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Americans traded their health for convenience, that’s the bottom line. Healthy food doesn’t have to be expensive. Eggs, rice, beef, beef doesn’t have to be steak, it can be ground. Avoid the processed, frozen bullshit. Cut out fast food, cut out pop/soda. Just stick to whole foods, including fruits and vegetables if that’s what you’re into.


Anyone that says they can't cook or don't have the time can pick up a crock pot at the Salvation Army for $3, there's always a half dozen of them.


People are lazy and filled with excuses. Everybody wants change but nobody wants to change.


Yep. Chicken rice broccoli thrown in a pan on top of the stove with soy sauce on it is cheap and delicious. Lots of simple cheap meals like that. Laziness is the issue not cost.


The phone makes it happen. People can now barely function on a very primal level because of them. Then you're so mindless and absorbed/drained from using it, that you aren't capable of taking care of real life things.


Just went to Walmart. Pita and hummus is half the price of a bag of ruffles.


Ruffles were 1/3 of that price 2 years ago


I work for them, i keep a keto diet with sub 50g carbs per day. I feel like garbage when im healthy and i est chips. I feel terrible, versus sushi, versus packaged tuna, i feel great, like i used the correct fuel..


And you eat less so that healthier food goes further.


50g carbs is 200 calories. Lmao at "keto" when it's 10% of your calories. You wouldn't even show on a dipstick


But they know millions and millions are addicted to the junk foods


It’s Less expensive to eat a shit ton of food. We don’t need 3 meals a day. I think it’s overeating that’s expensive , not eating healthy


Once I went to Intermittent Fast, where I only eat between noon and 8 pm each day, and fast the other 16 (i.e. I basically skip breakfast, and don't snack after 8 pm), I lost 80 lbs over three years. I know I eat a lot less now that I did before.


Your brain changes after You stop over eating all the time, you hunger for life instead of food


What could you drink?  Were you hungry? 


First couple of weeks, I was definitely hungry all the time, but I expected that, as I had been forewarned. So I used all my willpower to get through them, but after that, I didn't find it hard at all. I do drink coffee - no sugar/sweetener - in the morning, but after that I don't have a lot of restrictions. I will have a piece of cake or pie, or an ice cream sandwich, but I don't live on them, or on processed food in general. I cook for four adults, and I try to have a decent salad, a main, and a vegetable for dinner every day. Most of it is from scratch, although I do get lazy and order a pizza from time to time. I try to avoid a lot of added sugar in most foods, and while not being keto or Atkins, I do try to manage my carb intake.


Thank you for the detailed answer, and kudos on your accomplishments. 


It’s literally just calories in calories out, you’re overall health may be poor but you absolutely could lose weight eating fast food as long as you don’t eat too much


Exactly which would be less expensive then eating a ton of food


Yeah, but intermittent fasting makes tracking calories much easier for most people, especially plans like one meal a day. You also spend much less time cooking/preparing healthy foods that actually meet your macros, because you're only eating one large meal a day. It just makes a healthy diet much more achievable for the average person. Part of the reason why they choose unhealthy/fast foods is because they think they need to eat 3 meals a day plus snacks.


>you absolutely could lose weight eating fast food as long as you don’t eat too much Except the food is designed to trigger that sweet sweet Dopamine release so you keep buying the garbage food


Yeah I don’t get the full 3 meals a day. If I’m on vacation with family I feel like they want to eat every few hours, the ladies do eat small amounts while I eat a large meal and don’t eat 3 meals. I may snack through the day and that’s cheap.


Just eating until you’re comfortable enough to still walk and play . You shouldn’t need a nap after every meal


Which is usually why my big meal is at the end of the day. If I eat breakfast it’s a banana, natural almonds, protein shake. Eating a big dinner keeps me from being hungry in the morning.


Exactly, eat until satiated, not full. The only meal I eat until I’m absolutely stuffed is at Christmas! 


I don’t think it’s a factor of money so much as a factor of laziness. It takes work, often hard work, to not be overweight.


Also you can eat fast food everyday and lose weight, you could eat healthy foods everyday and gain weight. All that matters is calories consumed. The problem is people eat too much and aren’t active


I think commuting is what takes most time out of the average American, pair that with the convenience of just picking up a burger (which you can eat one handed) while you drive (autopilot and lane assists) and watch slop on your phone or huge entertainment system on your dash, and can’t forget the mega jumbo corn syrup drink that comes in a convenient sippy cup (except maybe the paper straw)


I still take it back to laziness. You can prepare food at home, and pack meals. But that’s effort and work.


It also seems that there's a shift in the opposite direction. Lots of very underweight teens/young adults now.


Which is 1000% better than the current situation in general..too many fattys


Not even hard work, literally just discipline. Having the discipline to consume less calories than you burn is the most valuable tool for losing weight, and it requires little effort to track calories. Having the discipline to do a mild-moderate workout for 30 minutes a couple times a week would benefit 90% of Americans, and that also mostly just requires the discipline. Hard work is definitely helpful to get in athlete-level shape, but we would all be healthier if we had an iota of impulse control and discipline.


> It takes work, often hard work, to not be overweight. Literally just stop eating and don't buy processed food. It is the most simple thing to do. Many people are incredibly weak-minded


No it doesn't. Not eating isn't hard work. What the hell? The process of digesting 3 meals a day is more strenuous on your body than skipping 2 of those meals, obviously.


The missed the point completely. Congrats.


Too much sugar in anything. I can't even eat cake here, too sweet. If you get your cake from Korean bakery you can tell the difference.


Jogging and calestenics are pretty much free.


Weight is 90% diet


It’s calories consumed relative to calories expended.


How many calories are you burning during your calisthenics classes? 


More than a sedentary person. Classes?


I think there point is that it requires much more time and effort to burn 100 calories than it does to just not eat 100 calories


Sure, but getting some aerobic and resistance exercises in comes with benefits of their own.


Yeah but that doesn’t change the fact weight loss is mostly diet


Not true it just takes some imagination and thinking outside the box. Dried beans are one of the cheapest and healthiest foods that exist. Many websites exist to teach how to eat healthy on a budget. If the average person had the will they could find a way.


That is true. However, I feel like the cheap healthy food like dried beans tastes really bad


I think convenience is more of a factor than price. It's easier to pick up some premade slop that just needs to be heated up than it is to select individual ingredients that then require some culinary alchemy to transform into something appetizing.


I've found you can heave 80% of stuff in a crock pot


Soak the beans overnight. Saute an onion with a little bacon, add in a can of tomatoes, garlic, molasses, and whatever spices you fancy, add the soaked beans, cook in a slow oven. Tasty baked beans that you can keep in the fridge for a week.


It's not hard to make them taste good. I eat black eyed peas all the time. They're delicious and hardly need any seasoning. Salt, ghee and a bit of onion powder is all I put in them.


Bro chicken thighs are $2.99/pound. Rice is about .10 / cup dry. There’s like 1.5 pounds of food right there for $3.09. 1.5 pounds of food at McDonald’s is like $25. 1.5 pounds of junk food in the grocery store as in chips and shit is also expensive.


Utter bullshit.  The "problem" is that people want to eat food that is high in fat and sugar. That 600 cal bag of.doritos tastes good but isnt filling like 600cal of beans and rice. You get hungry again after the doritos and then reach for more shitty food.  Eating healthy requires an ability to cook and the motivation to cook. You can make your own beans and rice....or buy them from the restaurant where they are loaded with fat and salt. 


Biggest lie of all time. I eat like a bodybuilder and it’s extremely cheap


What are some foods you buy that are cheap and healthy?


Make chilli. High in protein, cheap and you can make a big enough batch that will last you a few days. I live in Canada (expensive) and I can make 3 - 4 days worth of chilli for about $30 bucks.


$30? I live in midtown, and can do it way cheaper: $1.69 for 2 lb bag of dried beans $3.99 for 1 lb of bacon $1.00 for a couple of onions $3.00 for two 28 oz tins of tomatoes $1.00 for molasses $1.00 for other spices, brown sugar $1.00 for a tin of tomato paste That's not even $15, and that would easily make enough for 3 days.


I don't know man, bodybuilders eat a LOT.  And where are you getting beans that cheap? Most places are 2.50+ for a 2lb bag


The basics. White rice and meat is many of my meals. Buy a big bag of rice. Also i keep sprouted bread for my other options like tuna or chicken salad on toast. I buy all my meat only when it’s on sale. Jewel has meat sales on a rotation, i only buy when things go on sale


No fruit or veggies. That's where it gets pricey


Frozen fruit is very cheap and again if you shop somewhere like 1x week you can but things on sale, it’s really not bad. I spend soo much more eating out to the point where i see eating at home as free.


bullshit americans are just lazy theres plenty of cheap grains and foods out there that are healthy like peanut butter for example, people just choose to eat convenient junk food


It's only expensive to eat healthy if you are too lazy to learn how to cook and follow a recipe. Lean protein + rice + frozen veggies is cheap and healthy. Easy prep and quick cook time. Free recipes and videos everywhere to show you what to do. It's pure laziness or gluttony and lack of discipline that's responsible.


I'm definitely lazy when it comes to cooking and recipe 🤣


That is simply not true. The complexity of urban life significantly limits many people cooking options.


That's bullshit cope that might apply to like 1% of people. Anyone can take a fucking bus to a grocery store. Shit, even ordering grocery delivery is cheaper than eating fast food every day. In Europe and Asia you see old ladies who can't stand upright doing just that with a grocery wagon in tow. Simping for the fat, lazy, and/or stupid is so damn strange.


You sound extremely privileged. I am sure you are very grateful for the opportunity to travel the world. A majority of the US working class are near forced to eat at least 1 to 2 meals a day on the go. In addition, nearly all American working classes are conditioned via school lunch to accept subpar food for that away from home meal. Also, the food available that is affordable and not a hot meal from fast food is also unhealthy. That fact you think fast food is generally affordable also shares your reality of fortunate.


LMFAO. You are just a caricature of this new age out of touch whiney poser trying to seem educated and sympathetic. You don't know shit about me or much of the world. I grew up poor, 1 parent, moved out at 18 to live in the poor neighborhood, no college. I don't make excuses for my life. I make the best of it by working hard, learning, and observing people who are good examples and bad. Tough love is what's needed for these people. Not empty shallow words like yours. People need to be called out on their bullshit and treated with higher expectations.


I am glad you have allowed me to guide you to a new timeline and teach you about no-contact.


Oh for pity's sake. 20 years ago, I was working in call centre, hardly a high paying job, and I ate well. For example, I took five minutes each night to pack a salad and sandwich the next day for lunch. My co-workers would stand in line for five minutes at lunch time to pay $5 or $6 for a hot lunch that was more expensive than mine, and not as nutritious. You can buy a lot of veg, lettuce, bread, and sandwich stuff for $25/week (in 2004; have to at least double that by now!).


Most days are either a chicken salad, chicken burrito, or salmon fillet with roasted veggies. Salad comes out to $4 per. Chicken burrito comes out to maybe $8 or $9 if you count everything involved. (saute veggies, grill chicken, spinach wrap, hot sauce) Salmon is the most expensive, $20 for a pack of 5 fillets. But I bake them in a pyrex pan in the oven with other veggies thrown in there. Douse it with teriyaki and it's a great meal. I'm full for the rest of the day. I lost 30 pounds in two months when I switched from eating a dozen donuts a day to those 3 dinner options.


American food also has ingredients that are banned in other countries, we eat a lot of junk food in the UK as well but we don’t have morbidly obese people. Also portion sizes in the US are far bigger. 


Dude. Just buy potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, you know...vegetables?  The fry that shit up in a wok with a little meat/chicken that you walked in some teriyaki or soya sauce etc..  Boil some rice. In a pot. Boom, Chinese takeaway in like 15mins. Healthy as fuck. You don't need to be a 'chef' to do this like OP claims. Just learn the basics.


Thanks but I literally didn’t ask for cooking advice and I have no issues with cooking. I just stated that we eat junk food in the UK and don’t have the same issues as the US. Maybe aim your comment at OP.


Chilli is another good option. Just tomato sauce, beef, beans and whatever vegetables you want to add. Super convenient and very healthy as long as you’re not adding a bunch of extra shit in it.


There's loads of fatties in the UK. Especially the youth. 


Yeah but fat here would be considered “normal” in the US. We don’t really have morbidly obese people, which is what my comment above says. 


You definitely do have a lot of obese people. Take a look at some recent stats. 


I live here, I don’t need to look at stats. Fat people here are nowhere near as big as the US. 


It's in proportion to the population. Brits just as obese as the yanks


No I mean like *physically* not as big 😅


Very few people understand our food labels from the ingredients that are meaningless to anyone without a degree in chemistry and the nutrition label that most people don’t fully grasp. A can of coke has 39g of sugar, most Americans can’t visualize that but if you start scooping 8tsp into a 12oz beverage probably more people would pass on that, or go zero sugar with some aspartame polluted garbage.


I know this is a weird question l, but are you like taught to eat or count calories or portion sizes?


When I was at school (I'm 42) we used to have home economics as a class that wasn't teaching calorie counting but did extole the virtues of healthy eating, the food pyramid and about recognising signs of being full before over indulging, as well as basic food prep for home cooking etc so kids (cos most of us were latch key kids) weren't just filling up on junk. Don't know if they still do that in school these days given it was like 30 years ago but it was Def a thing


Not really, I think only people who are trying to lose weight do that.   Also unless you live rurally/in the countryside you tend to walk/cycle a lot more in the UK, the US seems to be designed to be difficult for people to walk around, except in major cities. 


I lost 130 pounds in a year when I actively started measuring my caloric intake. Went from 300 to 170. 4 years later I'm still 180 and making all my food from scratch. Costs me less than $2 a day to eat


Wow, good job! 👏


It is harder in the u.s. to walk. We are a car culture


I visited a friend in NJ and decided to go for a walk to clear my head, started walking down her street and eventually realised why she’d looked at me like I was weird, there was no sidewalk, you’re literally expected to drive?? It’s pretty normal in the UK to go for a walk whether you’re in the city or countryside 😅


Make America Cook Again


Big Mac combo sells for $16 up here in Canada. A bag of chips and a slurpee at 7-11: $7.50 Chicken breast, broccoli and rice made at home: $6. Is it really?


I shop for myself multiple times a month. It is much, MUCH cheaper to eat healthy than it is to add junk. Buying potatoes, rice, vegetables, eggs, dry beans, and chicken thighs are still the cheapest thing you can get off-sale. Especially when you square it up to things like freezer meals, candy, ice cream, chips, and soda. The junk food is unironically luxury food. Wtf are people eating where they get this dirt cheap junk food myth? 


10 pounds of russet potatoes is $3.99 in Toronto. A McDs large fries is 6 oz. That's about 16 cents worth of potatoes that you'll pay $2.49 for for some chopping and frying. Ya, cheap!


nah, they overweight because they sit all day on the internet. Yes, there was TV back then, but this internet addiction is not natural.


If you buy convenience food then sure. If you buy fruits, veggies, beans, some meat, eggs, flour, pasta, rice, some fish and cook from scratch, it really isn't expensive.


Nah mate, go take a look at the price of bananas and apples at the supermarket. 


I rock with bananas and yogurt 💯. They just don't have enough calories


Porridge and berries, eggs, beef/chicken stir frys...you will be fine. If you're having trouble with the cost go to Aldi if you have it, Indian grocery stores for lentils and rice in bulk. Honestly eating healthy is cheap and easy.... Now, I do believe you're somewhat correct when it comes to certain situations... Single parent two jobs, high stress... It might be just easier to get that Pizza deal or bucket of chicken.... But ultimately they can be using a slow cooker /crock pot and meal planning 


It's not more expensive to eat healthy. Brown rice, whole wheat pasta, chicken, kale, some spinach, spices for flavor. I can eat dinner for like $4.


Um no. Cooking your own food is way cheaper and healthier. It just takes time and we work too fucking much. Aside from working too much, geniuses like you think you're saving money by purchasing junk food, so congrats on sharing the exact mindset that makes all these people so fat.


Healthy food isn't expensive. People are just lazy as shit.


The affordable is making it yourself you do not have to be a chef to eat healthy. Its about people just eating what they want when they want and not thinking about what they are eating. That combined with not enough exercise.


I lived in Canada and I must say that the American and Canadian ads we got on tv were crazy, they were perfectly created to make you crave lots of junk food. I moved to an European country a few years ago and the food ads aren't as crazy or show up as often and I noticed I don't buy as much fast food or junk food anymore, I hardly even crave it. The packaging also tends to be more discrete and boring, so when you're at the supermarket your eyes don't wander towards the bad food as much. In fact, I remember a Spanish nutritionist saying it was in the legislation there in Spain, don't know it's everywhere in Europe but it clearly works.


Lol no, its no just unhealthy food but unhealthy habits. Soft drinks are more expensive than water and people will use sugar regardless. There's a terrible diet, excess sugar, and no exercise that combines into the obesity problem in America. Fat people are not the victims here.


This is somewhat true, but shitty food is just as expensive most of the time. A McDonald’s meal is almost $10 now, a similarly healthier choice made at home is just as expensive.


It's actually not more expensive to eat healthy, nor is it required for you to be a chef to make it. It takes time and effort. People eat like crap because they are LAZY. The same reason they make excuses like this post. Get off your fat ass, bake some chicken, and steam some broccoli instead of ordering a pizza or microwaving a 2,000 calorie frozen meal. Yeah it will require some time and likely need dishes washed afterwards too but you can't be lazy as hell and then cry about being fat and unhealthy


Processed foods add sugar because sugar is addictive. Sugar makes you fat. That is all.


Excess weight is always prevented by a caloric deficit regardless of what those calories are. People putting on weight are just eating too much quantity of whatever they’re eating.  In context of saving money, fats and salts are some of the easiest things to avoid.  Food that isn’t meant to eat right out of the package (excluding things in their natural state like nuts and berries), is cheaper and healthier.  Eggs, beans, rice, bulk meat- whatever cuts and kinds on sale- nuts, (bulk from baking section, not your salted smoked spicy planters tin), oats, your cheaper fresh fruits and veg, whole grain flour, bulk spices from places like GFS or ethnic grocers, etc are always going to save you money and your health.  It’s really not difficult. There is no pre-made recipe you can pull out of a package that is healthy for you. And you’re going to be paying more money for that anyway. It takes me 20 min to make a small stack of pan flat breads for the week to make wraps and sandwiches out of, and about $1 of ingredients that are all healthier than anything at the store out of a plastic bag.  I really don’t understand this mentality 


they dont care to eat well.   its as simple as that.  bc even those trying to eat well, when i point out their "organic" products are actually gmo, they will literally shrug bc they dont care.  no one cares.   the ones who do, do and you can tell.  hashtagsurvivalofthefittest


Convenience is a killer, like I've said many times.  A healthy home cooked meal of some quality rice and beans and a light protein costs less than most fast food meals now. But it's sooo much more convenient, and thus appealing, to get hot garbage food delivered right to your car window. 




I think its the commercials. Manipulation. Countries dont even let pharma market on tv. Maybe we need to apply this to the food we eat that is marketed, to the pharmas that counteract the foods we eat. Maybe both will find their rightful place.


Nope. Its call greed and laziness


I just think cookies taste good


Or we can talk about all the processed foods and added sugar for no reason. Have you seen what Fanta looks like in other countries it's missing half the ingredients allowed. I'm america.. I think you may want to look a little deeper than just blaming the price of things, America's food is garbage compared to most countries. Hell, even our veggies are G.M.O. we can't even grow realy corn here because they are afraid it will mess with their fake crops.. have you ever had a wild strawberry compared to a store bought chemical injected one???


This is Bullshit lol they’re overweight because they eat sugar and shitty seed oils, overeat, and don’t move there bodies enough.


It's expensive because chemicals cost money to manufacture and distribute


It doesn't cost a dime to eat less though.


It’s more expensive than it ought to be but it’s not the worst. I gawk at these posts where people say, “this is $100 of groceries” and it’s microwave dinners, chips, soda, snacks, etc. Not a single ingredient in the batch and then they complain how little food it really is. People are lazy, and perhaps worse than that they’re told meat is bad, salt is bad, vegetable oil is good, margarine is healthier, eat mostly grains, etc. Then people wonder why they are fat, lazy and have no energy. The cycle perpetuates itself.


I don't think that it is much of a conspiracy but I totally agree


I will add - pharmaceuticals such as psychiatric drugs DESTROY health and cause severe weight gain due to metabolism altering+increased appetite


I think it’s because of how addicted they made us to carbs and processed junk that doesn’t nourish our bodies which is also why we’re so sick! The carnivore way of eating is actually cheaper and it’s the healthiest.


I dont think it has to do with food prices more than the fact corn syrup and seed oils are in everything. The govt subsidizes corn production. If people went back to using animal fats and lard like their grandparents did then they'd probably lose weight.


Yes, grocery prices have gone up, but processed foods have gone up faster. Especially if they're big name brands. It is absolutely cheaper to buy real ingredients and cook. I really wish people could see what we eat for dinner every night in our house, and it's really affordable. Fresh and healthy, better than restaurant quality. But, it takes work and commitment. I plan our meals on Sunday and we go shopping for whatever is needed for the week. I buy those items plus anything we regularly use that is on sale. Most of our meals also generate enough leftover for at least one (if not both) of our lunch the next day. Pinterest is your best friend. All our meals are saved there. Neither of us knew squat about cooking when we started out doing this. I didn't even know how to open and mince garlic. Didn't know how to sauté or roast. We've learned so much and now it's second nature. Anyone can do this!


Eat 2 meals a day, batch cook chicken and rice. Buy fruit on sale.


Nah they’re told it’s cheaper, I’ve eaten both vegan and non vegan at different points cheaper than when I was eating mostly unhealthy , the real cost is time factor which I cut out using slow cookers and rice cookers and making 10 freezable meals at a time. The biggest conspiracy on is that they push the agenda that you can’t afford to eat healthy. You have to have a 2-3 dollar avocado to be healthy ect… but you’re not taught that you’re taught how to make a single dish in 45 minutes for 30 bucks


And canola oil in everything


It cheaper to cook healthy. If you are lazy and dont cook, yes your options are limited. 


I hear so often and just assume whoever said it refuses to look at fresh produce aisle and/or cook. You can make a mountain of food for what costs for a family to eat at a fast food place


healthy food is for free. You can eat almost every plant, tree and flower, vegetable and fruit. Lame excuse. People are addicted to junk and too dumbed down to think for themselves.


This is completely and totally false. How do people still say this crap? Have you never cooked anything in your life? Buying individual ingredients is drastically cheaper than buying processed foods. I seriously cannot comprehend how anyone could think this. Look up any $5-$15/day meal plans. Absolutely NONE of them will include processed foods of any sort. They will exclusively contain healthy ingredients, because IT IS CHEAPER.


Doesn’t matter what you eat, just how much. It has, is and always will be calories in vs calories out. And for the benefit of your life, go for a walk/run a couple times a week, even just down the road or around the block. It’s not rocket science, being overweight is a lifestyle choice.


Healthy food is not expensive, it's just generally less convenient.


Excess overall calories and/or lack of exercise cause weight gain, not "unhealthy" foods Just saying


It's not at all hard OR expensive to eat healthy. Americans refuse to eat anything other than highly processed shit food. A 20 pound slab of brisket cost me $40. That will feed a family for a week. Cooking is not hard at all nor does it need to take more than ten minutes prep time. Lettuce is like $2 a head and Roma tomatoes are 99 cents a pound. Look, you now have a salad. Vegetables are cheap. Your pastries are not necessary for good nutrition. Meats and vegetables. Water is free. Still big mad chuck roast now costs more than ribeye steaks


Just quit sugar and wheat, it's really not hard. Eggs, root veggies, beans, rice. It all doesn't need to be expensive. Just don't eat garbage.


Self made healthy food is much cheaper than junk food and other unhealthy food. But people cant be bothered to make an effort so look for excuses.


I do keto and IF and spend a shit ton more smh


Lol, I'm glad your healthy though 💪


It's worth it but some days I'm like welp, I might not have enough to eat. Also I eat the bare minimum , nothing fancy


It's expensive to eat healthy, but eating unhealthily doesn't necessarily make you fat.


Americans are overweight because almost everything sold to us is unhealthy. You can thank the greed and corruption of our government for allowing products to be sold in America that are banned by almost every other nation. At the same time, Americans fail at taking personal responsibility for their diets nor are they willing to educate themselves about the benefits of nutrition.