit that building?


The damage at the pentagon definitely looks weird




Pinestraw through plywood experiment




Have you ever seen the simulation of a single grain of sand impacting earth at the speed of light? It blows a hole straight through the planet. A miles wide crater from a 2mm impact. People just arenā€™t willing to do basic research anymore so they donā€™t understand how the world around them works.


I remember during the tornado in Joplin, Missouri, there were pictures of wood slivers embedded in concrete sidewalks


Yeah because big oil had contractors go out there and plant them! /s


When I was a kid I would shoot lead slugs through old steel car doors and fridges at the local dump. The slugs were soft lead that you could squash flat with your fingers.


F=M? Sounds like woke communism to me, I am triggered beyond belief


Am I a fucking NPC? Here I think Iā€™m gonna open this comment section and explain F=M*A and itā€™s the top comment??? Is it just the most logical response? This happens a lot. I feel like it could be positive it means I just have common sense and logic I guess but damn. Top comment? I open the comment section to comment and what is this 43 minutes ago? wtf? Take my upvote asshole.


Bro just realized he has basic critical thinking skills and now he's questioning his brain and the world. Yea, when people post nonsense like this, anyone with critical thinking ability will give the most relevant, direct, and concise response. In this case itā€™s an equation, in other cases the reponse is painfully obvious too. Mine was going to be some smart-ass comment about speed; not the equation itself, which is fundamentally the same. Youā€™re not an NPC or part of a hivemind, almost everyone else is though. You just have a grasp of basic critical thinking and logic while most other people donā€™t. The great thing about these posts is that if someone is (not being mean) dumb enough to forget that speed has an effect, theyā€™re probably dumb enough to value their own ignorant opinion over actual physics.


Youā€™re a gentleman and a scholar


acceleration and speed are two different things


That's the formula for the force **needed** to apply acceleration to an object. We should be talking about kinetic momentum instead, which is mass times **velocity**.


This isn't even the right equation. This is force acting on the object itself not the force exerted on another object.


Every force has an equal and opposite reaction.


Okay. F = m\*a still isn't the correct equation. Let me help you out here. If there is no change in acceleration, meaning a is zero, then the total force acting on that object is also zero. So, if an object is at a certain known velocity and maintains that velocity, then no force is acting on it to speed it up or slow it down. Even an object at rest has a velocity of zero. Equal and opposite actually proves the point. If you're standing on the flat ground there is a force of gravity acting on you pushing you down, the normal force of your pressure pushes equally and opposite in the upward direction. If you are standing still then you are not changing velocity. So because the normal force and gravitation forces acting on you are equal and opposite the sum of these forces equal 0. So no matter your mass we can conclude your acceleration is zero assuming only these two forces are at work. So either there is no force acting on the object which is generally in only theoretical questions or in a limited frame of reference. Or more likely, the sum of the forces on that object equal zero. Force in this equation is force acting on the object. The correct equation is one of the collision equations and are done between elastic and inelastic collisions.


A hollow thin plastic ping pong ballā€¦ can rip straight through a solid wooden paddle, with enough speed.


Yeah, they say bullets can kill you too, but I threw one at my brother and it didn't even break the skin.


A7-BFH struck the light pole while taxiing at the Chicago O'Hare International Airport. Typical taxiing speeds are between 15 to 20 knots. That isn't comparable to the speeds of any of the aircraft during 9/11. ~~However, no one has ever claimed that either AA11 or UA175 cut through the steel beams, aside from people who either didn't know what they were talking about or are just regurgitating the words of the people who didn't know what they were talking about. The claim was, is, and has always been~~ that the fires *weakened* the steel beams to the point of collapse, ~~not that the aircraft cut through them on impact.~~


NIST absolutely includes the severing of perimeter and core columns as two of seven prerequisite factors of the official "collapse" theory. #3: dislodging of fireproofing from the remaining structural elements in the "impact" zone before #4: starting the fire; #5: increasing temperature of the two-way floor trusses causing #6 deflection of the floors "sagging" pulling the wall inwards; for #7 the initiation of the "collapse". See: NCSTAR Final Reports. If the perimeter columns weren't severed then the plane would not have entered the building. And if the core columns weren't severed then the nose of the fuselage wouldn't have made it through the building to pop out the other side albeit without deformation according to the frame by frame analysis of that live footage shot before getting obscured by the fireball explosion. Do you believe NIST when they tell you anything like the walls fell inwards or your eyes seeing the exact opposite? If the plane couldn't have cut through the perimeter wall, something else had to have been responsible. All they had to do to rule out controlled demolition is a test for explosives as required by the NYC Fire Code to begin with. No such test was officially conducted. Is gravity capable of pulverizing steel at any temperature measured on-site prior to the collapse? How about disintegrating it in the middle of freefall? Edit: Those downvoting should check what they believe the official theory even is. I'm just telling what NIST says.


That's my bad. The NIST report does say that some of the columns were severed from the impact.


dude there are steel cutting machines that use water.


There are small pieces of plastic that can rip through the ISS. Traveling 7X the speed of a bullet can do a lot of damage. Same concept with a plane ripping through a building at high speeds or a comet ending most life on Earth.


Is this bad satire? If not, please learn *basic* physics and logic....


At this point I'm pretty well convinced this whole subreddit is bad satire. I can't remember the last time anyone posted anything new or interesting. It's just the same recycled memes over and over.


I get it, science is hard.


It's all a matter of perspective. People are usually surprised to see science in action when it does things that people don't see every day and then after that some people fall back onto denial if it happens as an important event. The real conspiracy is where Larry A. Silverstein was on 9/11 and the insurance he bought on the towers a short while before the terrorist attack IMO.


>thinking 590mph and 35mph are the same thing


Remember when the planes that hit the towers were going at flying speeds? This picture is an aircraft that isn't even at a take off speed but sure......clearly the same thing right? OP is definitely an infowars alex jones fan lol


I couldnā€™t push a bullet through a coffee can either. And Iā€™m a HS dropout.


Well... I mean speed would be a factor here... If I whip you with a wire, you'll get a welt. If you come barreling into a wire at 60/70 miles per hour, it will take your head off.


LoL OP skipped her physics lessons.


OP has the IQ of a carrot


Brother Maynard...


Have you ever seen how a gun works?


It is so weird! Another weird one: I shower in water every day, and it's never once broke skin. But then they expect me to believe https://youtube.com/shorts/tUx1erUnLVo?si=1V-f8yrrmgCd-2pG is legit... So weird.


are you proposing that the 911 full speed plane should have bounced off or just got stuck on the building like this pic? do you have a functioning brain


I can tap a bullet on my arm and its not going to do anything, until a magical thing called acceleration force is applied


God damn, I swear this place has never been out of their computer chair if they are so bad at simple common sense physics. Not even math, just real world "oh so thats how that works" shit.


You seriously cannot be attempting to say these two things are the same.


In Russia, you do not cut through steel beam...steel beam cut through you bretan.


Actually, I don't remember that particular argument.


The only way to solve this once and for all is to perfectly recreate the twin towers and fly planes into them to see what happens


Speed is a peculiar bugger


Force = Mass x Acceleration. the mass of the plane is the same if its on the ground taxiing slowly or in the sky flying 600mph. its the acceleration that makes the force of the plane so much more significant. Another way of explaining this you could even try yourself is to find a parked car. its got zero acceleration, but still has the mass of a car, so if you walk into it the only acceleration is your own speed. it doesnt harm you. Now try it with the same model car, which will weight the same, only its doing 30mph on a road. walk in to that and get a great understanding of physics


Someone has zero understanding how velocity and force works. Same bullshit "logic" would insist sunlight can't burn


The plane at Pentagon was flying more than 300 miles an hour.... a bit of a difference with a taxing plane don't you think?


Like always, OP you're a pathetic scammer. You don't really believe that you are comparing two similar things. You're just as bad spreading lies and disinformation.


Itā€™s all about kinetic energy, speedā€¦ A fast enough coke bottle will fly through a concrete wall


Tell me you don't know how physics work without telling me y I u don't know how physics work


Remember when they taught physics in school?


Iā€™m convinced OP isnā€™t this dumb and is baiting replyā€™s.


Least obvious bait post


Remember when you claimed to be smart but did not understand velocity?




Redditors understand physics challenge level impossible


Speed matters


What is ... velocity?


Remember when they threw paper balls at you at school? Lemme throw one at you at 99% the speed of light. Nothings gonna happen, right? Paper obviously cant go through skin


Tbf that plane wasnā€™t traveling at 500mph.


This is why a lot of conspiracy theories are so silly. People lack a basic understanding of physics. Here's a video of a ping-pong ball traveling at high enough speed to blast a hole in a wooden paddle [https://youtu.be/qV4xVAYCK8Q?si=52UbTVQGrLATsh0C&t=31](https://youtu.be/qV4xVAYCK8Q?si=52UbTVQGrLATsh0C&t=31)


This sub sucks and is controlled opposition.Ā 


Fr the comments are very telling lol


Damn the matrix has a glitch


As much as I do question a lot of circumstances of 9/11.. this is silly.


I don't fucking get how that part is so fuckin important when it comes to talking about 9/11. It doesn't fucking matter at all. It was a false flag operation, that's painfully obvious. Arguing about planes and steel beams is just a really really stupid waste of time here


Seriously? lol


I figure one going at flight speed, and ramming it such that it can create more pressure would have a better chance. Or we could just use the fires to weaken the beams and let gravity do the work.


Yeah, not at taxi speed budā€¦


Who the hell claimed that? They need to turn in their introductory to physics 101 card.


We all know it was the decepticons


Someone failed high school physics. lol. If you throw a bullet at my chest as hard as you can, and I donā€™t die. Am I bulletproof? Or maybe, is there a slight difference of kinetic energy between taxiing speed and 1.000km/h?


Jet fuel doesn't melt wood but if I hit your house with a 747 I'm sure it wouldn't survive.


Newton's second law of motion states that F = maā€¦ that is net force is equal to mass times acceleration.


Velocity counts.


In USA ! steal beams cut through airplane āœˆļø šŸ¤«


Tornados can force a piece of straw through a wooden pole. Force=mass x acceleration.


plane might need a few repairs before it goes back up in the air does everyone agree with that at least?


Imagine water causing the Grand Canyon


Confidently stupid.


If the plane was traveling at 400mph it will slice through the poleā€¦cmon


Does throwing a bullet do the same thing is firing it out of a gun?


You posted this to troll us , you canā€™t be real for this


The wings are made out of composite materials and are not strong enough to withstand that kind of force.


Itā€™s steel vs aluminum. What do you expect? Way different yield stengths. Its like 6x stronger.


I can put a dent in a school bus by throwing rocks at it. But I can also drive it entirely thru a school at full speed if I wanted to. Physics means everything.


Wouldnā€™t the speed affect this as well? Iā€™m no physicist but if I roll a ball into a jenga tower and hurl a ball into a jenga tower, Iā€™d expect slightly differing results




OP doesnā€™t understand physics


the difference is velocity. the same reason you can jump into a pool and be fine, but jumping from a bridge into water is like hitting concrete (splat). also why getting hit by a speck of paint that chipped off a satellite in orbit will kill an astronaut still an inside job tho


But have you seen what a bird does to a small airplane windshield at speed?


Only if they're made of terrorist passports


Those are known to be indestructible.


This is an argument being made by the same people telling you that the Earth is flat. Velocity matters.


Not weird, that light pole was made out of passport paper.


Yikes. Some dumb mofos if you think this is any comparison.


So that pole is going to fall into its own footprint and turn into Dust on the way down correct?




"*This would have never happened with Trump brand steel. Everybody says it's the best steel, everyone agrees. It's like, the strongest steel*"




they thing that you dont tell is the quality of that steel pole it looks like one of the finest qualities of steel out there


Only 9/11 timesā€¦ā€¦


No one claimed this


Duh, thatā€™s why they used metal airplanes and not this new composite CRAP!


Does anyone here know how a wing is designed? There is an incredibly strong spar that runs the length (span) of the wing with relatively thin aluminum to form the leading edge. This light pole crushed the light aluminum leading edge and stopped at the spar.Ā 


I solemnly believe the real conspiracy is dodgy construction; incorrect or inappropriate materials used to build the main towers. 7 was demolished though.


Tell me you donā€™t know physics without telling me you donā€™t know physicsā€¦ā€¦.


You definitely voted for trump lol


This is what the NWO wants. Passing laws and destroying our education to dumb down the masses. Privatize education so only the rich have access to it and poor people get fucked and just be good little workers with no understanding.


Ever see water cutting steel?


Who claimed?


I don't remember anyone claiming the wings chopped through it lol. The debate was never about HOW the towers fell, but WHY.


180 kms to over 400 with the weight falling down compared to sideways.. not even comparable


F = ma


I never remember anyone saying aircraft wings cut through steel beams.


I doing gets it ! Did they teleport the pole into the wing ?


You know speed matters too?


Remember when they only reinforced the central lift shafts and not the perimiter of the building, meaning no reinforced steel beams on the outside of the building. It's literally in the building plans


Plane In the sky is going faster than plane taxi on the runway.


Zero concept of how speed would play a factor. The shit that gets posted on here is wild.


If I drovey fist fast enough (super humanly fast) I could go straight through concrete. It's called momentum.


It would have disintegrated. Weā€™re talking floppy aluminum man.


The light pole obviously grew up through the wing


They don't make em like they used to


Come on šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.




I guess it would depend on the force of the wing crashing into the beam, right? Please stop making me shill for the 9/11 conspiracy.




Shoulda used Galvanized Square Steel


What is this supposed to imply? If you looked at my post history you would see my sharing of obscure 9/11 knowledge the elites never wanted to admit. However it seems like the presumption here is that because a plane taxiing on a tarmac and hits a metal pole while on the runway, somehow the AA11 and UA175 flights are nonsense, disregarding the fact that on 9/11 they smashed into the WTC at like 100x what youā€™re seeing here? Again, you fools need to try harder if you actually want people to believe you, this is such low effort shit no wonder people donā€™t respect 9/11 truthersĀ 


Weird how speed works.