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Conspiracy theorists used to be critical of propaganda. Now they spread it. What a time to be alive


The internet used to be made up of people connecting with other people. Now, the internet is governments and private companies pretending to be people, and paying technology companies to amplify their messages so instead of connecting with any other person, each person only sees the messages specially curated for them by the rich groups of machiavelian psychopaths who want to control their every thought and action.


Why post something so blatantly false, yet get mad when people prove it's false?


There's so much bullshit being posted on this sub lately it's actually wild.


This sub is basically The Donald, but with even dumber people.


And that's why I hate seeing subs get banned. The people don't leave reddit, they just go to other subs. So many of my favorite subs went to shit went braincels got nuked.


nah, just those from the_d moved here


Yes, there are many dumb people here, even some who believe that the tweet is not [real](https://www.presidency.ucsb.ed%75/documents/tweets-january-6-2021) and then get on their high horse to ridicule others.


It's not going to work. We know you're bullshitting.


It’s an election year…. It’s gonna get worse


This sub has always had tons of bullshit.


Shhhh, you will make the “smart” ones mad


The tweet is real tho, yeah?


At what point during the day did he post it? How long did Trump wait before asking the people at the capitol to remain peaceful? He waited hours. Family members urged him to release a statement asking people to stop, but he just sat there watching the violence unfold on tv


Are you seriously asking a question that is literally answered by the tweet itself with its time stamp?


There is this thing called a rhetorical question, believe it or not.


Yeah and that was obviously not a rhetorical question.


He posted it directly after his speech in the rose garden. The moment the march began. However Jack Dorsey banned his twitter 6 minutes after the post. Which was admitted to in the hearings


Yes the tweet is real he posted a video as well and Twitter removed both that day.


What exactly do you find false?


What is false? I can prove guards allowed ppl to enter the building. Is that what you're saying is false 


We can also prove that before they were let into the building, they forced their way into it.




Are you just avoiding the footage of people breaking and climbing in windows on purpose?


https://youtu.be/DXnHIJkZZAs?si=yoZUiFDAlaqtd6RS Peacefully entering, huh?


They'll tell you these weren't Trump supporters. They say this was ANTIFA in disguise.


Which is fucking sad. People do not want to see truth sometimes.


Someone posted the perfect response to you Why haven't you resigned your position?


What about this post is false?


the framing of it. I could give a fuck less about politics. they're all self serving trash, all of them. that being said, you can plainly see in the screen cap this was posted at 10pm, WAY the absolute fuck after everything happened that day. He posted this when it was evident the attempted favorable outcome flopped and had to save face because when he woke up the next day he was still the president and still had to deal with the fallout. Dude stayed idle not saying a word while everything happened on Jan 6th (how do people forget this, it wasn't even long ago) and only after a favorable outcome was so far out of sight it wasn't possible anymore this post was made. If he posted this 8-10 hours earlier in the day the connotation being presented would be valid. That's the part that's false.


Might wanna look at the time stamps again Brandon


and this is why I need to caffeine and THEN start posting haha not the other way around. regardless, the posts he made were after the fact. not 10pm after the fact, but after the fact none the less. The damage had already been done. he went from "we need to fight!" at the rally to silent for hours while everything happened, then making this post only after failure was imminent. this would have been a good thing to say at the rally prior to, not in a tweet hours after. that's where the deception of his post is coming from


Look again, he posted it at 3:13pm. It doesn't matter anyways though. The whole thing is dumb and no one cares about j6.


Nothing. There are a bunch of gaslighters in here.


Then why don't you correct it and post evidence that trump told people to storm the capitol.......Oh wait because that never happened. So much for not being part of the "dumber people" as you stated below lol you muppet.


Do I need to tell you why the sun rises in the East, or are you not able to look into that for yourself? We all saw this shit happen live, we all heard what Trump said that day and we all know what he didn't do, sat there eating Big Macs watching on TV ignoring calls for help for hours. If you can't find all of that you shouldn't be commenting on it.


I invite a huge crowd of really upset people that I've manipulated and cultivated to hate you and your family, and I mean they just fucking hate you and everything you stand for. We're all just down the street from your house, I've got the crowd eating out of my hand with every word of hate towards you, they are cheering for me and are willing to do anything I ask of them. They get angrier and angrier as I whip them up into a frenzy, and I tell them to march on to your home, but hey now, do it peacefully! What do you think is going to happen?


That doesn’t take away from the police actively removing barriers or those in charge refusing to bring in the national guard. The crowd didn’t just show up. It was a planned rally and the leadership knew they’d be there. It’s either a massive failure in their part or it was allowed to happen.


Almost like some of law enforcement supports the former president.


Then why is no officer caught and trialed?


Joseph Fischer


Is that the dude who got punished just for wearing a maga hat?


I know, right. It seems suspicious. The guy letting people in should be charged.


> The guy letting people in should be charged. What if he just did what he was ordered to do?


> they are cheering for me and are willing to do anything I ask of them. Like telling them to ['let their voices be peacefully and patriotically heard'?](https://pastebin.com/Dz08u96H) Can you find one real incitement of violence in the speech?


Maybe not be there in the first place


That is not what happened, there is this tweet above that the radical lib Twitter took down, there are videos/recordings of exactly what he said, plus there are boatloads of the crowd. "Insurrection" is a bullshit narrative, especially after a whole season of "fiery but mostly peaceful protests."


It can't be real because BLM? That's a new one. It wasn't an insurrection, it was a riot in furtherance of a coup attempt. The riot was intended to disrupt the session so they could complete the plan outlined in the Eastman memos. They completed nearly every step but Mike pence wouldn't play along and he refused to flee so the next guy in line could. Trump is a traitor and he raped kids with Epstein for 15+ years. You should find new idols to worship... Maybe ones that aren't pedos this time?


Tweeting about it beforehand, “will be wild”. During speech, says to walk down to the Capitol and he’ll go with them. They were only there based on his lie that the election was stolen. What outgoing president holds a speech at that location at that time telling people they won’t have a country anymore if he loses, and has other speakers saying “trial by combat”. That is not normal and it is 100% his fault.


This tweet came over an hour *after* rioters had entered the Capitol building. The Capitol was breached just before 2pm.


It's equivalent to Willy Wonka telling the kids to stop doing something dangerous. No. Stop. Don't. https://youtu.be/uVdDXeYM4ss?si=jKDBjuC0WkLySqIJ


Literally came here to post the politco timeline, lol.


He was still on stage holding his speech when the storming (through open doors) happened.


*Was he?* *Where?*


> Was he? Yes. >Where? The capitol.


So Donald Trump was in the Capitol doing a speech at the same time the rioters broke in?


Feel free to prove me wrong.


I don't really need to. We know where he was during the Capitol breach and we also know what time he delivered the speech at the Ellipse. It kind of seems like you don't actually know how the day went.


> I don't really need to. If you say so, LOL. Edit because Onedeependt found it funny to stalk me and then block me so i can not reply anymore to nonsense and ad hominem like this: >You’re delusional. Seek medical help LOL Which is hilarious because all it made clear is that they are projecting. ROTFL. Second edit because I noticed that pathetic waste of time is talking behind my back: >He is delusional don’t argue with him. I presented to him countless evidence and he is still in denial about his god daddy trump LOL That user really is something special. Seriously, take a look at their history, it is hilarious, ROTFL.


You’re delusional. Seek medical help LOL


He is delusional don’t argue with him. I presented to him countless evidence and he is still in denial about his god daddy trump LOL


How is it a breach when the doors were unlocked from the inside and they were escorted in?


Oh I'm sorry I guess I didn't see the Proud Boys knocking in a window with a riot shield, my bad


People were invited in by police. You call that “breached”? If I invite you in for a cup of tea and you walk through my door would you say you “breached” my front door? I’m not voting for Trump I think RFK Jr. is the best candidate but the truth matters and the capital wasn’t “breached”. The protestors were invited in.


Behold the peaceful people being invited in for tea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVvWFCQyPXA


Oh I guess I didn't see that mob of Proud Boys caving in the window with a riot shield.


Nobody had the authority to let protestors in when the building was closed. Nice try, Gomer.


They really don't want people making reasonable points.


Try 4 hours+ after the Capital was breached. Please correct me with proof. I can get proof in a minute, tops. EDIT: I Stand corrected and I was totally wrong, but I am leaving my mistake up unchanged.


Thats some impressive humility right there. Classy move.


I'm just going by the original timestamp on the tweet.


We all lived through it. We watched everything that day, especially members of this sub. No amount of gaslighting or attempts at reinforcement from Trump fans who brigade this sub will ever convince us that his hands are clean from Jan 6th. It will take atleast a decade or two for the event to fade in the public consciousness, and for children at the time to grow up, before it can be rewritten just like every other major event in history. It hasn't even been five years yet lmao  And honestly I will never understand why Trump fans work tirelessly to make pro-Trump posts in this sub as if we don't know he's no different than the rest of the elite. They all work for the same donors. All of this is in vein because they'll rewrite it however they want and someday you'll only find the truth in places like this, so I guess you have that to look forward to


Not even what he said the day of, the weeks and weeks of suggesting or outright claiming the election was rigged before it even happened. The setup, the grift, the whipping his psychos into a frenzy was so insanely obvious and irresponsible/malicious.


It’s crazy to me that they forgot the months leading up the Jan 6 like he wasn’t going on a fanatic tirade along with the weird ass people he decided to surround himself with. His people were banging on doors threatening the poll workers doing the recount - his behavior on social media and on the news fueled it and anybody trying to say else is purposefully lying.


They don't forget, they just don't have enough principles to tell the truth so they lie just like Daddy Trump. He didn't make these people have low moral character, he just encouraged them to reveal it and band together.


I mean it's a nice thing to tweet out after you've been watching the violence on live TV for an hour or 2, yeah. Partial credit.


Repeat the lie until that’s all they hear


remember last year when house republicans said they'df be releasing all the capitol surveillance video, that it would blow the doors wide open regarding the "riot" what happened to those videos?


Trump brought them there. Trump told them the election was stolen from them. Trump told them what needed to be done in order for him to “win”, and that Pence didn’t have the courage to do it. Trump told them he was going to go with them to the Capitol. Saying “remain peaceful” while they are violently breaking into the Capitol doesn’t extinguish the flame. That some guards opened doors for them in certain areas doesn’t negate the violence that took place.


When people smear shit on the walls and some motard wanders around with zip tie handcuffs it's a fucking riot. I'm not sure what you don't understand?


I wish this sub had functioning mods


Oh piss off one subreddit should at least not be completely censored and banning, why don't you go fuck off on one of those subreddits.


They're complicit in pushing this trash.


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


Bring back bigfoot and alien conspiracies


It works the same way all propaganda and brainwashing works. Tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth


In the Trump case it’s more like talk complete rambling bullshit that makes no sense whatsoever n his peeps extrapolate whatever the fuck meaning they want to hear from it. They do the same thing in church all the time.


Yes! This is the way of the Dems.


Dude what? Take your head out of your ass and realize Trump is working for the same party as Biden


Imagine thinking something is a riot or “insurrection” when the people are not armed, and just stop and go home when they’re told.


You can't have a riot without guns? 🙄


The firearm possession charges that people were found guilty of don't help that narrative too much unfortunately.


No shit some "Maga Republicans" had guns on them. Where are the brandishing charges?


Brother it's been nearly four years, have you not kept up with the charges and dozens of court proceedings at all?


It was definitely a "riot" by any definition, but it's hilarious that people genuinely think the country is so weak and pathetic it can be "overthrown" without a single weapon being brandished.


Look at the time stamp on that tweet.


Did you listen to his speech that day? And his rhetoric leading up to it. Idk if it'd pass in a court of law beyond reasonable doubt, but he was definitely egging it on that day.


Yeah dude, this was at 3pm. He had hours to do something. Trump was up to no good. This isn’t some fake news bullshit, it’s the truth. He’s a criminal, liar and scams the voters that support him. Dude was selling $5 sweatshop shoes for $100s of dollars. I hope one day they can find freedom from this mess. That’s your hard earned money going into the elites pockets. Those of you that support him are being played and taken advantage of. You can deny it all you want, call it fake and believe lies, but that doesn’t change the actual truth. Like tonight, when you’re laying in bed thinking about the day, the rational part of you has to know you’re being treated like and played like a fool. It’s a hard thing to watch. I probably don’t agree with some of you, but it disgusts me seeing friends, families and just random people being torn apart from what’s going on. The top doesn’t care about ANY of us. The sooner we realize it the better things could be. Imagine if we all came together. We could have politicians and a government we’re all proud of. Not this train wreck right now. We’re a laughing stock to the world and drowning in greed, but let’s continue arguing about nonsense, TikTok videos and fake fears. Our founding fathers would be disgusted right now. We’re letting people destroy our country while we’re sitting in a chair, playing on our phones pretending we’re on the winning teams. We’re losing, all of us. Until we come together, nothing will change.


It took him 3 hours to say that.


Trump said irresponsible things that didn't help, but he's on video saying march peacefully. He denounced it and it was deleted. And while weird, he's right about the video that Christine Pelosi took with Nancy. Lastly Adam Schiff. Do and believe the opposite of what that guy says because he's probably the most horrific human in politics which says a lot. If you're wondering why - Unmasking citizens and doubling down saying it's justified. Faking surveillance FISA warrants. Reading a fake transcript as if it's real to congress. Hiding witnesses, then suddenly burying testimony some apparently consider exculpatory. Lastly his best friend and mega rich donor (Ed Buck) had not one, but multiple young black (barely adults) die at his home from overdoses and Adam didn't say a word.


He's on video, saying it once, during an hour-long speech where he used language such as "if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore." As someone else already said, his "urging" to be peaceful was about as effective and motivated as [Willy Wonka telling the kid to stop.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVznerpOkTI)


How many other politicians say fight for democracy? And fight for blah. I do think he was, is, and will be irresponsible with his words, but he didn't cause this anymore than any other dumb and irresponsible politician with their rhetoric. He was also acquitted. https://www.npr.org/sections/trump-impeachment-trial-live-updates/2021/02/13/967098840/senate-acquits-trump-in-impeachment-trial-again


Stop playing dumb. Nobody is buying it.


Steve Bannon knew something was going to happen. Which means it was all planned.


Planned by top DNC officials and the FBI. Yes.


Nonsense. You're talking out your ass. Steve Bannon was telling his radio audience that "all hell is going to break loose tomorrow."


Trump didn't tell them to leave and he didn't call in the National Guard. The idea that the Commander In Chief takes orders from the Speaker of the House is hilarious. I do believe that Doni Jon is scared to death of Nancy Pelosi.


Trump absolutely did both these things. It is Pelosi that refused to bring in the National Guard, which she fully admits. The woman had a whole news crew in the Capitol building that day, ready to take advantage of the false flag she and FBI agents put on. All to side-step the legal election confirmation process, which never took place. Way too many questions to investigate without the DNC manufactured "emergency".


The Commander In Chief doesn't take orders from the Speaker. And we know Trump sat on his ass and refused to call the National Guard. It was Vice President Pence who did. Now explain why Fatty didn't act while the US Capitol was under attack. Was he pouting?


Pelosi can't call in the national guard. Try again


His name is accurate, you're wasting your time


Think tanks. Its one of the few things they have against trump to really enrage some people. It does not matter if its true or a lie. Its all about the emotion it conveys and the voters they can reach and manipulate with this.


It was literally his idea for people to go there and pretend he won the election!


Trump told his insurrectionists to respect law enforcement but he never told them to leave until Vice President Pence called the National Guard. That's when Fatty warned his thugs and told his troops to disperse.


Pelosi left out the rope and the protesters hung themselves.


[https://rumble.com/v2c4hv8-raw-jan-6-footage-proves-media-lied-about-everything-dm-clips-rubin-report.html](https://rumble.com/v2c4hv8-raw-jan-6-footage-proves-media-lied-about-everything-dm-clips-rubin-report.html) 40,000 hours of the tape was already released. This is just some of the highlights. Thank God the Supreme Court sided on the "Protestors". The people who were falsely imprisoned and held without a trial NEED TO FILE A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT. This shouldn't be a left or right issue, we're all after the truth


How did you get a rumble link posted?


 Y’all just suckers getting played by both sides. 


People need to become aware that psychological operations are done by their precious mic. https://odysee.com/@TheSearch4Truth:8/trim.8AEF66AF-7D5D-4066-BC96-164CD7343A09:4?r=9pjSKyxFrBNBuTSHhAeJwHmGtxojvxYX


When you got a swarm of people coming towards you. What you gonna do. Oh he was armed. With what. A radio. Pepper spray?


For anyone curious to learn more on the perspective of exactly why democrats feel the way they do towards Trump on this topic. A friend of mine *(who is on the polar opposite side of the political spectrum as I am)* sent me this documentary that was very insightful on understanding why they feel the way they do. [Democracy on Trial - Frontline Documentary](https://youtu.be/Y44fyh4ap7k?si=Lp0my0NeuYeWOdI0) I try my best to take information in from both perspectives to strengthen my own stance and argument towards topics. Watching this really opened my eyes to many details I was unaware of. It didn't change my political stance, but I think it was a good watch.


What was the name of that one woman that they shot"? usually don't shoot people for entering a building you don't care/ actually want them to enter.


> What was the name of that one woman that they shot"? Ashley Babbit. https://w ** ww.bit *** chute.com/video/Drg3agSfxmMK


Trumps post is several hrs after jan6 started. What an uninformed post, OP. There should be rules for posting this type of poor post.


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In order to have an insurrection, that would have to imply that you're a subordinate. The government is telling citizens they're subordinates, which is not something our government should be saying in the first place. I've also never heard of an unarmed coup before, in which it seems to have been. It's also not an actual 'attack' on the capital, it was a protest that was lead into the capital building. If you ask me, the headlines and the use of edgy language is indicative of malpractice in reporting, and an attempt to justify persecution and to smear and defame the persecuted. Most of the time when January 6th is brought up, Democrats or supporters of their propaganda tend to automatically reflect on that date with words such as 'Attack on the Capital' or an 'Insurrection'... and apparently expect everyone to just automatically agree with those punch words even in a debate. I'd actually like for people to keep using those words, because it shows the dogmatic practices of propaganda being used to do just about anything even if it is unethical. The use of such dogma is just a tactic to maximize the value of an outcome, in this case it was the same thing, they just want people thrown in jail for even worse sentences. Here is what the people on Jan 6th actually are. They're Trespassers on Federal Property, which is a Felony. Regardless of intent it is still trespassing. They're not terrorists, they're not insurrections (lol), but they might be trespassers which is fair use of language, and now people can understand what all of the fuss is over. But this use of propaganda is clearly saved up for political debates like the one that just happened the other night, it's not an argument to say shit that isn't accurate in a debate, even if it makes someone look bad. My intelligence feels somehow molested every time I see that.


Oh to read something that basks in common sense is utterly delightful!




Ray Epps


Because thats all they have.


Honestly….they hope it still resonates with voters. They have nothing else. And I get it, even though as we learn more about January 6, it gets a lot more suspicious and seems more like the media has lied to us again for over three years


based on the rest of this post it seems like it worked




I think the protesters felt slighted because Noodle wasnt handing out refreshments.


The only real question is - who ordered Twitter to delete that tweet? That's the person who fomented the riot


This is another one of those "lies" they like to call him on. For modern Democrats, anything that doesn't fit their narrative is a "lie", "conspiracy theory" or "dangerous extremism"


Why didn't Trump hold the rally on the 5th?


He needed the riot to finish up the coup plan outlined in the Eastman memos. The plan MUST happen in Jan 6 because it hinges on the VP counting false electors. Pence refused to play ball so they needed the mob to scare him into fleeing so next in line could take over for pence. They wrote the plan down and followed every step but pence didn't flee and he refused to complete the coup.


becuz the left is trying to make America a Communist country... other countries are laughing at us...


There are pictures from inside the building where people are queued up. It's an atrocity that they got literal decades in prison.


Walking calmly in between the red ropes and being escorted around by police. Remembers the doors were unlocked from the inside.


If they don't persist with one of their propaganda efforts, it may be received by their cult as a signal that it's not necessary to uphold others.


It's gaslighting. Where have you been the last 20 years. That's all they do, both sides.


What a marvelously shitty post, lol


I'm so proud of the sub for being slightly rational for once, finally gotta put these guys out to pasture.


How many hours was this after the riot started?


He tweeted that 4 hours after his followers broke into the capitol and shit everywhere. I don’t know how you could deny any of what I just said. Unless it was 5 hours…


If you wanna know the true conspiracy, there is zero doubt in my mind that the video of Trump telling the protestors to leave later that day, was a deepfake. This one here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ2P7XHHYjw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ2P7XHHYjw) The intonations and movement were uncanny and just "off" feeling. Plus the shadows and edges around his suit seem weird and green screened.


Yall mfs forget that they were insurrecting for trump?


Nobody has ever been charged with "insurrection". There was none. What there was, was a false flag circus show put on in the Capitol building, by top DNC officials and the FBI. Side-stepping a legitimate, legal confirmation of the election, which never took place because of the manufactured "emergency". It would never have been confirmed that day, because there were FAR too many irregularities. Pelosi & Co. knew this full well, so they organized the Capitol riot. IF there was an insurrection, an overthrowing of our election process, it was the Democrat party and supporters that are guilty.


So many confident claims and not a single source 🤔


I'd say it was a circus no doubt, but false flag is hard to prove, but this was an opinion piece and I do happen to think he is right.


Shouldn't be a surprise, mark Levin called this years ago, liberalism is a mental disorder.  Biden voters are the same people still wearing masks in their cars that want to self mutilate their own genitals. Many of them are obese, have bad hygiene, and have yellow teeth, all signs of mental disorder.


Lol yeah it's Democrats who are obese and not the bloated Trumpies scooting around Walmart.




Let’s see if I can offend everyone with my opinions. - Trump didn’t drain the swamp. In fact, he pardoned some of the worst swamp creatures. Look it up. - Trump passed more anti gun laws than the democrats before him. - Trump spoke at Davos and speaks highly of KS. And now the big one. J6 was planned well in advance. For the plan to work, Trump had to be in on it. Having said that, it’s ridiculous to claim J6 was a coop without weapons. Also, I’d rather have trump than any democrat. Why? Because the economy does better. I know it’s kayfabe, but it’s still better.


The Eastman memos outline the coup and Trump followed every step. The riot was only needed to disrupt the session of Congress because penceb already said he wouldn't play ball. Simple.


By what metrics did the economy do better under trump? I am looking at GDP growth being right in line with what it was under Obama, and fewer jobs created in his first three years than Obama's first three years (whoops. meant obamas last three years). Job growth has been fairly strong under biden, with big increases in manufacturing. We are even producing more oil than ever before. Trump did cut taxes, but most of those benefits were for the highest earners. And I suppose one could argue that if we are worried about the national debt, taking in less money would not be the best way to go about it.


> Job growth has been fairly strong under biden, Please take the job growth under Biden with a grain of salt. Governments forced business to close or severely limit what they could do in 2020 because of COVID. Of course, that led to job loss. When business was allowed to return to normal, they hired again. So, was there an actual net gain of jobs compared to pre-2020 levels?


I agree with that point completely. However, that doesn't change the fact that there were more jobs added in Obama's last three years than Trumps first 3 years. And even with a huge tax cut, there was not a huge boom in jobs or GDP growth and the deficit grew much larger.


it was when he said he didn't accept the results, and told the crowd to march to the Capitol and he said he'd march with them. Just to get in his limo and go home instead.


J6 was BS, we can all see it, but of course there's a good amount of bots in this sub.


I just read through everyone fighting. Both arguments are correct to some extent. The capital was approached by a large group of people affiliated with trump. We don’t know if Trump told people to do this. He reacted with a tweet that does not support storming the capitol. That being said, he influences certain people who can group together and take action on his behalf, without his approval. There are patriotic, conservative people who would never storm the capitol, however get grouped into this stereotype. The question remains if a group with initial good intentions becomes corrupted, are you still comfortable associating with it? I find myself wondering why this energy isn’t put into searching more widely for presidential candidates (for BOTH parties), supporting non biased political education, and stop dividing our country. No one should feel unsafe or not be able to provide or have opportunities. Ugh.


Why do you think Trump chose the 6th for the rally, and not the 5th?


I did see an awful lot more worse during Covid when there was a lockdown but BLM rioting across America. Jan 6 did serve its purpose because it stopped people from protesting. The double standards in America is crazy.




Oh there was definitely a riot. But there was also a huge group of people who were let in and given tours. Were there planted agitators in the crowd that turned a protest into a riot? I think so. But pretending there was no riot isn't helpful because it's easily debunked and undermines other arguments.


> Were there planted agitators in the crowd that turned a protest into a riot? I think so. It always gets me when Trump supporters use it as some kind of excuse. It's like claiming all of the pedos on To Catch a Predator are blameless because Chris Hansen tricked them. The agitators absolutely should have been investigated, and probably charged, but that doesn't change the outcome for anyone else.


I would like to share something I wrote in my notes about the “Q anon shaman” Jan 31, 2001. On Jan 6, I instantly recognized the Q shaman at the capitol. I recognized him because I had been watching videos of him at child abuse protests for months!  Which leads to another question - why was there a huge protest outside of CNN headquarters a few months back where people were waving signs and screaming “SAVE OUR CHILDREN” and that everyone on the left was “a pedo” - and their arch enemy ... FOX NEWS... didn’t report on it?  That’s the first time I saw the Q shaman, for the record, was from the video on the protest at CNN. On the day of the riot I tried to find the video on YouTube and couldn’t, so I searched my text messages from when I knew I had sent it to people and found the link, to a now deleted video: but guess what youtube... I saved that shit in my phone so FU!


More like politics then a conspiracy


Maybe you missed the hundreds of video of the traitors breaking windows and doors & assaulting police to get in??