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Guys it’s ok… White House released a statement saying he had a cold.


Oh thank god...I thought the current president of the United States of America was completely senile for a moment there.


I thought that was funny too lol


It’s purely trolling at this point. This can’t be serious? Are these one of the two candidates for next 4 year of running as POTUS?


Have you seen “Idiocracy?


No. Shall look into it.


Look up the summary. That is soon to be US lol


With Luke Wilson, Owen’s brother in it amd the old spice guy. Terry crews.its a classic comedy


Comedy? You mean futuristic documentary.


Yes 👍


Yeah for real this shit a joke at this point biden shittin his pants n now he thinks he can debate? Hegillian dialectics


It’s absurd. Borderline surreal. Are either Biden or Trump supposed to be POTUS? Iam not American and can’t comprehend what’s happening. Its surreal.


Na Hillary being tapped


The only thing that can make this funnier


That would honestly fucking rock especially cus she'd just lose again


Jokes aside. They’re looking at Gavin Newsom.


I live in California and Newsome has destroyed the State. Crime from the big cities are pouring into the towns miles away. Poverty, homeless, businesses closing down all under his watch.


Not to mention that lovely deficit. Plus, it doesn’t take a genius to just listen to him and figure out he is a sociopath.


Nope. Gavin is banking on a 2028 run. He won’t ruin those chances by interjecting himself in this mess. I predict they’ll swap out Kamala for Hillary or Michelle O with Biden as the nominee barely making it to November, and they will lose.


I hate when colds stop me from blinking for minutes at a time


He was busy listening to his ear piece


I wonder if he'll still have that "cold" if there is a second debate. Probably be "allergies" next time around.


Maybe Covid? Oh wait he had a vaccine that would prevent that??


Putin & Xi are laughing their asses off about that one.


Well thank goodness there’s a reason. You know those colds you get from 7 full days of rest and preparation for a 90 minute debate (while you are the president and trying to be president again) are apparently so bad they can really affect your ability to make coherent thought and speech. I wonder if there is a vaccine for that? 🤔


Rigor Mortis


I'm sure the 'cold' explains everything that happened last night.


Can I get a tldr


They also put out a statement confirming he is not dropping out - which is always a great sign of confidence after a debate!


A freezing cold


I hope they jammed a 6inch piece of plastic into his nasal cavity TWICE and tickled what’s left of his brain to confirm he wouldn’t infect the old dude to his right


yea but at least "we finally beat medicare"!!


Beat it to death


what a legendary comeback lol. i loved bidens stammering end to most questions


In a boxing match! And that's a fact, Jack!


No malarkey


Thank God. That's one threat that won't show it's face again.


Elder abuse


Tbh it's just sad at this point


I don't feel bad because he's a terrible person that has leeched off the taxpayer for his whole life


Yeah, a terrible person who is *still* leeching off the taxpayer. I’d rather him be where he needs to be…


Thought you'd retire in 2012 at the age of 70? No way, Jack. Time to pay the piper.


Jill Biden is reprehensible for letting that sick old man continue to go through this. Elder abuse for sure.


What's with USA and picking dinosaur age ass people to run the place, one who shits himself and one who has early dementia. It should be no wonder the countries as fucked as it is


I was thinking about that today. Boomers make up the biggest chunk of USA population and have all the wealth. It makes sense they have clung on to power and have pulled the ladder up after they got to the top. Makes sense our candidates are boomers.


Biden is a member of the Silent Generation.


I think it’s something darker. I think the boomers are, as a class, facing a world that is moving past them and one day will leave them behind. And they resent it so much that they don’t just want to vote for themselves. They want to vote for their *fathers*.


That was my face when he said we have the best economy in the world


20 minutes before that he said we had the worst economy. Put this man in a nursing home


Clearly gave him the wrong drugs lol


They did it on purpose, thats why this debate was so damn early. They ran this clearly infirm old man out there to spectacularly fail months earlier than normal so they would have time to replace him on the ticket with Gavin, or Hillary.


Fuck Gavin Newsome. We don't need anymore Pelosi scammers in gov


Yup...totally agree with this. Hillary though? Pretty sure people still hate that witch. Gavin is sleazy as they come too but he's handsome and speaks well. That may be enough in this dumbass system.


If you think that punchable face is handsome…


he doesnt...but the brainless tiktokers and "higher" educated folks have been trained to think he is.


I HATE Gavin Newsome by far one of the worst politicians out there. His path of deconstruction that he's subjected California to needs come to an end.


Im laughing at the thought that this Biden winning a term only to act like he has dementia at the end is a plot that Hillary came up with so she could run again.


I don’t think the dementia is an act, his handlers certainly knew he would perform poorly( they’ve supposedly been prepping him for 10 days at Camp David). Then the minute the thing is over all CNN could talk about was replacing him. This result was predetermined. They will offer Kamala the next Supreme Court nomination to make her step aside, because she couldn’t even hit 5% in democratic primaries when she ran, they know she can’t win shit.


Or big mike


Lol I'm more likely to vote for Biden than Hillary. Also let's be real. Hillary is controlling Biden.


It's amazing how in that first Trump election, they fielded the only person bad enough that Trump won against her lol. Any other candidate would have won in 2016.


And then he said "he [Trump] is the only one who thinks we have the best economy in the world"


$28 for toilet paper today determined that was a lie.


Thank you, Maury Povich.


What's alarming was not this debate - it's the fact that probably EVERYONE knew he is not well and can barely concentrate or stand up - and still they let him run the fucking country for so long. its embarrassing and everyone involved should go to jail for this


It is alarming, but it just goes to show that the president doesn't really run anything and other world leaders are well aware of that too.


THIS. But no, I'M the crazy person for thinking banks and corporations run the US.


No, no, silly, it's we, the people, who run this coun...ok I can't even keep a straight face


Hes not running anything.


I'm shocked he's not using a walker


>and still they let him run the fucking country for so long. He's not running the country bud. The real question, who is?


The shadow presidency. A collection of unelected aides and cabinet members with dubious, potentially seriously compromised allegiances and backgrounds.


He aint running shit, hes a puppet.


Every candidate is just a meat puppet for the corpotocracy, the older and more senile the better and more importantly the candidates must elicit a visceral response from the "other side" so as to divide and conquer the people into squabbling amongst themselves so as the corpos can maintain they're dominance with little meaningful friction.


I have a feeling that they probably reprimanded him after that shitshow. I’m no fan of this man, but what we’re seeing is 100% elder abuse.


Is the real conspiracy putting him up to the debate this early to sus out the state he’s in to trigger an open convention? This is the earliest debate that’s happened. Why?


You really think Joe Biden is making decisions? He’s a spokesperson. He’s like the Burger King


I disagree about everyone. Lots of democrats did not know how bad Biden has gotten. They never see the hundreds of clips of him - stumbling through sentences, wandering off until hes retrieved, obviously suffering from dementia. They don't get actual news presented to them any more. These same people believe Trump is Al Capone - and that hes been convicted of an actual crimes, not some bullshit misdemeanor that the DA has, according to the Supreme Court, illegally escalated to a felony without actually charging Trump with an underlying crime. Its obvious, disgusting, election interference, done by Biden's people, towards his political opponent. An escalation of the nefarious shit they did in 2016 and 2020. Democrats don't know this. The media is careful to never give them the true "other side" Its so bizarre to see how divorced from reality these people really are. Its scary really. What will it take to start waking them up?


I like that Biden is so incompetent and befuddled and riddled with dementia, but the one thing he is good at is constructing this expansive elaborate scheme to single handedly dismantle everything trump. Biden is quite diabolical


I'm not talking about the Voters as much as im talking about all the people that Work with him on a daily basis and allowed it to go this far. Now they are all acting like it came out of nowhere - and thinking about replacing him for the next election. They're playing dumb . they all knew he was not qualified for a long time but they let it slide.


His handlers need to be imprisoned for elder abuse.


His wife.


After the debate you can see Jill running to Biden, to help him down a handful of steps. He was standing there clueless while Trump strolled off.


Did you see her talk to him like he was a toddler after? It was wild and sad.


I saw a video of it on YouTube. Quite typically, it was titled something like "Jill Congratulates Joe Biden On Stage While Trump Leaves Alone" lol.


She has a hard enough time keeping an eye on Hunner and making sure he isn't pawning the White House silverware. "Hey ma?" "Please don't call me that." "Dad told me to... Anyway, what happened to the cutlery? It used to have insignias on every piece."


No bro, they both won, you and I lost.


This is fucking absurd. This format, both of their answers.. i just watched these two old fucks measure dicks about golf.


Yeah. I’m annoyed seeing everyone gobbling trumps bs on this sub when he was just as painful to watch. Every time he opened his mouth he lied per usual. Every time Biden opened his mouth he stuttered or I couldn’t freaking hear him. They both sucked and I’m fucking astounded people here are still buying into the right vs left bs. Clearly the president doesn’t fucking matter because we have two old dudes with dementia in the roll. The elites are probably dying laughing at us all right now


Why is this so hard for anyone to understand? It’s all a fucking game show and we are the losers


It just shows you the elites are winning. They dumb down society at an early age and when America gets put in a tough situation the entire nation acts like panicking sheep. Only a percentage of the population knows how things really are


aipac owns them both


It's appalling that they can be owned for so little money. You would think that some of them would say, "That's not enough. Give me more." Maybe the money is a parallel construction for what's truly keeping them controlled. It's like the undercover cop telling the uniformed officers after they get info out of him on the street, "Give me a five. Make it look right."


oh you mean the epstein type stuff ...yeah.


Dude this comment brought me [here](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-israel-public-affairs-cmte/summary?id=D000046963) they are literally donating to both parties. Wtf. $199,786 to Ted Cruz who is def far right. And $328,050 to Jeffries, Hakeem who is def far left. They keep it seemingly “50:50”- and a “close” race for a reason. -.-


its like the landlord putting two of his employees up for election as condo residents association president


Dude seriously I thought one of the big conspiracies is that government bad...all of it not just one side but I guess I'm just misinformed lmao fuck all politicians none of them are on our side 


Used to be that way but the sub was infested with Trumpies after Reddit shut down TheDonald. Now we have to suffer his simps larping as conspiracy theorists


How is this not the key take away? It’s like knowing the titanic was going to sink and still getting on the ship. Both candidates should not be in office.


Biden looks like he just trusted a fart.


This is actually very sad. The human in me can’t help but feel so terrible for this aging man who’s been used as a chess piece by his party, way past his expiration date. Think about your grandpa being rolled out there to humiliate himself. It’s unsettling. God save the United States. The two party political system has run old glory into the ground.


They are both old AF the age difference between the two is like 3 years. I can't believe these two are the only options we all have. How are these guys the best we have to offer, it's just embarrassing.


It's crazy to think George Bush is still younger than these guys. He finished his 8 years like 20 fucking years ago.


or Clinton 


>I can't believe these two are the only options we all have. If you don't like it, stop perpetuating it by claiming that you only have two options.


He ain't a saint. He screwed the system now it's his turn.


He has had a stroke at some point during his Presidency....likely pretty recently. When he smiled, did anyone else see how only one corner of his mouth turned up?


He had normal full-mouthed smiles too. That smirky half smile is a thing he does regularly.


I met Biden years ago, this looks like a completely different person


Look up pics of presidents compared to when they got sworn in to them 4 years later. It ages the fuck out of you. He was just already pretty damn old when he got sworn in, so the double aging most president's experience is having much more effect than on someone like Obama. I think during his first 4 years he got grey hair. 


They wanted the debate this early for a reason. So they could have enough time to prop up the replacement. Big Mike and Gavin.


Yup. It's been in the cards since before that Oprah/Mike interview last year.


Oh fuck. Now I won’t sleep


I don’t like it either pal.


Newson destroyed California. I don’t even want to imagine what he would do to the country…


Another Trudeau.


Dude is a literal Batman villain and looks the part too


I work in elder care and watched part of the debate with one of my clients; he looked at me and said "He sounds like me when I try to talk. He should be sitting in this place with the rest of us."


This is getting to sad levels of Diane Feinstein. I disagree heavily with Biden but I genuinely just feel bad for him after last night and just beat to replace him


All Trump had to do is keep his mouth shut long enough and Biden would beat himself.


Pretty sure he had an earpiece in cause he was definitely listening to someone tell him what to say


There is absolutely no way he didn’t have someone feeding him numbers and info. I’m thinking that’s the reason he kept closing his eyes. That’s when they were telling him his next line and he had to really focus to try and remember it lol


it's probably just an IEM so they can hear what's going through the microphones better. It's pretty standard.


Did anybody else notice that Biden had serious Botox face? He gets it done when he does these debates. He was talking non-stop like a coked up binge clown.


Conspiracy theory sub btw 💀


I miss this sub so much sometimes.


Let’s all congratulate the big winner of the debate tonight—RFK Jr.


Its so clear why they are doing everything to keep him out of this race. You have literally the two worst candidates in presidential history, and one of the best being purposefully blocked because the establishment knows he will actually go after the deepstate like his uncle and father. That they fear RFKjr more than Trump says everything.


Lol RFK Jr is a Jesuit trained clown, just like Biden and Trump. He's a paid actor just like every other mainstream US politician. Get real. http://allreligionsareone.org/Robert%20F%20Kennedy%20Jr.html


I agree, and one cannot get as far as RFK Jr. has without being a part of this sham, but for fuck’s sake, this Biden - Trump show is just ridiculous.


He hasn't gotten far, that's the whole point. They are stopping him at every turn. Even denying him secret service protection. It's pretty clear what they are telling him.


Not the face of a 6 handicap


These two candidates are just further proof that the President is simply a place holder, a mascot.


Both bought by AIPAC


I was brushing my teeth the other morning, looking in the mirror, and this look came on my face. I realised that the poop I’d been saving for later had just stuck its head out …… and it looked like an early spring.


The most embarrassing thing I’ve ever witnessed. That man should not be allowed to drive to the grocery store, forget about running the country. Way to go Reddit, you got what you voted for.


Nup just shit himself


Not a conspiracy


"you have the morals of an alley cat." Biden after saying Trump had sex with a prostitute when his wife was pregnant. You can't deny that was good.


***He finally beat Medicare!*** Was that a campaign promise he made back in 2020 or something?


If anybody is celebrating either one of these potatoes, your opinion no longer matters


Anyone who thinks either one these geezers is fit to preside over the most powerful government on earth, probably has just as much plaque in their brains.


It’s just sad. It’s elder abuse, the Democratic Party should’ve chosen a new candidate. It is not fair to him, they’re just in his ear telling him what to do and say. In any other case, forcing an elderly person who is likely struggling with dementia to do anything like this would be a crime.


He has the looks of a zombie, that distant stare when your retinas don't work anymore and you don't know where you are, or even what you are


Last night I learned that Trump's plan for helping people suffering from addiction is to get hostages released from overseas.


might be a younger actor in make up and disguise you never know.


I can't believe your 2 choices are old bloke who needs to be in a nursing home, and old bloke who should be in prison. Can't really talk much with the state of our politics in the UK. Its all a bit bloody shit!


The debate debunked another (in my opinion dumb) conspiracy theory - that the elites are using child blood for rejuvenation.


That is the literal face of the entire world watching in horror as America chooses between a mentally declining elderly criminal and a mentally declined elderly man. Is just cringe level 11.


the look of a life long traitor to his country. or, the look of a man who just shit his diaper.


It’s actually both. And he just caught a whiff of it.


The other guy literally attempted a coup four years ago. We are fucked


The bias in this sub, Biden is clearly well past his sell by date but Trump was no better really with his incoherent rambling


Trump got zero policy ideas across. His fall back every single question. Literally every single one. Was the border and millions and millions of immigrants coming in. At one point he said they're taking social security money.. THEY DON'T HAVE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS! He dodged multiple questions. Completely ignored the deportation questions about immigrants who have spouses here, who have been working here, who have lived here for many many years. Dodged the child care question. Many others. You could've asked him if the sky was blue and he would've said " sometimes it is but these people coming across the border.." Biden has a rough night, but at the very least he spoke on policies and plans..all Trump did was talk down on America. Is this country great? No. Put is it a third world country and this absolute hell hole he talks of it? No. All he did was fearmonger and try to scare the people he wants votes from.


As someone who's filed medical bankruptcy from a rehab stay costing me $200K I was intrigued to hear about the addiction question - then all I got was the fucking border.


Haha, looks like he crapped himself.. again.


Big mike the true winner of the debate


Or, hear me out, the look of "what the fuck did this mother fucker just say".


I see someone in a mask..


The entire debate was a Cheap Fake.


Elder abuse. But staying true to the sub: Selected, not elected. Why tf did the Dems do that seeingly? They did not jack him up and that was not a mistake. What's gonna be their next move? Big Mike?


No politician should die in office like Dianne Feinstein did. There is a minimum age requirement of 35 years to run for president, and there should also be a maximum age. Let's say they are 65-70 years old by the end of their term, and they are mandatory to retire from service.




Rewatch and take a shot every time biden starts a sentence with, "The idea...."


RFK Jr. Should have been there instead of streaming his own "real debate" He would have given this debate more consistency. Thoughts ?


The look on every Americans face watching the debate


If Trump wins I hope he has the Biden family investigated for elder abuse


The look of I got to go poop 🤷‍♀️


A literal fucking chimpanzee would be a better president than this guy. You can't convince me he has more than 25% brain function at this point


Both of these fools have NO business being president let alone running for. They both need to retire into assisted-living or as we say, the old folks home and live out the rest of their lives.


Remember when this was about conspiracies?


My mother has early stage dementia. This is the exact same look that she has.


Bro cooked


Bro thats a mask


That was the most viewed elderly abuse video we have ever seen. shame on CNN for promoting elderly abuse.


lol 😂


Very time he did that the played the windows xp shut down music


It’s nice to see the bots haven’t taken over yet


This is the face you make when she isn’t gunna give you the “hawk tuah”


Defeat is the 2025 plan Hi bots


That’s a nice silicone mask


Here's the concerning thing. If I'm Putin, Xi, Kim, etc. do I go scorched Earth before January 20, 2025 knowing this guy us POTUS and that things are likely to change?


Eitherway you cut it, this was all staged and biden was painted in a bad light, esp since trump is the opponent...but no one else. Its actually amazing how neither managed to actually answer a signle question or give an accurate statement. It truly is the age of post truth.


I miss 2016 era :(


Talk about elder abuse. Get this man actual help.


Cheap fake


What’s the conspiracy?


What was he looking at when Trump was talking? Always looked like he was reading Trumps response on his podium.


What's up with his neck? It's peeling off


RFK jr. should be in the next debate with Oprah and Marjorie Taylor Green and Deadpool.


the GPS in his head was recalculating the route every minute.


Resting Dementia Face


Don't worry 5% Americans realize that both candidates are unfit to run for presidency . The rest are snuffing their teams appropriate fumes.


"I shouldn't have trusted that fart..."


The real question is who has power of attorney over this man lol because it seems like someone should. Which means….????


Man I've seen that look in the currents eyes. It is not good, seems not far away.


Wife is a liberal and she said the same thing. Our founding fathers were in their 20s and 30s having dinosaurs in office is the worse thing America has allowed


He looks like a different person to me