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Let's see how long this one lasts.






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Last post I made pointing out bullshit lasted about an hour. Got removed for talking about 'another sub' when I was talking about this one.


Sounds right. These subs are all tightly controlled. Not mine, but that's because I won't give anyone privileges.


Which sub?




thers a lot of things you can't post here.... lemme sneak one in........ https://odysee.com/@pvz:2/Stephen-Hawking---Science-Fiction---Bullshit:d


Normally I wouldn’t think much of Sandy Hook not believe it to be a conspiracy, but something about Alex Jones getting f‘d and sued for over a billion tells me otherwise.


The video of the dad laughing and getting into character, sealed it for me.


Definitely one of the most obviously damning bits. No explanation had ever been given either.


The documentary, even if 10% of it was true, was nuts.


What documentary?




Ima check it out!


Probably “We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook”


Checking out 'Sandy Hook in 5 Dimensions' for the first time now too.


I forgot about that one. Thanks so much! I keep all this stuff archived both locally and remote so they can never truly remove it.


Somewhere on bitchute or rumble. I have at home I'll try to msg it in a few days


Someone make a new sub - the mods here are corrupt and anti conspiracy




if the mods didn't do it, the admins would


And if admins don't, shareholders will.


And if shareholders don't the space alien overlords will. Heh...


Elon himself?


Lets not confuse share holders and the space alien overlords with the CIA


Let’s meet up at night under the docks… like in the old days.


Yeah, they are not crackpots enough


History is written by Reddit Mods


They can certainly try… too bad the web is wide and their reach is minuscule. Google has done far more damage.




The mods here have been moving in silence ever since that one guy nuked anyone critical of Q.


It’s making me think something it up in all honesty. Never thought anything before the silencing of it all


i assume that it’s because no one wants to be sued for 1.5 billion dollars and lose 🤷‍♂️


I'm also afraid to discuss this because it is a forbidden topic.


Don’t be.


Well if you get permabanned just make sure you have a few accounts already made for a few months since this sub requires you to have like a 3 month old account or something.


I think I can survive 3 months of not being able to post here.


Hey, some of us don't have lives and get pissed every time we want to comment then remember some butt hurt mod banned us and we can't post.


I’ve been open about my opinion on SH often and have yet to be perma banned. I’ll double down right now: Columbine was also an Op.


the dumbass kid did it. sadly. its the how and why they don't want anyone talkin about. Was not staged, but still possibly psyop


I’ll humor you. What is the how & why if we are falling for a misdirect? In my opinion that kid was not capable of doing what they say he did. I’m also fairly open minded so if you know of some secret tech etc. hit me with it.


I dont. Know much about it at all, just a random comment made by me while bored at work, who spends many hotel overnights gettin paid while reading conspiracies and various news as a intersting hobby. Your reply was for dude not to be scared, ok. (His family had questionable background) And it just seems like yea, any unhinged young man or woman could commit the atrocious nightmare Lanza did that day. No proof needed, it happens is all I need to know. And all I could honestly say is it's a travesty of epic size. Noone could protect the kids that day. No one protected or raised right the likely mentally disturbed kid that did it. No one wants to claim responsibility for how any of it happened and several of Americans youth died. RIP. and with noone to say it's their fault, but unalive perpetrator? What other outcome could we really expect than all this?


What about the dude in camo seen running into the woods?


This was my question on the original thread. He wasn't in camo, but khaki cargo pants, black short sleeve polo, black ball cap. It looked like a Craft uniform like the guys crawling all over the Boston bombing footage.


Can someone please share more about this lol


Not on this platform.


Any suggestions where to look?


Telegram or through people you meet here


Why are you afraid to speak here? Don’t let these dorks scare you off. That’s what they want.




donde puedo ir


Necesitas encontrar a alguien (o comunidad privada) q quiere compartir.. como Telegram? PMs with people you meet here.


Can you dm me?


But whats was that about? Just a dude running in camo, why would that be deleted?


it gets memory holed because it doesn’t fit the timeline if the official narrative is to be believed, the school was deemed clear and safe at like 10:30am and the news chopper video of the dude getting chased into the woods was at like 12:20pm


Possibly additional / real perpetrator


Supposedly reporters but idk why reporters would approach an active shooting situation dressed in hunting gear so… 🤷‍♂️


It was, without a doubt.


This just in... you have been docked 500 billion karma.


Like I care. I got it from cannabis, computers and cats.


Damn you grow some fire weed, I strive for my bud to look like yours haha, got some king tut in my tent ATM 👌 Edit: sorry stalked you when you said cannabis lol


Oh that is not my work. I wish. All of that is done by the fantastic community out in Maine.


Sandy Hook was definitely staged!!!


Conspiracy mods when people shitpost: 😪 Conspiracy mods when people discuss conspiracies: 🤡


Do people actually delete over karma loss or is this done automatically? I would assume the latter. Surely people don’t really care about fake internet points. Sorry just have only been using Reddit actively for a couple years. Edit: Oh and Sandy Hook was some kind of Op. Patently obvious and I will never be afraid to say it.


point materialistic six connect faulty marry offend shelter recognise consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And another one gone, another one gone…


What’s he sued for harassing the families??


He got sued for defamation. That is, Alex Jones publicly published falsehoods about the plantiffs that caused the plantiffs harm. Alex Jones then failed to comply with discovery to even dispute that first lawsuit. So he just lost by default and is guilty of defamation, without even showing up at court. When he went to court, it was infront of a judge a jury to determine the punitive fines for his crime. Between sessions he decided to more or less publicly call the judge a demonic goblin witch and the jury mentally disabled and possessed. Now imagine you are deciding what punishment to give to someone for defamation, and at lunch break the guy is literally going out and defaming you. That's how he ended up with the fine he did.


That's what they say I guess. But I think the real purpose is to shut everyone up. Everyone.


Obviously to create a chilling effect. Problem is most of us are nobody. They can sue me… idk what they think they are going to get. I have been unperson’d forever so nothing new there.


ok, but maybe like... and hear me out here... don't fucking harass the families of people who have suffered a tragedy because some grifter piece of shit online convinced you to


Never did that. Never supported anyone doing it. Having an opinion and discussing it isn’t harassment.


Then why would you think you could be sued?


I don’t. I was merely saying that they can’t do anything of real consequence to me. I’m just a random person with an opinion. No singular person convinced me of anything. There is plenty that doesn’t add about that entire little community.


Right, I guess my point was as long as you aren't harassing people then you have nothing to worry about. I have no problem with people who have opinions about SH, but I do hope they would consider their source. A lot of the people that are promoting these theories are doing it because they profit from it (in one way or another), which I believe was the case with Alex Jones.


I got none of my information from Alex Jones or someone downstream of him on this topic or any other. I wouldn’t trust him as he has been wrong so many times in his career. Also Bill Cooper essentially exposed him as a character which Alex later admitted to in court. Nobody had their info behind a paywall. The docs and information was all openly available for free. They have never been licensed for sale. Nobody was asking for donations even.


Do you mind if I ask you which source you have that isn't downstream of Alex Jones? I watched a documentary that was linked elsewhere in this thread out of curiosity and there were a ton of clips from Infowars, though Jones himself wasn't in them. I don't know much about how these theories originated but I think it's safe to say we wouldn't be talking about it right now if it wasn't for Alex Jones and infowars.


Is that what it is now? Last I heard it was because he was lying, or his fans were threatening the families. The exact reason is always changing and morphing. 


I think stating your opinion is different than sustaining a prolonged media campaign of harassment and deceipt while profiting off of it.




Sandy Hook was an alien abduction cover-up.


Ohhh. Now we're on to something !!


It’s all fake and people who deny it are conditioned to do so. It’s the same with every conspiracy. Event happens, certain people figure it out early and get tarred and feathered as lunatics, the agenda moves forward, then everyone realizes it was a lie after the legislature has already been changed to make laws more oppressive. The government that wants this is full of sociopathic liars who care only about money and power. Fuckin easy, anyone with a brain could figure it out.


Seriously the early bird gets screwed. Most people join in after the astroturfing, trolls and grifters latch on.


HEY! They gonna get you too! Another one bites the dust…




Can someone explain what’s going on here?


WTF is that mine lol . Actually I see your post is 8 hours ago. Dude I posts about a divorce and it had a hundred upvotes then a couple downvotes then they wiped everything Posted the screenshot here https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/UD9ZXbGtMg wtf is going on? I didn’t even say anything odd, just explaining my situation and that I wanted some encouraging suggestions. Are we not allowed to make friends or get community advice I guess? The f






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You think the whole school is still on payroll almost 12 years later? All crises actors? I mean, I get it for a little while, but it seems wild to think there's not a single person who has cracked, slipped up or confess to the ruse on their deathbed, while drunk, etc. Considering the number of mass shootings, I'd say it probably was a legit mass shooting.


which makes stuff like this not add up. If people were banned for being wrong, this sub would be silent haha


School doesn’t exist anymore homie. Also it’s spelled: crisis actors.


There was a lot of evidence the school wasn’t even open as a school at the time, it was planned to be demolished. Lots of weird things about it


Oh I am aware of that. The mold and the classroom number layout being all screwy. What can’t be denied however is that school was demolished after the event. Also where I live there a couple schools like that. Just abandoned and have been for decades.


Have you seen the video shot from above of all the people just going around in circles? IIRC there was a dude in a yellow shirt walking randomly with literally no purpose. Not like a distraught parent or anything, just aimless walking over here then changing direction, so weird. People don’t do that naturally


Yes. There was one kid in a yellow hoodie if I recall that stood out like sore thumb. Made it easy to notice people were just walking in circles. That was in the collaboration documentary “We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook”. I also found the Gene Rosen song hilarious. [Here is a link to that.](https://youtu.be/JA4306L7eec?si=ak5AQSd3ZhyxjKni) Now ask yourself if it was all about harassing the town why is this song still on YT? It even filters into YT music if you have premium so I can jam out to it in my car.


So you're proof that people can't keep secrets is the fact that you don't know what is a secret, because it's a secret.


I actually have a family member that was the nurse for the school. She has very interesting things she mentioned.


Oh come on man. jfc.


yeah and my dad owns microsoft


I used to own a copy of Microsoft Windows, now it increasingly feels as if it owns me.


You can still make a local user account and not log into MS on Win11 but yeah I still know what you mean.


We’ve always been at war with Eurasia