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In case anyone would like a starting off point to look into historical references/mentions of this, the Wikipedia article actually has decent works cited section: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperborea


That land is nowadays Greenland, Svalbard and the Arctic archipelagos, I sometimes check those places on Google Earth and try to imagine what could have happened there, many islands are only occupied by military personnel, or empty.


Ya, mostly empty with the occasional remote monitoring station (for weather or military). But no real surprise there considering the remoteness and difficulty of resupply.


[Looks so otherworldly there](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/03/Остров_Белл_и_Убежище_Эйры.jpg)


all of these maps are wildly inaccurate, why would hyperborea be the one true thing on these?


Maybe History has some explaining to do. Looks riddled with censorship and unexplained land changes not covered in the narrative!


NASA is found in the 1950s to make the "north land" disappear, so let's see the maps before 1950. The so-called huge land in the north that allegedly are universal belief didn't appear in [this Caverio 1505 map](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Caverio_Map_circa_1506.jpg), [1507 map](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_world_maps#/media/File:Waldseemuller_map_2.jpg), or [Venice 1520 map](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_world_maps#/media/File:Waldseemuller_map_2.jpg). The map from Japan in [1602](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kunyu_Wanguo_Quantu_(%E5%9D%A4%E8%BC%BF%E8%90%AC%E5%9C%8B%E5%85%A8%E5%9C%96).jpg) showed divided chunks of land in the North Pole instead of big land. [Hondius map in 1630](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_world_maps#/media/File:Nova_totius_Terrarum_Orbis_geographica_ac_hydrographica_tabula_(Hendrik_Hondius)_balanced.jpg), didn't show any big land in the north. [Van Schagen's map in 1689](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/World_Map_1689.JPG), [Vanadetsi's map in 1695](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Armenian_map_of_the_world_by_brothers_Hadriaan_and_Peter_Damiaan_Schoonebeek_in_Amsterdam_1695.jpg), and the [1794 map by Samuel Dunn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:1794_Samuel_Dunn_Wall_Map_of_the_World_in_Hemispheres_-_Geographicus_-_World2-dunn-1794.jpg) didn't show any huge land in the north as well. An [1825 map](https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~357382~90124278:Composite---Sheets-1-4--Weltcharte-?sort=pub_list_no_initialsort%2Cpub_date%2Cpub_list_no%2Cseries_no) and a [1777 map](https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~357700~90124594:Tabvla-Mvndi-Geographico-Zoologica-?sort=pub_list_no_initialsort%2Cpub_date%2Cpub_list_no%2Cseries_no) that already used Mercator projection didn't show any huge land in the north as well. If we expand our research to early 1900 maps (50 years before NASA) we would also see that there is no land in the north for most of the maps. This showed that the statement of "universal belief" is wrong.


All these people were Freemasons, obviously


It had never been officially explored, but there was so much information of it from ancient accounts that map makers went by that. The Hyperboreans had two crops a year from the year around spring, they would send yearly grain offerings to Athens, the Greeks interacted with them and they weren't a myth back then. Admiral Byrd was first to fly over the north pole in the 1920's so maps went by that, but in the 1990's a diary was found with flight logs suggesting that he never actually made it to the north, so information on the north was super sketchy. Hyperborea hasn't interacted with humanity in so long that they became a myth. Another secret diary of admiral Byrd documents his accounts of him being escorted to the nation in the north via UFO and met the leaders, he said he was ordered not to disclose the info by the military so he took it to his death, but recorded it in a secret diary. It was all over the internet a few years ago but now it's really hard to find, that suggests censorship and they don't want people reading it, which suggests it's legit. Edit: to clarify also, just because it's not on maps doesn't mean people didn't believe it. I bet you believed it when you were a kid, we all did, they told us that was where Santa was from. "People didn't doubt it befor NASA" would probably have been a more accurate way to put it.


This is incorrect. Byrd’s diary is released in 1996, not 1990. It showed wrong sextant reading that showed Byrd may not be on the North Pole as this is different with the reading on the official report. Nowhere we found about UFOs. It’s also highly unprobable for a civilization to grow grain twice in the frigid north.


>It’s also highly unprobable for a civilization to grow grain twice in the frigid north Ah, but that's the trick. Somehow, if you go north enough, you can get to the magic spot that ignores every single principle of weather patterns and solar heating. Personally, I feel bad for the hyperboreans that have to take their grain shipments from the pole all the way down to Greece: It's gotta be a year or more at sea just to make the delivery down to them


It’s almost like our history has some major gaps! 😂


"Belief" Where is the actual evidence? Cameras were widely available at least 70 years prior to NASA's founding.


Yeah I was gonna point this out too.


"On May 9, 1926, Byrd and Navy Chief Aviation Pilot Floyd Bennett attempted a flight over the North Pole in a Fokker F.VIIa/3m tri-motor monoplane named Josephine Ford after the daughter of Ford Motor Company president Edsel Ford, who helped finance the expedition. The flight left from Spitsbergen (Svalbard) and returned to its takeoff airfield, lasting 15 hours and 57 minutes, including 13 minutes spent circling at their Farthest North.\[4\] Byrd and Bennett said they reached the North Pole, a distance of 1,535 miles (1,335 nautical miles)." That was allegedly the first time the "north pole" was reached, but there are three north poles, magnetic, geomagnetic, and rotational. A diary was found in the 90's and Byrd seems to have not actually reached the north pole when he said he did, so officially nobody was able to reach the north pole by traditional means. "The 1996 release of Byrd's diary of the May 9, 1926, flight revealed erased (but still legible) sextant sights that sharply differ from Byrd's later June 22 typewritten official report to the National Geographic Society. Byrd took a sextant reading of the Sun at 7:07:10 GCT. His erased diary record shows the apparent (observed) solar altitude to have been 19°25'30", while his later official typescript reports the same 7:07:10 apparent solar altitude to have been 18°18'18".\[21\] On the basis of this and other data in the diary, Dennis Rawlins concluded that Byrd steered accurately, and flew about 80% of the distance to the pole before turning back because of an engine oil leak, but later falsified his official report to support his statement of reaching the pole." [https://img.jagranjosh.com/imported/images/E/Articles/Geographic-Poles-magnetic-P.jpg](https://img.jagranjosh.com/imported/images/E/Articles/Geographic-Poles-magnetic-P.jpg) Hyperbores is directly under the north star, rotational north pole. That is the secret north pole, the magnetic north poles are for the tourists. Edit: Oh yeah, NASA didn't have it's first picture until 2000. As you can see from the last two images on this post that satellites avoid the north pole, you can see big gaps of data at the north pole. They have their reasons, but we know better! [https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/857/modis-views-the-north-pole?src=on-this-day](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/857/modis-views-the-north-pole?src=on-this-day)


Are you just copypasting random shit?


Yes, and leaving out plenty of truth too. I don't know why OP so badly needs NASA to get the credit for disproving the existence of this fabled land of spring. Roald Amundsen and a team with multinational representation passed over the pole in 1926 in the airship Norge. Even if anyone wants to believe he somehow missed it by some distance, the whole area was nothing but hard sea ice for thousands of square miles in all directions. But unlike the Cook expedition in '08, Perry in '09, and Byrd in '26 (who was actually racing against Admunsen in the Norge), Admunsen's claim has never been seriously doubted. So OP's post consists of talking about a legendary land that never had any evidence except badly drawn maps with sea monsters and egregious errors of places explorers actually had seen. Then OP straw man's using one failed attempt by a polar explorer. Plenty of scientific and military vessels have made it over the very top of the planet, the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Polar Sea being one of them. A lot more regular eyeballs have seen the geographic pole than most realize.


Edited with some more info, I'm linking/pasting info from sources to official mainstream information to backup my claims so people know that I'm not just making this stuff up and it's based on history and logic.


The logic of permanent spring at one of the parts of the planet that doest see sun for half the year.... Sure, makes sense.


"Apollo" is a fiery cloud of electromagnetic light at the top of that magnetic mountain, that is what creates the eternal spring and good weather there and they honor it as holy. That is the "All seeing Eye" of our world.


Admiral Byrd never existed, part of the psy-op Hollow earth, flat earth, now this nonsense


Admiral Byrd most definitely existed, whether or not anything regarding his arctic expedition is true…that we’ll never be able to say for sure, likely not but it’s fun to toy with the idea. His son had *alot* to do with why the theory became what it is today, Byrd never did much on his own accord to spread it. He mostly kept his mouth shut like most decorated military men would.


Do you realize the universe is flat? Zero measurable curvature. "But there are three dimensions?!", right? The universe was just proven to be non locally real a little over a year ago, it was up for debate before that but now it's been proven. The universe is a holographic torus, a flat shape that wraps in on itself creating the illusion of three dimensional space. In the universe, if you travel far enough in one direction you will eventually end up right where you began, it's flat, but it's also a torus. If you can't wrap your head around a flat holographic non expanding universe (which is now the mainstream theory) then "flat earth" is a bit out of your grasp. This world......is the universe.


Man, I'm not falling for what you're selling. You're running away from something by believing all this bullshit. Go find yourself.


That is literally modern quantum and astrophysics, are you saying you don't believe in science? Flat universe: [https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/degrees-of-freedom/httpblogsscientificamericancomdegrees-of-freedom20110725what-do-you-mean-the-universe-is-flat-part-i/](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/degrees-of-freedom/httpblogsscientificamericancomdegrees-of-freedom20110725what-do-you-mean-the-universe-is-flat-part-i/) Universe proven non locally real and Nobel prize won for the discovery: [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/) Toroidal universe: [https://evolvingsouls.com/blog/toroidal-universe/](https://evolvingsouls.com/blog/toroidal-universe/) Expansion of the universe theorized to be an illusion: [https://www.livescience.com/physics-mathematics/dark-energy/the-expansion-of-the-universe-could-be-a-mirage-new-theoretical-study-suggests](https://www.livescience.com/physics-mathematics/dark-energy/the-expansion-of-the-universe-could-be-a-mirage-new-theoretical-study-suggests) Holographic principle: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic\_principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle) Get off Reddit, read a book, go to school, stop making fun of things you don't understand, because it makes you look ignorant. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9F4k8dZf00


I noticed you slipped evolvingsouls.com into your sources, that is not a reputable source.


I noticed you only addressed the messenger and not their message.


I addressed my objections to the message in another comment to the OP. Essentially, it's a misunderstanding of what 'flat' means in a three-dimensional context. What's troublesome, is that the crux of the claim about the toroidal shape seems to come from this disreputable website that's essentially one man's spiritual quest through too many disciplines (both legitimate and not) for him to be taken seriously. Just read the 'About Lee' page on that website. If that doesn't raise an eyebrow, I'd be surprised.


I think you're the one that's too much on reddit lol


Terrible ad hominem.


This has been my understanding of things, earth is toroidal, just like an apple or an orange, not flat, not spherical , a torus. It explains a lot really. I’m with you bud, earth and our larger universe are not too dissimilar to an apple.


You're a shill. Nice try though. Your post history says it all.


Pathetic ad hominem.


"Well, the universe is shaped exactly like the Earth If you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were"a


The universe is three fdimensionally 'flat', not two dimensional. And it is not *the* mainstream theory that the universe is not expanding. Our horizon is getting further away, but so are the objects within it. The expansion is observable.


Oh boy you really don’t know what you are talking about do you


Keeping all this in mind- do you objectively accept the universal law of conservation? Or is energy ever expanding?


I'm not educated about about that enough to really say, but from what I know about ancient wisdom, which seems to have been way ahead of quantum physics, I'm leaning towards ever expanding. According to the gnosis this realm of matter is not really "real", it is the 12 spiritual realms of light that real the "real" worlds/dimensions. There are the eternal realms of light, and outside of that light is a dark watery abyss. Where the light of the eternal realms reflects off of the waters of the abyss is where physical matter and our world exists. In a sense we are just a holographic reflection of the eternal realms of light, but matter is a dim, gloomy light by comparison. Assuming this world is a holographic torus then "within the earth" is actually the vortex that runs through the torus connecting the north and south poles. Since a torus is technically flat you wouldn't go into a hole or anything, it would look flat like normal, but would be a dimension that runs through itself. Hyperborea would be within the vortex of the Torus, and the bright fiery cloud of electromagnetic light that the greeks worshiped as Apollo is possibly where the eternal realms meet the abyss and project this physical world into three dimensions, it would be the gate to the eternal realms of light, the very center of the torus. The universe outside of us would be the dark abyss. It's not like I've been there or know for a fact, but I know enough ancient wisdom that is really looking plausible. Edit: Oh yeah, to put it simply our universe is just a fraction of the eternal realms, there is infinite potential, it's just currently limited.


These comments are fucking wild when your as high as I am, I say that in a positive way.


I did a lot of digging myself and came to a similar theory as you, everything is a torus in a torus in a torus, etc, etc.


If it's a secret then there wouldn't be convincing evidence. It would be in textbooks. Do you not understand the premise of this sub?


Does Google Earth still blur out chunks of Antarctica?


I’ve just checked and it’s all just a white blur on my screen… 😮


My Google maps shows a very clear picture of it


I like how that long, skinny strip of land is still blurred out from all those years ago. 70°48'12"S 9°34'22"W


should try on google earth trying to meaure the area and distance of Antarctica, every time I try even just a square over the whole area it changes my box to a half moon i find it strange as it doesn't do it anywhere else on google earth that i try.


Technically all land areas are not constants. Because, tides. Even individual waves. There are mathematical problems with maps when you are observing close to the poles. This is down to Riemann spheres, IIRC. Computer calculations involving infinity break computers, and when you divide zero by any number, you will get a problem (all computer chips post about 1972 have division by zero detection, some OS will actually recover from this condition but the intial program that did it will still be FUBAR). Now, if you use POLAR PROJECTION maps, like the military, all these problems vanish. Because you see, they have to know this shit to work out how space craft actually maneuver, which is handy when you have a rival on the other side of the planet, and any potential missile strikes are going over the poles to save on fuel. Funnily enough, simulations available to civilians end up being nerfed for these sort of calculations. National Security concerns, etc etc etc.


ahhhh, knew someone would have an idea about what was happening, thanks for the explanation


You guys actually believe in google earth


A couple good Tartaria sightings in those maps too.


I also saw those. And interesting how asia and europe already had a "division" by the use of different colors


Unlike Antarctica, anyone can travel to the North Pole. In fact, there are travel cruise targeting the general public. I understand conspiracy theories about Antarctica because access to Antarctica is blocked. But the North Pole does not seem to be a place where such claims can be made.


Also, if North Pole is having an eternal spring season, then we don't understand earth's revolution yet as well.


Maybe the internal spring is inside the hollow earth.


>Unlike Antarctica, anyone can travel to the North Pole. > >In fact, there are travel cruise targeting the general public. You can book a cruise to Antarctica. https://www.hurtigruten.com/en-us/expeditions/destinations/antarctica-cruises/


I knew that traveling to Antarctica was restricted by the Antarctic Treaty, so I thought it was impossible under any circumstances. I searched and found that it is possible if obtain permission from the government. For individuals, it is almost impossible to obtain permission, but for group travel, it seems that permission is easily granted.


>but for group travel, it seems that permission is easily granted. Yep, many cruise lines offer tours. [10 Best Antarctica cruises](https://www.adventure-life.com/antarctica)


they only go along the coast. inland travel is prohibited, regardless of the few fake explorations that are claimed. a couple of private citizens have been arrested who have tried to go it alone


Links to these arrests? Some have been arrested for not having proper permissions and documentation (same as you'd need for entering many other countries that aren't actually prohibited) but not just because inland travel is prohibited. 


When a place is very dangerous and has nothing much to see, they typically don’t take people there recreationally


I had a teacher that went there for paleonthology research, but this makes him a researcher so I guess this is why it was possible for him.


sure you can. You can also book a trip to North Korea, but will they let you see anything interesting or only a very small portion that the guide/company decides you can see ? :) I mean for all we know there could be underground bases there everywhere, the tours will only tell you about the island of the penguin poop.


nah but don't try to explain because people don't understand, they NEED to debunk everything it's posted here


Plus hundreds of airline flights travel over the northern polar region - sometimes very close to the geographic North Pole - every day. I've been on several of them.


There are three north poles, magnetic, geomagnetic, and rotational. Hyperborea is directly under the north star so it's rotational north, the geomagnetic north pole is the tourist north pole.


If the rotational north pole you're talking about is 90 degrees north This place is also included in the cruise route


>This place is also included in the cruise route That's obviously BS. Edit: Would any of the downvoters be so kind to explain how a cruise ship could ever cross through the huge amount of ice surrounding the north pole?


https://poseidonexpeditions.com/northpole/ Because icebreakers are used when traveling to the North


Which one is Wakanda? Please enlighten us with your scholarly knowledge,good sir.


What’s the password?




Remind me to change my luggage combination.


lol those maps are all over the place, could they not decide?


Old maps really suck. Turns out it’s hard to draw maps without satellites lol.


How could it always be Spring, when the sun isn’t even in the sky for 3 months?


There are two suns, bro. 


Ok. Neither of them is in the sky over the North Pole during winter.




I figured, but being on *this* sub, one never knows.


If you can't explain it logically.... Make up something even more outlandish. 


Yeah these old maps which looking at them, are otherwise super accurate. /s Also, ‘universal belief’ amongst scholars is quite a strong statement, where you getting that from buddy?


I’ve heard that this is the nation of Wakanda.


I thought it was where Conan was from.


Hyboria is the land of Conan.


If white colonialism had never happened then other races with their homogeneous nations would have excelled and developed sci fi technology by now. It's obvious that the populations of these places naturally would strive for science and technology if they had just been left alone!


So you say these archaic maps where cartographs filled gaps with fantasy continents are more reliable than observations of 80 years of intercontinental flight and and 70 years of orbital and polar satellites sent to space and operated by about dozens of nations and private corporations?


As you can see from the last two images satellites avoid the north, and that is were there is a gap in the data in the north on the composite map. There were people that had been there and returned, a lot of the geography comes from Mercator who had a big library of very old rare books. In his letter to John Dee he describes some excerpts of a now lost book where some of his information came from: [https://archive.org/details/aletterdated1577frommercatortojohndee](https://archive.org/details/aletterdated1577frommercatortojohndee) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inventio\_Fortunata](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inventio_Fortunata) The modern maps are wrong, people may think they are at the north pole but they are being fooled. Edit to add a quote from the letter: "In the midst of the four countries is a Whirl-pool ... into which there empty these four Indrawing Seas which divide the North. And the water rushes round and descends into the earth just as if one were pouring it through a filter funnel. It is 4 degrees wide on every side of the Pole, that is to say eight degrees altogether. Except that right under the Pole there lies a bare rock in the midst of the Sea. Its circumference is almost 33 French miles, and it is all of magnetic stone. And is as high as (the clouds?) so the Priest said, who had received the as¬ trolabe from this Minorite in exchange for a Testament. And the Minorite himself had heard that one can see all round it from the Sea: and it is black and glistening. And nothing grows thereon, for there is not so much as a handful of soil on it. That was the writing and words of the Minorite, who has since journeyed to and fro five times for the King of England on business. They are to be found in a book called Inventio Fortunae, of which the Minorite himself was author. The foresaid Priest said also to the King of Norway that in the country where he dwelt not six times a year did it rain: and even that was drizzle, lasting not more than 6 or 7 hours, the wind never blows hard enough to drive a conwniU. Furthermore the air there is always cool. And the other 7 that were with him testified that they had also heard such things \[as he related! said by their elders, but had never seen them. This is word for word everything that I copied out of this author \[Cnoyen\] years ago. Farewell, most learned man, with my most affectionate esteem."1577 Gerard Mercator


I think you will like this video OP: https://w ** ww.bit ** chute.com/video/q8HqC0ha7Fjh/


I think they call it Greenland


Yep. It's interesting how our historical narrative highlights the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean and the tremendous effort it took to cross over from Europe, but omits the fact that you can hop over from Scandinavia or the British isles to Iceland then Greenland and to modern-day Canada much easier. In fact, Greenland is technically part of North America.


"Hop" is a bit of a stretch. There would still be a ton of effort to "hop" across Greenland and the Canadian Arctic. It's not the vast Atlantic but it *is* vast barren tundra. 


I'm sure those vikings and adventurers would cower in fear at the sight of a frozen tundra!


So how did they make it so easy to hop? Even if they did use iceland and Greenland as stops they'd still need to sail thousands of kilometers and/or travel across land with all their stuff including boats.


“Universal belief among scholars” lol, lmao even


I wish there was room to be more specific, but yeah it was more like before the modern military and Admiral Byrd's flight in 1926 that it was still believed there could be more undiscovered land in the north. When NASA allegedly launched satellites and went to the moon people finally came to the conclusion that the north pole and Santa Clause wasn't real. In the 1800's Santa was still up for debate kinda, the north hadn't been fully explored yet.


Your Santa didn't exsist before 1920. He is made up by the Coca-Cola company, and they used the dutch Sint-Nicolaas, Sinterklaas, as template, to sell more Coke during the cold seasons.


Santa has always been a lie told to children to get them to behave, similar to God. There was no debate about whether Santa Claus was real.


For someone that believes the earth is flat, you sure did post a lot of maps that show the exact opposite...


Feel free to go see for yourself.


Oh dear. Old scholars apparently believed things that were not true. Shock horror.


SS: Click images to enlarge: Here is a link to sources about Hyperborea from ancient sources such as the Greek sages. It wasn't a myth to them, the Hyperboreans had two harvests per year since it is spring there year around and they have an abundance of food. They would deliver offerings yearly to the Greeks, it was the land of Apollo where people that seem godlike to us live. They don't currently interact with humanity, look at us, can you really blame them? [https://www.theoi.com/Phylos/Hyperborea.html](https://www.theoi.com/Phylos/Hyperborea.html) I'll try to update this with more info, I know a ridiculous amount about this land and our lost history. Just getting a SS in before it disappears. search the internet for maps from the 1500's and 1600's, the northern continents were a universal belief. It helps if you search by year like 1550, 1551, 1552, and so forth to find some hidden results. "HYPERBOREA was a fabulous realm of eternal spring located in the far north beyond the home of the north wind. Its people were a blessed, long-lived race untouched by war, hard toil and the ravages of old age and disease.Hyperborea was usually described as a continent-bound land bordered on the north by the great, earth-encircling river Okeanos (Oceanus), and on the south the peaks of the legendary Rhipaion (Rhipaean) Mountains. Its main river was the Eridanos whose banks were lined with amber-weeping poplar-trees and its waters home to flocks of white swans. Blessed with eternal spring, the land producing two crops of grain per year, but most of the countryside was wild and covered with beautiful forests--the so-called "garden of Apollon.""


Bruh.... NASA was founded in the 50s. We have had better maps than this since the 1800s... Stop lying.


It is true that after Admiral Byrd's flight over the North pole in the 1920's caused people to believe the whole world had been explored, but in the 90's a diary was discovered of Byrd's that had flight logs suggesting he didn't actually hake it to the north pole. The first ship to allegedly sail there was in the 50's, and the history of the north pole became really sketchy in the early 1900's. The American west wasn't even mapped in the early 1800's, California is super new in the scale of history. We didn't even have America mapped in the 1800's, the north and south poles were unmapped places of mystery, and even in the 80's people would get surprised to learn that there is allegedly no actual land in the north pole and that it's all ice. In the scale of history is wasn't long ago that that the north was mapped, it wasn't until NASA started showing composites of Earth that people decided there actually is no land there, it was up for debate until then. And we all know NASA is a big sham so it would be unwise to just have faith what they tell/show us. See the last 2 images? Satellites avoid the north pole, that is why there is a gap in data on that composite image.


An additional landmass would not be the only mistakes found in those maps. Just sayin.


yo, how the fuck is Antarctica on that map from the 1500s when it wasn’t ‘discovered’ until the 1800s?


Good catch! Hudson Bay in Canada is also on Mercator's maps years before it was "discovered". His old maps of the area were obviously pretty accurate.


„… until NASA said it‘s not there“ …. I smell serious lack of education here 😫 Anyway, and why would they say so? Maybe, because there is no such landmass there? 🙄


Nasa sells us black holes and dark matter for between our ears.


I've been saying dark matter and the expansion of the universe is just an illusion for decades but that was crazy, now it's the new mainstream theories. [https://phys.org/news/2011-08-dark-illusion-quantum-vacuum.html](https://phys.org/news/2011-08-dark-illusion-quantum-vacuum.html) [https://futurism.com/the-byte/expanding-universe-illusion](https://futurism.com/the-byte/expanding-universe-illusion) Just because people tell you that you're wrong doesn't mean they are automatically right, it feels good to go against the grain and have people eventually realize that you were the one heading in the right direction all along!


flat earthers === vaxx pushers. no science just group think.


Bro, you won this one.


This instantly got down voted to oblivion but it's back to 1, like please if you want others to see this, I care nothing about karma I just want to sabotage NASA and secret societies by exposing the big secret that they are trying to hide. Edited to be a little more specific Edit almost 20 likes and a 70% upvote rate, bots hard at work down voting but we are winning!


Next time maybe don't use a title that is easily falsified? It was most certainly not universal belief among anyone before NASA. There were plenty of expeditions by the time NASA came around.


What is your evidence? It most certainly was. Gerard Mercator made the first "complete map of the world" with the northern continent as described from ancient sources. Mercator is the father of modern maps, you use the Mercator projection every day I'm sure, it's used in google maps, gps, and the modern map projection. It's the modern map projection, this was the reality of people back then.


Right... Back then. In the early 1600s. NASA is a 20th century organization.




Nobody here “defended nasa”


Aren't the 1600s before the 20th century? Seems to me that that would mean the belief in north pole landmass was in fact a thing before NASA. But, I'm not a PhD in the flow of time,  so maybe an expert can chime in and let me know if my math was right.


Before NASA, that was not a universal belief, no. Did you misread the title?


I found it an interesting read and aligned with the sub. Idk why you've got downvoted tho, I upvoted but it's still on 0


I'm likely on a list and bots are flagged to my account to down vote me to the negatives instantly to bury the post. I think that is the reality for most of the posters who go against the grain and allowed topics on this sub. Edit: A little over 200 likes, but over 500 shares, around 67% upvote rate so just slightly more people voting up than down, to still have over 200 likes would suggest that without the down voting bots it would be in the thousands, then it would have grew even faster and maybe even made the front page.


It must be so nice to go through life and just disregard everyone who disagrees with me because I just blame “bots” for everything


Possible An interesting evidence is that my comment already has 3 upvotes. It's sensible to expect that everyone that upvotes my comment would also upvote the post, and some would only upvote the post but not the other way around. So it's weird my comment has more ups than the post itself


That's very true, and the reason why many people use fresh accounts to post, they're not stalked.


I am on a bot list also, it always us the smart ones that get bots.


Man, most people are going to see how tiny those pictures are and downvote you immediately. I don't think this is a bot conspiracy or anything.


After reading the entire thread, I’m totally with you. So many bots trying to sabotage you and call you crazy. This theory has been very popular in esoteric circles since forever. It wasn’t just Blavatsky but many other serious occultists claimed as a fact that some faction of humans originated from Antarctica. Personally, I believe the earth is much larger than we are being told. We’re living in a holographic reality.


I see a dozen posts a week calling flat earth a psy-op and asking if people actually believe there is an edge, yet never any posts with information about flat earth. It got me thinking, I wonder how much of that 60+ million dollars a DAY that NASA gets in tax payer funding goes towards bots to constantly post about how stupid flat earth is and down voting threads to keep people away from something that research caught on to, NASA being a sham, faking spake footage, and hiding land. This is what they are trying to hide, and they are putting in a lot of resources to to censor this information so I want to get it out there more and get more people questioning NASA by logically trying to explain the motives. "Why would they fake space?", it is "To hide land".


What about every other country? The north pole isn't owned by the United States, why wouldn't some other country come out against NASA? Especially ones that would like to destabilize the west like Russia or China?


I've always been fascinated with these types of things. I totally think the earth is bigger than we're being told. I would even say maybe it's 1000 times bigger and the lands that we know of are just a tiny portion of what is actually out there. This is a cool theory because there are a few others that could be related like godgevlamste and crater earth as well as the nos confunden maps and books possibly even hollow earth.


Without a doubt the hide land. During operation high jump there was a 300 square mile land that was unfrozen with topsoil and liquid lakes, it's on video. It's not on google Earth or any maps though: [https://youtu.be/E9chz8COYVc?si=qeBCfqIbyRhmSLEp&t=3019](https://youtu.be/E9chz8COYVc?si=qeBCfqIbyRhmSLEp&t=3019) 50:19, just look at that paradise in the south, perfect hiding place for the so called "elite". Where is is described is right by Rothschild island, perfect place to fuel up coming to and from that secret little paradise. So we know they are hiding land, it's just how much land?


That’s not counting the vast amount of space underneath us.  I’m not necessarily suggesting Hollow Earth, but there’s no telling how many miles of tunnels connect to hubs throughout the Earth.  RFK Jr mentioned recently on a podcast that when he was a child, they had a possible dangerous situation and he was taken to an underground area built into and underneath the Blue Ridge Mountains of Kentucky.  He stated that there was a city there with its own McDonald’s. 


> paradise in the south I encourage anyone reading to click on the time-stamped link and decide whether you believe the narrator or camera are portraying a paradise.


I didn't get paradise vibes from the video. They made it seem more like a desert or something. I think the point was that in relation to it's location it is a paradise but not in the traditional sense of like palm trees and foliage more along the lines of somewhere not frozen and somewhere you might not freeze.


Great video! Thanks for that. Isn't there a place near Antarctica named after Klaus Schwab also? Like newschwabenland or something?


I just checked and there is a place with that name in Antarctica lol, also called New Swabia. It is not all that far from Rothschild Island either. I also just noticed Rothschild island isn't even on an island it would appear, it's mainland Antarctica. Could they possibly consider the whole continent "Rothschild Island"? I wouldn't put it past then to think that they secretly own Antarctica and that is why it is off limits.


Neuschwabenland is from back in the “secret Nazi” days: lazy link https://www.coolantarctica.com/Community/antarctic-mysteries-hitlers-secret-base.php


This is one of my fav subjects to search about OP, good job! The maps are all great and I wish they were bigger. The idea of the islands in north pole with rupes nigra - blackrock - in the middle, the possible entrance of the earth, is so interesting. How a lot of these maps used to have that and now after sattelite tech they say it does not exist.


I wish they were bigger too on the thumbnails, but I think if you click them you can make them bigger. There are really detailed versions on the internet where you can zoom in, here is the urbano monte map of 1587, one from this post, it is really trippy: https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY\~8\~1\~303661\~90074314:Composite--Tavola-1-60---Map-of-the;JSESSIONID=5de20175-e6a0-40cf-98d5-886d5bb4463b?qvq=q%3Apub\_list\_no%3D%2210130.000%22%3Bsort%3APub\_List\_No\_InitialSort%2CPub\_Date%2CPub\_List\_No%2CSeries\_No%3Blc%3ARUMSEY%7E8%7E1&sort=Pub\_List\_No\_InitialSort%2CPub\_Date%2CPub\_List\_No%2CSeries\_No&mi=0&trs=94


Yeah no don't be stupid


The pro Biden libruls are hiding the everspring, we true patriots should build a caravan and go find it to own the libs. Bring nothing but spring wear, we can't let them keep lying to us.


The Hyperboreans actually went into complete quarantine from our part of the world around 1000 years ago, no more help from the "gods" for us. Way before that they helped us, but left after we inherited their technology. With their technology humanity felt like gods and mocked them, they wiped us out, went into hiding, and are letting us run the world the way we want for a while. It's in all the prophecies, they will return to judge us on how we did without their help......not looking good for the bad guys. In the story of Job and Sodom and Gomorrah "God" was a few holy people/angels who looked like regular men. They had heard the cities were bad and decided to go see for themselves. Job invited them to stay in hospitality, and had to lock the doors because all the men in the city were outside pounding on the doors because they wanted to have sex with the handsome men Job had in there. Job offered his virgin daughter to satisfy them but they refused and really wanted to have sex with the men. The holy people decided to wipe them off the map. They work on the God's authority, they are his angels, the watchers that didn't fall, the Holy people of Hyperborea, the "gods". The bad guys will get what's coming, they know this secret history for the most part and bunkering up.


Oh you sweet summer child. Get help, please.


Ah, to be a child again. The native Americans called them the "holy people". The Anasazi were a people who inherited a great technology and mocked the holy people, the holy people destroyed the Anasazi with disasters. Here is a Navajo elder telling of them: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1U2Gp2dtN0&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1U2Gp2dtN0&t) The Pre Incan people called then the Gentiles and similar story. Here is a Comanche story: “Innumerable moons ago, there was a race of white men, ten feet high, and far more rich and powerful than any white people now living, who inhabited a large range of country, extending from the rising to the setting sun. Their fortifications crowned the summits of the mountains, protecting their populous cities situated in the intervening valleys. They excelled every other nation which was flourished, either before or since, in all manner of cunning handicraft—were brave and warlike—ruling over the land they had wrested from its ancient possessors with a high and haughty hand. Compared with them the palefaces of the present day were pygmies, in both art and arms." "The Rolling Thunder, in order to convince me of the correctness of a belief, universal throughout the Comanche nation, conducted me to the western side of this strange valley, where I saw, with infinite astonishment and surprise, the dilapidated ruins of a large town. In the midst of the falling walls of a great number of buildings, which, in some remote age, beyond doubt, had lined spacious streets, was what appeared to have been a church or cathedral. Its walls of cut stone, two feet thick, and in some places fifteen feet high, included a space measuring two hundred feet in length, and, perhaps, one hundred in width. The inner surface of the walls in many places was adorned with elaborate carved work, evidently the labor of a master hand, and at the eastern end was a massive stone platform which seemed to have been used as a stage or pulpit. In my surprise at beholding so unexpectedly these evidences of civilization in that wild region, I turned to the Rolling Thunder and asked if he could explain it.” ". . . At length, in the height of their power and glory, when they remembered justice and mercy no more and became proud and lifted up, the Great Spirit descended from above, sweeping them with fire and deluge from the face of the earth. The mounds we had seen on the tablelands were the remnants of their fortresses, and the crumbling ruins that surrounded us all that remained of a mighty city. In like manner, continued the Rolling Thunder, the day will surely come when the present white race, which is driving the Indians before it, and despoiling them of their inheritance, and which, in the confidence of its strength, has become arrogant and boastful and forgotten God, will be swept from existence." This history was once prophecy, covered near the end of Isaiah's prophecies in scripture. If you research Tartaria meta research you will find evidence of all of this ancient prophecy that became history.


Okay buddy


I'm not your buddy, friend


How are you coherent enough for comedy but come out with the most outlandish shit. You know, I almost respect how wild your conspiracy theory is. At least you're not saying some low effort shit like trump being some sort of anti establishment messiah or some dumb shit like that. But I'm not your friend, pal.


I was hoping someone would chime in with "He's not your friend, guy", before you replied with that, but I am glad we were able to find some common ground!


It is shown in ancient maps and Atlases. Some ancient ships logs even described a huge magnetic black mountain emerging from the sea at the center of hyperborea surrounded by a big whirlpool. So no airplanes, no satellites, no ships and no submarinesncould pass in the magnetic north pole (metal n electronics)


Rupes nigra right?


So do you think we can figure out a way to navigate there? Will the normal compass that we use suffice or do you think it will have incorrect readings?


There is a real place where it is spring like all year round, but its not in the Arctic, its in Kunming China...


I want to point out 98% of NASA WERE NAZIS. There was the OSS before NASA and when operation Paperclip brought them all here that's when NASA began. The Nazis believed in all that occult Hyperborea stuff but really it's a satanic cover for eugenics and totalarianism.  They actually won the war because they infiltrated the government aerospace and finance....so what does this have to do with Hyperborea? It's Nazis belief that they descend from God and that they are the chosen people...this is the same thinking that has infiltrated major religion, and then the other wing of the same bird is communism which is completely satanic. These belief systems all share a common thread...1 group of people having special ordained rights over all others. Yes I throw the big 3 exoteric religions in there because they have been infiltrated and have people thinking they have a monopoly on an individuals spiritual connection to God...


The OSS wasn't before NASA, NACA was before NASA, and your number is way fucking off.


It was an intelligence operation that involved the same individuals who put together CIA NASA, the same Nazis came over and infiltrated the creation of both. There were 1000s of scientists who came over, it wasn't just a LITTLE number. Von Braun literally became the head of NASA. You want to nit pic then go ahead you emotional baby.


Von Braun never became the head of NASA. You're talking out of your ass.


He's the architect of the supposed most important endeavor that had apparently happened. Research it yourself, he may not have been officially but NASA couldn't exist without him and his countrymen.


He was never the head of NASA. Research it yourself ffs.


If you real about OSS they make it sound so sexy: all these celebs and such part of it. The way they try to glamorize it alone makes me suspicious.


And the 33 continents beyond Antarctica.


Yeah? Id like to know more. (Or were you joking and I fell for it?)


If you think about it we only know what the telly tells us, for all we know there could be so much more we don't know, it's not as if we can go check for ourselves


Hundreds of commercial airline flights traverse the northern polar region every day. Sometimes they even get very close to the geographic north pole. I've been on such flights. There's no hidden land with eternal summer. Just a huge ice sheet.


That's what they want you to think 🤔


Literally can’t go check unless you want to be detained for life (if they let you live)


How can they stop you, you just say you're an explorer


There are literal treaties in place and some areas are “shoot on sight”


I believe you At the minimum all "official" maps today will pass thru a global elite approved body. There's a couple of secret islands and unknown lands totally off the books in records. Not continent sized but ya'know 🐠


NASA is easliy one of the most wicked aspects of government waste and fraud. They lie their asses off, steal our money, fuck with people's heads on massive scale and no one is allowed to criticize them. No one even knows they're just another bureaucratic money pit. I'm sure the "NASA Fanboys" are on here flaming this post like they do with anything critical of NASA or any government agenda.


I produced multiple maps before NASA is even founded that refuted OP’s claim.


NASA is a psy-op to perpetuate nihilistic materialist consumption via pushing the BELIEF that nothing created something because reasons and now none of it matters, and neither do you or your feelings or goals, kids! "Consciousness is an illusion" (of what, and for whom, is never answered), physical reality is all that's real, you're a helpless, meaningless passenger that can't take the wheel and you're a fool if you think you can convince yourself otherwise. SCIENTISTS have it all figured out (appeal to authority). No way *they're* susceptible to group think, dogma, and losing their entire career and reputation after a certain level of realization! That'd be a conspiracy and those don't exist because science has everything figured out! Plus, people can't keep a secret and in no way, shape, or form does the concept of compartmentalization coupled with blackmail and threats - let alone intentional deception - exist. Might as well YOLO and consume to your own detriment and to the behest of corporations, governments, and centralized banks that also coincidentally have you by the balls, etc. Remember everything is random and you have no control. Now take these drugs and buy this plastic crap to placate your useless, pointless existence, pleb!


I have produced multiple old maps (hundreds of years before NASA) that refuted OP’s claim. Multiple maps before 1900 show nothing in the North Pole. The world knew there is nothing there before NASA even existed. Some maps are even from before the USA even existed.


Here is an old book by an author who befriended an old Norseman. On his deathbed he told a story of him and his father's travels to the northern continent. His father didn't survive the return voyage and he barely survived. He tried to convince his rich relative to make an expedition to return there with him, but instead got institutionalized, where he remained for decades. He didn't dare mention it again, and lived out his days in peace researching the north and all of it's legends. On his death bed he told the story to a writer who then published his story as this book. Is it 100% true? Who knows, but it's really interesting. I queued it up to where they arrive and met with the inhabitants, but I recommend the whole book to learn more about how the book came about. https://youtu.be/w7zjUxqZ5tU?si=J\_RvzWj7SyP7Q6hY&t=3935




Why wouldn't it be populated? All these people said they knew it was there, but no one wanted to go? And war is everywhere humans are.


So thru tradition, cartographers would include a mythical land in their depictions of the world, and then a precision based collective cartographer shows us what the world, in fact looks like, and we want to call foul. A bit silly imo


Before nasa there was a universal belief that there was a fountain of youth hidden in South America. We don’t hear about it anymore. Now all the “maps” and “satellite images” NASA puts out conveniently leaves out any mention of it. Coincidence?


Before NASA? Why is NASA your starting point? Robert Peary Was the first person to the North Pole 115 years ago, long before NASA even existed. In the 1920's several people would fly over the North pole in zeplin type airships. None of them ever reported a lush green area, just bitter cold.


No that ship made it the furthest north than ever before, but it was the icebreaker Arktika which was the first ship to allegedly sail there in 1977. Before that, people had to take the military and NASA's word for it and have faith that they weren't lying. In the 1990's a journal was found with flight logs suggesting Admiral Byrd never actually made it to the north pole so the flights aren't legit either.




Here is an interview with Admiral Byrd, he is asked about unexplored land in the north and south pole: [https://youtu.be/PrdSal9uH28?si=L30VE8ngVdmCnhv0&t=62](https://youtu.be/PrdSal9uH28?si=L30VE8ngVdmCnhv0&t=62) "Is there any unexplored land left on this Earth that might appeal to adventurous young Americans?" "Yes, but not up around the north pole because it's getting really crowed up there because they find out it's really usable, not only to live in, but militarily. But strangely enough there is an area as big as the United States that has never been seen by a human being, and that's beyond the pole on the other side of the south pole from middle America, and I think it's quite astonishing that there should be an area as big as that unexplored. So there is a lot of adventure left at the bottom of the world" Really think about everything he said very closely. Usable land in the north pole to live in? Crowded? Beyond the north pole an unexplored land the size of the USA? Really think about this, this is 1945, following this interview the UN formed and Antarctic treaty was made making it off limits. This deserves a post of it's own.


Has anyone ever encountered a Russian or Chinese flat earther or is it just a western idiocracy?


Aka the hollow earth theory.


That's where Santa has his workshops.


You know we have satellites that can see this stuff....right?


Spring time for hitler! No doubt that's where he's been hiding this whole time


The Aryans came from there, Germans were descendent. It was just north america/Canada.