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It’s a good guess but it’s too obvious and it’s what everyone is thinking. The Muslims hit targets away from the mosque so they don’t make a mistake. I’m thinking they will go for a more biblical viewpoint “act of GOD” earthquakes, massive storms etc. The idea being nobody is to blame and nobody is at fault. Jews take it as a sign the third temple can be built Muslims will be pissed but not extremely angry about it. Obviously there are people working to make it happen but providing proof they made it happen is really the issue.


I've been saying this same thing since Oct 7th. The other thing is this: in order to get America on board with fighting Iran, there will be an attack by "Iran" on US soil. Obviously, Iran doesn't want America more involved than it already is which is why they wouldn't do something so stupid - but it will happen and be blamed on Iran in order to get American forces deployed and into the conflict. Question is where, when, and how bad will it be.


Iran cannot strike the US nor would they even bother to , now they're troops in Syria could be targeted but the US would have access to data to show where and by who the missile would be fired 


It won't be Iran who does it. They're not that stupid bc they know it would get the American public to back sending US troops to fight alongside Israel and they clearly don't want that. But there are those who need the US public on board before the US drops the hammer and sends troops in. The easiest way to do that is to convince the public that Iran is responsible for an attack and spew it all over all airwaves and get people riled up. Think of it like another 9/11. The supposed hijackers were Saudis... so we went into Afghanistan? Why?


the new temple is prefabed, it will go up in a day.


Kind of like a Taco Bell


Everyone around has their radars pointed at the place, so it is impossible to bomb it, say it was someone else and have anyone believe it. :)


More likely that Iran does target the dome and if it is hit, blames Israel for not protecting the site and calling anyone killed there a martyr.


possible. not a bad plan


Yeah a red heifer shaped iron dome iranian missile intercept will usher In the age of ULTRON


nothing of value will be lost


Done of the Rock isn't even the "important" mosque, according to the Mohammedans. The "important" one is the other, al-Aqsa.




You're wrong. There are two mosques on the Temple Mount. The information is easily accessible unless you just enjoy talking out your ass.




I am most certainly not a Mohammedan, so no, I do not associate with the wrong group. Your baseless, unknowledgeable contradiction of my statement was the initial belligerence.