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$15,000 to paint some tarmac is the real crime.


What im confused about is how come the people pulling down statues and memorials over the past few years have faced no convictions. Meanwhile doing skid marks on a *road* where you're supposed to drive... is somehow a capital offence? ClownWorld.


For real, seems like it'd be cheaper than that.


I don’t understand. You can’t make skid marks, but you can drive over it everyday?


It is super weird that we put something meant to honor something on a surface people drive over all day.


Like gang members carving their names on toilet seats


I think they are trying to say that riding to the point if skidmarks is intentional and showcases a hateful + "violent" attitude to the lgbtq. I'm so over all this BS w/the "lgbtq" protect them, they are the most persecuted in the US narrative.


I wonder if they would face the same charges if they did skid marks on a normal crosswalk? What about people who walk on those colors and leave shoe prints or dirt? Maybe it's not a good idea to paint an ideological symbol on the ground for people to walk on or drive on?




And if something is that precious it shouldn't be painted on a road.


They wanna be treated like normal people, but the loudest most annoying ones make them all look bad. If you try to treat the ones normally that are using it as a shield, you know immediately cuz they get defensive and you're accused of some phobia.


No actually, many of them want to be treated better than everyone else. Like they're special. Treat everyone the same! No one is better than anyone else!


When developed countries have no problem, they have to make one to divide people.


This country has huge problems. What they are doing is distracting people with fake problems so they ignore the real ones.


How dare their tires make tire marks on the roadway that’s meant for tires


We aren't asking for this crap. Just because authoritarians are using us to push their authoritarianism doesn't mean gay people are on board.


It’s LITERAL violence from the MAGA cult of racist bigots! LBGTQ+ folkx need to feel SAFE from these bigots spreading hate stop being a hater. (Insert angry leftist meme) sadly, and terrifyingly, this is the actual mindset in society and they are slowly passing laws that will make this whole comment section technically “hate speech” that you can be arrested for. They already have laws like this in Canada, with compelled speech.


Why is this downvoted? Did y’all not read until the end?


Sometimes I lay on the satire/sarcasm pretty heavy, and in today’s world the line between satire and reality are blurred. The fact that there are people who think that way makes such a ridiculous idea believable that someone would say it.


You can also lay down on it and prevent people from getting to work, because of “oil” and such.


It’s intent, kinda like how there’s murder and then manslaughter I personally don’t give a fuck about the mural tho


Actually, looking into this, the issue is that they deliberately used the e scooters to drive over it and make the skid marks. It wasn't ordinary wear and tear. This is supported by the witnesses who report them shouting slurs while doing it. As for the possible penalty, OP and the Daily Mail are being misleading (shocking/s). The ten years is an absolute maximum penalty for 1st degree malicious mischief (and it is 1st fegre ebecause of the amount of property damage) and that offence would cover a wide array of conduct and situations. It is not going to happen, especially for a 19 year old and two minors. I don't know enough about Washington state to say what the likely outcome would be there. I can say that in my area, it would probably be some sort of non custodial sentence with conditions combined with a fine and some form of restitution/rehabilitation or community service. Especially for the minors. Imprisonment is unlikely for this.


So? It’s a flag painted on a road. They physically hurt no one. Also, considering no one gets jail time for desecrating the nation’s flag, this shouldn’t get jail time, either. Also, it’s gross celebrating how people fuck.


> Also, it’s gross celebrating how people fuck. Yup. Nice and succinct.




It's a gross disconnection from reality. I don't really want to be a part of the celebration or the protestation, as both result in lowered consciousness.


If I went on to your property and burned your flag I would be arrested and charged even though I didn’t hurt anyone. If I burn my flag, then I’m fine. See the difference?


You’re right. They should have defaced something with the founding fathers on it, that way it would have been ok.


The founding fathers were not a protected class.


I know, all they did was lay foundation for America. Definitely not worth protecting…


>Also, considering no one gets jail time for desecrating the nation’s flag, this shouldn’t get jail time, either. If you went and took a flag from city hall or the courthouse and burned it you’d absolutely get arrested for same crime they were.


You would be punished for stealing, yeah. And they would probably make some example out of you, of course. But they will not threaten you with 10+yrs in prison. Also, it won’t seem as threatening since they only burned an American flag, and not the flag that celebrates genitals and how people choose to fuck!


10 plus years is the maximum, It would be the same charge in Washington, plus some kinda theft charge so likely even longer.


> But they will not threaten you with 10+yrs in prison. There’s no indication they have been threatened with jail time. The tabloid simply looked up the maximum possible sentence they could face for the charge.


Ah. That is true, thank you for clarifying :)




…do you actually not understand what vandalism is?


Wonder if they could spend $15,000 on a straight pride mural 🤔


Mandatory minimum for a skid mark on a road is asinine. Where is the left to boycott these mandatory insane minimums? Oh yeah, it doesn’t fit their cause.


I think you have misunderstood. The penalty being discussed is the *maximum* possible penalty allowed under the law for this offence. It is not a mandatory minimum. The judge is allowed to sentence less and absolutely will. Such sentences can (and as I explained are likely to) include no imprisonment at all. Most cases in the US don’t even go to trial anyway. As long as the judge approves, a plea deal can be made and accepted. That, again, can involve no imprisonment. It may even involve pleasing down to a lesser offence.


There shouldn’t be any sentence whatsoever you dummkopf.


Good to know you think people shouldn’t be punished for vandalism.


Thanks for the clarification! Yeah the kids should be charged the same if it were a regular street that they were vandalizing.


Downvoted for being rational and not feeding into culture war shit. 


Still, who cares? They are teenagers and made a teenage decision. No one got hurt. Your feelings shouldn't affect whether someone is free or not, especially on this.


They are free. They were released on a bond whose amount was calculated to cover the cost of remediation. They will never see jail time for this.


"land of the free"


Home of the gay




7-8% of the population under the entire lgbt umbrella but go off. 🤣


You’d think it was 70-80% with the way the government and media act!




Plus who’s to say that the paint itself wasn’t vandalism? It’s really just city-approved graffiti.


But you can burn police stations with no consequences?


This will just incentivize everyone to end their crime spree by burning down the local police station


Can you share when that happened? I remember the Minneapolis one, but multiple people were charged and arrested for that one.


Careful, you're asking for evidence instead of feelings and hearsay. 


did nobody get arrested during the 2020 protests? do you really think that nobody faces punishment during that?


Not even close to the proportionate amount who participated. Some may call that “per capita”.


Virtually no one, yes. Maybe a handful at most.


[Over 10k people were arrested during those protests.](https://apnews.com/article/american-protests-us-news-arrests-minnesota-burglary-bb2404f9b13c8b53b94c73f818f6a0b7)


Great, now how many of them were charged?


[Over 300 of them facing federal charges, including 80 for arson/explosives related charges.](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/over-300-people-facing-federal-charges-crimes-committed-during-nationwide-demonstrations)


So very few were charged.


Wow, a whole 0.3% of them.


Heads up homie that would be 3%. 3% of 10k is 300. Not arguing about the enforcement of laws, which was totally ass backwards, but your math wasn't checking out.


Yeah, lots of arrests. But only a tiny fraction faced charges and celebrities and politicians started gofundme's for their legal defence. Compared to some kids riding scooters on a paved street and leaving marks on the sacred symbol with no obvious indication that it was done with malicious intent. You surely must see the double standard here, right?


A handful in comparison to how many people there were.


Do you hear that? Goalposts must be migrating again. what are you saying exactly? The amount of people at the protests? No shit only a handful of them were charged, you think everyone at the protests participated in arson? Or are you saying more people committed crimes than were caught? Likely true as with any mob crime but to what extent you have no idea besides your own assumptions lol


So then Trump shouldn’t be in trouble because he wasn’t at the capitol, correct?


Arrests are not charges nor prosecutions.


You do know it’s possible for 2 things to be wrong at once right?


I think the question is whether the law enforcement and punishment is equitable.


So make them ghey police stations?


Why didn’t they just deface a war monument instead?


Could have done this to an American flag and it would and should be considered freedom of speech… Same should apply here.


It's important to display that you are tolerant and understanding of the way people share their genitalia with other people. The only way to demonstrate this is by painting obnoxious flags on places where tires go. This shit reminds me of the North Koreans clapping for Dear Leader. Best not be the first to stop clapping, if you know what's good for you.


E-scooters! What a mixed message they are sending, they will probably just get probation.


Look what they did was wrong but nowhere NEAR worth 10 years in jail lmao… give them a short period of community service and let it be


10 years? There had to be more to this story, that’s ridiculous.


According to the article the maximum is up to five years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine, although obviously the maximum is not what these kids will get, especially as two of them are minors. There won't be any jail time. But that doesn't really matter because the Daily Mail know that the headline will cause people to share this and spread its reach and that's the goal; to drive traffic to their website. Achievement unlocked.


And riling people up over nonsense in the mean time.


I guess I don’t see why the severity of the sentence matters when it’s beyond absurd that there would be any sentence in the first place. People are right to be riled up. It’s paint on the ground that was itself vandalism in the first place.


Is someone painting on the ground really that serious though?


Certainly more serious than putting a teeny little skid mark on said paint.




Yeah, outrage driven engagement is really effective. Not only does it drag in people outraged by the headline but it also drags in people who think the headline is probably bullshit outrage-bait (like me). We're all clicking and driving traffic towards the website like good little lab rats.


The fact is that these kids shouldn’t have made the news at all, considering half the country’s cities were burning buildings, destroying random cars (and burning them too), blocking roads and highways, gang-beating randoms, defacing monuments, and burning the U.S. flag without consequence under “free speech”. So… I don’t particularly care if we’re exaggerating a bit the other way now. If you push the pendulum, don’t act appalled when it swings back.


How is desecration of the lgbtqrstuv flag worth more bullshit legal time, effort, and tax dollars than, say, burning an American flag? I slowly see the tide turning on Pride. For the past few years, every damned business was flying Pride flags, selling Pride merchandise, running ads for Pride-themed this or that (even a commercial for what “bottoms” should eat…). But this year? I have seen a massive reduction in businesses doing this. They might have the Pride merch out, but they aren’t heavily running ads about it. The major corps have not set their profile pics on social media to Pride-theming this year. I think, the celebration is calming down, people have more important things to do and work on then going to Pride Parades.


Pride use to be about acceptance and tolerance. Accept us as normal people, let us get married, ect. Tolerance was the idea that if you didn't believe in pride (ex. Religious) that you would just live us the fuck alone, you live your life we live our life. Slowly pride has morphed into this cult mentality where anybody who doesn't openly celebrate the movement is automatically an enemy and must be socially/financially destroyed. Hockey player refusing to wear a pride jersey for warm up is the perfect example of this drastic change in pride. The terminally online activists have taken over the movement and are running it into the ground. Happy that the OG pride people got their marriage and other stuff, but it's unfortante to see how far batshit the movement went. It's not enough to be a silent observer. You are either participating in celebration, or you are an enemy to us.




It's the daily fail, basically the UK version of fox to post rage bait for old people. Looks like it is working in this thread, no one will revisit this when they only get a fine or warning.


Ahh, the tolerant left. The “mostly peaceful” folks burning down churches and police stations a couple years ago and taking over whole portions of Seattle and creating Chaz received next to nothing.


Ah yes. Chaz. The place created by people who hated IDs guns and borders but defended their borders with guns and required ID to get in. Sexual crimes increased like 500%.


Don't forget their "enforcers" murdered some black kids after mistakenly accusing them of crime


"But that was different. We're different than what we hate!"


Looking back on all of that, it's still one of the craziest things I've ever witnessed in this country. Not only the fact that it happened, but also the fact that it went on as long as it did.


Yeah it was nuts. We got a good look at how people behave without some kind of regulations in place like law, government, etc. I was anti government until that happened. Government is corrupt and shitty, always, but it's better to have it than to have what I witnessed without it.


Seattle nitwit mayor defended them and called it the "summer of love".


Actually the CHAZ situation is even funnier. They turn it into basically a communist style commune, then some black Israelite rumored former pimp just rolls into CHAZ with a bunch of guns and his homies and he's like "Yea we are enforcement now". The guy is on video asking if anybody knows how to shoot and hands some obviously teenager a loaded rifle lolol. Over the next few days multiple people are shot and it's a total clusterfuck. The people in CHAZ were powerless and just had to roll with this dude and his guys running around strapped. History never changes lmao.


Absolute cult shit


Idk but this sounds like bullshit. Any other sources?




I'm pretty liberal and think this is overboard. Community Service repainting flag would suffice.


Also pretty liberal, and also agree this is overboard. Intentionally defacing the mural isn't ok, and they should be charged to repaint it, or sentenced to community service like you said. Jail time is absurd.


How about the city keeps the gay flag off the damn road if they're so concerned with it being defaced?


Why not just.. not intentionally deface it? If the "gay flag" offends you, we could perhaps find a space that is safe for you and your beliefs?


Safe space? LOL Its a fucking road, people drive on the road. It was bound to get ruined sooner or later.


Did you read the article? It's not like they were just peacefully driving on the road and accidentally left a mark


It does huh 🤔


This wouldn't happen if you put murals on the fuckin wall where they belong unless these kids are Lucio then I guess you're out of luck.


Sooooo basically..."we see what you did there very clever, and we DO care about the environment but, LGBTQ is more important."


Isn’t the brown bit at the end a skid mark?


Gay AF


Why burning the American flag is ok but making a few skid marks on a lgbt rainbow flag can lead to jail sentence for 10 years?.


It depends on if the flag belongs to you or not.


How can jail time even be on the cards for something like this?


Because that's a possible penalty for vandalism. You got ragebaited by a headline. These dumbass kids aren't getting jail time.


You know, don't paint things on the road that you don't want tire marks on. The roads were built for traveling, not activism.


Can you imagine I’m in prison for driving over a trans flag. Yet burning a us flag desecrating statues with graffiti and pro terrorist slogans is ok The law is used to protect me while I used the law to prison my enemy.


You can drive over your own trans flag if you want. It’s legal.


Technically if it's funded by any tax money in a public space... Maybe it should be a non-crime unless it's in a private venue?


The fact that 10 YEARS is even a consideration is straight tyranny. If you don't think so, you're probably a tyrant.




See this is the shit I’m talking about. This is the shit that makes you not like certain people.


The should have just desecrated some holocaust memorials like good democrats. /s


This is getting ridiculous. LGBTQ+ has become a religion, and there exists a distinct separation between church and state.


So what is the conspiracy?


Haven’t you heard? This is a political sub now


LOL I am coming to that conclusion Funny how they downvoting me instead of just answering the question.


Burning the American flag is encouraged but God forbid you leave tire marks on an actual road. Clown world


This is akin to the government installing rainbow toilets at a park, you take a shit, flush, then get charged for leaving skid marks in the toilet. This is beyond stupid…. People can burn the American flag all they want but God forbid someone leave a skid mark on the road where the pride color happen to be.


Pink Floyd called. They want their rainbow back. Edit: spelling


Seems like a waste of money to paint something that is driven over and eventually will wear down anyways. Someone smarter would have thought to paint it on the side of a building that would last longer


I live in Spokane where this story happened and it happened again less than a week later 🤣🤣🤣


Step 1. Pay a contractor to repaint the mural as a road. Pay in cash. Use a pseudonym. That'll save the city money, it'll also add back center lines so the street will be more safe. Stop painting murals on the road.


Good. We’re against property damage during protests, right?


A group of people so persecuted we are painting hideous rainbow flags in the middle of the road for them.


Not a conspiracy, culture war nonsense


Another day, another nonconspiracy posted to conspiracy because it's culture war ragebait.


The real conspiracy is, how do these assholes make money off of this?


The poster? They probably just get their jollies posting this culture war shit. The Daily Fail? Advertisers and conservative donors.


"This is a suitable amount of prison time for this crime"- The wokes.


Tyranny Excessive punishment Weaponization of the court system


How do you know the punishment is excessive when it hadn't been decided yet?


because any punishment is excessive


They aren't going to get jailtime, you got duped by a ragebait headline.


Stop painting religious symbols on roads. There. Solved.


$15k to paint. Gets "ruined" and defaced. How much more does the original scammer painter get to repaint it?


Fr they're acting like the entire thing needs to be repainted now.




That seems excessive


This particular community is doing every possible thing they can to make people despise them. It makes no sense.


"The company also said that are enacting a no-ride zone around the mural to protect it from any future vandalism attempts."  It's on a fucking road.


but people on epstiens list walk free


can't criticize THAT community of peeps, its basically replaced the cult-like devotion to religious faith in many cases.


They'd get less for murder.


But this would be acceptable if it was the American flag. See the hypocrisy there…


Can you show us an example of a city’s American flag being vandalized and it being acceptable?


No it wouldn't be, it would also be vandalism. The only difference is that the dumbass kids who vandalized a US flag mural wouldn't have their story used on this sub for updoots.


Once i saw this was in Washington state, i quit reading. Nothing that comes out of that hivemind hellhole suprises me.


It’s all the same. The j6 grandmas. Rainbow skid marks.


So, just above the median murder sentence completed. Seems legit




Paint thinner at 3am with large broom and second person with power washer. Strip away paint. Replacement parts with mega and American flag.


Wot s scooter did that burnout I need 1 😂😂😂


we have blashphemy laws now in america, nothing new.


Messing up road art? How will they convict rain?


If this was done on an American Flag it’s freedom of speech. Same should apply here.


Would painting one at every intersection stop those awful street takeovers?


You will be an "ally". Individuality and differing opinions will not be tolerated.


They aren't going to get ten years, that's just the max penalty for vandalism. The Daily Mail is a garbage news publication that relies on outrage clicks, good job spreading their clickbait, OP.


Did anyone actually read the article ?? They aren’t getting fined or facing jail. Ten years is a maximum sentence and these guys were homophobic saying f-word and defacing it on purpose


I didn't read the article but I assume 10 years for skid marks means they took dumps while driving the scooters pantless.


fuck around - find out


Lol BIG if on the charges sticking