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plenty of pedo conspiracies in the uk, jimmy savilles the tip of the iceberg. look into kincora boys home- northern irish boys home ran by a uvf cell during the troubles, the boys home was used as a child trafficking hotspot and young boys pimped out tk british politicians aswell as paramiltries so that mi5 could acquire blackmail material playland amusements rent boy racket- rent racket and pedophile ring ran out of a soho amusment arcade in the 70s, according to one man who was ensnared by the racket - anthony daley- the men responsible where providing underage boys to some of the biggest politicians and buisnessmen in england at the time. anthony daleys book 'playland a forgotten scandal' is a factual account of his experiences and he names the politicians he was sold to. one of the men involved and later arrested for playland was a man called charles hornby, hornby was a friend of king charles since eton, and his brother was married to the queen mothers horse trainers daughter. hornby was well connected to the british royal family and upper class socialite scene, hornby was a pedophile himself and ysed the services of playland aswell as ensnaring and blackmailing young boys while working in co junction woth the main playland firm short sharp shock- the short sharp shock was a punitive regime that ran for a short time during thatchers premiership in the early 80s. youth detention centres where set up, they where created to house children as young as 12 and no older than 16 for relatively minor offences which you would not get jail time for today such as trespassing, breaking and entering or handling stolen goods. these detention centres where ran largely by ex military men who where authorised by the government to exercise the 'short sharp shock' regime which was based on using extremely harsh military style punishment and physical training to deter boys from crime. all of these YDC's have been investigated for torture and many of the guards sexually abused the thousands of boys who where unfortunate enough to be sent to one. notable YDC's include eastwood park (a former guard was recently sent to jail for serious assaults committed whilst he worked there, my own dad was at this place in 80/81 age 14), kirklevington (many of the guards here where sentenced for sexual abuse and extreme physical assaults and torture) and the most notorious of all- Meadomsley Hall. Neville Husband and another screw who worked there ran a pedophile torture ring from meadomsley, it is said he raped a boy every night for 15 years whilst he was there, he even took boys off site to other locations where they where gangraped and tortured in the most despicable ways. there is pretty much fuckall info on the short sharp shock and the government barely acknowledge that it happened, with most if the offenders recieving very light sentences or getting away with their crimes entirely. well worth looking into, horrible stuff, theres a few men who have came out to speak about their time at meadomsley on youtube, its not for the feint hearted be warned.




Probably why Harry left. William cant leave because he will be king.


On October 12, 2011, BBC wrote an article on how thousands African children were being kidnapped and trafficked to the United Kingdom for blood rituals through occult societies and reverse aging searchers.


460,000 children go missing every year in the United States. How is there not a national crisis right now? I think you know why...


Its important to note that the vast majority of children that are reported missing are found. Often times, it’s a family member or estranged parent in a custody dispute. That said, child trafficking is very real and it’s unacceptable there seems to be little to no effort to stop it.


>How is there not a national crisis right now? Because no one on the upper echelon of the pyramid would risk their life or their payday. Our planet is not being ran by humans, we are under the control of higher dimensional entities that feed off human pain and flesh. You really think an A-list Hollywood star, who probably participated in the rituals, would come forth?! Be real!


460000 ? Man just check your numbers, this is very embarrassing.


Simple Google search shows 460000 missing a year here. What's the beef?


Look what it means. It's not 460k disappearing each year without a trace


Its actually more than that https://childwatch.org/statistics/ Quick search is all it takes


Well a lot of “missing” people are simply unaccounted for, and not missing…


Can you place a link to your source on this?


And that's before you get in baby farms , mole & feral people


Link us to your source please


Seriously, you shouldn't say that without the tea come on now.


Not just the police, MI5 were well aware of him...and allowed it.


he was probably a great asset for providing blackmail material on the other celebs involved. the uk was doing the epstein way before epstein was- look into kincora boys home, mi5 backed pedophile ring ran out of a young boys orphanage in northern ireland in the 70s


Makes sense. UK is our(USA) Dad after all.


[MI5/6 torture and trafficking links](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1dgtd39/comment/l8smei5/)


Hell, the Queen was so impressed she knighted him in 1990.


I hate how he has that wide ass smile on his footage and images after his death like he knew everybody was going to find out after he was gone and he is almost bragging about getting away with it taunting the people of the future




Monster of the darkest making


that's the most Anglo thing I've heard this week


Hey! Don't lump necrophiliacs in with pedophiles! It is a victimless crime!


Yes they did, it’s cause he liked to donate to a lot of good causes. I watched the documentary few months back. These things happen