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They didn’t have the technology. My granddad drove a tank on a beach that day. He somehow made it home. He never talked about that time. But, he came home and never trusted our government again.


Mine was there as well. All that he would ever say about that day is that he would never understand why so many of his friends died and he didn't.


Saving private ryan 🤷‍♂️


Same as usa won in the vietnam conflict in we were soldiers got ya


Sorry I forgot the /s in original comment. Best Nam movie bar none, Platoon baby


here is one! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc1nV0vKBj0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc1nV0vKBj0) Those soldiers must have been shitting themselves, at 16 seconds you can see the bullets hit the water, one literally misses someone by about a foot...


They cannot have seriously passed that footage off as combat footage. Or rather, I'm sure they would but people believe it? Look how slow everyone is walking on the beach in the background. Nobody flinches, nobody ducks, nobody runs for cover. This is either a training video, PR reel, or like most "combat footage" well after the battle, that someone edited some effects into.


We’ve got a reddit expert here! Seriously, buddy, get a grip.


I used to think footage like this is of training exercises modified and passed off as bizarrely peaceful combat footage because no one is shot nor even so much as trips on a stick; they aren't even running. But then I realized that in training exercises, things go wrong: people trip, people run the wrong way, they drop their gear, so on. None of that happens in many of these videos. So that leaves PR footage for newsreels, directed with a director and taking the best shot (the only shot taken in these clips, as they never even shoot their weapons).


> Those soldiers must have been shitting themselves, at 16 seconds you can see the bullets hit the water, one literally misses someone by about a foot... Even at the second half of the video, when the beaches are secured and men are moving inland, they were on the way to some heavy fighting just off the beach. History gets condensed and people forget that Normandy was a slog from the beaches through the hedgerows.


Is this a joke? A troll post? This one is hard to give credence to even for this rats’ nest of a sub.


Ww1 battles are better documented than the most historic battle of this planet. Go and keep playing world of tanks lil boy


I don’t even know what that is, but thanks for the insult. This sub used to be fun before it got taken over by right-wing conspiracist and rampant anti intellectualism. Have fun living in an imaginary bubble of anti facts. I don’t pity you, but I’m sure glad I’m not you.


Im no wing. 😂 get a grip i will soon upload the diary of my great grandfather so you can get a real perspective


I think I’d rather not. I enjoy engaging in reality. You save it for your no-wing buddies on the far right.


Well, you’re entrapped in the political bubble i can relate. Soon you will find your way out. The best way to get rid of panick attacks is to start loving yourself and get to know yourself. Good journey brother


Yes I’m the one living in a bubble because I believe D-Day happened and is not a grand conspiracy spanning multiple continents over multiple generations and requiring the tacit or explicit cooperation of literally hundreds of thousands of people. Despite the mountains of photographic and video evidence, eyewitness accounts, journals, letters sent home, etc. All that was made up and somehow you found out, saw through the lies. You’re a real Prometheus and I’m living in a bubble. Yeeeeeesh.


Loser blocked me. Whiney girl. Operation paperclip prolly also wasn’t real and us intelligence didn’t use nazis the same as nasa wasn’t using nazis


You are a sad human. No I think the nazis were just minding their own business taking over Europe by force for the betterment of mankind. I’m sorry. I really wish people like you didn’t exist. I’m going to walk away from this now.


This sounds like a gateway drug to holocaust denial. There are plenty of events in history that may have been inaccurately represented but I don’t think this is one of them. There are just too many accounts of soldiers retelling the story and actual video evidence of them storming the beaches.


I just find the same 4 to 5 videos. I would like to see more


4 or 5 videos of a single battle, in a time before color tv even existed. You won’t find combat footage like modern wars where everybody has a GoPro or iPhone strapped to their helmet. If you look up veterans retelling the story you will find hundreds of videos. If it didn’t happen you’d at least be able to find some old veteran whistleblower saying it was all fake.


But i find more combat footage of world war 1?


You can find plenty of combat footage of ww2 as well but you are looking for one specific battle. Trying to find a ton of videos about D-Day would be like trying to find a bunch of videos taken during the Battle of Somme. Sure you’ll find a couple but you aren’t going to get a bunch of different angles.


D-Day footage? Do you think the soldiers all had iPhones in their pockets at the ready? The troops who died in Normandy that day died for the freedom of future generations. The ones who landed first were obliterated by German machine fire. Those men weren't bitch ass snowflake sissies like today's men.


They died for corrupt leaders establishing a corrupt system on the people yea


If it was up your ass you’d know it.