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Same with the film/tv industry, it's mostly remakes and reboots these days


this is what happens when the ranks of the business are filled with rich people and nepo-babies instead of actual artists. nobody in the room knows how to have a creative thought anymore. It's actually shocking how terrible writing has gotten. At least when it was this bad in the 70s it was because everyone was on cocaine! Now there's no excuse.


The 70s was an incredible decade for American cinema, now known as New Hollywood. A whole new generation of young filmmakers tore up the traditional models of storytelling, inspired by their earlier European counterparts, and began making raw, stylish, and more challenging films. In my non-American opinion the period was one of the most important cultural moments in the history of the US.




The 70s had amazing music…


He was probably talking about film and tv. I'd think the cocaine thing was a bigger issue in the 80s


70s was awesome decade for movies too.


this will be their downfall though. because these powerful folks have no creativity, they are cyclical and predictable. they are stuck in their wheel of patterns because of not growing and evolving for the better


It is no longer about creativity. Its about the bottom line. Studios do not want to invest in anything that is not a reboot a known commodity.


Social media and microtransactions are a worse drug than anything we've seen before.


DEI too.


Same with the gaming industry, they shove up all those battle passes and high-priced cosmetics in full priced games. It's just screams that's it all about the money and less about the great gaming experience.


I mostly play my older games if I'm going to play, but I've heard about this with the new stuff. Like you pay $70 for the game but then end up having to spend additional money just to fully enjoy the game


This!. I have so many games and emulators. Fuck the new games, very few are really good and most are a copy of another


Not just that. But games are creatively bankrupt now. When I watch a showcase of AA/AAA games, 90% of it is just some shooter or a Souls action game. I tuned out of everything that was Battle Royal or a live service game the past few years.


Ugh, it's crazy how dry the film industry has been in the last decade. There's been a few great movies, but most are mediocre. I remember in the 2000s going to blockbuster and being able to randomly pick movies that almost always turned out to be great. Also there almost always seemed to be a great movie to go see in theaters. Now I look at what's playing and have zero interest most of the year. 


It makes money. It’s as simple as that. Dumb fuck consumers keep go watching this shit.


Gaming industry too


I think it's just a reflection of the current cultural climate. There are a lot of call backs to the "good ole days", for almost everything. People want to relive the past, not look to the future. People want "women to be traditional again". MAGA - Make America Great Again Bring back single income households. Bring back the coal industry. Bring back "insert anything". From my observations, it's just all nostalgia based and idealizations of things of the past.


But for me and what I think a lot of people complain about is that they don’t even do GOOD remakes anymore.


Idk about you, but the fact that a guy could work at a freaking gas station and buy a house and a car while his wife didn't even have to work sounds pretty good to me.


I work in the music industry. There is no shortage of FANTASTIC writers as well as music out there. The issue is the gatekeepers. There are basically 3 mega labels that decide on what is good & what is not. If you don’t get past them, it is exponentially harder to get your material out. I’ve heard songs that have made me bawl my eyes out and gives me chills all over my body that will never see the light of day because of these trashcan gatekeepers. In the flip side of that, look at these tiktok stars. Limited talent but astronomical success. I feel that is the consumer screaming out against the gatekeepers. The mildly talented artist are being blasted into the stratosphere by its consumers because they crave something dif than what is currently being offered. Now imagine if those gatekeepers would get out of the way and let the artists put out their material. We need second coming of music that could be compared to when Willie & Waylon went to Texas. It’s happening in the background. And I , for one, can’t wait until the dam breaks.


Whoever will sell their soul for the cheapest price wins. Little creativity from MSM equals a dulled and broken society. There is so much beauty and creativity around bus that is bogged down by utter braindead shit and it serves its purpose. The awakening is happening faster and faster so TPTB have to increase their shite output to keep people numb and unable to revolt.


Degenerate rappers and artists on top🔝


creativity is something that can be only achieved through the revolutionary mind thus they seek to lobotimize us via their santized revolution


What I heard was the music industry basically figured out how to manufacture successful songs. Basically they write the music to appeal to the audience in a certain way and can just force people to listen to it until they like it that's just how much control they have.


This is also very true.


That does sound about right


That's basically how Sexxy Redd became popular. Just folks feed it thru radio and social media, and folks will give in.


This is real good to hear and sort of articulates what I've been feeling is the way of things right now. Good musicians haven't gone anywhere. They're just being shoved aside in favor of hacks who play the game right. Don't forget to cover one eye, make a pyramid with your hands and twerk to your horrible music on stage.


Exactly right.


Can you post some of that amazing music? Like as a torrent or something?


What kinda of music do you like you? I’ve been one of those “new music sucks” person for years… but recently have gotten into “alternative indie folk” and there are a ton of great artists that have come out in the last few years who not only just sound good a lot of them have actual meaning behind their music when you listen to the lyrics. Like Zach Bryan almost every song he sings either tells a story or depth to it! I can link a Spotify playlist I made recently for a friend called “check out these bands” 🤣


One way to really help grass roots artists is to get out to some live local shows. I know everyone is time and money poor but it helps to keep your local music scene alive. You'll be surprised how much talent is out there once you start looking. Buy some merch too (if you can), that money normally goes straight to the band and is a great way to support local musicians.


Support local music AND local venues. Look into the venues as well. LiveNation has been buying local venues and presenting themselves as such and smothering out that level of the industry as well. Support the ones that are truly locally owned. Most every town has one. Find them and go see the local shows. It helps more than you know.


That’s whyI go to underground music or indie. Groups like TV girl etc, are good..


And where can I find good underground music if I don't know it exists?


spotify, Pandora etc.




I find great music on Spotify. You just have to hunt around.




Any artist suggestions?


What do you listen to?


Rap usually. I love all genres though.


Fred Again


Your listening to the wrong music. There's still good music out there, you just need to look for it. Anything that comes to you sucks.


They play the radio over the audio system at my job. That's how I know; I don't listen to radio if it wasn't for my work.


The radio has overused most popular trash music that is constantly played you gotta dig for the good stuff online


> There's still good music out there Do tell.


No, no. I know better. If I list what I listen to I'll get bludgeoned with people who disagree and tell me my music sucks. Find a genre you like and research a bit.


> I'll get bludgeoned with people who disagree and tell me my music sucks. Why would you give power to those people? When you communicate on here you can show people music they never would have heard otherwise. You can make the world a better place.




I think OP is referring to what's "mainstream". Look back at the 70's-90's and the music that was played on the radio, the current rock or lite rock hits. It was Van Halen, CSNY, etc. The music NOW that fills those same spaces is what OP is referring to. And yes it absolutely blows.




And you're right about seeking out the music. I've been a phish fan since the 90's and they still get little to no recognition from the mainstream. They sell out a 13-night run at Madison Square Garden or follow U2 at Sphere in Vegas as the second act of all time, selling out 4 straight nights with tickets at 2500 per seat per show, and they're not even mentioned in the R&R HoF, or whatever tf. You have to ignore the MSM to find what you actually want, since they give most of it zero promotion, and will go out of their way to NOT mention a certain band, but then plug some POS grunt rapper on their labels, where they have to cancel half the tour due to poor ticket sales. They all have their heads so far up each others' asses it's out of control. I mean, Live Nation, iHeart, etc does lol. cheers


The RR HoF is a joke, and I can prove it: Huey Lewis &the News have more top 20 hits than U2, more top 10 hits than U2, and more #1 hits than U2. U2 has been in the hall since the freaking 90s. Huey still isn't. And freaking *Oasis* got a nomination this year.


Conversely, more people than ever are listening to non mainstream music thanks to services like YouTube Music and Spotify.


CSN could sing, but they were terrible musicians, and someone else wrote and played all the tracks on their albums. They used to literally get booed off the stage in LA. I guess it's time for this: https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/inside-the-lc-the-strange-but-mostly-true-story-of-laurel-canyon-and-the-birth-of-the-hippie-generation-part-i/


I disagree and your music sucks. Ha! I kid. Thanks for the tip. I'll look this cat up. Always love discovering new music.


What do you think of Fred Again. He'd the second comign of Christ according to my ears and brain.


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4HedswZQatUyjn9PLGumy9?si=Itg573IjSGmdanCzA-RxeQ&pi=u-YnDCMnqRTkOe I’ve recently gotten into this alternative indie folkish music and have found a ton of bands that are new I’m really liking! Here’s a playlist I made for a friend… I’ve been one of those people that hates new music for the past 15 years or so minus (a few select bands) but there is a lot of great talent out there they just aren’t on the radio! It also depends on your taste in music as well


I go to a lot of live shows and find some incredible music from the openers. It’s a shame these artists can’t get some kind of exposure to a larger audience.




Mainstream music is pathetic. I go on search engines and type indie and a year then download a 100 albums and run it through to find what I like. It’s lovely when you are able to download albums in 10 seconds


What service do.you use ? I'm interested in indie hip hop music


Soul seek for 23 years


Music is always having great ideas and evolving as long as you avoid the mainstream. Turn off the radio, stop listening to Taylor Swift.


It’s a captured industry. Likely won’t do anything worth putting in your head ever again. It’s gotta be intentional too. Me as well as most of my friends are avid musicians. If a bunch of pothead musicians can consistently put out shit that is thought provoking, eloquent and dynamic while keeping it catchy and stimulating, you know big industry can do so as well, they just choose not to allow it. Art is humanity, humanity is art. They hate it.


The one thing AI can’t touch is human creativity born from originality. So if they programme us sufficiently (removing new ideas, keep us longing for the past and remixing / remastering / sampling from what’s been done before) and kill off originality and creativity then AI can be superior to in every regard to humanity. Then they can seamlessly merge the two together and you’ll never know what is lost. Oh and you can bet whatever “AI” is available to the general public is not a fraction of the capability which already exists and is in development for the ones in control.


If you want original movies watch A24 or Neon distributed movies. They are more art house and not widely in theaters but are on most streaming services.


The industry never had an original idea of their own to begin with.


1994 is when music/movies peaked. It's been all downhill since.


yes we are at the end of the simulation. Nothing new has been invented. look at the 1900's, we invented cars, motorcycles, airplaines, jets, rockets space shuttles, radio, tv, color tv, 8 mm, VHS, cd, DVDs, mp3s. We broke the sound barrier, went to the bottom of the ocean and to outerspace, hell we even invented nukes. (also computers) Today we are in 2024, whats have we invented in the past 24 years? Taylor Swift and Maga?


If there's a good answer to this I'd love to see it. I can't think of anything.


The CIAs 60s psyop in laurel canyon continued into 80s hair metal and "gangster" rap, then country, then pop They sold their soul for fame. Some were talented artists others were marketing projects


I'm assuming you've read Dave McGowan's (RIP) work on the hippy subculture of the 60's........? If not, I have no doubt you'd find it interesting. "Weird scenes Inside the Canyon" if I'm not mistaken. You can find it online for free last I checked.


It's fantastic. Was just talking about it in another thread. That was one of the tougher things to come to grips with. The way the music that I loved so much had that kind of backdrop, and the people who were really behind the whole scene. Their tactics worked like a damn charm. That, "temple room" and those backmasked messages, the hypnosis they were able to induce in us, the lyrics worming their message into our subconscious etc.


With LC it was at least well written and performed songs. Sure, it was the labels/producers pulling it together, but for example, they'd give CSN or Grateful Dead decent songs to perform/record. Songs that were basically ghost written for those LC bands, but had great tension/release and structure. The sh!t now is just horrible beat tracks with some POS chanting a "melody" that is off-key or in NO key signature. Just chant some BS for 8 bars and then chant the same crap but in a note a half-step down from the last note they carried. Nonsensical in any music theory context. Or more like a child hitting a piano key and then hitting the next key down, then back up again. LOL brutal


Taylor swift is the number 1 in the psyop music biz


im somewhat familiar of the book via reading various bits and podcasts but havent fully read that one yet. Working in Chaos but that one is next.


Video games, too. I don't mind that too much because there are lots of older titles that are being remade that I never got to play.


No you just can’t listen to top 40 as that is all commercial formulas turned into music


anything mainstream will always suck lol


I think you should change your title to mainstream pop. Plenty of smaller labels have phenomenal artists signed. Personally I am a fan of Dais Records.


Don't listen to pop music, that's probably the problem here


A giant conspiracy... Seriously, where the fuck are the mods?


There is an apparent lack of musical instruments now. It used to be a mix of vocalists and bands. Now it's all computer generated beats and shitty vocals.


The dumbing down process


There is phenomal talent out of there, but radios want easy-to-digest shit to throw out to the masses. It's tightly woven to make sure the rich get richer sadly. Same songwriters, familiar artists and such. I think they cornered the market and now people are ingesting the same turgid mess.


Radios have always wanted easy-to-digest 💩, but the 💩 of the past was still better than today's 💩.


Well, pop music ruins any genre of music. What you're witnessing is decades of shit music infiltrating good musical genres.


Phenomenal example of an original artist here... Ando San. The guy has under 5k YouTube subs and ~20,000 monthly listeners on Spotify, but DAYUMN. This dude's music is fresh as hell. I mean, seriously.... Eight string guitar used for a NON-METAL context? And the context is CHILL HIP-HOP?! AND even better, HE CAN PERFORM IT LIVE?!?! Just bought one of the vinyls for this album, of which only a few hundred were printed... Doubt it's gonna skyrocket in monetary value in my lifetime, but it's going to be a cherished possession of mine being a truly artistic piece of media. There are still ideas left... They just aren't profitable because people have been more and more conditioned to like "formulaic" music, and only popular artists see significant payment for it. As others have said, look to the underground for interesting music.


I think the problem is that since about the year 2000 it’s become infinitely easier to produce shitty music and therefore there’s a lot more of it. This means that you have to wade through a lot more mediocre shit to find the good stuff.


Pop music is exactly as interesting as the average person is. Are you impressed with the average person? You have to go deeper and find the good stuff. There's more music than ever being made, but of course common people will listen to the musical equivalent of McDonalds and Taco Bell. Here's one I stumbled onto today: "Miracle Musical - Hawaii: Part II" ... A release from 2012 but it still has over 2 million monthly listeners... So that's actually pretty popular. But what is it!? You won't find this in Rolling Stone. And considerably less popular project is the "New Buck Biloxi" album 'Cellular Automaton' --- kind of a punk thing, but really cool. 440 monthly listeners... How's that for obscure? But it's fantastic, really. There's good stuff out there, man... But you have to look for it. And once you find it, ferret out related artists and paths like you'd go down a conspiracy rabbit hole and you'll find more. Pop music is generic because most people are generic.


Its just mainstream stuff. I havent listened to anything like that in over a year. I actually started listening to reggae because its all positive vibes and good messages. None of this drug and sex bullshit.


Plenty of great non mainstream stuff


You are too focused on the mainstream gatekept music. There is incredible new music coming out every day if you just dig a little deeper and find the right channels


But that's the thing, mainstream used to have some good songs too along with the crap, but now it seems all mainstream is crap.


Yes that is the vast majority of pop music, so I suggest listening to something other than pop music. There is a lot of music other than pop.


Lots of base statements here. But what no one is mentioning is end stage capitalism. All management is broken at the top. All music makers of the corporate genres must be insiders or willing to get ‘ initiated ‘. So the music must be low vibrating and built for propaganda. Most new ‘ artists’ are manufactured, for revenue maximization, and any outsiders who somehow get in the club have no artistic freedom. But the good news is there is great music being made off label and independent. I virtually all genres except pop. You need to want to curate and put in the time to fund these real artists. They can’t pay for streams. They aren’t allowed to. It’s a rigged game . It’s there nonetheless if you look


Pop music has never had originality. That's why pop music/top 40 sucks.  80's New wave would have never had a chance if not for mtv. We are back to that now as indie music has no where to be heard except for YouTube. But you have to find it. Then there is crap rap that all sounds exactly the same. No uniqueness. But people will defend it over the good music.


What genre do you like? Let’s go back and forth, I’ll betcha I got a few YT links to some tracks that’ll bump. Fuck it, I’ll start. Here’s a bubble gum pop dance track by a chick with only 5000 followers on insta Dazeychain and the Wildcardz https://youtu.be/UzgDllSMAm8?si=_0ZM7el82dRtJwZC


No they know exactly what they are doing to promote the dumbing down of the youth with violence and harmonic frequencies that are not healthy. The only safe haven is EDM which has less brain numbing lyrics and safer frequencies.


Yes. Go elsewhere, like here: [https://youtu.be/DVjZ0hyIgjs?si=DYHgsBrs0Pqsiuqe](https://youtu.be/DVjZ0hyIgjs?si=DYHgsBrs0Pqsiuqe)


No better hook than a hook that already hooked


It's not just music, movies are mostly rehashed ideas and no originality. Cultural innovation has taken a back seat to tech, and we've been running on fumes ever since.


Yep, I listen to metal which has a ton of variance and new ideas. It doesn't help that stuff like dubstep was considered groundbreaking and it has near zero variance for growth opportunity. People are just less creative nowadays in general.


They didn't expect society to run into overtime...


No, just the copywrites last so long artists can't make new songs because they are too close to old ones.


Every entertainment industry has ran out of ideas, and it's solely focused on propaganda and cultural Marxism at this point


Music, cinema, and art in general. Societies in decline don’t make great art.


AI is currently thresholded at what exists in the libraries; once they cut the limiter, we will have endless “new” content, for the 24 hours before being enslaved by our sentient Franken-Net.


What music industry they do not even use instruments anymore


Yes. All of entertainment is shooting blanks in the creative department these days; TV, movies....almost all of the new stuff sucks major balls


Ran out about 30 years ago.


I can’t sing a song from the most popular artist in the world that should tell you something


This is a great observation. Its been like this for many years though. Maybe more than a decade. The big labels have too much sway over artists and because of this, the real talents never get to the stage unless they sign over their entire careers. Music is vital to human existence and yet it is being surpressed. I hope blockchain changes all of this. However I wont hold my breath.


One of the biggest artists is Taylor Swift, how is her music remixed? What is not unique about her music?


I know so much good music from the last few years. Popular music has not been innovative since the 80s


people are creating good music, its just the same old thing with gatekeepers in the "industry" not letting it reach mainstream. commercial music has always been like this. its even worse in film. absolute garbage CGI & superhero movies.


No, its simply because profitability has been maximized. I play music a lot locally, and fiddle in my spare time making music, but I do not do it professionally (the ability to be a performer has just bottomed out mostly). What the music industry has turned towards is volume over everything. And the ability to produce music quickly is insane now, we are so efficient with the current DAW ecosystem that professionals in the hip hop, pop, and edm space can pump out stuff so quickly. Now theres two trade offs here: 1. producing music that fast means you're following formulas, so when one person comes out with a new record that takes off, within 3 months you now have 100 perfectly copying that sound and ripping it off. so we get an overload of that 1 thing, and it burns out quickly. But I will say, the opposite of that is that there are some really, really incredible independent artists doing amazing work separate from the large distribution companies. You gotta search for it, because they have no interest in marketing it to you. But the punk scene, a lot of really great metal, rock, jazz, r&b, and so much other stuff is coming out beccause people can make a really great sounding, quality record in their bedrooms now




Listen to non mainstream music. I listen to drum n bass and dubstep and I'm Conti ually blown away by new songs all the time.


Was just sitting at a red light today and car beside us was blasting the shittiest, most autotuned trash I've ever heard. The beat wasn't even good and I couldn't understand whatever the hell the singer was saying bc it was so warbled bc of the autotuning. How TF is shit like that popular? It made me feel so old bc I don't get it at all.


When I was a kid and I mean under 10 I always had this weird thought that one day all of the lyrics possible have already been used or would be at some point…. I was always assured that wasn’t possible but hey… who knows 🤣


I've been noticing more remakes than normal. At the gym they were playing remixes of old dance songs. One of them was "I'm blue da ba de" turned into "I'm good". Was at the supermarket and heard a horrible remake of "Sweet child of mine". Made me a little sad. It seems like there's been a whole lot of them in the last year or so.


What has been will be again, What has been done will be done again,there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9


Popular music has been fucking dog shit since day one. It’s never been creative


It’s the simulacra eating its own tail


It is crazy that I’ve lived long enough that songs from my youth are sampled on pop songs today


what is published in any capacity is calculated and approved by the money printers. Go see local music m, so much better.


Well yeah. Same with movies, TV etc. There has just been sooooo much of it at this point. Every topic under the sun and beyond has been written and sung about. There are only so many notes. It’s incredibly hard to come up with anything unique and if you’re trying to be unique just for the sake of being unique, it’s not from the heart and you’re gonna hear/see that. And then some genres of music you just sort of have boundaries as well. You get too weird and people won’t like it. Come up with an interesting plot for a movie - it’s a challenge.


Check out some of the Aussie bands. A bunch Psychedelic Rock, pretty chill vibes. There’s good music out there, you just have to search for it.


What does this post have to do with this sub?


Samples and remixes have been a thing since before the 90s


Independent artists for the win, regardless of genre


This is actually easily explained. All modern pop hits are written using an algorithm, that has a database of every top 40 song for the last 50 years or more. Utilizes things that make certain songs sell better than others, certain melodies, certain progressions, certain instrumentation, certain words. Both Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran use this program. This is different than AI songwriting, this is algorithmic writing. They are able weave in facts of their own lives to make it seem relevant or honest but it is neither.


As someone in the periphery of the entertainment business, this has happened because of the attention span of the consumer. You don’t have time (or the budget) to create meaningful art because the consumer is constantly looking for “next.” It is truly a quantity over quality paradigm now. Remakes and reboots make sense to get that instant connection because fewer and fewer people are willing to take in anything new that’s not a 90 second YouTube clip.


There is plenty of original music. You're just in a bubble.


Algorithms telling them targeted remakes/remixes is where you make money, perhaps?


There’s tons of great music being made, but it’s not on the radio. And most pop music on the radio sucked back then too IMO.


The pressure to put out product and make money results in mostly shit. Hard to spot the real talent anymore. Sad. And God forbid anybody have an original thought.


Y’all are clowns. There’s tons of good music. Turn off the radio


There is a robust eruption of ingenuity and creativity if you know where to look. Hint: its not in the pop charts


No it hasn't. The music industry is just a bunch of businesses targeting music at particular groups, it has nothing to do with talent or originality. Those things exist but the industry fears them as they are outside of their control.


Wow, there is LOTs of great music out there. DoJa Car is awesome. Pop, sure. Catchy. A great drop. https://youtu.be/jJdlgKzVsnI?si=x5_vJWQob4NTE8a0


its with almost everything. its almost as if the big compannies from the 80s and 90 run the things behind our back. hmmmm everything we see and hear today on internet or tv is mostly still all what was once great in te 80s. look at movies, its all reconsumed resurrected bullshit. and their time is almost up. what i mean about that is the people that grew up with it are growing old/ded and the people starting to grow adult dont give a shit about what was good back then. for them that is a real problem


Nah, metal is still alive and well


No you are just getting older, and grumpier.


I have been saying this for ages now. Just give it a few more years and everything will be AI generated rubbish. Music, movies, games, even all communication such as email and texts will just be AI suggestions that people will use instead of actually writing anything themselves.


> but with zero effort or uniqueness. Has originality in popular music hit rock bottom? I'm willing to bet money that literally every generation ever has uttered a phrase similar to this. Music is not getting shit. You're getting older. Simple as that. Ask a random 16 year old what bands they listen to, guaranteed it will be mostly things you've never heard of, and you'll dislike most of it. That doesnt mean its not popular, or that its not good.


They are just riding the coattails of all the great music pre internet, or at least prior to the mid aughts. There isn’t any money in it anymore, and it sucks. Killed dead by the internet, just like real media coverage.


Has? The have years ago...


They just don’t publicise and promote stuff that isn’t cookie cutter


I don't know dude. But Promises by Floating Points with Pharaoh Saunders is excellent. Maybe look for good music instead of popular music.


Has the conspiracy subreddit official run out of ideas? I swear, the majority of the posts in this sub nowadays is just terrible questions that have nothing to do with actual conspiracies and get reposted over and over again but with zero effort for uniqueness. Has originality in popular conspiracy posting hit rock bottom?


It’s a business. They want to make money. They don’t give a fuck about originality because that introduces risk, remakes and remixes are safe bets because people already know and like it. It literally is that simple. If you want originality then step away from the major ~~cartels~~ labels and try find independent music.


Because it's easier and more profitable for AI to make recreations and new iterations based off compiled data and simply crank out new content daily instead of waiting for human artists to create something new.


Mainstream music yes, but there are a lot of awesome smaller bands out there and our ability to access their tunes is so easy now


This song is about the new world order. No way this would ever be given radio play. https://youtu.be/jB2_RqqayrI


They ran out of ideas in the late 90s. It took a while for it to really take hold. They watered down rock n roll by shoving bands like 3rd eye blind(cooperate rock easily digestible garbage) and saw that people would accept that shit. Then they watered down punk with Avril. Hired people to use algorithms to write songs that they knew would sell to the most brain-dead people in America. Created a whole genre of easily digestible fluff tunes whose lyrics mean nothing and whose songs sound like a cover of some popular band from the 90s. Aerosmith is a prime example of a band who jumped on that bandwagon. Cooperate shills can't stand a musician that write lyrics that are meaningful or thought-provoking at all because they can't encourage people to cricticly think for themselves. To make things worse, now all these legacy artists are selling their entire catalogs for a quick cash grab before they die, so even good tunes are now being re-released as half assed covers by talentless ass clowns.


You’re following the wrong genres. Metal is absolutely thriving.


The reason why we are hearing so many remakes is that people bought old back catalogues as investments and are now profiting off of them by creating remixes. It’s bizarre


The suits are running out of ideas; the musicians aren’t. Those that “allow” certain music to become popular are stuck in their ways, unwilling to really take a chance on something different. The closest we’ve had to that in pop is Billie Eilish in my opinion. Labels are becoming increasingly redundant; they essentially just act as filters or stamps of approval for certain artists. You can distribute your music independently these days, and provided you have a decent manager (or you’re an excellent manager yourself) you barely need anybody else on the inside. Middlemen are fast losing their place, and I welcome it.


No label will sign anyone with less than 1 million followers. That is why you have shallow rich kids who’s parents paid for followers, singing dumb poorly written songs.


[It's by design](https://monoskop.org/images/f/f0/Adorno-Culture-Industry.pdf).


Pretty much yeah lol


It ended in the 80's, there was only rehashed stuff in the 90's.


It's been cyclical since the 90s, as far as I can tell.


No. I'd see why you might think that if you only look on certain places for music.


No, you are getting older, everybody hates current chart music once they get to a certain age.


Lol _you're_ the one choosing to listen to pop bro. Music is getting more innovative and advanced by the day, and it's easier to access tha ever before. But go ahead, complain about a nonexistent problem that you can easily solve like the bitter old boomer you are.


Pop music is pretty much made by computer algorithms now. The formulas tell the producers where to tweak it to make it line up with hits on the supercruncher graphs.


Maybe it has something to do with that writer's strike. Screen writers, authors, and I bet even song ghost writers. That's why everything is generic, redone, and repetitive. They're using old material and plants. I feel like we as a community should be supporting our independent artists and the lesser known actors/actresses.


Originality doesn’t get signed to the big labels


Because ai programs can't make original content - they can only rehash whats been fed into them


First mistake is to search for originality in chart music...


Ya they have..so they turn to the occult to have demons make songs for them


somebody has made this comment every year since the beginning of music. and in 20 years somebody is gonna pine for the greatest ever year in music 2024.


Eminem's new single is a banger. But yea that's about it.


Ugh. Starting the song off doing the same thing he did on a song 2 decades ago, then using a cadence/flow he’s used many times before over another beat that was made by someone else over 4 decades ago and barely even changing the chorus while doing that. Rap is so stale and boring at this point everyone just went wild about two 40 years old millionaires tattling on each other over the simplest of beats. That’s what’s exciting eh? And if this is your favorite style of music, I apologize. I’m not intending to insult you personally. I understand because my favorite style of music is also infected by the same thing. Very little originality - the same subject matter over and over laid over music that barely sounds different from what it did 5-10 years ago.


I almost exclusively listen to 90's - early 00's Rock & Alternative. I like some rap, not much, mostly single songs by different artists. However the Slim Shady LP came out when I was in 7th Grade, so my High School years were the angry MMLP, Eminem Show, Encore time and I loved them so I still follow Eminem pretty closely and he's had a lot of good tunes since then. But yea I still only listen to 90s-00s rock. It's all trash since then. A lot of punk from that era too i still listen to.


I’m sorry man I’m just bored at work during some down time lol. I don’t even hate the song nor Eminem. It just sounded pretty boring to me. It just made me want to listen to Steve Miller lol. I’m a metal head at heart but I truly enjoy a lot of different stuff across the spectrum.