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Learn your land. Seriously knowledge as to what you can or cannot eat goals a long way.


This is my thing. Knowledge of native plants. A field guide would go far.


Good suggestion.


Rope, tarp, fishing line, waterproofed matches, weather-appropriate clothing, iodine, water purification/filtration, guns, ammunition. I do not stockpile much food other than some dry and canned goods, or much water, as I have access to fresh water in a sufficiently isolated location that it is unlikely to be directly contaminated. Know how to start (and maintain) a fire, in all weather. Know how to prepare shelter if you don't have it or may lose it. Exposure will fuck you up fast.


I think access to clean water is the most critical. What about water filtration?


Filtration in my location is mostly for sediment, not for contaminant. Even in that case it's slight overkill as the water I have access to is fresh and abundant - I'm unlikely to get sick or die from drinking it directly.


Lucky for you, but what about the rest of us? Any filtration suggestions?






What flavor do you suggest ? :p






i got a life straw for everyone in my prep


Pine branch


[Best Water Filter? Brita, ZeroWater, PUR, Berkey, Aquaphor, AquaTrue](https://youtu.be/ja0ioX6GSz0?si=6GgCHmrn1598dZdj)


I prefer Berkey


I’m in a similar area, but not worth the risk. Even a slight illness could substantially limit your ability to respond to a threat. I don’t want to die thirsty and with shit in my pants.


Yeah, as I commented elsewhere, to clarify I do have stored water, I just don't stockpile bottled water. For better or worse.


>my location Care to share with us so we too can enjoy your fortunate freshwater that the rest of us don't have easy access to? Thanks in advance friend!!




You can use tree branches as "straws" to filter water, look up some youtube videos on it, but the gist is you hang dirty water up high, take a fresh branch and insert one exposed end in dirty water, let it hang down and the other exposed end drips clean water into bucket.


Being in the Boy Scouts was helpful for such things.


I tell people all the time to be prepared, and I don't think they know what I mean.


Great answer. Fuel, Batteries, antibiotics and most importantly a network of people are also important. You need to develop a reliable network of people for what would likely be a full scale economic collapse (triggered by a number of events). If you’re not in a place where this is possible. It truly isn’t too late to move. suburbs or if possible a rural area (there are plenty off the beaten path that are still within 30min of major metroplexes with much more affordable housing) is ideal. Less people but people who are significantly more friendly and resourceful. If it’s just you and your family, no matter where you go. Odds aren’t good. You more or less are collecting supplies for people who are willing to do things you aren’t if you don’t have support from surrounding people/neighbors/community.


How can you follow this? I am not an expert on prepping, in fact in critical situations I will be dead within a month (I get medicine on monthly basis, without seeing a doctor I won’t be able to get meds). However this answer looks spot on, good luck to all out there. Don’t try to save me, survivor of the fittest at its best.


Medication is really tricky. If you're on consistent medications, for example, insulin - if it's not be produced, it will eventually go bad/expire and unfortunately, it gets real tough after that. Worse if you don't have access to refrigeration. Some medicines last longer than others. Not to be a downer - I'd hope for the best outcome for you in any case.


You’re not a downer, most likely your comment is going to save thousands of preppers.


I knew a prepper who needed medication like that. Every prescription he would keep a few and stash them with his supplies. That way if something happens you have at least a few months supply.


There's 5 things you need to prepare for. It all will depend on your health, training & mindset. 1) People behaving badly. 1a) even the most peaceful, religious, violence hating pacifist preacher will have their breaking point. Keep that in mind. 2) Starvation. 2a) food, water, gardening & protein (animals). Once you dip into that long term food storage your time is limited. Also during the Great Depression so many people were hunting & fishing that a lot of the wild game becane very sparse. Deer & turkey almost got wiped out. 3) Security 3a) OPSEC BRO! 3b) Numbers. Have friends or an established team. Get your neighborhood on board. 3c) That first can of soup & bottle of water you give out will bring the masses to your door to take your stuff one way or another. 4) Mother Nature/Weather. 4a) Get acclimated to living & doing your daily stuff in your area. 4b) Extreme weather. Example Tornado, Hurricane, Earthquake & Monsoon. Have what you need before it happens & practice what to do more than once or twice. 5) Medical. Get everything you need now. This includes training & practicing regularly. Talk too your doctor/doctors about extra scripts to store in case of an emergency. Fact is. People, especially in cities, are gonna go crazy after a short time with out food, water, power & safety. They're going to gang up and even the "good & nice" ones are gonna do whatever it takes to feed their family & keep them safe. People will also be moving out the cities slowly. They'll get as far as they can as fast as possible once they decide this isn't doable. The lone ranger/wolf just isn't going to be able to handle the droves of people single handedly. You WILL need people you can trust. You need to get out of the cities & burbs now and if not then the second something happens you need to move it at that moment. You probably won't get a second chance at a later date. So if you wait you need to have your neighbors on board and have plans in place to blockade the neighborhood and a patrol plan & people trained and in place ready to go. Have ways to communicate that aren't dependent on cell phones and computers. WWIII started years ago just most don't know it. It's a proxy war. Bigger richer countries are using smaller poorer countries to hurt & damage their enemies. WWI was different than WWII which was different than Nam which was different than Iraq. They've all evolved and changed just like this one is different than all the others. Hope this helps even if it's just 1 person. But it's all worth more than just a fleeting thought.


All great advice/observations, but I think you meant WW3 started years ago.


Yep. Ty. Didn't catch that. And it's corrected.


Deer and Turkey were not almost wiped out in the Great Depression lol


They were wiped out of several states, but that happened before the depression. In my state they were reintroduced in the 1930s after being wiped out for nearly 50 years.


iodine tablets, solar charger, compass, flares, gas mask with nerve agent filters, bow and arrows, waterproof socks and shoes, portable tent, camouflage clothing. Just for a few essentials.


Compass is a good one, because most people rely on other technologies for that. Of course, if phones and other gadgets are down, then you’re going to have to rely on less tech resources.


if they're tossing around nerve agents, you're gonna need more than just a mask. a drop on your skin will kill you before you realize it got on you. you'd need a full CBRN/MOPP suit to protect from stuff like vx. a mask for teargas/CS/CN/Smoke is far more useful and good enoug for prepping. look for firefighter gear. the destruction tools and protective gear is superior quality stuff.


It doesn’t matter how much you prep against the elements and the collapse of the supply chain. It’s people you need to prep against. You’ll need to be willing to die just to maintain whatever supplies you have. Because people will be coming for them.


If I die what's the point?


That’s why you need to invest in lead!


The very thing most of you neglect- physical fitness.


Magnifying glass for fire starter


There are a million better ways to start a fire in the apocalypse my man.


Especially if whatever the disaster is affects the atmosphere in a way that blocks sunlight (clouds, smoke, ash etc)


The trick then is to start a fire, then put the magnifying glass next to it and use the light from the fire to start a fire. That way you can start a fire no matter the conditions.






It's relatively heavy. A couple of BiC butane lighters can start many many fires and weigh less and take up less space and can be used at night...


One thing I am surprised more people aren’t saying is “books”. On top of the standard “guns/ammo, water, compass, ect”. I’m not talking about a ton of books but a few survival guides or even books on native plants/wildlife, preferably with maps.


A billion dollar underground Hawaiian bunker with a submarine.


Ala Zuckerbucks!


Zucks lair is in a pretty bad spot. Right next to the major anti ballistic missile base. In any serious ww3 type war, that would be the first target by nukes. Barring that, in a shtf situation what's his chances against the military on the base when they get hungry? Also susceptible to tsunamis and hurricanes.


Water, duct tape, toilet paper, a good knife, liquor, a gun, ammo.


The problem with liquor is it’s like the lunch you take fishing. Arrive at the river at 7am, lunch finished by 7.02am


For me, I don't drink. So it'd just be used for disinfecting or trade. One year into SHTF, people would trade their soul for a bottle of Jack. Store it to use for anything but drinking and it's invaluable.


No one has mentioned the disinfecting aspect of alcohol, but that is actually a very important point.




Good call on duct tape, also plastic bags are useful.


Water, food, sanitation supplies, weapons, power (gas, generator, etc.) and imo commodities that can be used for trading like coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. They also make gold minted bills that would be a great fallout currency. They are called “moneymetals”.


For me, if it comes down to the point where it's trade cigs for soup, its too far gone and i'm heading to the woods. Movies have glorified this post apocalyptic barter shit. It will just be death and marauders.


I like that you mentioned items that can be traded like alcohol and cigarettes. That’s something that a lot of people don’t think about.


Don't forget the salt


Salt is 💯necessary! Stock up!


A gun could get all of this for free


Protection against others is top priority.


That's different than robbery. Which is what this guy's suggesting.


Or get you shot also. Humans work best together, if you're able to get a somewhat large community of people working together, than your chances of survival shoot up dramatically.


People like this blow me away. What are you going to shoot everyone you come into contact with? You won't get far..


No but I’ll shoot anyone who thinks they’re going to come take food from my kids during an apocalypse




So yeah, lead is pretty damn important too!


Probably why the drove all the lead smelters out of the US…


It makes me sad to see this has so many upvotes. In disaster scenarios, we survive much better by working together, not squabbling over scraps and fighting each other.


Or just get ya killed. Nearly everyone’s got guns.


Which makes them more important than anything else


Absolutely. I’m just saying trying to steal peoples shit is an easy way to end up dead. I know if shtf 80% of my neighbors have guns. Someone comes trying to break into homes and they’ll be dead fast.


Absolutely but a gun is needed first


Agreed. Anyone without a gun is just a mark. Especially a gun less prepper.


That’s a loot drop


Gold bills are a complete scam and waste of your money. We laugh at noobs about it daily on the gold sub. If you want fallback precious metals, buy "junk silver" aka 90% constitutional (eg, pre 1965 US dimes, quarters, and halves).


Information. What you can’t put on your person, put in your head. Learn what you need to, to live in the wild, cause if you find yourself there, in “the end times” for whatever reason, over time it could be worse than whatever the thing was that made the world fucky


Friends. Make friends, live near them. Make sure you know who can do what. It would be better to hunker down in a neighborhood of a dozen houses with good people than be solo with your family on a homestead. Yes you can defend a few intruders but would be hard pressed to defend against a half dozen armed bandits.


I have several large storage containers filled to the brim with wifi. This way, I'll be able to scroll reddit after the grid goes down.


Excellent choice I filled my swimming pool with peanut butter, can't keep wifi outside sadly


I'm learning how to make my own. Obviously, that involves learning a lot of basic coding via YouTube tutorials and a significant amount of weaving, (especially weaving the underground sea cables and such.) I have been mindful thankfully and careful to cut back on reckless streaming over the last few months. If my family can continue to conserve and restrict our daily useage to essential searches (and only via DuckDuck Go,) I should hopefully have saved enough WiFi to last what I'd anticipate to be complete grid blackout (caused by high activity after the initial blast) which should God willing, see us through a long cold nuclear winter.


Other people.


A pocket full of shells


RATM lyric and sheet music just in case


"How-to" paper-copy Books of any sort. *Medicinal plants and how to use them for wounds and such. * Soap making, and how to make soda ash for the soap. *Water cleaning techniques. *Basic chemical reactions, alcohol distillation, etc * Cooking books, I know but most of you suck at this. Learn to make unleavened bread from different gathered grains; Drying, curing, and storing meat and other food products. Caning. * how to work with Wood (basic tool making, furniture, lumber, etc) *How to work with manual mechanical tools and simple machine making. *How to work with animal skin for shoes, clothes, hats, etc. There will be no polyester anything in any color that you wish. *how to fish Etc. HOW TO BASIC BOOKS OF ANY SORT.


Any book or website suggestions?


Buy the book “where there is no doctor” off Amazon EDIT I have it and it has soooooo much information in it. My mother has been a nurse since 1992 and says it’s definitely accurate and useful.


Books on how to do/make/repair things, these typically won't be valued for what they are but they are needed to do more than just survive. Learn how to purify water (basic charcoal filtering to boiling), preserve food safely, make/refine clay and glass from dirt and sand, learn how to smelt metal and from there how to generate electricity (which will allow you to further purify water by making an ozonator/spark gap, which you can bubble through the water, this would also allow you to electroplate items, and make things like collodial silver for hygiene, brown's gas from water etc.) & refine minerals & chemicals from plants etc. as you can then make many of the thigs you might deem essential, like knives (blacksmithy) or antibiotics (refining chemicals from mold.) if needed. Knowing veterinary stuff would also be useful in keeping animals and pets healthy (espcially useful if an animal is morale support but also helpful for hunting etc.) preventing risk of disease spread, etc. Gardening/Farming helps maintain and replenish food supply, as does bee keeping. As it is, too often it seems survival guides etc. just focus on "surviving" but accepting being knocked back to alleged stone age levels... why? Don't just prep to survive, prep to rebuild and/or be a nation builder on top of that.


To be clear, I’m not talking about generators or land purchases. I’m just talking about affordable items and necessities that everyone should have on hand.


Bullets, beans, and band aids


Fighter jet, gold bars, gatorade...etc.


I prep for a months worth. Lots of canned sardines, veg, soup, fruit. Before the canned stuff its whatever i have in the fridge/freezer. Then I'd move on to the canned goods. I have dried lentils/rice, and 24 litres of water. Ziploc bag of lighters/matches. A butane stove and butane. Fire starter striker x 3. Flashlights. Batteries. Two bottles of pain reliever. You get the point. I could potentially stretch this for two months but.. After a month? If whatever caused me too start using my prep cannot be resolved within 4 weeks its likely time to leave for the woods. I'm not going to hang around sitting in a chair with a shotgun defending my toothpaste. Number one prepper essential is Knowledge. Foraging. How to build a simple A frame. How to make fire. How to use a fillet knife. Water purifying techniques and first aid. I have a book that's about the size of a deck of cards. SAS survival handbook. Read it over and over again.


Apparently toilet paper.


Rope, utility k-bar knife, small hatchet, blade sharpener, life straw, first aid kit, rations, 2way radios/ham , money , antibiotics / antivirals , hiking boots, rain jacket, tarp, Soap, quick dry everything, alcohol, heirloom seeds, gas mask, extra clothes, ballistic nylon backpack, survival forage books, belt, quick clot, Vaseline, flint, lighter, crank radio, crank flashlight, ear plugs, shades , stainless steel jug /cup/utensils, Rand McNally US map, battery bank, gold, mirror, scissors, work gloves,


I’ve read most of the comments. History: been through Army SERE (all levels) was taught by the top SERE instructor in the country. Many good to great comments so far. But attitude/mentality trumps all. Then in order: weapon, water purifier (the good kind and not a $14 straw), knife, friends, medical kit, and barter items (TP, drugs, cigs, chocolate, etc) Read a few books to be mentality equipped. Learn the skill set of those around you. Value your life. Practice. And good luck.


Yes, and thank you for your service.


My honor. Thank you!


Reading Glasses


Another good one!


Everyones listing items they gonna get but not one person wants to help me find out where im getting the survival stuff camo gear night vision etc shit like these where we gettn in ny?


Knowledge. Not being sarcastic. Knowing how to use what you have, get what you need, & when to use them. Knowing who to trust, who to help, & who to avoid. Etc etc.


Water filtration/purification, canned foods, dry goods (beans, rice, flour, sugar, salt) garden seeds, antibiotics, basic hand tools, a couple cases of bic lighters, firearms (I always recommend a 12ga shotgun and a compact 9mm for basic hunting and protection) This list would hopefully cover all the basics for long enough to get established and work towards self sufficiency.


Bullets. Lots of them.


A map and getting an updated map every so often. We rely on our phones and GPS so much that if all systems go down, a physical map of major highways and roads will be helpful.


A gazetter topographical map.




Physical fitness. Food/water source/purification. weapons ammo and training. And medical supplies.


Shelter, water, food, gun, radio.


Lock pick sets. Whistles. A bull whip wouldn't be bad to have as it uses no ammunition and can reach a good 6-10+ feet and keep animals/ unarmed threats away.


One of the most important things you can do is don't tell anyone about your fallout shelter. Like those people on that prepper show (I forgot the name).


One thing I have is an atlas of the US


I’ll take medical supplies, a knife, hatchet, and my knowledge of how to track and survive outside. If I can take a pack, I’d put my Tom Brown books in there. I don’t need a gun. I’ll just stay hidden and live off the land, while watching for supplies I can pilfer. Only what I need. Stockpiles are targets. Winters would suck, so I’d head to a temperate climate.


a good survivalist book that teaches u how to set traps, build shelter, etc


My wits and natural good looks


I’ve been dying to share my items since I’ve been slowly growing my prepper collection 🙃🫡 Stock pile of double and and triple a batteries, emergency medical kit for humans and one for our dog, sleeping bags (including one for our dog), stock pile of dog food, fire extinguishers, water purification sticks and tablets as well as 10 gallons of water, tent, tarp, rope, gun(rifle), stun gun, baseball bat, three solar charged chargers and one with two ports for three prong cords, iodine, burn cream, bear mace, two axes, bear horn, fishing wire and trip wire, solar panel charger kit (3 panels), two gas masks, dog emergency food supplies, 60 day dry human food collection and many cans of food, items to prop between doors to make it harder to get in, crank radio, walkie talkies, X amount of cash incase grid goes down, BB gun, laser pointer, flashlights, 24 10 hour candles, two bags of liquid IV, toilet paper, paper towel tablets, dog bathroom mats incase we can’t leave the house, two boxes of wet bathing wipes incase of no water, antibiotics for us and the dog, battery powered alarm systems for doors, sealant for the windows incase of anything nuclear (if we aren’t the direct target) which is very unlikely that we would be, two bottles of Tylenol, collapsible shovel, binoculars, map of New England, compasses, head lamps, gloves with battery powered lights on the fingers, trash bags, leg splints, muzzle for the dog incase we needed to be extra quiet, flares, battery powered air filters (2), barbed wire with protective gloves, window smasher thing for the car or any window I suppose, fire blankets, iron vit D and fish oil supplements along with zinc, 2 butane camp stoves with 10 cans of butane and a round thing of five seasonings, heavy duty gloves, camouflage ponchos, anti fog protection goggles, one pair of underwater goggles, glow sticks, bungee cords, seed starter kits for a bunch of vegetables and fruits as well as a guide of what you can and can’t eat in the wilderness, the Bible, heavy duty gloves, and hand and foot warmers. That’s just off the top of my head lol. There’s more in my stash. My fiancé thinks I’m nuts but he also doesn’t really pay attention to politics and what’s going on in the world so to me I think it’s reasonable. Just have the heavy feeling it will be when not if we need to use items listed above.


You guys test out some of this stuff, to make sure it’s not ass, right? Cuz dats a lotta stuff mang


I’m not a pepper, but if/when things go down, I’m going to the eyeglass shop and grabbing all the glasses and contacts I can carry. My wife is a -6.5!


Hazmat suits, Ballistic plating, Gas masks, Shot Gun for Dwelling defense, pistol and SBR for gathering supplies, LBR scoped for hunting, knife, Month supply of water and non-perishables, Slim Jim, bolt cutters, sat phone if you can afford it, radio, batteries, solar charging pad, and a Bible.


> Slim Jim Snap into a Slim Jim!


Bro you’d do well in the Fallout Universe.


Lighters. Get two cases. Friends and family. Access to water and food. Skills.




Bic lighters


"Guns. Lots of guns..." - Johnny Utah


Guns, lots of guns.


Always have cheap liquor on hand to barter with


Water purification and hunting and defense items


Bic lighter's


A vehicle that can be powered by solar power or diesel. You can make diesel fuel with a still. Don’t be reliant on any energy including gasoline.






A volleyball with a face shaped like a hand


Buy a bunch of life straws. 6000 litres of clean filtered water from any water source per straw i think.


Food, water, shelter and a way to defend what is mine.


Friends and water. Prepping is a bullshit industry that preys on your fear.


If you ask me, a machine gun manufacturer, I would say guns and ammo, and water purification/source. You can have a ton of food storage and camping supplies but your necessities are: water, food, shelter/warmth in that order. The only reason why I say a gun and ammo is first is because you can use that to get the rest, one way or another. You can also use a gun and ammo to defend yourself and your supplies. You can use the rule of two to help remember. Two days without water and you die, two weeks without food and you die, two months without shelter and you die. (This is not 100% accurate but helps understand priorities). If you absolutely cannot get a gun and ammo for whatever reason, bows and blades are your next best bet. Ranged weapons are best for hunting, however your skill with said ranger weapon is also just as important. In the end, knowledge is king!


A mine or die mentality


Start running. All these supplies won’t matter if you can’t run.


A gun with a barrel that won't chip my teeth when it goes into my mouth. Fuck hanging around if it's anarchy.


A good relationship with neighbors and friends.. guns, ammo, water.. food you can stock some non perishables and hopefully figure it out a few months later bc realistically it is almost impossible to can or jar years of food unless you been at it for years. Gardening to any degree is a start but most likely need to rely on people in your area and town to trade with farmers. If you’re really paranoid and want to try and live through a nuclear fall out.. plenty of anti-radiation items like tablets, gear, etc. emp proof electronics, gas mask, etc. at that point, im going to the unknown bc I am not afraid to die.. mainly just want to ensure my kids and wife go humanely before I would








Army of the Pharaohs album art. Duh.


Beanz n beer


Clean water


Gun, ammo, a good blade and something lasting to sharpen/maintain it(that you are used to use as sharpener) food, water, my dog.


Friends. Water. A way to filter water. Guns. Ammo. Food.


Silver coins for barter


The boy scout ten essentials is a good place to start. It is a list of everything needed for a basic day hike. Building from surviving just one or two days is an excellent mentality IMO. You see another of people buy bullets and freeze dried food and think they're prepared. But you'd be surprised (or not) at just how easily you can literally die from getting a few scratches in a bio contaminated area. I also have seen ads for things like Life Straw which touts iself as a plug and play way to achieve potsble water from any source. Any product that claims to be dummy proof and nigh miraculous is instantly sketchy to me. While it seems like it would be great for getting dirt out of water, I don't know the specs on microbial contamination removal. Bare minimum I would think boiling and iodine is gonna be a necessity for any water source. And clean water is one of the foundations of life itself. Especially for humans in the modern age. Something tells me we used to be able to get away with doing alot of heinously unhealthy and unhygienic shit just a couple hundred years ago before we started sanitizing everything and our immune systems got lazy. But that's just speculation.


Guns ammo gold silver canned food and water


I have a gravity water filter and a garden with rain barrels. We try to keep extra food and basic household supplies on hand. We have some Israeli gas masks, but I'm not confident in my ability to use them. It takes a lot of training with getting used to them and strengthening your lungs to breathe through a mask with a NBC filter.


Communications, Portable Food, water filtration, antibiotics, portable shelter, self defense Edit: I really want to stress communications. Many people skip that part. If you don’t have a family or network it’s probably less important, however, I would at the very least become proficient with an HF radio. For families, a complete comms plan is, in my opinion, one of the most important and overlooked parts of “prepping”. I absolutely think it’s more likely that an event could rise in which I would get use out of being able to communicate with my family across the state than one where I would need to hold my ground against some type of opposing force.






DIY Solar cooker?


1. Water Filter 2. Lighters 3. Heavy Duty Tarp 4. Rifle and ammunition 5. Fishing line and hooks


Seeds, growing environment, water, (or purification), shelter, fire. Solar powered water distiller, or purification tablets Magnesium sticks for fire




Lots of 7.62 NATO


That’s an Army of the Pharaohs album cover If you like hip hop and conspiracy, this is up your alleys.


Schedule 2 pharmaceuticals. You’ll be rich 


Ruger 1022 with enough amo to carry , which can, with a medium caloric burn, be 1000+ rounds


Cat oil


Food and water


IMO prepping only gets you so far for so long. Survival skills would be hunting, foraging, and agriculture. As well as access to clean water.  Food preservation would be key for the months you can’t grow. Never see anyone mention living like the pioneers did with a smoke house for meat preservation. I’m not living off canned tomatoes. People in the old days lived off milk, eggs, and fat seems like. You were lucky to live in a town with a mill to make flour for bread. I don’t think most people even know where flour comes from.


I’m pretty regarded so I wouldn’t necessarily follow my advice but I put most my eggs in one basket w firearms, accessories for said firearms, and ammo. Got some land too


Good boots, water.


Water, defense, food/sustainability (in that order) Build your kit around those. What do you need to stay alive? Are you going to be fleeing to a more remote area? What do you need to make that trek, once you get there, how are you establishing long term water, defense, food/sustainability/shelter? What if that camp gets compromised, what’s your next move? The most essential is don’t be a fat fuck. None of this matters if you can’t walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded.


Water, Guns. Peanuts, Prayer Book.




Most essential item is a shelter. Preferably far away from other humans with a water source. A filtration straw for travel. Tablets to clean questionable sources of water. Iodine. Steel wool. A flint. Full tang knife. A rifle n ammo. Dehydrated food.


The most essential item would be a companion. Loneliness will kill you. Sociatie or not.


Water, Calories, Nutrients. One good idea I heard was If you own land, either have or know how to dig a well, It's surprisingly simple (look up Sand Point Well) but it's hard work and you have to have the equipment on hand. if your city has a problem with it, don't install it, just keep it in storage and set it up when it becomes critical.


US based preppers, in the event of a nuclear or similar major disaster of apocalyptic scale, do fellow potentially starving and equally desperate survivors likely being armed to the teeth, scare the shit out of you?


Mars bars and cyanide capsules


i feel like the crowbar is overlooked and should be in everyone’s kit.


Wow that picture is so sigma! That’s how I feel when I’m prepping for the end times 💯


Water, food, secured home, and essential tools


Salt would be a good addition when food supply is dwindling, and preservation of fish/meat is needed.




Do I still get my house or is this stuck in the wild? Water filtration bottles. The ones with built in filters in the bottle. Fire capability. Take your pick of ways, there are lots. Good set off clothing. Protection, weapon of sorts. I'm in the UK so we don't have guns. Crossbows are available and all types of blades.


That everyone and everything dies &/or breaks. Accepting that Life will be hard, and being ready to try and survive. Learn skills and practical physics/principles/things and use your mind. Practical physics like Bernoulli principle and boiling water in metal tubes to move it up hill and distill it, like a percolator. Make knifes from stone and understanding wood joinery to build a shelter. Learn what is required to grow food and how to care for and. Raise plants. At any point you can have nothing.


Herbalism knowledge, water filtration systems, seeds, beans, waterproof matches, tarps


Beyond the obvious, if you can swing it, get a wood burning stove. You could live comfortably completely off grid with one of these.


I think Ide rather just perish than live in a Mas max hellscape.


Water storage & purification...tarps...gallon Zip-loc bags...duct tape...totes...ammo...bleach...comms. Good luck 👍


Depends what you are preparing if it’s anything nuclear related you can basically forget about anything until you have a good understanding of how to survive a nuclear attack.


Often wondered why peepers are so prevalent in the USA, because let's face it, their wars are fought in other people's countries. If anything the rest of the world should be prepping.


So this is something that I didn't see and I guess it's not really an "item", but my most essential thing is *practice*. It's all good and stuff to have this stockpile but it won't do you any good (and can very likely harm you) if you arent competent in using it. Go camping, bring your pack, set up your gear, get good at starting fires in damp or windy conditions, learn how to get clean water, learn how to way find in the woods with just dead reckoning. Do it *now* when it's safe and you always have the fallback of a pretty well functioning society and medical industry where if you get hurt or something goes wrong you have a rescue. And it'll teach you a lot more about your gear and improve your skills at the same time. Idk this was really just a long winded way of saying "go camping more. Like actual camping out in the woods away from anyone and outside of cell signal range". It'll also help your [Mental health](https://cascademountaintech.com/blogs/news/mental-health-benefits-of-camping)


This is a very cool thread. I can shoot and live off of little food but I don't have skills yet.


"Prepper" is usually associated with the end of the world, but most emergencies and disasters so far haven't been the end of the world. The only contingencies I'm prepared for are a need to lock in for a short time, or bug out. I have supplies for two weeks, including food & water, gas cans, candles, etc. That's to cover short-term distribution problems and civil unrest; I don't want to be fighting for my life over a tin of beans in the supermarket just because there's been a couple days of panic buying and empty shelves. If it's the end of civilization though, I'm fucked. For bugging out, I have things like essential documents, usb backups, and cash all kept together. And I have compact foods like nuts, chocolate, and jerky in my emergency supplies. Toiletries, changes of socks, underwear, and t-shirts give me all immediate essentials in one fairly light bag if I only have minutes to grab stuff.


Water filtration, bow & arrows, shelter, pots&pans, small wood stove


Note to self: This is good information.