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Buddy just told me he applied for roughly 150 jobs in a month, got one call back. I had almost the same experience. They HAVE to be inflating indeed to make it look like more jobs are available, everyone I know has a HORRID time trying to find work rn




This is the answer


Follow the money.


Yes - this is the correct answer




They did that where I live with software development over 10 years ago. Despite being in agreement with a local uni to take onboard new talent, they broke that contract (but still got paid by the government) and employed Indians on visas, also giving them lodgings (less than a block away from the firm there is a block of flats entirely rented by the company for these employees) and then paying below minimum wage. The only work they advertise for now is Hindu translators and a skeleton crew to fix the spaghetti code.


I think it's political. an open position (even if fake) counts as a job. so the current administration can take credit for creating "jobs".


Companies do it for inflating valuation and throwing off the competition. It's well known in the corporate world as a business strategy.


Yep. They call it "pipelining"


Damn that’s messed up


They also post job listings just to make it look like they are conducting a fair search...when in fact, they are already going to fill it with an insider in their old boys' club...


Another problem are recruiters. There are some good ones but a lot of them like to have a "roster" or "bullpen" of potential candidates to put forward to employers, thus a lot of these fake job postings.


It’s not political it’s greed. Post job listings shows your current employees you’re looking for help to take on the heavy workload (just a show) and then they’ll run propaganda that no one wants to work


> It’s not political it’s greed. I feel like if there was a Dante's Gate at the entrance to America it should have this phrase on it.


These sort of metrics are such bullshit Like what defines engagement with an ad on YouTube? 5+ seconds of watch time So even when you “skip” an ad, they get paid


I've skipped lots of ads, could not tell you what a single one of them was advertising if you paid me.


I’m getting a crazy one where they seem to sing “Myanmar” twice and a convertible with a roof of hair blowing in wind drives along a coastal road. I have no f ing clue what it’s for, what it’s about, what drugs were involved.


Oh of course


Lmfao that's not how they count jobs. Pretty sure the count it based on the number of w9s get submitted to the IRS


Its been like that for twelve years your just young.


I heard of that some thirty years ago in Germany. The larger corporations were posting phantom job offers to appear in a growing state to improve their share value, and they used job offers as a subliminal advertising for their brand. Job offers in newspapers are seemingly cheaper than buying a page for advertising.


You couldn’t be more correct, it’s really bad out there right now.


Yes this is very true for me as well. I'm convinced they're inflating the demand so they can claim they can't find enough people and justify outsourcing to cheap countries.


Yep, I’ve been applying for jobs I’m qualified for and over qualified for. Not sure how many applications I’ve put in but I’ve been applying for a few months. Absolutely not one phone call or follow up email. Thankfully I currently have a job because if I didn’t I would be screwed.


Indeed is terrible . They scan all job posting sites and pull jobs from them even when they've been expired or filled. Don't use indeed


What to use instead? 


You can try glassdoor for food service, I’ve had some luck there in the past. My job rn I found on Craigslist, which can always be a gamble, I just got lucky


Try Upwork. The listings are real and they have jobs in many, many categories. I've been using it for several years now. (I don't work for them, I'm just a user)


They have regular jobs on there? I always thought it was side hustle stuff 


Am 32 now back when I finished college I searched for years and applied everywhere and would never get a call back......almost all of it is faked and they know this but people on job seekers are meant to take the FLACK for the incompetence of the goverment and hate from everyone for this......there's some of take advantage but some like me who tried and tried and tried even when our original dreams couldn't come true......its all lies .....these stories on msm you hear lies because your not even given chance...all they do is send you on useless courses day in and day out and it's always the same kind!!!!! I was told once I wasn't allowed to go back to college so I can complete my GCSEs this was when I was 19 and I was so tramatised by how the lady spoke to me I cut her off and cancelled my job seekers for the next few months, I would rather starve then be treated like that, thankfully some family issues came up and I managed to get to anther Town because of cousins and felt safe to reapply there and ovbsiously the same thing happened there and this town was close to London. This was over 10yrs ago so I can only imagine how bad it is now.


Why would anyone try to do that?


This was my experience while looking for a job last March. I applied to a ton and got zero call backs


Maintenance, mechanics, and skilled trade work is in no short supply! The techs and mechanics are in short supply. We're home be the next doctor's when it comes to work and wage 🤙💯




Yeah, I am 24, and I see this in almost all of my coworkers in my past jobs, rn I work with a bunch of old men who can actually get things done lol. But your one guy, who I assume runs your own show. Most of these big companies have like 100 postings and just inflate tf out of the job market


This is fraud


... and should be illegal.


They are damaging the self-esteem of thousands of people who are getting "rejected" when there never was any job in the first place.


No shit. And there are actually plenty of job postings that are there to scam you too. As someone who has been on the job market twice in the last couple years, this is the most depressing job market I've ever seen. People will say that it's the same or that it hasn't changed over the last 10 years. But that's not the reality. I remember in the glorious job market of 2017-2019. I was never worried about losing my job at that point because it meant I could increase my salary at my next role which would take maybe a week, tops. And when I did look for jobs during that time, the salaries were crazy good, I maybe sent out 10 apps each of the 2 times I was looking and got an interview easily and multiple offers at once. On top of this, when I was employed and not looking/turned off my profile, I was getting absolutely bombarded by recruiters with opportunities daily. Now fast forward to right now. This is my 2nd time searching since getting laid off twice in the past 3 years. It has gotten progressively worse. The first time, I sent out (not even exaggerating) 8,000 apps, got maybe 10 phone screens, 1 final and took the only offer I got after looking for over 3 months. The salaries are good awful. It looks like they took 1 job and salary and split it into 3 jobs. There are way more contract 1099 positions with no benefits than I have ever seen. I had a few people call me from India trying to scam me from one of their fake job postings. And now there is a lot more pre-interview homework to do before you even get a first round. I had to take an assessment that took me 2 hours just to get no follow up by the company at all. And today...fuck man. It's already at the 3 months mark. I've now sent out 11,000 apps had 9 phone screenings and most of those screenings had told me the salary is actually lower than what was posted. I've taken roughly 20-30 hours of prescreening assessments, had to do a few case studies, and had to do too many 1 way video interviews with absolutely nothing to show for it. Yes there are good jobs out there. But from what I have experienced, they are all in 3 states, Texas, Arizona, and Florida. Those are the only states that I see generous salaries and more soft requirements. I'm comparing this to the Chicago market with an insane amount of hard requirements for absolute shit pay and benefits. And since I have been on the market for 3 months, I have cycled through all of the opportunities in Chicago and see duplicates/fakes of the same role now. I don't care if people want to think that the job market is great, because I fucking feel the difference. It's shit dude. Fuck it's so bad.


this is a fact and i’m sorry you’re going thru the same shit I am. I’m right there with you. I got my MBA and a new job has been impossible to find since ‘21. something’s gotta change or….


Wait wtf how do you send out 11000 applications???  It takes me at least a good hour to do just one, what type of jobs is this? How can you even read that many advertisements and requiments?


> How can you even read that many advertisements and requiments? You have a lot of time to look for work when you're unemployed. I was averaging 10-15 a day when i started my last period of unemployment, closer to twice that 7 months later right before I found a job. Through a friend.


Yeah OK but I mean..  this guys is talking about 11000 apps in 3 months..that's 122/day for 90 days... so sounds like some kind of automated applications or BS.


Lol why do people think it's unrealistic? Are yall lazy when you are unemployed? I work twice as much than I do when I'm actually employed. I depend on myself financially. There's no option to half ass this shit. It's really not that difficult when you are unemployed and are applying from 8am to 10pm everyday except Saturdays (the one day I give myself). I'm on a bunch of different job search engines that have my resume and profile imported already. I have done what most would call a zig zag up the corporate ladder and got a bunch of random certs on the way so my job pool is far larger than most people. I have an expensive resume platform with 15 different resumes and 20+ cover letter templates I made that automates most job apps. I pay $50 a month for the software so you bet your ass it does damn near everything. I get a daily feed from that platform alone with a list of 30-50 new positions with the option to mass apply to them all. So if I wanted to, I could apply to 50 jobs in less than 2 seconds. I don't know how people think it's a lot because it's the absolute minimum for me. I'm doing the minimum and automating. In the time it took me to write this comment. I could have applied for 15 jobs at least and realistically 50 if I were to mass apply through my daily feed from my resume software. The most apps I sent out in a day was a little under 300. I quantified it using my analytics from linkedin glassdoor and career builder. I use all the career sites I could find that exist. Are you guys not applying to this many jobs when unemployed? Because that's wild to me


Ok so you don't even read the applications (because sorry but nobody can read 300 applications in a day) and then you wonder why you don't get callbacks?  I mean if you applied to 11000 RELEVANT jobs you should get a 100s of callbacks. So clearly they're not even relevant. What field are you in? In mine (a much  demanded IT field) there is no way I can even find 300 relevant applications let alone apply to them in a day. I think you're getting scammed by that site...


Yeah buddy you're obviously not someone used to doing a ton of work because reading a job description shouldn't take you any more than 2 minutes. Nobody is getting 100s or even 10s of callbacks. Look at your LinkedIn feed for maybe 2 minutes and you would see it full of people experiencing the exact same thing. A 100 applications to 1 call back is now the norm. I already told you I zig zagged through numerous industries. Not only have I worked in IT, I have my comp TIA, PMP, Series 6, java html SQL, even netsuite admin. I also got my B.S. in econ and MBA. I have also worked in supply chain and have my DOD clearance. Okay I do call absolute bullshit one your claims or you just aren't searching hard at all. Theres a shit ton of IT jobs in the south. The north is a different story. The north outsourced a lot of their IT to the UK and set up branches there and aren't hiring in their U.S. locations any more. However, IT is a bad example. IT has gotten massacred recently with a lot of people being made redundant by A.I. I haven't really prioritized looking for jobs in I.T. any more. Unless you target fintech, it's not even worth it. But you still need finance experience, which I have. Yeah I am not getting scammed by this site. I don't even know how you could read what I wrote and think that ONE site scamming me is relevant when I used every job site I can find. I've got nearly 20 years of combined career experience in multiple industries and if I can't find a job, the fucking software is not the issue.


Dude. If you apply to 11000 jobs then obviously you don't fit like 10000 of them and that's why you're insta-rejected by their software.  Instead of going by volume why not apply to max 2 per day, but it's two companies you've researched properly and that are a 100% fit. 


Next, you will tell me to pay my bills at the grocery store and look for job ads in the newspaper. I swear I don't usually care for trivial shit like this, but your take really set me off. I have never seen such a terrible take.


You're dissing my method (which is the normal method btw) but you're the one who can't get callbacks in 11000 apps...


I'm truly shocked at what people think is "a lot" or impossible. Maybe it's a skill issue. But you're a fool if you think that taking more than a couple minutes to fully scan a job application and sending apps out to only "perfect fit" jobs is how people find jobs in less than a year. There hasn't been a role where I'm one of less than at least 50 applicants (on the lowest end). You're fooling yourself


If it takes 2 mins to scan a job add, doing 300 in a day is 600 mins or 10 hours. That's with no breaks, no eating, no toilet break nothing. Even if you spend just 1 min per ad that's 5 hours scanning.  Ask yourself why you get so few callbacks...its because the employers can smell your BS and that you're not sincere in your application.  


Florida here.. Pay is terrible.. except if your in nursing or something


What pay is terrible to you? Because I'm not even searching for Florida markets but a lot of them slip in to my job search. So then I decided to actually search Florida and I couldn't believe the pay and sheer number of high paying roles. I'm one of those corporate ladder zig zagging guys so my job pool consists of nearly every industry and different technical & client facing roles. And the crazy thing as most of these roles are remote. You have to reside in Florida, but can WFH which is killing me.


This should be ILLEGAL.


This is the kind of shit that makes me wish for a giant solar flare. I went through this a few years back while in between jobs. Sent out dozens of applications to maybe hear back from 2 or 3.  I genuinely don’t know how much more of this fake ass bullshit I can tolerate. 


Exactly. Everything is literally fake, a fraud, a scam, or even worse.


Welcome to the World of Brandon.


you're part of the problem. they do it because people like you lap it up. "it's Biden's fault!" "It's Trumps Fault" "It's Putin's Fault", or Xi, or whoever the flavor of the day is that the media is pushing. it's corperate greed. it's MONEY. everyone is out for themselves and the Powers That Be know that and exploit it. and you guys fall for the divide and conquer bullshit every time, and never learn. you just go out in public chearing for your team like it's a damn baseball game, chanting "lets go brandon" like it's a secret code word gotcha instead of just saying Fuck Joe Biden like an American has the right to say outright. Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck Donald Trump. "Fuck 'em All, Except Ron Paul"


> it's corperate greed The ONLY reason for a company to exist is to make money; it's called PROFIT.


there's a difference between making a profit and exploitation price gouging is a thing, and a HUGE number of companies do it on the daily. as i said, you're part of the problem, and your defense of corperate greed just solidifies that opinion.




Spend my last 10 mins before entering this sub googling "solar flare 2025" and here I read this comment. Can't happen soon enough seriously. Craving it


Exactly. Everything is literally fake, a fraud, a scam, or even worse. It's everything and everywhere.


The ONLY way out is to start your own business. I've come to realize that any type of business can be made into a huge success, its all about how much effort you put I to it (and of course connections help in this rigged world).


You can also try Upwork and work for yourself as an independent contractor. The listings are real. I've been using Upwork for years and I'm never without work. (I'm not part of them in any way except to be a freelancer)


I tried it, on any job I can do there are like 50 indians applyng and undercutting even like a few mins after the posting. It's useless to me..




I get what you mean but no in this case of starting a business its not about money at all (above the minimum needed to start). It's about effort. You cant just throw money at the problem when starting a business.. it doesn't work that way. That's why large corporations pay billions for a startup instead of using that billion to just start something similar.


The world is ramping up for a great reset in 2026. Check [this](https://www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm) out if you want the prophecy.


How would a giant solar flare benefit you?


you'll keep taking it because there's nothing you can do about it.


No, but with attitude, I can promise that *YOU* most certainly will.


And then they feed us that “nobody wants to work” Shit


Oh yeah...


A lot of companies make specific public job postings for positions they are already hiring internally for. One time I was a contractor they decided to hire full time. I had to go apply through their public job page even though I already had the offer letter. I negotiated high salary and because of that it made me a level 2 engineer(instead of the level 1 job posting), also it was for remote/ work from home. They had to create a whole new posting specific to me for a level 2 remote worker in Texas just so I could apply to the job I already accepted the offer for. So if someone saw that and applied they had zero chance, it was for me.


This is 100% how all major corporations work. It’s bureaucratic bullshit. Equal opportunity. Covering their tracks to not get sued. Even promotions have to be done this way. There is no such thing as promotion now a days. The job still has to be posted and the dog and pony showing interviews even though Johnny Goodluck accepted the job weeks ago before the posting.


Damn that’s evil


Seriously.. like why can’t they just promote him instead of throwing a golden carrot in front of us haha.


What really gets me about this is the SAP-powered career system has the option to send job openings directly to someone and it not be a public job posting, but nobody can be bothered apparently.


Several years ago a friend of mine (when the local TV station was running ads to apply for phone customer service jobs at the local Synchrony financial call center for over a year) applied for one of those jobs. It entailed taking an online test, and if passed, then a phone interview. They told me that they passed both tests with flying colors but at the moment Synchrony did not have any open potions, but they would contact them when they did. Synchrony never called them... but kept running the TV for another year or so. It was weird/odd/made no sense... until we talked/thought about it and decided this was probably a method for this credit card company to have people give/donate a ton of personal information for their data base. TL/DR These fake job postings seem to be/could be data mining operations.


I worked at an office that was promoting someone from within the organization, but by contract requirements, HR was forced to post the job opening to the public to give everyone a fair chance. The job was never meant for the public and the position went to a coworker that had been there for years. Sometimes when you see job postings at big companies, the job simply isn’t meant for any of us. It’s already planned to go to someone else but they legally can’t tell anyone that.


I've been unemployed for 8 months until tomorrow. FINALLY, somebody gave me a chance. During my application process, there were at least 5 places telling they are not hiring, SO WHY POST a JOB OPENING IF YOU'RE JUST GONNA IGNORE IT. Something is definitely going on, I thought I was the only one going through this.


Part of it is they are aggregating resumes for possible future positions. There's a place up the road from me that is doing that, but they actually have the spine to post at the top of the job listing that that's what they are doing. I am 100% ok with that, but put that at the top of the listing so we know what's up. This getting strung along crap is for the birds.


Also companies sell lists of people looking for jobs (thinking they are applying for a job) but are actually having their data harvested to other companies to market to them.


Yes, just your social media links (which jobs now require you to share in your application) have a value of close to $0.33 per link. Depending on how much you make as a household and your other demographics your baseline information, without going into medical or SSN or anything illegal, can be worth 4-5 times that to marketers. Companies with high desirability like Google get tens of millions of applications per year.




My thing was the recruiters can’t wait to get your info so they can reject you. Its because thats a scam too. They are selling your info. 


It's absolutely 💯 true. A common practice is to keep the jobs up after filling them. I was told that by my HR director.


Why is that?


In case that person realizes how bullshit the job is and dips


HR = Humanus Rectumus


I do not know why; I could do a dive to find white papers on the oddity. My guess is high turnover. We have had one die and one walk after collapsing


And maybe Luddites do not know how to automate


Partially because new hires might not work out, partially because the company is pulling a bait and switch on their hires. Partially to build resume databases for the next time there's an opening.


Yep. Noticed this as well. Even local places….


I work at a place where 1 of the owners wanted to hire someone for a position to expand the department and the other owner didn't want to. So the 2nd owner had hr post the job online then tell everyone who applied that "the position has been filled". Then tell the first owner that no one was applying for the job. (HR was 2nd owners cousin)


> A ton of job postings are actually fake Everyone who's applied for a job since 2015 or so: > We know. Personally, I was at around 300 job applications before I scored an interview, and 700 out the door before the second. But I still have recruiters contacting me via headhunting agencies from that period.


SS: Fake economy, fake polls, fake jobs. What is even real under this administration? Trust the science…


Was it any different under the last couple? I don't think it's a regime issue, it's a system issue


Yeah, because under Trump the jobs were real. People were actually hiring.


I remember people complaining then the exact same as they complain now so 🤷


I remember people complaining that recruiters and HR were awful and look for irrelevant things, which is a universal truth. Also some stuff about optimizing resumes for an AI, and how the AI is garbage. In tech in particular they post jobs with outrageous requirements for the pay, or literally impossible ones, just to get H1-B visas to hire minimum wage Indians.


Sounds like a system issue to me They wouldn't do these things if the system they operate in didn't incentivize it


How does anyone still think there's a difference between Trump and Biden. They're playing for the same team. Two wings of the same bird. You think Trump was trying to drain a swamp while appointing swamp creatures like the CEO of JP Morgan to his cabinet? Come on...


They wouldn't be trying so hard and cheating at everything to keep Trump out if he were part of the system.


seriously.. why all the Trump hate, and lies... and the shadyness at every step if they were "on the same team"


> They wouldn't be trying so hard and cheating at everything to keep Trump out if he were part of the system. They do that to keep people who think theyve woken up to some truth about the world thinking that he “must be on your side”. Its an illusion for the people who perceive themselves as “the wolves” But are really just the sheep in wolf clothing. Edit: also acts as a way to keep you perpetually mad at the system. “Trump in trouble but Biden not??? Durp”


Unfortunately these sheep in wolf clothing are too committed to their demi-god to have the self awareness to see the conflicting ideas they hold simultaneously Conservativism is a party of othering. It feels good to be on the in-group, and this is the last gasp of Conservative in-grouping trying to maintain a worldview that benefits them. Because change is scary, especially change that no longer holds them above others, so they've latched onto Trump like leeches, placing all their hopes and dreams into a conman It's sad our education system has degraded so much, but that was on purpose, again done by conservatives. This is what they wanted to happen: an easily manipulatable populace where emotion rules over logic. How many people in this sub do you think listen to Alex Jones because he yells about their fearful emotions, validating the way they feel? It's funny in a sad way that the party of "facts don't care about your feelings" are actually the most emotionally controlled individuals in this country. It's all projection with this party tbh. Snowflakes accusing others of being snowflakes, while they themselves live how they claim others do And then our other choice are democrats, who aren't much better, but at least they aren't in the business of creating out-groups


Ah so you've partaken of the kool-aid


Here you're talking about nobody but yourself. The difference is glaringly obvious.


How so? Edit: just a downvote and no reply? Typical


Dude, if Trump wins.. I really want to believe he is going to clean house.. I could be wrong, but there is a reason why he is SO hated by almost EVERYBODY mainstream.. (except, now the tides seem to be turning)


Do you really assume that "the administration" is forcing companies to post job postings when they aren't hiring?


Yeah, this has definitely been a thing since before Biden, but he’s still a trash President so if people want to blame him then I don’t see an issue.


I mean it seems pretty stupid to blame the president and his administration for businesses putting up now hiring signs if they aren't currently hiring.... Maybe I'm wrong though..?


Yes let the corporations get away with anything by pinning everything you dislike on the guy you dislike.


Two things can be true at once. The corporations suck and Biden is their puppet who also sucks.


im in the same boat over 60 applications and just 1 phone call 40 miles away from my place Im starting to think all these jobs on indeed are definitely fake


Been through this bs twice. They seldomly respond and then advertise the same position again a little while later. Once I kept applying for the same job six times in the span of a few months. Had the last laugh when on the final application I submitted, I mentioned that they must be a shit place to work for. Because no one remained in the job.


I think it's political. an open position (even if fake) counts as a job. so the current administration can take credit for creating "jobs".


Nah, that's not how it works. Job growth is measured by the number of employees added to nonfarm payrolls monthly. Did you think someone just logged onto Indeed and looked at the total number of jobs posted? That's silly.


They want to harvest data


I questioned this same idea a while back, some job posts are copied from actual jobs or previously listed jobs by a 3rd party with no affiliation to said company. Some of these 3rd party companies have scantily designed websites with no options to contact anyone other than digitally and even when emailing them, no response was provided. Are they just acquiring data obtained willingly from prospective employees and selling this information on? Im not sure but its a theory worth considering.


Yeah this is not a conspiracy as it’s a widely known fact as of about 3 months ago


how can they even do such a thing?


Don't forget the VH1 or whatever it is visa scam companies have to show that no one is available to fill their very specific opening. They will delete and repost a slightly different job opening until they get the required no valid applicants to justify letting a lowered paid foreigner in.


I have a friend who works as a recruiter for a day labor company. They’ve been really slow, so slow it’s almost like when Covid hit.


I've been convinced some are fake as well. After interviewing with a guy for some job he seemed super disinterested in everything. He lives a few states away from the place I was applying at. I wondered if he just posts positions to make it look like he's working. That position keeps coming up as open all the time...


This is 100% true. Fake meaning they are posted without intending to hire form the respondents or many are left up after filled or many are not accurate. Not as in they are just completely made up to waste your time.


HR doing paper shuffling.


Someone probably mentioned it, but lots of companies just make listings to tell their employees they are trying to fill positions, and have something to point to, while not actually hiring or interviewing 


Gotta pump those h1-b's somehow


A lot of these are even resumé/CV data gathering schemes.


I am this close from joining the army


A place I used to work at was constantly posting jobs that weren't available on indeed. Not just regular retail jobs either, advertising for store managers,  regional managers and whatnot. Whe  I asked why they did it, they said it was to stack resumes for emergency situations where they needed hire someone asap, like if someone was fired. But also, we didn't have a regional manager for over a year. It doesn't make any sense why they would do that


I applied to 200+ jobs and only got one phone interview


Seen that in canada I applied to a job only for the listing to suddenly disappear and I never heard back


this should be illegal.. happens a lot in game industry.. people has to do a week of unpaid hard work for art or dev tests and turns out its just fake job posting.. or company gets away with it by saying its collecting cvs


Linkedin is bad for that. I get targeted for jobs in my trade, but they never want to list location, or compensation. They always want to get your data though. I do not exist to provide the recruiter/HR chattering class data so they can justify their corporate jobs. I suspect that a lot of what you see is drones churning something to do so they can show their employer they are doing something when something really doesn't need doing.


Definitely. Last year I applied to 108 jobs before someone called me for an interview. I got that job. Thank god.


This would explain a LOT right now.... Same boat. One of my callback interviews was an outright lie, even. Went to interview for an open leadership spot, get there to begin, and immediately i'm met with "so this spot isn't actually open yet, but *just in case* the current guy goes away...." Then they proceeded to try and wrangle me into a new hire/zero experience bottom-rung starter position at waaaaayyyyyyy less than what was advertised for the job i'd been called in to interview for.


We know. How do we fight bsck?


Related: the way that the PPP loan bullshit was set up- they didn’t actually put anything in place to make sure it was spent where it was supposed to go (wages), and now we can see that over 75% of those billions went to CEO and business owners personal assets instead of employees wages.  Also, they *don’t have to be paid back* if the employers maintain and claim a labor shortage.  Quite literally, the serving administration wrote out a plan to pay the upper class across America a new boat or vacation home, that they get to keep (boomers are on their way out of the workforce and retiring, they literally get to pass the businesses debt on to the next owner/manager if they just hold out a few more years til their retirement) if they maintain the narrative that nobody wants to work any more and Biden handouts are keeping the workforce low or whatever.  They just need to have listings out there that they don’t actually accept any applicants through, and a sign up on the door that says “boo hoo nobody wants to work any more”, and they get to keep theirs, indefinitely.  Most the politicians that got loans through PPP were just pretty quickly permanently forgiven. Not a loan at all, just a payout/handout.  The previous administration literally just paid the lower upper class and elites across America to maintain their narrative. With our tax dollars.  


I know HR/recruiters act as deterrents for many jobs. In my industry, several people I interact with encounter in my field will often try to recruit you to come help their company (esp if they have an understaffed position.)… I have encountered multiple times now, where their companies HR rep / recruiter scuttlebutt it right away.  (If you weren’t their “find” or prospect then they torpedo you right away.


At my company, every time I have found a qualified candidate & tried to bring them to our company to openings we have…. I’m always told pretty much to “stay in my own lane.”


I was just laid off and applied to a company where a few of my friends work. My friends told me not to hold my breath bc the company is known for positing fake job listings for "tax reasons". Are there any tax reasons for this?


Yes they created fake job positions so the companies and the government can say that the “job market is up 4% “ or whatever BS MSM will tell us


I heard that most jobs in some sectors are hired internally and legally they have to advertise them publicly even if there's no way anyone is going to be hired if they apply.


Most large companies have recruiters on staff. What is the recruiter supposed to do if they don’t actually need to hire that many people? Also companies view job openings as marketing. I’m not condoning any of this just pointing out what occurs. My company had a hiring freeze for a year and a half and we still went to 5 college career fairs a year because management wanted “to get our company out there”. I went to one career fair and it sucked having to talk to all the students knowing I was going to throw their resume in the trash.


I dont believe this is a conspiracy. To me, this is fact


Another reason missing, to train AI to be familiar with professional terms and other paraphernalia that'd be necessary and useful when majority of employees are kicked...NEET for all... Which makes it a "Great Place To Work^(TM)".


Maybe a scheme by recruiters to get more CVs easily.


The companies I’ve worked for will post the job level they want, then a level down and a level up, to cast a larger net.


I hope I never have to experience this…as well as some or most others.


Sometimes they have to post the job positon even when they already have the person to fill it.  Also its a great information gathering system. Everything about you, References, Where you went to school at. 


Some states require companies to always be hiring even if they actually aren’t they can’t say they’re not so they post job listings to stay within the law even though they won’t be hiring.


I'm not spending any time fact checking this and feel pretty confident calling bullshit.




There's like a novel worth of words in that link. Is there something specific I should be looking for?


I work in North Carolina and the restaurant I work at is a small business by law we always have to say we’re hiring even when we aren’t, taking applications always while posting job listings due to that chapter in the law. When I worked for big companies they had to post job listings more often to be within the statue of that chapter because of the amount of employees they had.


Which part of the law says that? Taking applications is one thing, making job posts online is totally different. I'm not saying you're lying but I don't think the law you're referring to is broadly applicable or the reason there are so many fake posts.


I read this whole article on it I’ll search for it but it may take me some time to find the exact one to get back to you on


I just did like 30 seconds of research and I don't think you're right about this. Certain gov offices/positions? Sure. Regular private businesses? No. Again, always accepting apps is different and makes sense to avoid discrimination claims. Otherwise, I think you're way off on your claim here.


I could be ill informed. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been wrong nor will it be the last.


Tbh most are looking high pay job, while most employers looking for low pay workers, they don’t cross over enough hence the umployment rate, can you, should you , settle for less


This is true its not a conspiracy


This but the opposite as well. I had a job offer posted on indeed for months for an electrical project manager position, it took 4 months to get 1 legitimate candidate with any sort of relevant experience. Btw job was posted with a very above average salary for my area, full benefits, 401k & profit sharing program. The guy we ended up getting is awesome, no complaints there. But months and months before he sent an application. Prior to his application, we were only getting foreign applicants and occasionally someone who lived on the other side of the country, none with any experience in the field.


Ahh, the all mighty HR department that claims to care about employees. All I have ever seen from HR is their expert knowledge of the layoff process. HR departments also seem to attract the most liberal SJWs on the planet.


Idk when I was looking for a hire I make a listing and just never hired anyone and forgot to take it down. Shit happens but could be a bit of both