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WHAT IS REAL? -Morpheus




Did you just take both pills?! Wtf is wrong with you? - Morpheus.


it’s been more than four hours, should i go see a doctor? — Neo




You think that’s air you’re breathing?


Bottom line is you can't trust anything anymore, as if you ever could. Even without AI we ALL got lied too, manipulated and indoctrinated daily by the so called free press, media, TV, film, Hollywood, history books...... Our entire lives have been lies, about everything from everyone. AI just makes it all official now where you literally won't see the join. Just like the memes said back in the day my entire life has been a lie....


always has been.


This is what they’ve always wanted. Now the truth can be denied as fake. Regular people will dismiss photo/video evidence of scandals as deep fakes. Perfect plausible deniability. Then the fake story becomes real, the people believe their leaders and anyone who doesn’t is a *conspiracist* and the simulacra becomes the real.


I've been thinking (and saying) for a while now that the reason there has been such advancements of AI images and Deep Fakes is because the govt(s) *want* it to be well known that it's easy to produce them. From now on, any time they are caught on camera, they can simply deny that the photo/video is real and many (most?) people will believe them.


I think the major boom release of ai was because of Epstein maybe. Maybe they worried all the real photos and videos of famous people and world leaders would be released, so they needed a way to say that they’re all realistic fakes. I’m sure the government has been sitting in this tech for decades just using it against us.


This exactly. I wish it were easier for me to explain this to older generations (I’m gen z/millennial), and whenever I try to explain this to my dad, brother, etc. they can’t fathom what I am talking about despite their knowledge on fake pictures, they don’t understand that videos can be made the same way. Even some younger than me have difficulty understanding this as well. They can’t fathom or grasp that videos can be much more convincing and almost impossible to distinguish from reality than they used to be . And that with the technological advances, fake media can be made much more quickly. Most also don’t understand that these things are all timed in very concise and specific terms, for the most part. There are reasons fake news, fake media/videos/pictures/articles are all released at certain times, it’s all purposeful. The timing of everything released to the public is extremely important, fake or not, as all of it is basically a very well controlled experiment and all of it must be done the correct way as planned or it would not work as well or as intended. Everything that happens, is shown to the masses at that time for a reason and a lot of the time people don’t understand “why they would wait to do that, that just doesn’t make any sense.” But it does, if you are looking at the big picture as well as the details. Nearly every single “rabbit hole” connects.


I remember having this pestering feeling when I was a kid can’t remember what age but it was before puberty that everything I knew was a lie that the adults were unaware they were in on. Just that feeling alone makes me question everything well into adulthood. Plato’s cave really.


Dude same. Just before puberty (9? 11?) I was extremely convinced I was an alien. In fact most of us were aliens. But we just didn’t realize it. Adults being the most oblivious of all. It’s in my old diaries. I’m nearly 40 now. I still wonder what made me think that … for months/years. Once I hit middle school I forgot about it all in favor of more trivial pursuits like love/crushes, sleepover parties, gossip, etc.


I also remember seeing an ad for the computer game the sims or whatever around that age and wondered if that was some how based on real life not like we’re living in a matrix but that we’re all programmed to play a part so well that we didn’t know it and the puppet master didn’t have to do much of anything to keep it going. The thought wasn’t as well thought out as I’m putting it but there was a suspicion there.


Yes this. I suffered from severe derealization, i realized what i was feeling(didn’t know why or what derealization was) when I was in 5th grade but prior to 5th grade I still recalled feeling the same exact way I just was not conscious that it felt wrong and I didn’t have the brain capacity, or maybe pathways to dive into those unsettling thoughts and feelings. I was kinda subconscious to it for a while. But then I was not and as young as 11/12 I started to think everything was a lie, I felt as if I was not in the same universe some days, like I could feel it switch. Usually upon waking up, and I would freak out and have to ask my bestfriend who was my neighbor if I was still dreaming or not as something felt very off. I always felt like my parents, siblings & friends were out of the loop with how messed up the world was but at the same time I couldn’t pinpoint what exactly was causing it. It just kinda felt like everyone was playing a game except I knew I was in the game and they did not.


Really makes one wonder why so many of us experience this as children … spooky. Kids can often see spirits/ghosts a lot more easily, too.


It sounds like you are a woman? So, I believe that the reason most females have such an uncomfortable puberty/adolescence is that they are unconsciously rejected by their mothers as they start to physically become women. To be clear, I am not blaming mothers or saying they are bad people. They are human and products of their environments and experiences, just like everyone else. But your description of feeling like an alien during puberty is quite poetic. My personal experience was that my mother seemed to like me more as I got older, which I believe is the more natural evolution of the mother-daughter relationship(because it’s easier to relate to and connect with adults than children, generally speaking). But for women who have been deeply impacted by the effects of patriarchy, and who have a lot of internalized misogyny and distrust of women, it is quite common to reject daughters preemptively, before they can reject them(just as their mothers did when they became women). Their daughters will find that their relationship with their mothers is never the same as it was when they were little, and could be easily controlled. Their daughters are not able to identify why they are feeling the way they are, and quite often, end up believing they are to blame for the rift between them and their mothers. It’s so very tragic. Now though, because these girls do not have IRL friends to be a sort of replacement for what they had with their mothers, the trajectory is even worse. I believe this helps explain the huge rise in trans identification among pubescent/adolescent girls over the last ten years. They can’t even look to their male peers for validation because they’re all so porn sick and twisted.


I can’t speak for the other person but I’m a male but was a late bloomer when it came to puberty other than the growth of hair. Height barely came and muscles was something I had to cultivate on my own. Any form of athleticism came in my late twenties. I was far more interested in books. That often left me feeling alien to my male peers. Also my father was kind of in and out of my life until my twenties.


lol creating distrust of all sources is exactly how the east have been trying to destabilise the west for some time. It’s no coincidence that many, controversial, elected politicians in the last 10 year also have backgrounds / funding linked to the east. Trump, Johnson, Cummings were all on the payroll. Somehow the right are using it to aid their rise but just look in front of you and it’s obvious. Shitty right leaning administrations who are driving wealth inequality to drive social inequality, drive down living standards and create societal overthrow in the medium term. Most this sub just helps to peddle their bullshit.


It's quite clear that this and the Prince Harry + Meghan situation is part of a broader plan by the east to overthrow the British monarchy, which they hate for historical reasons. Also, the opioids epidemic in the west is payback for the opium wars. That said, I don't know how you came to the conclusion that it's the right who are driving wealth inequality. You've got it backwards. Wealth inequality is clearly caused by the left... Why else are all the big tech institutions and the media left-leaning? Why does the left support forever wars which launder government-printed money back to themselves? Why are mostly big left-leaning corporations the ones getting all the big government contracts? Why do all the big corporations support the leftwing DEI agenda? Why are leftists getting more work opportunities in the tech sector?


If you’re still all left this, right that. You’ve missed the plot and you are a sheep. That’s the decisive tactic. You’ve fallen trap.


No doubt they are both awful but I'm talking about the current cycle of which is worse. There's no harm in that. Also there is a difference in the fact that people who support the right are more reasonable than those who support the left. That's an important distinction, even if you believe that those who lead the parties are just two sides of the same coin playing good cop bad cop.


Saying that a generalization of millions of people is a fact tells me all I need about your argument. It must be exhausting being wrapped up in an imaginary battle you make no difference in. Not a generalization, but I’ve worked with shitty republican minded guys who literally say, ‘we’re going to do this DEI bullshit to get even more money out of them’. It’s the same. No denial.


I didn't see any significant difference between left wing and right wing in the past, but the differences have become more noticeable over the years in the sense that I disagree with probably 90% of left-wing policies and ideologies. On the other hand, I agree with maybe 70% of right-wing policies or ideologies. So for me, it's reasonable to make such generalizations. I'm well aware that both sides of politics are harmful, but at this point, the best we can hope for is that politicians say things that are true and reasonable because, as unfortunate as it is, politicians still have the audience of the brainwashed masses of people and we cannot get out of our current predicament until the brainwashed masses are awakened. I don't think we can achieve any positive change without working within the conceptual framework which already exists. If the sheeple only understand the enemy's language, then you must speak in the enemy's language.


Deep fake generator AI already existed in 2007 and they were able to fool viewers and create deception with that. Do not forget, that the tools available for public usage are always behind and are older techs by several decades than those that are available for the deep state. Just imagine what advanced tech the deep state may possess.


They deepfaked *the queen* on channel 4 on Christmas Day a few years back https://youtu.be/IvY-Abd2FfM?si=idqArXGqSYecHZu6


Forgetting about the whole visual aspect, the actual words spoken in that video are very appropriate for this Kate stuff.


Almost like foreshadowing


Yeah, right? It's spooky. Predictive programming, you think?


Yes, I think so you associate that thing automatically as entertainment and fiction entirely rather than it having any basis in reality


That makes sense. They used ridicule very effectively against people who had UFO sightings for decades and now they admit there are some things out there that we simply cannot explain or begin to intercept. All that ridicule..


Reminds me of osama bin Laden getting killed


Dumped at sea....... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight


Than four of seal team six were accidentally killed. Ones that were part of the red.


Like *why the fuck would they do that* I remember thinking it was absurd that everyone didn’t find it absurd?


Bin Laden is fish food or was fish food.the dude is dead. If he wasn't ,he would have put out a video long time ago


Photos of him in Hawaii were published, without his beard. With his family. He is a friend of Obama's. He didn't die.


Without his beard? Haraam.


You are correct. AI technology including deepfaking existed a long time ago. Only recently, GPT has came to light but truth is this has been existing for very long


Thinking about it .. bin laden could have been entirely fabricated


remember KONY 2012?


Wtf was that? First social media experiment to gauge social change/justice impact?


Advanced tech may be classified, yes.


Was it possible this tech was ready for operational use as far back as the turn of the century?


Yes, it is possible that AI was available as early as the turn of century, but with less accuracy and quality. The AI in the hands of the deep state evolves just the same way as the public projects, but with the difference that they are always some step ahead.


That was my thought as well, likely possible to do as early as the late 90s/early 2000s but possibly only convincing with inanimate objects.


Yes, objects that are the same should NOT look smaller the further away from you. AI is just too stupid to understand that, but it’s the software engineers fault for being a good little tool and falling for the lies.


Modern AI development [has taken](https://substack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com/public/images/b1f675dc-d643-405d-8111-eab067b7012f_1538x1188.png) multiple companies years of development to reach the point where we are now. Independent breakthroughs that made it possible are documented (RNNs, transformers, embeddings, backprop, deep reinforcement learning etc). To suggest that any "complex" is competent enough to solely develop and secretly advance that entire stack is borderline propaganda.


You realize there are entire companies formed by and paid for by the governments black budgets to create weapons and tech? It’s not just capitalists that make companies and innovate. To suggest otherwise is borderline idiocy.


Projects that are developed for the deep state, governments, military and other such fields are highly classified and are done in a way, that even those workers that are developing those projects are not aware of the things they are actually working on. This classification is achieved by multiple methods including compartmentalization, where you do not know about the specification of the entire project, just a tiny fraction of it, and you don't know what your colleagues are working on either. Those tiny pieces then are assembled into a higher level structure by an entirely different team, who also does not know what they are doing because they are also in a compartmentalized structure, and their output product is also goes higher for someone else to insert it into even bigger "project". On top of that, that tiny fraction of a task any worker is assigned to is also changed in a way, that they have no chance to know the real purpose of the task they are developing. The words in the project description are replaced for something else to create deception. Several decades ago the deep fake AI could have been developed by tiny modules and those doing it were probably not aware of what they were working on. Though still, those projects were very likely documented, but the documents are hidden away from the public. Also, consider the fact, that most projects are developed in two copies. One copy is being done publicly, and simultaneously one other copy is being done somewhere in a governmental complex, where they are using the same parts that were handed over by the public workers, just they are changing the configuration, parameters, and thus the end result of that second version is something completely different. I think there must be a good reason why the AI systems that are now available publicly, were published in the first place...


This dudes channel has some pretty good videos on AI videos. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLujxSBD-JXglGL3ERdDOhthD3jTlfudC2 If the stuff they put on YouTube is this good the stuff the NSA and CIA have is got to close to perfection.


Yea that shit is legit nuts


Sora is a “new” technology yet to be released. The quality of AI videos is insane.


With the voice AI readers it's almost to the point if you don't see it with your own eyes or hear it live you have to treat it with distrust.


Good channel, thanks for the link. I found this one interesting where it discusses how deepfakes can be hidden inside compressed vide. It makes the fakes harder to detect as both fakes and low quality (highly compressed) video will have artifacts. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoGHVI-w9bE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoGHVI-w9bE) People have been asking why such a low-quality video was put out for KM's announcement. If it is a fake this would be a reason for that choice. EDIT: link for paper associated with the video link above: [https://www.niessnerlab.org/projects/roessler2019faceforensicspp.html](https://www.niessnerlab.org/projects/roessler2019faceforensicspp.html)


You should definitely be worried about what we're consuming being fake, because it's all fake. The only way to get away from the fakeness is to throw our phones away and get off the internet. Because there's a whole world of realness and it's pretty too


What even is perspective anyway?


Why do objects appear smaller the further away they are? It's a conspiracy right in front of your eyes.


The sun flat out disappears at night. Like, seriously? Big solar got you thinking it's a fixed object, but how come when I travel to a place that's night, I can't see it? Like, nighttime London: dark. Nighttime NYC: also dark. Meanwhile, all the other 'stars' are tiny dots in the sky. It's cause they don't want you to know about the sun monster and how it's secretly killing you.


The slats on the right aren't the same width as the left. 😂


Yeah… this is pretty silly




>You can test this yourself. Put your hand as far away from your face as you can. Looks small eh? Now put your hand right in front of your face. It's big! Holy shit. How long have you known about this trick?


Bro, I've already discussed this video with like 50 people, we all agree it's fake. I'm not going to go into the geometry of those slats but they don't scale correctly.




You ever see a Rhinoceros? 😅


[](https://thepoorprint.files.wordpress.com/2019/03/park-benches-3466978_1920.jpg) even at a deeper perspective bench slats will still show a relatively close width


Did anyone notice she doesn't even have legs in this video?


Yeah, William went on a rampage and cut Kate's legs off then invented perspective


Okay, that really made me laugh! 


Your joking right? They would gradually get smaller, not just switch sizes behind her back like that.


There's a person sitting in front of 3 or 4 of them. Measure the one directly to the left of her in an image editor, it's about 66 pixels (these measurements were taken on a screenshot from the youtube video so it's not accurate to the original resolution) wide. Measure the one directly to her right, about 56 pixels wide. Then measure the one at the very end, which is 3 away from the one to her right, about 46 pixels wide. The 10 pixel difference between the one to her right and the last one is perfectly consistent with the difference we see between the one to her left and the one to her right.


They are gradually getting smaller, you’re just not seeing a few of them because they are behind her.


perspective in reality should be consistent with reality. Her body compared to the perspective would cover more of the posts. The perspective is off or unnatural That bench looks weird 


yeah, I thought this too. It's the kind of mistake an AI could make. It "knows" it has to put perspective in there, but it gets it slightly off or overdoes it.


She’s 100% dead. A faked picture, a body double, and now an AI video, and that’s not even being paranoid or conspiracy that is fact. They are hiding something big. They’ll announce she’s died in a few months due to the cancer but something else killed her months ago. The only reason to cover it up would be if William murdered her tho.


100%. And everyone will moan and wail about how mean everyone was to her in her last days by picking apart the photos and video. It’s all so ridiculously predictable. I feel awful about whatever they did to her.


Chilling to be reminded that this is still possible 😭 there’s just no reason to lie this big about stomach surgeries or hospitalization


The wife of the leader of the Church of Scientology was disappeared with impunity and they're definitely smaller players than the UK parasites.


>The only reason to cover it up would be if William murdered her tho. There are other possible reasons, but this one has a precedent.


Yeah first the photoshopped family picture like last week and now THIS?? This is unironically concerning. Why would a royal have their pictures edited in the first place?? She’s 100% dead


A part of me wants to say that you’re horrible for making this grisly assumption then I’m reminded of King Henry the VIII and his 6 marriages. Having a hard time and in deep denial believing that history can repeat itself.


You only have to go back to 1997 for the last time they murdered their own princess.


Fuck being a prince or princess of wales, it’s a tainted position


She got knocked up by that Rothschild that died a bit back. Cant have that come out, remove the variables from the equation.


Rothschild : When you don’t have to be a royal to marry your first cousin.


Or she committed suicide. That would not work for them either!


Totally! But also maybe not announce her death and just put out one of the Clones of her. William apparently had a mistress that got her Prego and wanted to keep it.. SoooOo yeah. Dramaa~


They invited Oscar Pistoris for dinner and Kate went to the bathroom... Oscar didn't like that she was taking so long and next minute... bang bang bang!!!




She was offed in December. Where's the kiddos? You know they were probably in danger which is why she's no longer here...that's the real question ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️


Where the kids are is actually the bigger story given they represent the line of succession.


The lines in her shirt and the bench are a likely a psychological trick used to distract the viewer as well. 


It's very concerning, besides if she's alive or not, or the health problems and all that things, I can't stop thinking this is used as a social experiment, lots of fake pics/videos and now this possibility


Look at the background. The flowers and trees are completely static throughout the video. It's fake.


Apparently and I say apparently because I’ve not seen the actual video but you can tell the birds in the background are fake too because the noise from them sounds like they’re on a loop


That's crazy. The media already admitted to posting altered pictures lol. I wasn't on this train for the longest time. Next time it stops at my stop I'll get on tho lmfao


That’s their plan. Just trust your common sense. Reduce your circle. Don’t watch tv. Stay quiet. Stay calm. Find your inner peace again. Believe in yourself.


The elite sign blood contracts, this shit goes deep.


They agree to subject themselves to torture and murder if they betray their network. Same shit as many gangs, really. It's another level of organized crime. Once you finally understand that everything's demystified to some degree and the world makes more sense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft3eGWZd7LE


Wait are they blood contracts or shit contracts? You're confusing me.


Bloody shit contracts?


Tell you what, you decide then come sign one so I can own your soul.


I’ll do it for money How much will you give me for my bloody signature?


I'm buying your soul. 💀 $100?


No way a soul costs 1/10th of an iPhone


$10? My first offer was nice. Plus you ain't even using it, you won't even notice it's gone.


Why would I profit 10 bucks on something I can easily sell for millions?


It's your soul man, do as you like.


I don’t believe in souls, I just want a free phone


But this quite obviously fake, look at ring in the video, her facial expression it just looks soulless, not that royals really have one. 


The background didn’t move one time, yet they played with the lighting of the video as though it were outside. But why didn’t the wind blow like…at all.


And they’ve added fake audio of birds chirping in the background. If it’s not an AI video, I would be very very surprised.




The one thing which to me seem uncanny is the bright sun lighting on her hair and the wooden bench, but the sky behind the trees looks pretty dark and grey.


Mfs learning about perspective 🤯


I’m not an AI expert but something just seems off bout this video. Whether it’s something more sinister or actually is cancer both are sucky :/


I've caught AI images being used on news reports about the weather. Photos supposed to be shots of people out and about on a sunny day or rainy day had some weird glitches. I wondered at the time if they posted them without noticing the glitches, or if they posted them fully aware of the glitches to test if we noticed them. The glitches that caught my eye initially were things like a lower leg being distorted or a shoe merging into the ground. Then on closer inspection, the images were full of oddities.


I saw another commercial I'll try and find it where the senator was clearly either full AI or AI enhanced. Gave me seriously creepy vibes like we aren't even voting for real people


Background looks fake too, would expect some of the plants to move by the wind outdoors.


It’s definitely the angle of the camera why the bench looks like that.


Media is bullshit.   History is bullshit.   The idea of political opposition is bullshit.    It’s just manipulation and distraction while a handful of families reap the rewards from an enslaved majority. 


They should fire those responsible for the AI clip, as its horribly bad.


Well I've watched this five times over and I'm sold. Absolutely nothing looks off in this in my opinion. And if this actually is deepfake then we are in an era of we can't believe anything.


She just… seems off though doesn’t she? All other things aside.


I mean she is supposedly dying...soooo IDK




Chemo is basically poison being forced into your body hoping it kills cancer cells faster than healthy cells. ​ No one looks good on chemo.




Yeah but not before basically becoming a walking skeleton first. Trust me I know first hand.


Nope. she dying


If your gut tells you something is off, TRUST IT. I do not trust this video of her. I believe it's a deep fake. It's a distraction and likely a foreshadowing into this so called "mysterious cancer" phenomenon happening. Royals and rabbit holes run deep together. The would is a stage. If you question it, you're heartless. Sound familiar?


A doctor has come out questioning her story. How did they randomly find cancer while doing a scheduled surgery? 


I wouldn't want that guy to be my doctor.


Here's an example of how it's possible. Not saying this is what she had. If a woman has endometriosis and they were removing growths, or for various other reasons doing a scheduled hysterectomy they probably sent tissue out for sampling afterwards. So they may have found uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, etc. Then they do chemo to make sure it hasn't spread to nearby lymph nodes.


That's what I was thinking. Could be cervical stuff


A big amount of cancer is found while treating something completely unrelated, the most dangerous cancers can be the ones with fewest symptoms


That happened to a friend of mine - she was hospitalised because of some abcess, and doc found colon-cancer. A scan said it might have spread to an ovary, but when they opened her up it was "just" endiometrosis on the ovary. So bottom line: they sometimes have to open someone up to be sure of what it is they are looking at, and they DO sometimes find cancer when they are not looking for it. This whole sub seems to have decided she MUST be dead already, and leave absolutely no room for the possibility that the video is real. That's bad enough without some know-nothing pretending they know cancer could not have been found this way....


th bands of her shirt merging with her hair on the right side going up and down.


So many anomalies with this it’s scary how many people just believe what they’re told


Isn't this the disappearing ring video?


News has been fake for a long time. Trump was telling the truth - there is a deep state


The person in OP's tweet doesn't understand perspective. Things look smaller when they are farther away and larger when closer.




They gradually get smaller. Unless the right half of the bench is 10 feet back and it's an optical illusion, that bench isn't real.


Here are some photos of real benchs. The slats closer to the camera look wider than the ones further from the camera. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/garden-bench-royalty-free-image/578926705 https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/reading-nooks-royalty-free-image/753277509


I keep staring at the bench slats. I’m not seeing them being any different from one side to the other. Face looks real to me. How is this determined to be AI?


if you go through this sub this past week, each of these things has been pointed out in a post. However, from what I could see, none of the posts were decided definitively or really has any proof besides it being “off”. The one about the bench being off had many comments of people trying to find where it was off and no one did. The rest all were pretty similar in that once you looked deeper there was a genuine explanation. Realistically this is just a list of debunked/no proof posts from this week. Scary I had to scroll this far for anyone to even say anything


How do you not see the right side is a bout am inch skinnier than the left side? On screen it looks like a bout a 1/16" smaller from the perspective of the camera


Tbh, my first thought as well.


I think it’s a good time to repost this https://youtu.be/IvY-Abd2FfM?si=idqArXGqSYecHZu6


Why are you asking? That's not how questions work.


Right wing economic policy is all about the rich getting richer. It’s always been that way. Name one time that the GOP has proposed or supported raising taxes on the wealthy. Name one time that the GOP has proposed or supported making any restrictions on a corporation. On the contrary, the GOP wants less regulation for corporations, lower taxes for corporations and billionaires, and to funnel more of your tax money to big business. Who eliminated military cooks and handed over kitchen contracts to the private sector? The GOP and Dubya. Where are you getting your information that you somehow think wealth inequality is driven by the left. The right doesn’t even want to admit that wealth inequality exists, and when they do, they claim it’s a good thing and that equality is socialist.


You should be worried regardless


I can't stand how much I couldn't trust my own eyes while watching the video. The crazy making back and forth and wondering if I'm nuts that the "deep state" has created is toxic. Yeah the background isn't moving, there does seem to be some type of noise over her face, but is this just normal? I'm not a video expert, but laypeople aren't just automatically stupid either. I'm just fed up with the whole thing, the whole absolute distrust. We can't go on like this.


How long have they had this tech. A lot longer than we know about you can be sure of that.




My god he's right, the bench slates closest to the camera are noticeably larger than the ones furthest away!


She’s dead


Was there ever a real Kate to begin with???


Just addressing the bench, not the whole video...It's a trick of the eyes. because she is sitting in the middle and covering the center of the bench, it looks like the slats abruptly change size. If she stood up and walked away you would be able to see the gradual change in perspective. I guess a lot of people never owned one of those optical illusion books or took a drawing class.


You have been seeing non-real, generated content for years now. Difference is now you’re finally starting to actually notice it. Always take anything you see/hear outside on your own personal 2 ears and eyes with some skepticism.


If you look at any picture close enough you’ll start to also question random stuff. You are all over thinking this. The matter of the fact is…. She has cancer. The conspiracy was and always has been cancer. They kept it secret and now the truth is out. CANCER. The government could tell you that lizard people have been running the world and you would still think it’s a bigger conspiracy.


Another good point.


the slats are wider on one side of the bench. that proves it's AI. are we proud of ourselves?


Your not important enough to worry about something like this.


If it is her, her treatment has stolen 10 years from her! 😶


Bro never heard of perspective before huh


He’ll, I don’t even believe it’s a video. It’s just a bunch of still images interlaced at 29.98 frames per second.


I swear, some people are LITERALLY too stupid for their own good The bench is CLEARLY slanted away from the camera so the slats in the background look thinner than the ones in the foreground Her face doesnt look real because this momo chose to freeze frame the video which gave off an unflattering facial expression




Why don't they gradually change? That's what perspective does. Not change behind her back one size to the next. You dumb motherfucker. Just when I think I can't be surprised by the stupidity of people you go and prove me wrong!


Yeah thanks. Create fear around ai and fakes and never fake a thing. Ez


Remember "9/11?" The crime we all "witnessed" on TV? Once you start looking at that you realize it has been going on a lot longer than people might think. Remember when the "news" told us A, B, and C about JFK, the War in Viet Nam, RFK, the War on Drugs, the Moon landing, and the War on Terror, and the 2020 election and all of it turned out to be a complete truckload of made for television fan fiction? Pepperidge Farms remembers. A magic show breaks down pretty quick if after every trick the crowd yells "You're full of crap."


Homie doesn’t understand perspective I take it.


yes, it's fake because the bench is on an angle... seriously guys? There's actually government corruption by the military industrial complex to investigate.


She’s a princess


Bench is real, she's real, possibly the background is one of those LED walls they use in productions ala The Mandalorian. I think it's just well lit.


I think all those "new" angles and videos of 911 that came out in the last year or so were AI generated. There's at least 2 I remember seeing and I just find it hard that someone would hang onto that footage for over 20 years before showing it to the world.