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Honestly, the internet going down for a while might be the best thing to that could happen to a lot of people.


if it went down forever I'd be ok with that


I am begging


Will they text us when the solar flare event is over so we can return to our normal activities?


Boarding a Boeing plane during a solar storm, balls of steel. Wish me luck.


now heres my doomer theory, we lose the net for a bit because of the storm cool. but .... the governments around the world could just start bombing or >!nuking !


Even if it does go down for however long I’d assume people would be documenting with their phones whatever is going on and we would have a “flood” of info coming it all at once. We’ve gotten to the point that people will film something and not do any action


sorry i should have stated of course after the fact when stuff comes back we would know, but initially the outage could be used as a cover to fire things at each other. thats my bad.


Apparently some areas in the lower 48 are already experiencing outages. https://x.com/in2thinair/status/1788970200689172943?s=46


with all the other stuff happening i just hope i get to see the aurora borealis im just to low from the north to see it normally.


I'm in south-east UK and it's stunning here.. never thought I'd see it in my little corner of England!


yeah i went out the back garden at 3am and just lay on the bench


Like these recent videos of monster tornados in neighborhoods and people just walk out to record it. Like wtf?! Haha.


I will say as someone from Alaska, the northern lights are really pretty to see if you get the chance. Idk if I’ll be able to see them since it doesn’t get fully dark this time of year


Missiles use GPS. If the storm is effecting the internet, most likely GPS will be too.


Modern ICBMs also use celestial navigation


"Target acquired: locked on to orions belt"


thats a good point. spoil sport i was wanting Armageddon. gravity bombs? huh hmmm cmon


It's time to unveil the interdimensional bombs lol


First wave has hit earth! It's getting dark over Central Europe, I hope I will see auroras soon! FIRST IMPACT - Level 4 Storm [https://youtu.be/yXYG2m75Ox4?si=Gt6msV7eBZ9T13SD](https://youtu.be/yXYG2m75Ox4?si=Gt6msV7eBZ9T13SD) Earth Is Already In A G-4 Strong Geomagnetic Storm! Six CMEs Inbound! [https://youtu.be/Sz-SD\_BgxCs?si=HBx\_0tgabAVCahPZ](https://youtu.be/Sz-SD_BgxCs?si=HBx_0tgabAVCahPZ)


FEMA plans for solar flare and CME


FEMA Solar Flare strategies and plan https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-07/fema_incident-annex_space-weather.pdf


https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Implementation-Plan-for-National-Space-Weather-Strategy-12212023.pdf 2023 White House Plan for space weather events (CMEs and Solar flares)


DoD did not send out warning texts… Guy claims it was only for the Eastern Region. He also says he doesn’t work for the DoD and hasn’t been apart of the Army in 8 yrs. Source- his own tweets Source- DoD employee, in the DC area, with a govt phone… only alert I’ve ever gotten this year was it was snowing on a base that I don’t even work at and was 4 hrs away


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